Thursday 3 November 2022

Woke Banned Words: ‘Immigrant Invasion’

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Great Reset Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Culture Carnage Eradication Agenda – a timely exposé of the UK’s on-going ‘Immigration Invasion’ scandal – and ‘National Borders Security’ hypocrisy from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

The gospel according to Broken Britain’s gutter press tabloids, nigh on 40,000 illegal immigrants have crossed the English Channel in small boats from la belle Francaise so far this year – with a most ‘in yer face’ abusive ‘Fuck the Border Patrol’ total of 1,400 of the ‘invaders’ sneaking across the water and establishing a beggar’s base camp on Dover Sands this recent weekend.

Actual official figures, leaked by deep cover, whistle-blowing Labour Party moles, operating inside the Ministry of Defence, reveal the 990 illegal immigrants who arrived in 24 inflatable boats on Halloween Sunday itself, brought the total number of unwashed foreign invader types who have crossed the Channel so far this year to 39,898 – obviously placing further strain on Food Bank Britain’s joke of an asylum system.

But WTF can anyone expect when contracts to provide and supervise these facilities for asylum seekers, alike those for prison services (ref G4S and Serco) - are dished out willy-nilly nepotistic-fashion – via the route of conflict-of-interest lobbying – and awarded to amateurs posing as professionals – with mega bucks contracts that stink of high-end corruption.

And here we are referring to the likes of the Home Office-linked quangos – the profit-raking Mitie Care and Custody and the equally-questionable Clearsprings Ready Homes - purportedly providing outsourced custody services – with the former securing a 10-year Home Office contract to manage housing for asylum seekers across the country, and recorded a 600% increase in its 2021 profits to £28 million nicker, from £4.4 million the previous year – while the latter boasts of attributing a 35% revenue increase in 2022 to new contract wins and additional projects delivered – with the company’s three directors sharing dividends of £28 million quid this year, up from £7 million in 2021.

The UK’s not fit for purpose Immigration Minister, Robert Jenrick – as much use in the role as tits on a bull - informed press hacks that the disease and violence-ridden Kent-based Manston asylum seeker processing centre trouble spot – an abandoned former - and uninhabitable - RAF base - was struggling to cope with the escalating numbers incarcerated there – due 4,000 illegals currently being held – and policed by unqualified staff - whereas the facility was only designed to accommodate 1,600 tops – and on a temporary basis too – while either waiting to be shipped out to Africa’s notorious genocide centre of Rwanda - or they resorted to suicide – or died of cholera.

Jenrick, going into political correctness Woke mode during lunch at a Worstminster pub, informed one gutter press hack from the Wetbacks Gazette that in this Woke-dominated age of snowflake sensibilities, politicians must be careful with their language, in the wake of the faux pas-cursed Home Sicretary, Spewella Braverman - herself the progeny of Indian origin immigrant stock - breaking with the Tory political correctness ‘inflammatory language’ code – by ‘rightly’ claiming the south coast beaches were facing a veritable ‘invasion’ of cadging illegal migrants.

WTF? Invasion? Braverman just called the situation for what it is - an ‘invasion’.

Regardless, Jenrick, displaying his utter lack of grasp and understanding of the economic migrant nature of this invasion - still maintained that Broken Britain should prioritise asylum and refuge for people in genuine danger.

Que? Genuine danger of what? Drowning, by attempting to cross the ever-choppy Channel in an overloaded rubber dinghy to the questionable safety of Food Bank Britain – when they’re purposely leaving the safety of France – simply due the fact the UK is a softer touch when it comes to asylum and welfare handouts – working illegally – and running profitable drug, prostitution, slavery, and child sex trafficking crime rings.

