Monday 7 November 2022

Covid Zealots Beg for Amnesty

In today's 'Let's Kick Some SAGE / NHS / CDC / NIAID Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: ‘Coronavirus Plandemic Contagion Exaggeration' – a timely scandalous exposé of the entire two year Covid-1984 ‘Scamdemic’ rip-off and face-muzzled lockdown disaster deceit from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect, or empathy, for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Yep, once again, the banner headline spells it out perfectly. The proponents of the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown ‘maskerade’ - and pushing the toxic mRNA gene-modifying nano-shite vaxx mandates are desirous of a no strings attached / ‘forgive n forget’ ‘amnesty’ for their ‘We’re right n you’re wrong’ two year fascist litany of lockdown / ‘mask up’ commands - and gross errors – which to all intents and purposes continue unabated; with these self-same wankers still pushing the toxic vaxx booster enforcement programme as our northern Winter season fast approacheth – and wholly ignoring the fact that being injected with this Covid mRNA nano-vaxx – which is far from being the ‘cure all’ panacea it is promoted to be viz its lack of efficacy - yet alternately causes a devastating ‘negative side effects’ health impact – being responsible for more deaths and serious adverse ailments than any drug in the history of medical malpractice – is proving to be more of a risk, and dangerous, than catching any ‘sub-variant’ of Covid flu virus - while the legions of common herd vaxx casualties are simply written off as expendable collateral damage.

Amnesty? Amnesty, my arse. More like legal ‘accountability’ would be in order – a chain of prosecutions and full financial compensation and restitution for all offences committed and losses incurred – specifically the midazolam murders - and for pushing this genocidal toxic shite Big Pharma keep flogging as a Covid ‘cure all’ vaccine – which most definitely ‘does not do what it says on the label’.

Que? WTF? Amnesty for Big Pharma’s money-grubbing sins n crimes – supported n promoted by a mix of incompetent and / or corrupt medical ‘professionals’ (sic), bureaucraps, politicians and stooge mass media networks?

Sorry folks, let’s ‘forgive n forget’ is not on the cards for accepting, at face value, and then promoting, the vaccines are safe and effective mantra pushed from Day One by the corrupt propaganda medical merchants – and similar vein politicos – all under the lucrative, aurelian spell of Big Pharma’s largess.

That would equate with American tourists walking around Hiroshima, wearing Enola Gay t-shirts, knocking on doors, and saying ’sorry’ for ‘that unfortunate event’ of August 6, 1945.

Really, the mind boggles at the conceit and brazen hubris of these twats.

More so than the Hiroshima analogy, consider the Zionist Deep State Neo-Con gang in control of the Dubya Bush Shite House on 9/11 – joining hands with their equally-culpable ‘Hi-Fiving’ Mossad cronies and doing the rounds - apologising to relatives of the thousands they deliberately slaughtered at the WTC viz their criminal and psychotic actions on that date, and by way of an excuse and justification, relating that the entire false flag attacks scenario - and blaming Osama Bin Bag, and the more at scent than substance Al Qaeda terrorist ‘notwork’ - was all for the ‘greater good’ of the US of A – and the Project for the New American Century – to secure extensive Mid-East natural resources (oil), establish geo-strategic military bases there, and expedite regime changes – and then justifying an armed, martial invasion of the Taliban-infested Afghanistan – thus paving the way to lay a vital gas pipeline from Kazakhstan to the Indian Ocean – and allow the CIA’s proxies to seize and propagate the extensive opium fields.

Conversely, China doesn’t appear to be interested in any format of ‘amnesty’ – to bestow some semblance of justification or forgiveness for their ‘reputed’ wicked Wuhan bio-weapons lab leaks of a deadly global pandemic SARS-Cov2 virus – if any such more at scent than substance viral material was ever ‘leaked’ from there, and contaminated the bat soup or pangolin stew at the wet market food vendor stalls next door.

Nope, Beijing’s mass Covid lockdowns (read ‘population programming and subjugation conditioning’) endure and progress, with 12 million people currently self-isolating – all under armed guard - in Zhengzhou, and copping for utterly useless, twice daily PCR tests, which continue unabated – but that’s China, exercising its power of ‘lobotomised compliance’.

As Napoleon once sagaciously predicted from his self-isolation 'retreat' on St. Helena: ‘Let China sleep, for when it awakens, the World shall tremble’.

