Tuesday 30 May 2023

Who Gave Plod Squad Thugs Tasers?

Plod Squad Heavies Rough Up & Handcuff 91-year-old Disabled Granny.

Six uniformed Plod Squad officers from the Met’s elite Moron Unit are being investigated over an incident in Peckham, south-east London, where an elderly woman, Gladys McDuff, was threatened with a Taser, then handcuffed, and had her head thrust into a mesh spit hood - following a report of the 91-year-old Grandma engaging in a violent, fisticuffs dispute with her Albanian care worker.

Que? WTF? These wankers have been wrist-slapped then confined to non-public intercourse duties, and reported to the fucking what? The Independent Office for Police Conduct? The entire six shit-for-brains barbaric scumsters should be dragged before a human rights commission and sentenced to a corrective prison term - in the most notorious Sodomite Penitentiary in Broken Britain - Nonceland's Barlinnie.

The gospel according to IOPC officials, discussing the incident with a gutter press hack from the Uniformed Thugs Gazette, one of the offending plods has been suspended – on full pay – with the five others placed on restricted duties, and will have no personal contact with the public demographic (hopefully ever again).

Irate and concerned members of Mrs McDuff’s family were permitted to view bodycam recorded footage of the disgraceful treatment visited on their Mother / Grandmother / Great-Grandmother by members of the Moron Unit, with Detective-Chief Superintendent Morton Ratstrangler stating for the public record:

"While I do not wish to pre-judge the officer’s actions, hopefully they can justify this use of force and restraint – and get their story straight - that this dangerous old woman turned violent on them, and the deployment of the Taser, fitting the spit hood, and handcuffing her, was actually for their own protection, and that of the public in general.”


Well, the mob-handed thuggery visited on 91-year-old disabled Mrs McDuff is sweet fuck all when one considers the incidence of the two Plod Squad thugs under criminal investigation regarding the violent death of a male member of the public who was shot with a Taser, causing him to fall from an apartment block upper floors balcony- also in Peckham, south-east London, same as the previous fubar Plod Squad incident.

Officers were called to a flat in Scally Alley Park, Peckham, to reports of a man threatening to jump from his 5th floor balcony – where one officer discharged his Taser to subdue the man (who is yet to be identified) – which knocked him backwards, causing him to plummet five floors to the pavement – where he did not bounce very far.

Both IQ-deficient Plods have been served with gross misconduct notices for potentially breaching police standards of professional behaviour, and are being investigated for gross negligence; with the Plod who discharged the Taser investigated for an unlawful act of manslaughter.

Conversely, the IOPC stated that “This does not necessarily mean that criminal charges or disciplinary proceedings will follow."

Oh my, even if the bloke was suicidal and did jump, the worse outcome was one of his being killed in the fall. Ergo, whether he really did intend to jump, or was simply suffering a depression episode from reading about London Mayor Sad Dick Khan’s intended ULEZ extortion; or viewing his latest council tax bill; or the fact that the coming week’s BBC television programming schedule was even shittier than usual – who knows.

Regardless, the attending Plod Squad morons made the ‘to jump or not to jump’ decision for him – via the unnecessary act of Tasering the hapless bloke.


Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Saturday 27 May 2023

Woke Snowflakes Slam Steinbeck Classic

One high school student, suffering a Woke ‘progressives’ (sic) attack of snowflake sensibilities, has called for John Steinbeck’s US Depression period literary masterpiece novel, Of Mice and Men, to be removed from the GCSE English literature course due the socio-political issues of its racist context (and use of the naughty ‘N’ word) – a common theme of racially-segregated American life in the 1930’s era – when the work was written – and the now-sanctioned N-word bandied around in everyday talk.

Oh my, the Wokesters howl, sans rationalisation, not the dreaded N-word rearing its ugly head again – (and we ain’t talking ‘nosebleeds’, ‘nuclear’, ‘nickers’, or ‘nackered’) - causing students of whatever colour to throw up and / or suffer fainting episodes on hearing – or rather ‘reading’ – this verboten word printed out in black – and on white pages – even the sanctified white pages of a GCSE English literature exam paper.

So far had we progressed in our socio-political evolution – yet now are rapidly devolving into a snowflake society that cannot come to terms with its own ‘warts n all’ past, due some psychological inability to mentally process our colonial history of socio-political events almost one century old – of an age now gone.

A pity, for this is from where we live and learn – and evolve – from the study of the past – our history, chequered with both stellar successes, and dismal failures, and too scandalous episodes of cruelty dished out by humanity – upon their human brothers.

