Wednesday 30 November 2022

China Covid Protests Hit Critical Mass

 In today's 'Let's Kick Some Totalitarian Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Beijing’s People’s Dystopia – a timely scandalous exposé of 'Communist Control Freakery' from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Don’t free-thinking anarchists just lap it up when autocratic global bullies – specifically the brazenly arrogant greedy elite of Beijing’s ruling State Council - of the People’s Utopia of China - have their dominant control freak ‘comfort zone’ existence threatened by the first nation-wide protests in 33 years – since the Tiananmen Square face-off – and every fucker n their dog – with one point five billion pissed-off militant rebels comprising the  dissident ranks – Uyghurs especially - have a death wish to be Tank Man personified.

Well, WTF can be expected when there is no end in sight to Supreme Leader Xi Jin Ping-Pong’s brutal zero-Covid ‘Insanity Inc’ regime’s total ‘starve to death’ lockdowns – with doors nailed shut - are the very instrument responsible for the high rise inferno catastrophe that saw residents unable to escape the building - and with a ‘short-changed dozen’ (ten) of their hapless number cremated alive - fried to a crisp, in fact - thus sparking the current – and long overdue - anti-lockdown protests.

Hmmm, little wonder President Xi Jin Ping-Pong had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp when interviewed on TV last night, to denounce the protests and threaten dissident activists with the same ‘not nice’ ethnic cleansing treatment handed out to the despised Uyghur tribespeople.

Regardless, the Beijing CPC (Zhizhengdang) elitist fat cats are struggling to enforce social obedience, even with their Big Brother style 24/7 panopticon surveillance CCTV / facial recognition systems – and rather than back off and negotiate a truce with the protesters, to relax the pointless lockdown regime, they send in the brutal Plod Squad (Rénmín Jǐngchá) – and detachments of the paramilitary People's Armed Police – plus the dreaded State Security Thug Squad - to batter the radical activists into submission – and body bags – and stamp out the protests before the shit gets out of hand and the Central Committee bureaucracy abusers become carbon copy casualties of the France 1789 / Russia 1917 style guillotine and firing squad’ retribution crusades.

Not much has changed in the past few centuries of socio-political evolution from the days of the Chinese Imperial edicts of Read this, Tremble, and Obey – which presented something of a dilemma, as the common herd were purposely left uneducated and couldn’t read – hence they simply ‘trembled, and obeyed’ before the dystopian mandates of a corruption-ridden monarchy and administrative officialdom.

Ergo, since the time of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, and the succession of equally deranged and corrupt wannabee national leaders to follow in his Great Leap Forward footsteps – (Jiang Qing / Mrs Mao - and her Gang of Four) - has much changed? Nope, the Chinese common herd sheeple still suffer a dystopian existence under Orwellian style panopticon surveillance – and ‘have nothing’ – (apart from an ever-depleting  social credit ‘obedient slave’ brownie points score) - and, as these on-going protests – read ‘riots’ – indicate – the common herd are most definitely not ‘happy’ by any current Great Reset estimates.

Okay, the socio-political scene might have ‘improved’ (sic) since the death by boiling in oil – and eaten alive by rats - days of the despotic Tang dynasty Emperor, Makka Pakka – but even under the ‘enlightened’ (sic) rule of Chairman Xi, a Democratic state it is not – and if anyone dares step outside the official 'best behaviour' narrative line (like top pop group, Falun & the Gongs) then you are targeted – summarily arrested, and end up doing hard time in one of the ‘regime’s’ happy smiley face transplant organ harvesting labour camps – aka prisons – plus families will face all manner of nasty penalties for ‘your’ social misbehaviour, cop a social credit score of minus millions – and your kids dispatched to the local abattoir and end up in the mega-mincer – for dog food.

Of course the CCP hierarchy is shitting kittens – these common herd drones have somehow woken up, started thinking for themselves, and got super pissed off, simply due the fact a few of their useless eater class cronies got torched in a high rise fire. Thus they decided to break the rules and protest. Really, WTF comes next – a nation-wide revolution – anarchy runs amok – and the first few dominoes start to fall – then a violent chain reaction kicks in – and the tumbrels roll?

To wit, the ‘We’re fed up with Covid-1984 lockdowns’ protests across the length n breadth of China’s Communist People’s Utopia are obviously an echo of the Tiananmen Square social rebellion spirit, reflecting fears among the proletariat drones that they too might be cooked to a cinder in the next in-house fire – where escape is impossible due barred windows and doors nailed shut – akin to the ten common herd victims fried to a crisp this past week in a multi-story tenement block.- and the local fire brigade being as much use as tits on a bull - and likely as not being the arsonists commissioned to set and ignite the conflagration.

Lo, and alas, this is China today – and the rest of the world tomorrow – ‘if’ the likes of the World Economic Fakery’s Satan Klaus Schlob and his infernal minion bureaucraps score a success viz achieving their control freak agenda – ready to roll out a dystopian ‘China model’ of socio-economic control. Their Great Reset. The New Abnormal.

Yep, so focused on their Great Reset agenda have Herr Schlob and his minions become – the likes of Canadian leader, Justin Castro (doesn’t he look like his Daddy, in the pre-bearded / pre-revolutionary student study days) - they’ve overlooked China’s well-advanced agenda to turn the entire world into an I-Spy surveillance state apparatus under their Beijing-based draconian eye - via the high-tech hardware, and embedded digital ‘sneak n snitch’ software sold to, and installed by, gullible Western governments and corporations in their purportedly ‘secure’ key administrative, bureaucratic, and economic systems.

So take careful note, Satan Klaus, you, and your Great Reset / New Abnormal lackeys, for regardless of social credit scores commanding a person’s very existence – with secret police presence and heavy handed arrest tactics, and ignoring threats of arbitrary detentions with beatings, torture and internal organs snatched – the common herd sheeple can arise in a flash mob instant – and you will be fucked, big time – and go down the same route as your Hitlerian Nazi fascist forefathers.

Ah, Herr Klaus’ wet dream Great Reset utopia – more at ‘dystopia’ – with bells on.

There again, with an over-populated mess of one point five billion people, then perhaps it is time to thin out the herd – via a tyrannical blend of Gates of Hell / Rockefeller style euthanasia boosted to genocide proportions with the application of the good old Hitlerian Nazi Holocaust trademark ‘ethnic cleansing / mass extermination’ depopulation methods – as neither the global scale Covid-1984 virus – not its ‘variant’ cousins has managed to scare more than a couple of million to death with anxiety attacks or suicide – and the toxic mRNA vaccines are disabling and crippling more than they actually kill with nano-tech shite spike proteins.

But will this fake Covid propaganda ‘locked-in’ / lockdown starvation policy ever be on a par with Mao’s Great Leap Forward – leaping over the emaciated corpses of 40 million dead – who, obviously, failed to leap high - or fast – enough?