Okay, so who the fuck is pushing this amnesty scam? Chances are the ‘guilty as charged’. The likes of the entire SAGE group – and government advisors Neil ‘Fuckups’ Ferguson, Chris Shitty, Paddy Unbalanced, and stand-up comedian, Professor Jon-Boy Van-Jam – and not to forget HSA boss Jenny Harries – and SAGE’s answer to the KGB’s Rosa Klebb: Red Flag Commissar, Susan Michie. 

While over in the good ole US of A, Dr (sic) Bony Tony Fraudci of the NIAID is attempting to get his culpable and most guilty bogeyman ass off the hook – along with CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky – among a host of others.

To recap, in our once-sceptred Isle of Albion, governments – and here we refer specifically to the Tory Nasty Party gang unfortunately charged with the administration of Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) - conspired and exploited hysteria into a veritable media-driven storm of Covid-1984 scaremongering – to coerce healthy people with fully functioning immune systems to isolate – at home – and get jabbed – two, if not three times - with an untested – and since-proven negative side effects toxic – and too ineffective – mRNA gene-modifying vial of graphene oxide shite posing as a vaccine - that did not immunise nor prevent any fucker n their dog from coming down with Covid (read ‘seasonal flu’) symptoms – but also failed to stop transmission from the infected to the uninfected.

Ergo, this insult to any fucker’s intelligence was further compounded by our crippled nation’s not fit for purpose Plod Squad lapping up their new role as totalitarian Covid enforcers, relishing two years of full Nazi / Stasi bully-thug status, and – (when they weren’t otherwise pre-occupied practicing their Masonic secret handshakes while morbidly swapping pix of female murder victims - or raping and murdering young women on their way home after a night out – they harassed, on the spot fined, beat and shamed - and arrested - all who dared go more than the permitted mile from their home, or ‘woe betide’ – to a funeral or memorial – or attempted to visit an ailing family member – or failed to wear a porous face nappy - in accordance with the grossly flawed Neil Ferguson / SAGE recommended orthodoxy.

Yet now, these same dog wankers who pushed the entire Covid scam to plandemic level – the likes of Witty n his cronies, and that other shit for brains pseudo-academic twat, Emily Oster, are calling for an amnesty on blame-mongering for how deadly Covid wasn’t, nor the pointless lockdowns, and the useless face masks – and / or these ongoing toxic mRNA nanotube-loaded vaxx booster promotions.

Pillory the lot of them. Public inquiries and blame to be pinned onto those responsible for causing all this shite – and a two year lockdown that’s inflicted more irreversible damage to all levels of social communities – and the economy – than World Wars One and Two combined.

Hark the piss poor excuses from those responsible. ‘We didn’t know’. ‘It was all guesswork’. ‘Acting in good faith on Big Pharma advice’. ‘A matter of trial and error’.

Hmmm, the ‘error’ part we’ll agree with.

Alas and woe is the situation, when conscientious medics, and others in the know, alerted all and sundry to this globalist Covid scamdemic plot, to have the world population injected with a genocidal nano-tech spike protein drug that will be activated via 5G frequency signals and inflict a mass ‘die-off’ when the time is right. Then, for their trenchant actions to be labelled by the corruption-ridden mass media and social network censors as Covid conspiracy theory proponents.

But are the Great Reset fanatics ushering in their ‘New Abnormal’ society, or the greed-motivated Big Pharma corporations responsible for promoting the mRNA gene-modifying vaccines - which are negatively compromising immune systems, causing infertility, stillbirths, myocarditis, and a range of nasty cancerous conditions - ever going to admit fault, or face legal consequences, for their incompetence? Unlikely.

Accordingly, in a more perfect world - a utopian delusion that shall never manifest as reality during this Millennium - legal action would be expedited against the guilty – immediately, if not sooner - and those guilty relieved of any format of office or authority that might allow them to cause the same snaufs and fubars in the future.

Thus bollocks to this plea for amnesty – and refusal to shoulder responsibility.

One is reminded of the German Nazi Wehrmacht thugs guarding Auschwitz, and herding concentration camp inmates into the Zyklon B showers. ‘We were only following orders’.

That one didn’t cut any ice at Nuremberg – and the lot ended up playing the Indian Rope Trick with Albert Pierrepoint – Hangman, by Appointment.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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