Back to the ever-offensive N-word. It’s original descriptive use was from ‘negra’ (black in many languages) and not used in any derogatory sense, or as an actual insult, but due different cultures and tongues mispronouncing the word it has morphed from negra into negro and further into what is now taken as the ultimate racist insult – nigga / nigger.

However, for Belfast schoolgirl Angel Mhande, herself a black female, she has decided, in her unqualified arrogance, that the book is inappropriate for schools today, and demands the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment replace it – with some less offensive literary work.

Hmmm, Othello, perhaps; or The Sweetness of Water, by Nathan Harris; or The Book of Night Women, by Marlon James; or how about that foundation stone kiddie’s classic of 1852, by Harriet Beecher Stowe: ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’.

Ergo, if they too are unsuitable and also offend the snowflake sensibilities of Ms. Mhande, then we fear the summit of intolerance has been reached – a cultural stand point beyond the bounds of neutrality, where absolute idiocy meets and blends with prejudice absolute, and dogmatic bigotry.

If this is what Woke progressiveness represents, then our culture, and literature, are doomed.

Ms. Mhande informed the BBC "I just don't find Of Mice and Men appropriate for schools and how that impacts young black people, and young white people.”

Okay, let’s elevate this obnoxious young lady to the political rank of Education Minister, and initiate a real Hitlerian Nazi style book burning frenzy – kick starting, first off, with a ban on that scurrilous Christian Holy Bible tome – full of all kinds of vulgarity, incest, gratuitous violence and, racist hatreds – slagging off dark-skinned Ham - and the sons of Ham (Cush & Co) - due their racist impurity - and every fucker n their dog who has a different faith – an alternate religious belief – and stoning the weaker sex – promoting violence – labelling the gay community as unclean – an aberration (Leviticus) and a bunch of bum-fucking sodomites - and then stooping so low as to discriminate against the uncircumcised – then smiting down – with brimstone and fire - any and all who didn’t come up to the exacting standards of the Old Testament’s Omnipotent God, Yahweh.

Conversely, on this now-controversial subject, Professor of American literature at Queen's University Belfast, Paddy McGowan, argues that teachers needed more detailed guidance on how to interpret and explain the literary intricacies of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, and the socio-political moods of the deep depression 1930’s America, which are relevant to the prevailing circumstances and subsequent trials and tribulations of the three central protagonists, George, Lennie and Crooks, within the book.

McGowan rightly observes: "We can't just eradicate books from the past and their contexts, just due some snowflake student taking offence – whereas teachers do require revised guidance viz the terminology of some of the words used, and how outdated they are."

Que? WTF? Words outdated? Bullshit – words are never outdated. If such were the case, which word should we strike from the Oxford English Dictionary with vehemence, and make redundant next?

Dinosaur? Chariot? Dodo? Cos there ain’t too many of either around anymore. So onto the lexicon scrap heap with them. Good start to shit-canning ‘outdated’ words. Amen.


Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Friday 26 May 2023

Computer Model Predicts Climate Calamity

Que? WTF is this nefarious hit n miss guessology game being employed by a phalanx of psychotic Woke morons, hell bent to seize some superior moral advantage in their irrational predictions viz the future state of our Planet Earth’s prevailing weather and climate conditions – and implementing inefficient and unreliable energy policies - all with an end game purpose of enriching the super-rich even more? 

For now is the time to worry, when we have a stooge status smart ass techie cult using computer modelling to forecast the purported planetary scale ‘negative weather effects’ caused by climate change.

Oh my, no shit, Sherlock; the mind boggles. A gaggle of computer geeks n nerds running Microslop Windows programmes to conjure up Bent Bill Gates’ personal end of the world wet dream – for the entire global warming narrative is a construct to justify the control of populations – numbers, habitations, migrations, and food supply.

Whereas the entire exercise amounts to no more than pseudo-intellectual guesswork: rubbish in = rubbish out. And that scenario works just as well with bullshit in = bullshit out.

Yep, take a step back, breathe in, and relax – for the entire End of Times control freak masterplan scenario is based on the dog & pony show IPCC manipulated - (read ‘conjured’ – as per the fanciful 1:5 degrees Centigrade global warming figure) - CO2 ‘estimates’ – and in accordance with the fake science dogma, fuck all consideration is given viz solar radiation vagaries, nor other galactic / local / mid and lower troposphere / prevailing jet stream influences taken into account – as the greedy entities overseeing the ‘studies’ are investment / profit-motivated viz this zero carbon / green deal money-grubbing agenda – flogging off their crap solar panels to Eskimos – and 'energy negative' wind turbines to hapless souls in the clines where de wind don’t often blow – to charge and power ‘battery bomb’ electric cars – and overpriced ground source central heating pumps.