Conversely, the immigrant-staffed Refugee Council issued a statement that: "To describe the serious and complex situation created by this opportunist-driven economic migrant trafficking crisis being expedited by Albanian - and competing - Kurdish criminal gangs as an 'invasion' is appalling, wrong and dangerous. These are men, women and children fleeing their own Third World shithole countries, and attempting to seek refuge in Broken Britain’s welfare state sanctuary - where they will be provided with block-booked 5 star hotel rooms, three square meals a day - plus drinks and snackies - a pre-paid cellphone – and a free copy of The Sun tabloid every morning."

Hmmm, so much for the UK’s Border Force and the immigration processing centres – like Manston – with three immigrants sharing a sleeping bag and a single newspaper-stuffed pillow case.

What a joke – we’ve seen better organised riots – and while these visa-deficient illegal foreign ‘invaders’ might be coming to our shores in pursuit of a better life, sponging off the state welfare system - and / or establishing their own criminal rackets - they are, by extension, diminishing the potential quality and culture of the lives of conscientious, hard-working, tax-paying, born and bred Brits, due their unsolicited presence.

The situation is a head-shaking, utter fucking disaster, caused by incompetent government bureaucraps being put in charge of the administration of matters far beyond their limited human resource management skills – and for which the latest Tory Nasty Party leader, Fishy Sunak, is now responsible – along with the profound economic inflation crisis, which he caused as Chancellor during the Covid-1984 lockdowns scam.

However, one thing the Tory Nasty Party does seem capable of is kick starting one fuck up after another – since Scameron’s Brexit vote fubar - and too finding one incompetent buffoon after another to squat in Downing St and play the role of Slime Minister.

As to the illegal immigration invasion, here we have waves of fake war zone refugee / asylum-seeking ‘economic’ migrants landing by the fucking boatload from French shores – and the Royal Navy / Border Force, or any other officialdom-assigned twat n their dog - consistently fail to prevent this bullshit deliberate dilution of our national sovereign population and Christian culture.

Conversely, the truth of the core issue lies in the fact that he political will simply is not there. It’s all part n parcel of the Great Reset / New Abnormal scripted game plan – zero national borders and all sovereign national identity trodden underfoot by heathen immigrants who have zero intention of embracing the host’s culture – and ‘fitting in’.

Furthermore, bollocks to the government excuse the Channel’s so big and difficult to patrol and police.

We prevented Imperial Spain’s Grand Armada from landing and establishing a beach head back in 1588 – some 450 years ago. So too Hitler’s demonic Nazi military forces - from ever launching a sea-borne attack across this very same English Channel and landing on our southern coast. Yet 21st Century aerial drone and submerged sensor detection technology besides – and our Tory Nasty Party government’s ‘executive action’ authority, aptitude and ability is thwarted by gangs of Albanian and Lemon Kurdish people smugglers running fleets of inflatable rubber boats.

Whichever incompetent is in charge of policing this dilemma and defending our coastline – did anyone think of drone-spotters – or minefields - be it the Minister of Defence, or of Immigration, or Chris 'Useless' Philip, the joke of  'Policing Minister', or the Mistake-on-Legs of a Home Sickretary, Braverman – they need to be fired immediately – if not sooner - and with extreme prejudice.

Conversely, this national / cultural / economic demise via the route of mass illegal immigration is all by design – for Broken Britain’s government – whichever political party holds office - have fallen compliant accomplice to the insidious WEF Satan Klaus Schlob’s Great Reset ‘zero borders’ plot – same as the rest of the EUSSR dominated nations of Europe – and too, the entire continental US of A.

Such nefarious actions, sponsored by an elected government, equate to an act of treason – subverting our national sovereignty and cultural integrity.

To wit, here we have the Satan Klaus’ hypocrisy-ridden WEF motto to mull over: ‘Committed to improving the state of the world’ – while pushing a zero borders and dissolution of national identity and culture agenda.

‘Improving the state of the World’, eh Klaus - but for whom? The benefit of the common herd sheeple, that you and your reptilian paedo’ cronies so openly despise – or your very own inbred, elitist mutant oligarch goblin club?

