Thursday 18 May 2023

UK Schools Shitcan Laws of Biology

School children across Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) are being been taught that a woman can have a penis, with a poll of more than 1,000 pupils aged 16 revealing that it was a common – and taught ‘belief factor’ - that gay men can get pregnant if they engage in ‘bum sex’ with another male sodomite, despite it being biologically impossible as they do not possess a womb.

Hmmm, okay, all Christian types are aware of the divine act of the Bible-related immaculate conception, and virgin birth – but when it comes to male conception and pregnancy via an act of penetration, and ejaculation, by one sodomite into the anus ‘out hole’ of another male of the species, then this is the point at which scientific fact and fiction – more at fantasy – meet head on in a collision of contradiction – specifically with reality.

Fer fuck’s sake, is the education system of Broken Britain not screwed up enough already, we now have ‘teachers’ (sic – more at Woke propaganda agents) turning out education product kids who can’t count, can’t spell, and have zero geographical knowledge of how to use a map – or know which hemisphere our once-sceptred isle, this now-dis-united kingdom, is in – north, or south.

Now this same Woke joke cult, and their equally fucked-in-the-head gender-bender buddies from the Sisters of Perpetual Deviancy cult – are all hooked on spreading the gospel of political correctness, diversity and inclusiveness by turning established, and proven, science arse over tit.

WTF next, we pertinently inquire? Teaching even more illogical, unscientific bullshit – the Earth is flat, the Moon is made of green cheese, Big Al Qaeda pulled off 9/11, and politicians are honest and trustworthy?

Okay, we are game to admit viz the fact that a dominant lesbian partner might wear a strap-on ‘penis’ (dildo) and play the male penetrator role with her female partner – but while the dildo might to all intents and purposes resemble the male genital organ, biologically it is not flesh n blood and hence does not qualify as a penis – even if it is one of the mayonnaise-filled scrotum / ejaculator-squirting types it still ain’t gonna get anyone up the duff.

Ergo, so WTF goes through the minds of little girlies in the classroom when they hear ‘teacher’ expound the fact that they, females of the species, have a penis? Do any hold their hand up and declare ‘Wrong’ – and ‘we girls have a hole where the penis fits’ – and perhaps, speculatively ‘the biological name for our genitalia is the ‘vulva’ – and some of the slang names boys call the vulva are 'pussy', ‘cunt’, and ‘twat’ – and we all think that Teacher is a ‘twat’ for attempting  to force feed us this Woke joke propaganda anti-science bullshit’.

Our British-based academic giants of biology and scientific research, back in the yesteryear age of discovery, Newton, Darwin, Huxley, Spencer, Hooker, and Wallace – to name but a smattering – are now redundant as this evolving, hormone-dosed mutant strain of human gender – male to female / female to male – this ‘lusus naturae’ chimera - strives to establish a dominant presence in our society’s ‘once-well-ordered’ midst – resulting in a pandemic of common sense dysmorphia.

Britain is now faced with a situation where one in ten schoolchildren, through indoctrination with this toxic trans-gender propaganda purposely – (and with devious malice aforethought) – being  embedded in their school curriculum now want to change their sex – with reality and hard scientific fact shit-canned – simply to accommodate the Woke joke political correctness school of inclusiveness and diversity wish list - that equates as children being used in a bizarre, in fact, a wholly grotesque psychological and social experiment -with trans-gender-bender lobbyist organisations wielding undue influence – with the government and NHS (No Hope Service) and education authorities, over treatment protocols for the pre-puberty and adolescent gender confused.

To sum up, the Woke joke cult and LGBTQ+ supported trans-gender-bender lobby, promulgating their toxic culture of bullying and harassment, might well insist that trans women ‘are’ women; then slag off, smear and de-platform any and all Realists who dare stand alone, go 'studs up', and proclaim that biological science proves trans women are ‘not’ real women – and that is the hard science fact - trans women are not women – real or otherwise.

To wit, when it comes down to telling the difference, who ever saw a woman with a dick and a pair of bollocks?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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