But the hard sell wind turbines factor is an ironic joke when this invention was considered a technological breakthrough – windmills - when our first Plantagenet monarch, Henry II, was on the throne of England in 1155, and a zero index record of the prototypes keeping sheep awake at nights, nor instances of the ‘blade strike’ beheading of wildfowl, as with these latter-day eyesore monstrosities.

Ergo, does the unqualified arrogance of the Woke climate change Inquisition classify our real science-based climate change scepticism as the new ‘atheism’? This alternative climate view posed by street smart weather research apostates, fuelled on a diet of common sense?

Here we refer to those who wisely shun the Extinction Rebellion protests, and avoid the antics of the Just Stop Traffic sociopath morons – and refuse to listen to the doomsday dribble proclaimed as gospel by Sweden’s very own ‘autism-on-legs’ climate alarmist, Greta Wankberg - and the rest of her 'end of times' cataclysm fanatical celebrity dingbat pals – none of whom have done their fucking homework viz fossil fuels – cos oil and gas are abiotic and not of fossil origin.

Yet alas, at this stage, due establishment incompetence, and manifold corruption, the governments of the day have lost control of the real science narrative to the Woke joke cult’s ‘for profit’ climate change fearmongering cabal.

To wit, what would a classic Freudian diagnosis make of the gullible public demographic’s climate hysteria, we speculate? Most likely a hopeless case of utter fucking stupidity gone pandemic. Thank you, Sigmund.

For the record, our planetary climate changes continually, since the day the Earth settled down from volcanic chaos and the planet switching magnetic poles – and arse-over-tit axial orbits - to an age of ‘weather’.

In the course of a lifetime an open-minded, sensible person will observe the negatives and positives associated with this phenomenon – especially so if one travels on a global scale – from mountains to deserts to isolated islands, to the Arctic North – or Antarctic South – to temperate forests to tropical jungles and rainforests, to pampas, to coastal shores, to Savannah grasslands – and experiences both the dry and monsoon ‘warm and cool’ seasons of far-off lands – and the vagaries of the oceanic El Nino and La Nina climate effects.

So, to the extinctionist doomsayers and other self-righteous climate activists, yet a further kick in the goolies, for CO2 is not the toxic greenhouse effect menace it is being branded as – (a mere 0.035% of our atmosphere) - but a gas both Earth and plant life require - for our current output of toxic shite into the atmosphere from whatever industry still remains – or was simply farmed out to India n the People’s Utopia of China - along with the burning / use of the misnamed ‘fossil fuels’ – then the skies of the Earth – specifically so in the de-industrialised West - are a damn sight clearer and purer than within the reign of the Industrial Age.

There again, WTF is the point of saying this when the entire global warming / climate change agenda is fabricated out of deep-fake science and mass media endorsed lies – (all profit motivated) - for the benefit (they hope) of a greed-fixated special interests minority – for it is these influence-peddling activism (bribes / blackmail) socio-political new green deal / net zero agenda promoting barbarians that are the existential threat to our planet and global population  - far more so than the vagaries of the Sun and our climate.

Yet these dog wankers are hell bent on pushing the ‘we’re all gonna die’ green deal / net zero CO23 bullshit that the Earth will never recover from anthropogenic environment damage.

Our good ole Earth has, in her some 5 billion years of life – been through and survived some pretty shitty geophysical events. Polar axis shifts and turning north to south head over heels; massive asteroid impacts; repeated ice ages – and melts; mass volcanic eruptions with sunlight blocked out for generations - and the atmosphere fogged with abrasive pumice dust and sulphur dioxide – and still She, Mother Nature / Gaia - and all life – flora and fauna – in the air, on the land, and in the rivers, lakes and sea – all returned and flourished. Some original species, no – while other novel appeared and flourished – including Homo Sapiens.

Accordingly, let us not overlook the fact that plants - trees and all flora green – live and thrive off CO2 – and if the CO2 goes, then they go – and by consequence, we go. Extinction level events all round.

All the manipulated and fake science climate change bullshit besides, and that annoying Swedish mental midget scrote, Greta Twatberg, screaming ‘we’re all gonna die’ – humans have made no significant alteration – positive or negative – to the biosphere that will be permanent – nuclear tests and depleted uranium included -  that our beloved Mother Earth herself is unable to deal with, and correct, in the fullness of planetary time – with the occasional extinction level event to eradicate ‘nuisance species’.