Mao’s version of Marxist / Leninist communism has long past its ‘use by’ date, but the Beijing elite are ever-fearful of relaxing their totalitarian control over the masses, lest they start thinking for themselves and decide there are more options to life than an existence of unquestioning compliance with official edicts and day to day slave-level drudgery.

Free thinking under this manner of mind control eventually morphs into a belief system – with friends n neighbours grassing each other up – and the kids snitching on Granny for listening to the venal Imperialist BBC on her secret transistor radio set - but to all intents and purposes there is finally – once again in our history – the sweet scent of a 1789 / 1917 style rebellion in the air.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Sunday 27 November 2022

Holy Heresy! The Messiah was Transgender

Church worshippers cried 'heresy' at the Dean of Trinity College (Cambridge) sermon upon hearing his blasphemous pronouncement from the lectern that Jesus was a transgender Messiah – a factor based on speculation that the puncture wound in Christ's side – (inflicted while on the cross, by the spear of Roman soldier, Longinus – and being the last of the purported Five Holy Wounds of Christ) - has a definite 'vaginal appearance'.

The Dean, Dr Michael Banner, (identified colloquially by Trinity students with the moniker ‘Bonkers Banner') was supporting the speculation of junior research fellow Joshua ‘Mental’ Health, who displayed Renaissance and Medieval paintings of the crucifixion, depicting a side wound that he personally likened to a pouting vagina.

Anyone catch the key evidential element here? ‘... displayed Renaissance and Medieval paintings ...’ not photographs – paintings, composed one thousand and three - to five - hundred years ‘after the purported crucifixion event’ - pictorial instruments conjured up by the pious and frenzied imaginations of the artists.

Now here, Heath’s divinely-inspired delusional speculation get even weirder, to quote:

'Collectively these artworks display Christ's simultaneously masculine and feminine body, and the side wound takes on a decidedly human vulval aspect – sans public hair, labia and clitoris. Hence, if the body of Christ, as these paintings suggest, is the body of all bodies, then his body is also a transgender body.’

Heath used the 14th century painting ‘Pietà with the Holy Trinity’ by Jean Malouel, on display in the Louvre, to illustrate his pretentious, bordering on neurotic, opinion - according to one report in the Daily Shitraker gutter press tabloid’s ‘art section’ – with further ‘confirmation’ (sic) of Heath’s opinion provided by French artist Henri Maccheroni’s 1990 work 'Christs' – and too by the 13th century 'Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg'.

Conversely, in an emotional post-sermon letter to Dean Banner, one worshipper related that: 'I left the church Evensong service in a state of tears and distress, utterly contemptuous of such imagery when it is applied to our Lord Jesus from the pulpit – and this new age heretical belief that by cutting a hole in a man, through which he can be penetrated, he can become a woman – and we are invited to contemplate the martyrdom of a cross-dressing, transsexual Christ the Redeemer’.

Okay, let’s step back a couple of paces and consider the reality – harsh, for some – or otherwise, that the Jesus the Messiah / Saviour fable is based solely on a plethora of ontological hand-me-down / word-of-mouth proof of his existence - all of which has been subject to distortion and exaggeration by persons with a self-interest agenda to pursue – and none more so than the Roman Pio family who scripted the ‘Gospels’ – and later by a succession of Catholic Church / Vatican agents.

Further, there is zero hard evidence in the historic record that Jesus – as a physical living individual - ever existed, let alone was the product of a virgin birth, or the true son of God, or was crucified at Calvary, or rose from the dead.

Sorry folks, but any and all belief in this one is entirely ‘ontologically-based, and a matter of personal, spiritual ‘faith’.

Ergo, with reflection on the above, to thus speculate that Jesus was gay, or a cross-dressing tranny, is utter rubbish – and more so that the spear wound in Christ’s right side bears any remote resemblance to a gaping vagina - makes one ponder on Joshua Heath's level of intimacy with the women from which he gained his anatomical knowledge - and sexual experience - if he considers the portrayed wound in Christ's side to resemble the human female pussy.

There again, who really knows, for as the Monty Python gang once speculated in Life of Brian viz ‘the Messiah’ – “He’s been a very naughty boy”.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Wednesday 16 November 2022

HRH Meghan: Monarch of the Meg-Averse

Princess Meghan Mongoose (aka Yoko Moano) - and Prince Harry, of the Royal House of Hewitt, have conjured up with a spiffing ‘influencer’ gimmick to build their own virtual universe, in a bid to reach out to billions more of their brain-dead celebrity-stricken fans – and are currently engaged in talks with hi-tech design company, Twat-World, as they bid to launch the egocentric Meghan’s personalized ‘Meg-Averse’ enterprise – a virtual reality sphere of existence which will mimic all aspects of – er – ‘reality’.

(Hmmm, this pair of self-delusional, narcissist wankers already exist in virtual reality with their Never-Never Land 'Fortress Hewitt' in Montecito.

Fans visiting the Royal Sussex Meg-Averse would pay for membership status in crypto (digital currency) – and wear virtual reality tuned headsets as they enter the ‘Meg-Averse’ on their hands and knees, crawling forward in supplicant peasant fashion, to kiss the Duchess Meghan avatar’s bony ass, then paying homage by offering tributes – preferably Bitcoin or Ethereum.

A report in the Daily Shitraker gutter press tabloid, citing a source close to the silly Sussexes, claimed: ‘Both Meghan and Harry believe this will provide an even greater ability to spread their ‘influencer’ messages globally - if they have a presence in the virtual world, as well as the physical – and having already gone global, this venture would take them into a different stratosphere – in fact reaching out across the solar system to fans on Mars and Saturn.’

“Just imagine Meghan hosting the Archy-Thing podcast in her own personal Meg-Averse - or a ginger-mingin Harry avatar pretending to be clever - and important - and hosting a make-believe conference on climate sustainability with the mimic avatars of world leaders.’

Frank McScrote, the inventor of Twat-World, attempted to explain to a gaggle of baffled press hacks: ‘As this greedy pair obviously intend to continue with their hare-brained, money-grubbing schemes – such as scripting backstabbing autobiographies and flogging this preposterous, and boring, celebrity lifestyle crap ‘At Home with the Sussexes’ six part 'whinge-a-thon' docu-series to the super-gullible Shitflix for tens of millions of bucks, then the Meg-Averse is tailor-made as a back-up for when Harry’s old man, King Chazzer, cuts off his allowances – and cancels the posing Duke and Duchess of Sussex titles – once this stupid tell-all ‘Spare’ memoir hits the bookshops in January – and Shitflix decide to bin their contracts with the insignificant ‘non-royals’.’

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Saturday 12 November 2022

NHS Winter Hypocrisy Service

In today's hypocrisy-ridden 'No Hope Service’ nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Nurses to Strike' – a timely scandalous exposé of the ‘Do No Harm’ Hypocritic Oath being flaunted for personal monetary gain - from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Yep, the media is choker block with reports of Food Bank Britain’s entire NHS  nursing staff going on strike over some interminable pay dispute – so not only will GP clinic and hospital patients be deprived of medical treatment – but so too miss out on the delights of being entertained by these very same 'overworked' nurses performing their notorious internet / social media broadcast Covid lockdown era TikTok ass-wagging dance routines.

