Saturday 27 May 2023

Woke Snowflakes Slam Steinbeck Classic

One high school student, suffering a Woke ‘progressives’ (sic) attack of snowflake sensibilities, has called for John Steinbeck’s US Depression period literary masterpiece novel, Of Mice and Men, to be removed from the GCSE English literature course due the socio-political issues of its racist context (and use of the naughty ‘N’ word) – a common theme of racially-segregated American life in the 1930’s era – when the work was written – and the now-sanctioned N-word bandied around in everyday talk.

Oh my, the Wokesters howl, sans rationalisation, not the dreaded N-word rearing its ugly head again – (and we ain’t talking ‘nosebleeds’, ‘nuclear’, ‘nickers’, or ‘nackered’) - causing students of whatever colour to throw up and / or suffer fainting episodes on hearing – or rather ‘reading’ – this verboten word printed out in black – and on white pages – even the sanctified white pages of a GCSE English literature exam paper.

So far had we progressed in our socio-political evolution – yet now are rapidly devolving into a snowflake society that cannot come to terms with its own ‘warts n all’ past, due some psychological inability to mentally process our colonial history of socio-political events almost one century old – of an age now gone.

A pity, for this is from where we live and learn – and evolve – from the study of the past – our history, chequered with both stellar successes, and dismal failures, and too scandalous episodes of cruelty dished out by humanity – upon their human brothers.

Back to the ever-offensive N-word. It’s original descriptive use was from ‘negra’ (black in many languages) and not used in any derogatory sense, or as an actual insult, but due different cultures and tongues mispronouncing the word it has morphed from negra into negro and further into what is now taken as the ultimate racist insult – nigga / nigger.

However, for Belfast schoolgirl Angel Mhande, herself a black female, she has decided, in her unqualified arrogance, that the book is inappropriate for schools today, and demands the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment replace it – with some less offensive literary work.

Hmmm, Othello, perhaps; or The Sweetness of Water, by Nathan Harris; or The Book of Night Women, by Marlon James; or how about that foundation stone kiddie’s classic of 1852, by Harriet Beecher Stowe: ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’.

Ergo, if they too are unsuitable and also offend the snowflake sensibilities of Ms. Mhande, then we fear the summit of intolerance has been reached – a cultural stand point beyond the bounds of neutrality, where absolute idiocy meets and blends with prejudice absolute, and dogmatic bigotry.

If this is what Woke progressiveness represents, then our culture, and literature, are doomed.

Ms. Mhande informed the BBC "I just don't find Of Mice and Men appropriate for schools and how that impacts young black people, and young white people.”

Okay, let’s elevate this obnoxious young lady to the political rank of Education Minister, and initiate a real Hitlerian Nazi style book burning frenzy – kick starting, first off, with a ban on that scurrilous Christian Holy Bible tome – full of all kinds of vulgarity, incest, gratuitous violence and, racist hatreds – slagging off dark-skinned Ham - and the sons of Ham (Cush & Co) - due their racist impurity - and every fucker n their dog who has a different faith – an alternate religious belief – and stoning the weaker sex – promoting violence – labelling the gay community as unclean – an aberration (Leviticus) and a bunch of bum-fucking sodomites - and then stooping so low as to discriminate against the uncircumcised – then smiting down – with brimstone and fire - any and all who didn’t come up to the exacting standards of the Old Testament’s Omnipotent God, Yahweh.

Conversely, on this now-controversial subject, Professor of American literature at Queen's University Belfast, Paddy McGowan, argues that teachers needed more detailed guidance on how to interpret and explain the literary intricacies of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, and the socio-political moods of the deep depression 1930’s America, which are relevant to the prevailing circumstances and subsequent trials and tribulations of the three central protagonists, George, Lennie and Crooks, within the book.

McGowan rightly observes: "We can't just eradicate books from the past and their contexts, just due some snowflake student taking offence – whereas teachers do require revised guidance viz the terminology of some of the words used, and how outdated they are."

Que? WTF? Words outdated? Bullshit – words are never outdated. If such were the case, which word should we strike from the Oxford English Dictionary with vehemence, and make redundant next?

Dinosaur? Chariot? Dodo? Cos there ain’t too many of either around anymore. So onto the lexicon scrap heap with them. Good start to shit-canning ‘outdated’ words. Amen.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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