This is the work of Gaia, Mother Nature, the Earth Mother, working in symbiotic accord and a harmonious partnership with the Sun.

Ice Ages, glaciation,  massive asteroid impacts, continental scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, ocean-wide tsunamis – all contributed in one form or another to the past five great extinction level events that the Earth has experienced over the past several billion years of her existence – and recovered from – with a few worthy battle scars to boast.

Yet this promotion of a scaremongering, and looming, planetary cataclysm due climate change being linked solely to CO2 and human social / industrial activity in the short span of cosmic time we will be inhabiting the Earth before we all go the way of the Dodo is unqualified arrogance personified.

Mankind’s ‘recorded’ (sic) ten-plus thousand year presence, roaming, hunter-gathering, quarrying, mining, forestry, industrial activity – and the pollution caused by global warfare - is insignificant, and any and all damage caused by mankind’s industrial dereliction, Mother Earth will repair and make good, restoring to her former pristine state – once our species are finally gone – and, good riddance, extinct.

Fer fuck’s sake, in the Carboniferous Age, some 300 million years back, the average temperature was six degrees Centigrade elevated than today - with a 32% higher oxygen count than the current 20% - and our atmosphere is on a par with the Oligocene epoch, which ranged from 34 to 23 million years ago - a transitional phase between greenhouse and icehouse climate effects.

But this corporate profit-motive fuelled agenda – a fanciful goal of the entire world becoming carbon neutral by 2050 – is driven on a tsunami of virtue signalling and hysterical climate scare mongering – and has set the scene for a collectivist re-ordering of society under the visible aegis of the likes of ex-Microslop boss, Bent Bill – (beware his climate-friendly Gates of Hell yummy insect delights ‘Crunchy Roach’ Burgers) and the WEF’s ex-Nazi Youth gopher, the ridiculous Satan Klaus Schlob – driving this bonkers Great Reset notion that 80% of our current ‘cheap and efficient’ energy sources can be replaced in less than 30 years by windmills and solar panels – with nary a mention of the alternative / replacement source that can do the job – nuclear power.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Parkrun Tranny Wins Knife-Throwing Event

In today's ‘Utter Insanity is the New Normal’ skewed news edition we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Tranny Gender Benders Rule – a timely scandalous exposé of men posing as women – to gain unfair advantage and win ‘female sports events - from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy, cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Okay, now for the question of the day.

While it all still seems kosher with the Woke joke political correctness/ diversity & inclusion cult for hairy-arsed blokes posing as trans-gender-bender females to pop down a couple of oestrogen hormone tablets then compete - unfairly (and win) - in women’s athletics events – are they so too actually permitted to carry knives – and stab any fucker n their dog – specifically sports event organisers and judges - who have the brazen audacity to cry ‘Foul’ or ‘Cheat’?

The recent – and continuing – brouhaha viz trans-women (that’s guys with cocks n bollocks n a developed muscular structure – kitted out in girlie togs) being allowed to compete in real / biological-born women’s sports events has raked up a scandalous, albeit overlooked, factor regarding the standing record for the Aberystwyth Parkrun fell race (in Welsh Wales) is still held by a female-impersonating violent criminal – for the past six years.

Rightly so, the backlash occurred when the Parkrun fell race women's record was revealed to be still held by a trans-gender-bender contestant known as Lauren Jeska – (formerly Michael Jameson) - who was jailed for attempted murder in the wake of a vicious knife attack on a UK Athletics official during a dispute and ruckus with other real females of the human species regarding him / her / it (pronouns?) competing as a female when clearly a ‘swinging dick’ male.

Feminist activist and fell runner, Glenda McSlagg, confided to one gutter press hack from the Cross Dressers Gazette she was 'lost for words' that Lauren Jeska still retained not only the Aberystwyth Parkrun fell race title, but also, by default, the Aberystwyth Knife Throwing Trophy for pinning the UK Athletics' head of human resources, Ralph Knibbs, to the door of his office with a set of razor-sharp stiletto blades.

Jeska, who by impersonating a female of the species and cheating, eventually won the British Women’s fell-running championship, was jailed in 2017 for a prison sentence of 18 years for attempted murder following a dispute with UK Athletics official Ralph Knibbs viz his / her / its eligibility to compete as a female athlete - when she was born a male - turned violent and she repeatedly stabbed and wounded Knibbs with knives, causing him life-changing permanent injuries – and injuring two other UK Athletics staff member colleagues who rushed to Knibbs’ assistance during the frenzied attack.