Okay, strike as you will and let the hapless National Ill-Heath Service patients suffer in pain – and die - due dereliction of duty – and a delinquent absence of critical medical treatment - and on a par with the Just Stop Oil protest wankers, this cause of perhaps ‘life and death’ inconvenience is certain to further alienate the public’s sympathies to your ‘underpaid’ complaints.

Further, to add insult to injury, for a hypocrisy first, on the day the Royal College of Nursing announce their statutory ballot on industrial action, through the letterbox comes a 12 page paperback-sized advisory brochure from the NHS / UK Health Security Agency bearing a piccy of a well sun-tanned ‘female-looking’ person (might be trans) in a nurse smock / uniform – and the title ‘We’re here to help you stay well this Winter’.

Yeah right. By going on strike. So much for the celebrated NHS 'Covid Heroes'.

At the base of the front cover are two further hypocrisy-ridden advisories: ‘Your health matters’: (to who it ‘matters’ the brochure fails to state – obviously not the nursing staff going on strike. More offensive yet is the accompanying message: ‘Help us help you’.

Hmmm, does that translate as ‘help’ by petitioning the government and our own MPs on striking nurses behalf - to submit to their pay raise demand - thus getting their arses back into hospitals – and Granny’s interrupted cancer chemotherapy treatment up to speed - before she totally rots away?

Bordering on the ironically ‘not funny’ - the back page of this intellectually-offensive and ridiculous GOV.UK / NHS publication bears the 999 logo – and ‘Dial 999 for life-threatening emergencies’.

Why, what’s the fucking point, as the understaffed ambulance services take forever to show up – if at all - and even if you get to a hospital A & E, then there will be zero spare beds – and the entire nursing staff will be AWOL, due their strike actions.

The NHS has been going downhill for quite some time – and governments present and past have been delinquently derelict in resolving the base / core sell-off ‘Trust’ issues that have morphed a once-efficient service into an utter fucking privatised 'quango' shambles.

The number of sickies in Merrie England waiting to receive hospital treatment hit an all-time high and rose to 7.1 + million at the end of September, up from 7 million in August - the highest figure since records began.

Meanwhile, 401,537 people have been waiting longer than a year for hospital treatment, up from 387,257 in August 2022.

To sum up, we’ve seen better organised riots, as it’s not just the infernal waits at A & E – or, equally damning, the so-called scheduled regular treatments and surgical op’ delays and cancellations – but the entire National Hopeless Service – and specifically, for many, the fact that Broken Britain's avarice-stricken dental profession – part n parcel of the so-called ‘medical profession’ - no longer host an NHS service, but charge crippling and unaffordable prices for treatment – hence the state of Bad Teeth Britain’s dentistry – the worst in Europe all thanks to the 'current' government-sanctioned money-grubbing practice

Ergo viz greedy dentists - if they refuse to take a 50% minimum of NHS patients then the overseeing government agency regulating and authorising certification to practice should refuse to grant them a licence to pursue their profession.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Journalist Arrested for - er - Reporting

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Fascist Plod Squad Ass' loopy news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Totalitarian Over-Reach  – a timely scandalous exposé of 'Stasi Mode Policing’ from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Accredited LBC news journalist, Charlotte Lynch, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit a public nuisance during her diligent feet-on-the-ground reporting of the M25 traffic blockading by delusional climate activists on Tuesday, and held in custody.

Charlotte, a most comely female gutter press hack, claimed being arrested and manhandled by male plods – on a false charge she was personally linked to the Just Stop Oil public nuisance brigade - then locked in a custody cell overnight - was ‘absolutely terrifying’.

Hmmm, terrifying eh. Lucky some uniformed Wayne Couzens sex beast copycat clone wasn’t on station duty and charged with supervision of the ‘custody suites’ (sic) otherwise the ‘absolutely terrifying’ aspect of being locked in a cell might have evolved into a Sarah Everard style violent sexual assault, rape - and a fatal dose of strangulation – with a police uniform-issue belt around the neck - at the hands of one – or more - of the national Plod Squad’s legion of ‘on record’ criminals and sexual predator recruits - who sneaked into the force under the radar due half-arsed vetting checks.

Lynch was arrested on a road bridge between junction 20 (Abbots Langley) and junction 21 (M1/St Albans interchange) during Tuesday's highway blocking fracas by the Just Stop Traffic climate change stupidity protest activists.

Regardless of visibly displaying her press card on a neck-tied lanyard and explaining she was reporting on and photographing the demonstration, the intellectually-feeble, bully boy thugster Hertfordshire plods arrested and handcuffed her – then searched her person for offensive weapons (pencil, notepad, camera, cell phone, lip gloss) and transported her to Stevenage police station inside the cramped arse end of a custody van.

Hertfordshire’s Plod Squad chief constable, Charlie Hall, commented to one press hack from the Autocrat’s Gazette that the force's officers had been instructed to act as quickly as they might - ‘using their professional judgement’ – (some joke) to clear protesters’ - but recognised the concerns over freedom of movement of the press – especially journalists who ‘were not’ physically involved with blocking the motorway – or had purposely super-glued themselves to nearby inanimate objects – such as the road, a police car – or a mouth-breathing Plod.

‘Though the actions of the officers at the scene are understandable, in retrospect an arrest was wholly unnecessary – and obviously we’re going to get hit with a most embarrassing false arrest suit - and have the bollocks sued off us for this fuckup down the road.’

Conversely, Hertfordshire’s fascist-minded excuse for a police and crime commissioner, David ‘Atilla’ Lloyd, he of the most visible ‘receding hairline’ – and obviously no friend to free speech - claimed the media were responsible for ‘adding flames’ to the climate change protest inferno by their very presence at the protest sites, and needed to critically reflect on how they reported the actions of the bonkers Just Stop Traffic group, due them being fully aware they’ll get widespread media publicity, and having front page news coverage for every single time they block one of the main highway arteries and piss off the public commuting demographic.

The National Union of Journalists' general secretary, Michelle Stanistreet, opined that ‘Atilla’ Lloyd’s apparent desire to influence editorial lines, as opposed to recognising the work of journalists as fundamental to upholding a free press, is of grave concern – and shifting blame on to editor’s public interest publishing content clearly fails to recognise the severity of recent incidents and their wider impact on the public's right to stay informed.