Okay, let’s just get back to reality and common fucking sense for a brief moment. When considering the 28,526 illegal foreign immigrant ‘invaders’ landing on our shores in the 12 months of 2021, juxtaposed with the bloated 40,000 visa-deficient ‘invaders’ who have made landfall in the first 10 months of 2022 – all thanks to government immigration authorities and the useless Border Force purposely, and by design, failing to perform their assigned official function - what kind of an ‘illegal alien invader’ head count landing on the shores of our once-sceptred Isle of Albion might be acceptable to an already-enraged Anglo-Saxon heritage British public – now furious at this unbridled wave of illegal immigrant ‘invasions’ raging out of control?

Er, how about a figure very close to zero. A big O? How about the shit for brains Border Force boats currently practicing 'rescue missions' of these migrants from their overloaded inflatables, then landing them on 'our' south coast beaches - alternately shipping them straight back across the channel to France - from whence they came?

To recap, the primary bugbear quandary, and down-the-road botheration, with these foreign migrant ‘invader’ scrotes is verbal communication – a factor which actually dates back to Old Testament times and Nimrod fucking up badly, thus invoking the divine curse of Babel.

Further viz the ‘dire dilemmas’ migrant integration list is the fact they harbour zero interest in embracing a kindly, host nation’s culture, but rather forcing feeding their own alien ethnology down our throats – and this complication has manifest repeatedly in Britain since the close of WW2 and the dissolution of the British Empire that once was – burdened with post-colonial responsibilities and the influx of ex-colonial immigrants - and so too in the other migrant host nations of Europe.

One long look at the utterly fucked-up state of Sweden today, due unwisely opening its borders to one and all – serves as a harbinger of the potential ‘can of serpents’ problem involved when giving an inch, whereas an ungrateful migrant class is determined to take a yard.

As to the utterly ridiculous Home Office suggestion of hosting them on cruise ships - or Butlin's holiday resorts - as compared to 5 star hotels at £150 quid a night. Que? WTF? Have our standing army erect internment holding camps - enclosed with cyclone / razor wire capped fencing - with spartan comfort Nissan hut accommodations - and intern them there until at such time they are 'processed'. Alternatively, and a preferred option still, the instant they 'illegally' set foot on our southern coastal shores, shove them on - forcibly if necessary - and ship them straight back to point of origin - France or Belgium.

Okay, for closure viz this wee socio-political diatribe, a prediction of the Mystic Meg variety.

The British public’s ire, already stoked to tempering heat viz the wholly unrequired two years of Covid-1984 lockdowns, face masks / fake vaxx scamdemic - a factor upped by the power of 10 (squared)  and aggravated further viz the recent inflated costs of gasoline and diesel – and gas and electricity to heat and power a semi-detached home – to say fuck all of a weekly grocery shop.

Ergo, this ever-burgeoning tsunami of illegal immigrants ‘invading’ our southern coast beaches via small boats crossing the Channel from France – and claiming squatter’s rights – might have upped the public mood to one of ‘breaking point’ - for the sound of ‘tumbrils rolling’ fury; the scent of rebellion in the Autumn air, and if not a bloody Peasant’s Revolt to sort this bureaucratic snafu shite out, then a demand for a General Election – which will undoubtedly see the recently-installed Fishy Sunak - (the egocentric, moneybags wanker who personally caused half of this fucked-up inflation mess) - and his ‘Not Decided Yet’ Tory Nasty Party cabinet cronies ousted.

But, and alas, their equally fucking useless and wholly repulsive New Labour opposition – Stammerer and the ginger-mingin ‘AirBuds’ Rayner specifically – will be favourites for taking over control of the toxic reins of HRH King Dobby’s British government.

Hmmm, whichever way it goes, we, Broken Britain's hapless and long-suffering common herd demographic - are, as per usual, going to get fucked, with a large, capital F.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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