The hapless Knibbs suffered borderline fatal injuries when the piranha-fanged Jeska took two knives to his office at Birmingham's Alexander Stadium and attacked him after being officially informed the Parkrun fell race titles would be held null and void due his testosterone levels test indicating he was still more at male than female.

To conclude, Parkrun fell race regulations have, to date, moronically permitted runners to self-identify their gender as male; female; transgender; gender neutral; non-binary; agender; pangender; genderqueer; two-spirit; third gender; non-binary; prefer not to say; don’t know – and don’t want to know – hence enabling men posing as women to repeatedly beat the ‘weaker sex’ and smash previous female records.


Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday 18 May 2023

UK Schools Shitcan Laws of Biology

School children across Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) are being been taught that a woman can have a penis, with a poll of more than 1,000 pupils aged 16 revealing that it was a common – and taught ‘belief factor’ - that gay men can get pregnant if they engage in ‘bum sex’ with another male sodomite, despite it being biologically impossible as they do not possess a womb.

Hmmm, okay, all Christian types are aware of the divine act of the Bible-related immaculate conception, and virgin birth – but when it comes to male conception and pregnancy via an act of penetration, and ejaculation, by one sodomite into the anus ‘out hole’ of another male of the species, then this is the point at which scientific fact and fiction – more at fantasy – meet head on in a collision of contradiction – specifically with reality.

Fer fuck’s sake, is the education system of Broken Britain not screwed up enough already, we now have ‘teachers’ (sic – more at Woke propaganda agents) turning out education product kids who can’t count, can’t spell, and have zero geographical knowledge of how to use a map – or know which hemisphere our once-sceptred isle, this now-dis-united kingdom, is in – north, or south.

Now this same Woke joke cult, and their equally fucked-in-the-head gender-bender buddies from the Sisters of Perpetual Deviancy cult – are all hooked on spreading the gospel of political correctness, diversity and inclusiveness by turning established, and proven, science arse over tit.

WTF next, we pertinently inquire? Teaching even more illogical, unscientific bullshit – the Earth is flat, the Moon is made of green cheese, Big Al Qaeda pulled off 9/11, and politicians are honest and trustworthy?

Okay, we are game to admit viz the fact that a dominant lesbian partner might wear a strap-on ‘penis’ (dildo) and play the male penetrator role with her female partner – but while the dildo might to all intents and purposes resemble the male genital organ, biologically it is not flesh n blood and hence does not qualify as a penis – even if it is one of the mayonnaise-filled scrotum / ejaculator-squirting types it still ain’t gonna get anyone up the duff.

Ergo, so WTF goes through the minds of little girlies in the classroom when they hear ‘teacher’ expound the fact that they, females of the species, have a penis? Do any hold their hand up and declare ‘Wrong’ – and ‘we girls have a hole where the penis fits’ – and perhaps, speculatively ‘the biological name for our genitalia is the ‘vulva’ – and some of the slang names boys call the vulva are 'pussy', ‘cunt’, and ‘twat’ – and we all think that Teacher is a ‘twat’ for attempting  to force feed us this Woke joke propaganda anti-science bullshit’.

Our British-based academic giants of biology and scientific research, back in the yesteryear age of discovery, Newton, Darwin, Huxley, Spencer, Hooker, and Wallace – to name but a smattering – are now redundant as this evolving, hormone-dosed mutant strain of human gender – male to female / female to male – this ‘lusus naturae’ chimera - strives to establish a dominant presence in our society’s ‘once-well-ordered’ midst – resulting in a pandemic of common sense dysmorphia.

Britain is now faced with a situation where one in ten schoolchildren, through indoctrination with this toxic trans-gender propaganda purposely – (and with devious malice aforethought) – being  embedded in their school curriculum now want to change their sex – with reality and hard scientific fact shit-canned – simply to accommodate the Woke joke political correctness school of inclusiveness and diversity wish list - that equates as children being used in a bizarre, in fact, a wholly grotesque psychological and social experiment -with trans-gender-bender lobbyist organisations wielding undue influence – with the government and NHS (No Hope Service) and education authorities, over treatment protocols for the pre-puberty and adolescent gender confused.

To sum up, the Woke joke cult and LGBTQ+ supported trans-gender-bender lobby, promulgating their toxic culture of bullying and harassment, might well insist that trans women ‘are’ women; then slag off, smear and de-platform any and all Realists who dare stand alone, go 'studs up', and proclaim that biological science proves trans women are ‘not’ real women – and that is the hard science fact - trans women are not women – real or otherwise.

To wit, when it comes down to telling the difference, who ever saw a woman with a dick and a pair of bollocks?


Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.