More so, Atilla’s purposeful shifting of responsibility and blame onto the press and media is a direct attempt to shift focus from the national Plod Squad’s systemic failure to pre-empt and prevent these daily highway blocking antics by a gang of muddled, flawed science climate change activists who demand the government insulate every carbon unfriendly domestic dwelling, rabbit hutch, and garden shed across the swathe of Broken Britain – in total contradiction of their alarmist hysteria concerning things ‘hotting up’ due global warming.’  (Criminals and sexual predators allowed into police)

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Friday 11 November 2022

Hookworm Harry: Barefoot in Africa

Yep, the gaffe-cursed Prince Harry and HRH Princess Meghan of Montecito, are at it once again. Impaling what little credibility and semblance of intelligence they share by gobbing off, loose lips fashion, to all and sundry on social media networks and during celeb’ news interviews – to further prove they are more at ‘scent than substance’.

And the latest faux pas attributed to this $$$ money-grubbing couple? Harry has this inner desire to shed the comforts of their Montecito’s ‘Fortress Hewitt’ mansion and move to Africa (seriously) – to go native – and raise Prince Archie, first of his name, of the House Hewitt dynasty, ‘running around 'barefoot', across the plains of Africa - in a loincloth’ – alongside suntanned African children.

What an utter tosspot. Harry wants little Archie Hewitt running around the untamed, hinterland wilds of Africa – ‘barefoot’ - in the parasite-infested deep red  dirt. Que? WTF?   

Barefooted, we ask, for clarification? Treading on snakes n scorpions - and prey for all manner of child-eating nasties - lions and crocodiles to name a mere two of the legion of four legged predators that stalk the African veld - before we come to make mention of the 'barefoot' factor - vulnerable to lots of nasty nematode parasites that can burrow into the soles of his feet and set off infecting the entire body with Strongyloides - and hookworms of the Ancylostoma and Necator genera.

This bloke’s lack of basic intelligence – and knowledge - regarding tropical soil parasites - is obviously in keeping with the historic average for mouth-breathing, gormless royals – not quite qualifying for the triple figures IQ range.

The newly-released interview reports on Harry's purported ‘fondness’ of the Dark Continent – one that has previously been subjected to an overdose of publicity – (see various Harry photos with nasty rifle and an arm around the head of some hapless animal he had just shot) - and has visited Africa on several occasions.

But that’s the grey matter deficient ginger-mingin Harry – having some fucker pen his ‘autobiography’ – which will amount to no more than a personal backstabbing gripe – and further whinging that he’s just ‘the spare’ – and not too smart either, as so perfectly evidenced by his getting hitched to this clueless - and 'difficult' - bimbo, and excuse for a second-rate 'actress' (sic) Meghan Mongoose.

So WTF is Meghan’s opinion of Harry’s spiffing plan to move to Africa? Hmmm, is she actually smart enough to form an opinion? The common impression of Meghan is one of ‘the lights are on – but no-one’s home’.

This impression is further sustained by her Archetypes podcasts as a platform to deny her life failings – and perpetually playing on the black / mixed race disadvantage theme – and comes across as a pushy, and tasteless bimbo – or bitch, if you prefer – as she certainly qualifies for both descriptive terms viz her hubris and exaggerated sense of entitlement and abuse of privilege.

Really Meghan, for fucks sake, please stop playing the Miss Spotlight role and boring us with all manner of self-serving bullshit - and boasting of having ex-Epstein paedo clique attorney, Alan Dershowitz, sue the living shit out of the next media columnist who refers to you as 'Sooty'.

Okay, Princess Pushy has got a sexy ass, and a set of lips that could suck the brass plating off a doorknob – but as to the rest, and her manifest mental deficiency issues – oh my, let’s not go there.

Oh fuck it – of course we should – specifically viz her ego-massaging podcasts - during which her favourite subject is – er – Meghan – and pre-possessed by the tendency to display a face akin to a bulldog chewing a wasp, if any fucker dares front the brazen audacity to question or criticise her titled, royal ass nonsensical opinions, and unqualified arrogance.

As to 'Barefoot in Africa', let's just bide our time, and wait to see what absolute idiocy transpires next.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Monday 7 November 2022

Covid Zealots Beg for Amnesty

In today's 'Let's Kick Some SAGE / NHS / CDC / NIAID Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: ‘Coronavirus Plandemic Contagion Exaggeration' – a timely scandalous exposé of the entire two year Covid-1984 ‘Scamdemic’ rip-off and face-muzzled lockdown disaster deceit from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect, or empathy, for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Yep, once again, the banner headline spells it out perfectly. The proponents of the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown ‘maskerade’ - and pushing the toxic mRNA gene-modifying nano-shite vaxx mandates are desirous of a no strings attached / ‘forgive n forget’ ‘amnesty’ for their ‘We’re right n you’re wrong’ two year fascist litany of lockdown / ‘mask up’ commands - and gross errors – which to all intents and purposes continue unabated; with these self-same wankers still pushing the toxic vaxx booster enforcement programme as our northern Winter season fast approacheth – and wholly ignoring the fact that being injected with this Covid mRNA nano-vaxx – which is far from being the ‘cure all’ panacea it is promoted to be viz its lack of efficacy - yet alternately causes a devastating ‘negative side effects’ health impact – being responsible for more deaths and serious adverse ailments than any drug in the history of medical malpractice – is proving to be more of a risk, and dangerous, than catching any ‘sub-variant’ of Covid flu virus - while the legions of common herd vaxx casualties are simply written off as expendable collateral damage.

Amnesty? Amnesty, my arse. More like legal ‘accountability’ would be in order – a chain of prosecutions and full financial compensation and restitution for all offences committed and losses incurred – specifically the midazolam murders - and for pushing this genocidal toxic shite Big Pharma keep flogging as a Covid ‘cure all’ vaccine – which most definitely ‘does not do what it says on the label’.

Que? WTF? Amnesty for Big Pharma’s money-grubbing sins n crimes – supported n promoted by a mix of incompetent and / or corrupt medical ‘professionals’ (sic), bureaucraps, politicians and stooge mass media networks?

Sorry folks, let’s ‘forgive n forget’ is not on the cards for accepting, at face value, and then promoting, the vaccines are safe and effective mantra pushed from Day One by the corrupt propaganda medical merchants – and similar vein politicos – all under the lucrative, aurelian spell of Big Pharma’s largess.

That would equate with American tourists walking around Hiroshima, wearing Enola Gay t-shirts, knocking on doors, and saying ’sorry’ for ‘that unfortunate event’ of August 6, 1945.

Really, the mind boggles at the conceit and brazen hubris of these twats.

More so than the Hiroshima analogy, consider the Zionist Deep State Neo-Con gang in control of the Dubya Bush Shite House on 9/11 – joining hands with their equally-culpable ‘Hi-Fiving’ Mossad cronies and doing the rounds - apologising to relatives of the thousands they deliberately slaughtered at the WTC viz their criminal and psychotic actions on that date, and by way of an excuse and justification, relating that the entire false flag attacks scenario - and blaming Osama Bin Bag, and the more at scent than substance Al Qaeda terrorist ‘notwork’ - was all for the ‘greater good’ of the US of A – and the Project for the New American Century – to secure extensive Mid-East natural resources (oil), establish geo-strategic military bases there, and expedite regime changes – and then justifying an armed, martial invasion of the Taliban-infested Afghanistan – thus paving the way to lay a vital gas pipeline from Kazakhstan to the Indian Ocean – and allow the CIA’s proxies to seize and propagate the extensive opium fields.

