Thursday, 22 March 2012

FS Hague Boos Iran’s Tit-for-Tat

Once again, the latest and the greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding nihilists and career revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.

The UK’s pro-Zionist Foreign Secretary, Willy Vague did an impersonation of a Tasmanian Tantrum Devil and went into ‘one-man riot’ mode yesterday over the Tehran hierarchy blocking a Foreign Office website as payback for the Libservative Coalition government blocking their Press TV media channel.

A visibly-piqued Vague informed amused media hacks that the ‘Western Propaganda for Iran’ website was launched on the 14th March to ‘reach out’ to its citizens but access to the site was jammed a couple of days later.

In a statement to the Hypocrisy Gazette, Vague - a career Friends of Israel apologist - claimed the website had been established to explain how the Western political system worked and why Muslims could also enjoy our democratic freedoms instead of hating them – if only they kicked out their anti-Western hard line Islamic government and elected a Zionist-friendly one in its place.

"Look, we don’t really have a quarrel with the Iranian people and only want to get this silly President Ahmadashell overthrown – and these mad Mullahs too – and Shah Reza Palaver’s son invited back to be their monarch.”

“These are some very vindictive people in charge over there. We only mentioned that we might slap an embargo on buying any more oil off them from July and the next thing - without any ‘by your leave or thank you’ – they go and spit the dummy then cancel our contract and cut our oil supply off.”

“Okay, so we imposed a few sanctions on Iran to stop them from developing nuclear weapons and undermining Israel’s military hegemony in the Middle East – and they start spouting off about Zionist plots and the Mossad assassinating their nuclear scientists.”
“Well, we all know the Israelis don’t do things like that, so it all comes down to the bonkers Tehran regime being comprised of a bunch of oicks who are simply jealous of Israel being the showpiece of Mid-East democracy and fair play.”

“So don’t believe any of these lies about them stealing the Palestinian’s lands either – as they never had any in the first place. That’s why it’s called the Promised Land – as God promised it to his Chosen People – Mr Rothshite and his Zionist clique – and not silly Mr Fatty Abbas in the occupied West Bank - nor that nasty Mr Hamas and his Gaza Gangsters either.”

“But if these Islamic fundamentalist types refuse to see sense and understand the concept of Manifest Destiny and the principles of our New World Order - plus their inherent part of it as our neo-colonial subjects – then it serves them right if Israel pull a pre-emptive military first strike and they deserve to get bombed and invaded.”

“Well, what do they expect, I ask you? The Ayatollahs kicked out our muppet Shah and cancelled their membership of Baron Rothshite’s central banking system and decided to go it alone – hence got crossed off the US Christmas card list for labelling them the Great Satan.”

“Personally, to my mind, their entire culture presents a ‘mule-stubborn’ stumbling block when they pursue these demanding religious practices. Really, having to kneel down five times a day and bang your forehead on the floor when they could quite easily join the Church of England – or even the bloody Methodists - and attend to their religious devotions on a Sunday morning while all the shops are shut and there’s nothing else to do.”

Thought for the day: Iran stands alone as an Islamic Republic of principle while the Persian Gulf’s neighbouring Arab states have corrupted their heritage and cultures by pursuing the pro-Western ideologies (apart from the practice of Democracy) of materialistic possession and Crapitalism.

The gospel according to a recent remote psychiatric evaluation study of world leaders - specifically those of the Zionist-dominated US of A, the UK, several European nations and the pariah, terrorist state of Israel - claims all are either clinically insane and suffering from megalomania – or outright demonic possession.

Allergy warning: This article was written in a known propaganda-infested area and may contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a newsheet and media source not owned by Rupert Murdoch and the Masonic Zionist kikester lobby – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence.

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