Conversely, China doesn’t appear to be interested in any format of ‘amnesty’ – to bestow some semblance of justification or forgiveness for their ‘reputed’ wicked Wuhan bio-weapons lab leaks of a deadly global pandemic SARS-Cov2 virus – if any such more at scent than substance viral material was ever ‘leaked’ from there, and contaminated the bat soup or pangolin stew at the wet market food vendor stalls next door.

Nope, Beijing’s mass Covid lockdowns (read ‘population programming and subjugation conditioning’) endure and progress, with 12 million people currently self-isolating – all under armed guard - in Zhengzhou, and copping for utterly useless, twice daily PCR tests, which continue unabated – but that’s China, exercising its power of ‘lobotomised compliance’.

As Napoleon once sagaciously predicted from his self-isolation 'retreat' on St. Helena: ‘Let China sleep, for when it awakens, the World shall tremble’.

Okay, so who the fuck is pushing this amnesty scam? Chances are the ‘guilty as charged’. The likes of the entire SAGE group – and government advisors Neil ‘Fuckups’ Ferguson, Chris Shitty, Paddy Unbalanced, and stand-up comedian, Professor Jon-Boy Van-Jam – and not to forget HSA boss Jenny Harries – and SAGE’s answer to the KGB’s Rosa Klebb: Red Flag Commissar, Susan Michie. 

While over in the good ole US of A, Dr (sic) Bony Tony Fraudci of the NIAID is attempting to get his culpable and most guilty bogeyman ass off the hook – along with CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky – among a host of others.

To recap, in our once-sceptred Isle of Albion, governments – and here we refer specifically to the Tory Nasty Party gang unfortunately charged with the administration of Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) - conspired and exploited hysteria into a veritable media-driven storm of Covid-1984 scaremongering – to coerce healthy people with fully functioning immune systems to isolate – at home – and get jabbed – two, if not three times - with an untested – and since-proven negative side effects toxic – and too ineffective – mRNA gene-modifying vial of graphene oxide shite posing as a vaccine - that did not immunise nor prevent any fucker n their dog from coming down with Covid (read ‘seasonal flu’) symptoms – but also failed to stop transmission from the infected to the uninfected.

Ergo, this insult to any fucker’s intelligence was further compounded by our crippled nation’s not fit for purpose Plod Squad lapping up their new role as totalitarian Covid enforcers, relishing two years of full Nazi / Stasi bully-thug status, and – (when they weren’t otherwise pre-occupied practicing their Masonic secret handshakes while morbidly swapping pix of female murder victims - or raping and murdering young women on their way home after a night out – they harassed, on the spot fined, beat and shamed - and arrested - all who dared go more than the permitted mile from their home, or ‘woe betide’ – to a funeral or memorial – or attempted to visit an ailing family member – or failed to wear a porous face nappy - in accordance with the grossly flawed Neil Ferguson / SAGE recommended orthodoxy.

Yet now, these same dog wankers who pushed the entire Covid scam to plandemic level – the likes of Witty n his cronies, and that other shit for brains pseudo-academic twat, Emily Oster, are calling for an amnesty on blame-mongering for how deadly Covid wasn’t, nor the pointless lockdowns, and the useless face masks – and / or these ongoing toxic mRNA nanotube-loaded vaxx booster promotions.

Pillory the lot of them. Public inquiries and blame to be pinned onto those responsible for causing all this shite – and a two year lockdown that’s inflicted more irreversible damage to all levels of social communities – and the economy – than World Wars One and Two combined.

Hark the piss poor excuses from those responsible. ‘We didn’t know’. ‘It was all guesswork’. ‘Acting in good faith on Big Pharma advice’. ‘A matter of trial and error’.

Hmmm, the ‘error’ part we’ll agree with.

Alas and woe is the situation, when conscientious medics, and others in the know, alerted all and sundry to this globalist Covid scamdemic plot, to have the world population injected with a genocidal nano-tech spike protein drug that will be activated via 5G frequency signals and inflict a mass ‘die-off’ when the time is right. Then, for their trenchant actions to be labelled by the corruption-ridden mass media and social network censors as Covid conspiracy theory proponents.

But are the Great Reset fanatics ushering in their ‘New Abnormal’ society, or the greed-motivated Big Pharma corporations responsible for promoting the mRNA gene-modifying vaccines - which are negatively compromising immune systems, causing infertility, stillbirths, myocarditis, and a range of nasty cancerous conditions - ever going to admit fault, or face legal consequences, for their incompetence? Unlikely.

Accordingly, in a more perfect world - a utopian delusion that shall never manifest as reality during this Millennium - legal action would be expedited against the guilty – immediately, if not sooner - and those guilty relieved of any format of office or authority that might allow them to cause the same snaufs and fubars in the future.

Thus bollocks to this plea for amnesty – and refusal to shoulder responsibility.

One is reminded of the German Nazi Wehrmacht thugs guarding Auschwitz, and herding concentration camp inmates into the Zyklon B showers. ‘We were only following orders’.

That one didn’t cut any ice at Nuremberg – and the lot ended up playing the Indian Rope Trick with Albert Pierrepoint – Hangman, by Appointment.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Saturday 5 November 2022

Muskrat Buys Free Speech Franchise

That’s the banner headline, folks. Elon Muskrat Buys Twatter – to liberate and protect Free Speech from the fascist Wokester’s political correctness Censor Club.

Now would not that be a fine and magnanimous gesture, and contribution to the betterment of Universal honesty and cross-culture accord and compassion – if such bears any element of Truth.

Twitter social network owner – and free speech absolutist - Elon Muskrat, mere days after closing the US$44 zillion bucks purchase deal – and donning the prized gilded mantle of Chief Twit - then firing the company’s top brass – along with the entire fact-checking ‘content moderation’ (aka censorshit department) – now finds himself being coerced and bullied by a gang of Zionist Israeli ADL wankers viz combatting hate speech – (read Free Speech / the Truth – directed at them).

Specifically this Kosher Nostra ADL censorshit demand from the Greenblatt & Co thugsters is one blatantly synonymous with the cult of Zionist Israeli supremacy and apartheid – and applies directly to the stock n trade Khazar-Ashkenazi tradition – of discredit and smear - to actually scorch the living flesh of any fucker and the dog with their anti-Semitic branding iron – that dares criticise - and specifically broadcast and publicise – hard documented and / or pictorial evidence of the rogue state of Zio-Fascist Israel’s continuing land thefts, war crimes, Jabotinsky style ethnic cleansing policy, and a myriad of equally despicable human rights abuses - visited on the heads of the hapless population of what was Palestine – until the Zionist terrorist gangs (whoops – sorry, my slip-of-the-tongue faux pas: God’s Chosen People) - stole their country and renamed it Israel - the Promised Land - back in 1948.

Here we are presented with an act of grand theft larceny, approved by the British Mandate authority – which was further sanctified by full United Nations endorsement – with the marginalised and disadvantaged Palestinian Muslim population’s remaining enclaves now reduced to the ever-diminishing IDF military-occupied West Bank – and the littoral Gaza Strip – this latter besieged behind the IDF’s 30-odd foot high Great Apartheid Wall.

Hmmm, so much for the Muskrat's purported magnanimity and 'good intentions' - and too the US of A’s Constitutional First Amendment rights - and Free Speech guaranteed.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday 3 November 2022

Woke Banned Words: ‘Immigrant Invasion’

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Great Reset Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Culture Carnage Eradication Agenda – a timely exposé of the UK’s on-going ‘Immigration Invasion’ scandal – and ‘National Borders Security’ hypocrisy from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

The gospel according to Broken Britain’s gutter press tabloids, nigh on 40,000 illegal immigrants have crossed the English Channel in small boats from la belle Francaise so far this year – with a most ‘in yer face’ abusive ‘Fuck the Border Patrol’ total of 1,400 of the ‘invaders’ sneaking across the water and establishing a beggar’s base camp on Dover Sands this recent weekend.

Actual official figures, leaked by deep cover, whistle-blowing Labour Party moles, operating inside the Ministry of Defence, reveal the 990 illegal immigrants who arrived in 24 inflatable boats on Halloween Sunday itself, brought the total number of unwashed foreign invader types who have crossed the Channel so far this year to 39,898 – obviously placing further strain on Food Bank Britain’s joke of an asylum system.

But WTF can anyone expect when contracts to provide and supervise these facilities for asylum seekers, alike those for prison services (ref G4S and Serco) - are dished out willy-nilly nepotistic-fashion – via the route of conflict-of-interest lobbying – and awarded to amateurs posing as professionals – with mega bucks contracts that stink of high-end corruption.

And here we are referring to the likes of the Home Office-linked quangos – the profit-raking Mitie Care and Custody and the equally-questionable Clearsprings Ready Homes - purportedly providing outsourced custody services – with the former securing a 10-year Home Office contract to manage housing for asylum seekers across the country, and recorded a 600% increase in its 2021 profits to £28 million nicker, from £4.4 million the previous year – while the latter boasts of attributing a 35% revenue increase in 2022 to new contract wins and additional projects delivered – with the company’s three directors sharing dividends of £28 million quid this year, up from £7 million in 2021.

The UK’s not fit for purpose Immigration Minister, Robert Jenrick – as much use in the role as tits on a bull - informed press hacks that the disease and violence-ridden Kent-based Manston asylum seeker processing centre trouble spot – an abandoned former - and uninhabitable - RAF base - was struggling to cope with the escalating numbers incarcerated there – due 4,000 illegals currently being held – and policed by unqualified staff - whereas the facility was only designed to accommodate 1,600 tops – and on a temporary basis too – while either waiting to be shipped out to Africa’s notorious genocide centre of Rwanda - or they resorted to suicide – or died of cholera.

Jenrick, going into political correctness Woke mode during lunch at a Worstminster pub, informed one gutter press hack from the Wetbacks Gazette that in this Woke-dominated age of snowflake sensibilities, politicians must be careful with their language, in the wake of the faux pas-cursed Home Sicretary, Spewella Braverman - herself the progeny of Indian origin immigrant stock - breaking with the Tory political correctness ‘inflammatory language’ code – by ‘rightly’ claiming the south coast beaches were facing a veritable ‘invasion’ of cadging illegal migrants.

WTF? Invasion? Braverman just called the situation for what it is - an ‘invasion’.

Regardless, Jenrick, displaying his utter lack of grasp and understanding of the economic migrant nature of this invasion - still maintained that Broken Britain should prioritise asylum and refuge for people in genuine danger.

Que? Genuine danger of what? Drowning, by attempting to cross the ever-choppy Channel in an overloaded rubber dinghy to the questionable safety of Food Bank Britain – when they’re purposely leaving the safety of France – simply due the fact the UK is a softer touch when it comes to asylum and welfare handouts – working illegally – and running profitable drug, prostitution, slavery, and child sex trafficking crime rings.

Conversely, the immigrant-staffed Refugee Council issued a statement that: "To describe the serious and complex situation created by this opportunist-driven economic migrant trafficking crisis being expedited by Albanian - and competing - Kurdish criminal gangs as an 'invasion' is appalling, wrong and dangerous. These are men, women and children fleeing their own Third World shithole countries, and attempting to seek refuge in Broken Britain’s welfare state sanctuary - where they will be provided with block-booked 5 star hotel rooms, three square meals a day - plus drinks and snackies - a pre-paid cellphone – and a free copy of The Sun tabloid every morning."

Hmmm, so much for the UK’s Border Force and the immigration processing centres – like Manston – with three immigrants sharing a sleeping bag and a single newspaper-stuffed pillow case.

What a joke – we’ve seen better organised riots – and while these visa-deficient illegal foreign ‘invaders’ might be coming to our shores in pursuit of a better life, sponging off the state welfare system - and / or establishing their own criminal rackets - they are, by extension, diminishing the potential quality and culture of the lives of conscientious, hard-working, tax-paying, born and bred Brits, due their unsolicited presence.

The situation is a head-shaking, utter fucking disaster, caused by incompetent government bureaucraps being put in charge of the administration of matters far beyond their limited human resource management skills – and for which the latest Tory Nasty Party leader, Fishy Sunak, is now responsible – along with the profound economic inflation crisis, which he caused as Chancellor during the Covid-1984 lockdowns scam.

However, one thing the Tory Nasty Party does seem capable of is kick starting one fuck up after another – since Scameron’s Brexit vote fubar - and too finding one incompetent buffoon after another to squat in Downing St and play the role of Slime Minister.

As to the illegal immigration invasion, here we have waves of fake war zone refugee / asylum-seeking ‘economic’ migrants landing by the fucking boatload from French shores – and the Royal Navy / Border Force, or any other officialdom-assigned twat n their dog - consistently fail to prevent this bullshit deliberate dilution of our national sovereign population and Christian culture.

Conversely, the truth of the core issue lies in the fact that he political will simply is not there. It’s all part n parcel of the Great Reset / New Abnormal scripted game plan – zero national borders and all sovereign national identity trodden underfoot by heathen immigrants who have zero intention of embracing the host’s culture – and ‘fitting in’.

Furthermore, bollocks to the government excuse the Channel’s so big and difficult to patrol and police.

We prevented Imperial Spain’s Grand Armada from landing and establishing a beach head back in 1588 – some 450 years ago. So too Hitler’s demonic Nazi military forces - from ever launching a sea-borne attack across this very same English Channel and landing on our southern coast. Yet 21st Century aerial drone and submerged sensor detection technology besides – and our Tory Nasty Party government’s ‘executive action’ authority, aptitude and ability is thwarted by gangs of Albanian and Lemon Kurdish people smugglers running fleets of inflatable rubber boats.

Whichever incompetent is in charge of policing this dilemma and defending our coastline – did anyone think of drone-spotters – or minefields - be it the Minister of Defence, or of Immigration, or Chris 'Useless' Philip, the joke of  'Policing Minister', or the Mistake-on-Legs of a Home Sickretary, Braverman – they need to be fired immediately – if not sooner - and with extreme prejudice.

Conversely, this national / cultural / economic demise via the route of mass illegal immigration is all by design – for Broken Britain’s government – whichever political party holds office - have fallen compliant accomplice to the insidious WEF Satan Klaus Schlob’s Great Reset ‘zero borders’ plot – same as the rest of the EUSSR dominated nations of Europe – and too, the entire continental US of A.

Such nefarious actions, sponsored by an elected government, equate to an act of treason – subverting our national sovereignty and cultural integrity.

To wit, here we have the Satan Klaus’ hypocrisy-ridden WEF motto to mull over: ‘Committed to improving the state of the world’ – while pushing a zero borders and dissolution of national identity and culture agenda.

‘Improving the state of the World’, eh Klaus - but for whom? The benefit of the common herd sheeple, that you and your reptilian paedo’ cronies so openly despise – or your very own inbred, elitist mutant oligarch goblin club?

Okay, let’s just get back to reality and common fucking sense for a brief moment. When considering the 28,526 illegal foreign immigrant ‘invaders’ landing on our shores in the 12 months of 2021, juxtaposed with the bloated 40,000 visa-deficient ‘invaders’ who have made landfall in the first 10 months of 2022 – all thanks to government immigration authorities and the useless Border Force purposely, and by design, failing to perform their assigned official function - what kind of an ‘illegal alien invader’ head count landing on the shores of our once-sceptred Isle of Albion might be acceptable to an already-enraged Anglo-Saxon heritage British public – now furious at this unbridled wave of illegal immigrant ‘invasions’ raging out of control?

Er, how about a figure very close to zero. A big O? How about the shit for brains Border Force boats currently practicing 'rescue missions' of these migrants from their overloaded inflatables, then landing them on 'our' south coast beaches - alternately shipping them straight back across the channel to France - from whence they came?

To recap, the primary bugbear quandary, and down-the-road botheration, with these foreign migrant ‘invader’ scrotes is verbal communication – a factor which actually dates back to Old Testament times and Nimrod fucking up badly, thus invoking the divine curse of Babel.

Further viz the ‘dire dilemmas’ migrant integration list is the fact they harbour zero interest in embracing a kindly, host nation’s culture, but rather forcing feeding their own alien ethnology down our throats – and this complication has manifest repeatedly in Britain since the close of WW2 and the dissolution of the British Empire that once was – burdened with post-colonial responsibilities and the influx of ex-colonial immigrants - and so too in the other migrant host nations of Europe.

One long look at the utterly fucked-up state of Sweden today, due unwisely opening its borders to one and all – serves as a harbinger of the potential ‘can of serpents’ problem involved when giving an inch, whereas an ungrateful migrant class is determined to take a yard.

As to the utterly ridiculous Home Office suggestion of hosting them on cruise ships - or Butlin's holiday resorts - as compared to 5 star hotels at £150 quid a night. Que? WTF? Have our standing army erect internment holding camps - enclosed with cyclone / razor wire capped fencing - with spartan comfort Nissan hut accommodations - and intern them there until at such time they are 'processed'. Alternatively, and a preferred option still, the instant they 'illegally' set foot on our southern coastal shores, shove them on - forcibly if necessary - and ship them straight back to point of origin - France or Belgium.

Okay, for closure viz this wee socio-political diatribe, a prediction of the Mystic Meg variety.

The British public’s ire, already stoked to tempering heat viz the wholly unrequired two years of Covid-1984 lockdowns, face masks / fake vaxx scamdemic - a factor upped by the power of 10 (squared)  and aggravated further viz the recent inflated costs of gasoline and diesel – and gas and electricity to heat and power a semi-detached home – to say fuck all of a weekly grocery shop.

Ergo, this ever-burgeoning tsunami of illegal immigrants ‘invading’ our southern coast beaches via small boats crossing the Channel from France – and claiming squatter’s rights – might have upped the public mood to one of ‘breaking point’ - for the sound of ‘tumbrils rolling’ fury; the scent of rebellion in the Autumn air, and if not a bloody Peasant’s Revolt to sort this bureaucratic snafu shite out, then a demand for a General Election – which will undoubtedly see the recently-installed Fishy Sunak - (the egocentric, moneybags wanker who personally caused half of this fucked-up inflation mess) - and his ‘Not Decided Yet’ Tory Nasty Party cabinet cronies ousted.

But, and alas, their equally fucking useless and wholly repulsive New Labour opposition – Stammerer and the ginger-mingin ‘AirBuds’ Rayner specifically – will be favourites for taking over control of the toxic reins of HRH King Dobby’s British government.

Hmmm, whichever way it goes, we, Broken Britain's hapless and long-suffering common herd demographic - are, as per usual, going to get fucked, with a large, capital F.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Greta Disses COP27: Too Far to Walk

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Brain-Dead Bogus Science Climate Activist Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Fake Climate Science Rules the Narrative – a timely scandalous exposé of ‘Zero Carbon / Green Deal Hypocrisy – (driven by incestuous, corruption-ridden ‘for profit’ Corporate / Media narratives – and compliant government shills) - from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

OMG! In the insolent manner directed at the subjugated peasantry of Middle Ages China – each Royal decree handed down from the Son of Heaven’s throne in the Forbidden City, demanded: ‘Read This, Tremble, and Obey!’

Now we have everyone’s favourite fake science-peddling, counterfeit High Priestess of Climate Change: Scandinavia’s self-declared, Woke eco-warrior - the retarded Calamity Greta Doomberg, going into her End is Nigh proselytizing acts and ‘shame on you’ hissy fits; then, feeding to the excesses of the Just Stop Oil activist cult, proclaiming their annoying, shit-for-brains road blocking, soup-chucking, paint spraying antics are entirely justified.

To further complement her ridiculous act, she shifted into high gear with her latest diatribe, dissing the scheduled COP27 climate meeting in Egypt as a ‘greenwashing’ scam and refuses to attend – claiming the Sharm El Sheikh destination is too far to walk – or pedal her zero carbon bike.

Quite the little radical extremist is Miss Tintin now becoming – promoting socio-political upheaval in the footsteps of Marx, Trotsky and Mao – and echoing the WEF Satan Klaus Schlob’s Great Reset / New Abnormal message – no going back to the old, and preferred, state of cosy normalcy.

Ergo, the gospel according to Permacrisis Greta – speaking at London’s Royal Festival Hall last weekend, there on a mission to publicise and promote her new literary work - The Climate Book – (Penguin £18:53p / 464 pages of plagiarised, pontificating bullshit) – with Greta’s infantile ‘Once Upon a Time’ contribution obviously scripted by Daddy, same as her pretty Polly parrot-fashion speeches - as little Greta is too much of an IQ-deficient retarded scrote to compose such a tome, or engage in true, creative thought - has this week proclaimed – from on high – that, in her adolescent, unqualified opinion, it is ‘reasonable’ to expect climate protesters to cause maximum daily disruption – and block ambulances responding to emergency ‘life or death’ situations.

Hmmm, pity the net zero / green deal commercial lobby’s Doom n Gloom poster child – Sweden’s ‘climate Cassandra’ - fails to comprehend the very same ‘reasonable’ and ‘disruption’ factors apply to our ever-changing global climate – and that the Gaia Principle / Mother Earth / Nature does not take the vagaries and whims of humankind – or the live or die sustenance requirements of animal-kind, for that matter, into consideration when the seasonal tilt of the planet, and the proximity of the Sun, and even the solar wind, combine to deliver an unheralded drought, or gale, or a wind turbine inconvenient calm, or a month long dowry of black clouds and prodigious cat-n dog downpours that do sweet fuck all to tickle and excite the solar panels mounted on your roof – and swamp the highways and lower floor accommodation of the housing estates insanely constructed on historic flood plains.

These Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil activist protesters are simply a fucking nuisance and pissing off the common herd public – specifically motorists – while government officialdom couldn’t give a flying fuck in regard to their so-called ‘protests’ – and we have this aberration of shit for brains politically-correct policing – by the Woke Squad attending the road blockages, publicly advising the glued-to-asphalt protesters that, and we quote: ‘It’s up to you guys if you want to move and allow this emergency call ambulance through to the hospital – or stay as you are and let the road accident victim in the back just bleed out and die.’

Conceptually these wankers are heavily invested in fake science, and the rest of the human activity / anomaly-stricken climate change paradigm – further reinforced by volumes of corporate ‘for profit’ net zero green deal mass media propaganda – all wholly ignoring the ‘in yer face’ fact that climate change is primarily linked to solar activity, and, even more so, solar ’inactivity’. Per se, the capricious, cyclic moods of that big yellow ball of electro-magnetic incendiary energy in the centre of our solar system.

Thus we suggest, to actually impact society’s reception to their protest’s key issues they do as per the suffragette movement of a century ago – which eventually achieved the desired effect and secured votes for women. To wit, instead of gluing themselves to the highway asphalt, instead take a self-harm leaf out of that die hard suffragette, Emily Davidson’s game book, and launch themselves, in unison, or one after the fucking other, under the wheels of speeding cars, buses and trucks as they hurtle down the M25.

Better still, go superglue themselves to the King Dobby’s horse at the next Epsom Derby. Now, that’s bound to get some shit-for-brains bureaucrat’s attention.

But, at the end of the day with the climate militants, XR for one, pushing the more at scent than substance ‘green transition’ is window dressing, for the core issue is fuck all to do with climate change or global warming – or polar bears that never learned to swim ending up drowned when their ice floats melt under the tropical Greenland sun – (some chance) - but rather using the climate platform to launch their radical leftie communist – more at nihilist – agenda to bring down Western / Crapitalist society in entirety.

So, we venture, do the Just Stop Oil brigade, alike their XR gang associates, fail to even suspect – let alone comprehend – they are being insidiously played in grand Machiavellian fashion by dark forces, a corrupt and depraved wealthy elite, with a Great Reset / New Abnormal agenda far removed from their declared ‘save the Earth’ goal? – and whose end game target is to further debase the world and all in its estate, rather than preserve the planet and what remains of this most questionable civilization.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Transhumanism Upgrades on NHS

If the venal ‘powers that want to be’ ain’t yet satisfied with injecting the majority of the Earth’s human population with their toxic DNA gene-modifying nano-vax, now they’re pushing cerebral enhancement surgery for chosen sectors of the common herd with all manner of brain implants – for this is their coveted (read ‘skewed / lunacy’) transhumanism project.

Hmmm, the purported benefits of transhumanism, my arse.

The WEF / NWO globalist technocraps and other assorted inbred, dynastic oligarch types – plus their stooge gopher minions – collectively possessed of a supercilious, patriarchal attitude, and radiating this fake Brahmin moral superiority – will push their venal gender-bender and transhumanism agendas to a new extreme - once the Covid-1984 brouhaha scare-a-thon panic dies down, and every fucker n their dog has submitted to at least one mRNA spike protein vax – the after-effect of which is set to reverse the direction of human evolution and create a sterile and subservient slave race to do their Master’s bidding – and be procreated as required – for their Satanic paedo abuse and child safari hunts, transplant organ supply, and Black Sabbath sacrifices to their infernal deity.

And here is where the fake Covid-1984 virus comes in. Well, not so much the fake (read non-existent) virus – that’s just the regular seasonal flu – and its effects exaggerated out of all proportion to justify (selling point) the ‘miracle’ mRNA vaccine - and scaremonger a gullible, global scale common herd into rolling up their sleeves to jabbed with this diabolical toxic, nano-particle, spike protein, euthanasia medication – which ain’t gonna kill off millions just after getting their first – or second – or third - ‘booster’ shot - but will serve to compromise the immune system – and intellect - and adversely affect fertility – to the point of a totally sterilised reproductive system – and the population control mechanism target will be achieved.

Ergo, as their agenda advances, all the more substance of this dark entity conspiracy is revealed – the reptilian core of a Saturnian cult - out to drive their insidious transhumanism project with a gender bender trans-sexual side-line scam – all part n parcel of modifying and corrupting our vital DNA – and so too, our immortal and divine souls - for the venal WEF’s head honcho, Satan Klaus Schlob, assisted by his imp of mischief pet, Yuval Noah Harari, and with help from the ex-Microslop eunuch, Bill ‘Gates of Hell’ - believe that they can ‘do a better job than God’. 

But in a world run on cringing neo-liberal Woke ideology, with officialdom’s policing ear forever cocked to the complaints of the snowflake brigade, we’re all fucked – with a large capital F.

Bit late in the day now, but humanity has gotta wake the fuck up to the evil intentions of these inbred elitist bullies and their depopulation agenda – scheduled to snuff some seven billion human souls – once their mRNA nano-shit vax is activated to full potential by 5G frequencies a’ways down the road and the vaxxed start dropping like flies – exterminated, on a genocidal scale that Hitler’s Nazi regime would be gob-smacked in envy over – all part n parcel of the New World Order architect’s Great Reset / New Abnormal plan.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.