Saturday 26 February 2022

Ukraine Saved: Princess Meghan Denounces Putin

Thanks to quick-thinking actions by the Sunshine State’s resident First Family – Princess Meghan and Prince Harry, of the Royal House of Hewitt – the Russian President, 'Bad Vlad' Putrid, is being forced to check and think twice regarding his military onslaught on the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, and perhaps switch his advancing army’s top gear shift to ‘reverse / retreat’ mode and exit stage left, back to the Russian homeland, with his demonic pointy tail between his legs.

The surprise ‘reversal of fortunes’ strategic news prediction comes on the heels of the Duck and Duckess of Sussex receiving yet another cringe-worthy accolade - this time from the NAACP Image Awards (no honkys allowed) for supporting the call to social justice and joining the struggle for BLM equity around the world – then Princess Meghan commandeering the award ceremony stage to go into a moralising frenzy and publicly declare dire threats of retribution against Russia - not only blocking Putrid from her entire Twatter, Instascum, Facebook and YouTube social network ‘friends’ list - but further blight him with a stream of curses – with the Witchipoo ‘dark side’ powers inherited from her African Dahomey-born great-great-great Granny voodoo sorceress, Fellattia Ragarse.

More to the point, and reinforcing the ‘death of a thousand festering genital boils’ curse threats, Meghan Mongoose and her ginger-mingin fuckwit of a hubby, Harry the royal cuckoo - (jointly a pair of IQ-deficient geo-strategic planning morons - fuelled on class act narcissism - and abuse of their exaggerated sense of entitlement n privilege) – then resorted to further massaging their fragile egos by threatening to unleash a legion of their pretentious ‘vanity project’ Archewell Foundation’s private security detail’s Sardaukar storm trooper Cannibal Battalion mercenaries on any Russian troops remaining inside the Ukraine’s national boundaries after midnight Saturday – (Kiev local time / +2 GMT).

Not to be outdone by their US-based news-mongering royal relatives, Bald Willy and Kate Middleclass (Duck n Duckess of Cambridge) have expressed their solidarity and support with the people of Ukraine - in no less than a tweet to President Voldermort Zelensky - ‘personally signed off with their gilded W & K initials’.


Hmmm, doubtless Vlad Putrid is shitting kittens viz the threats from some non-entity celebrity slapper like Meghan Mongoose – and is probably (or not) more concerned at Moscow being kicked out of the Eurovision Song Contest 'and' the iconic World Cup soccer qualifying tournaments - hence readying the Russian thermo-nuclear option weapons systems for deployment - to target FIFA .

Ah well, jokes n sarcasm aside viz what self-delusional bubble-headed egoists might vacuously boast, you can blame the corruption-ridden Globalist muppet likes of US State Department harpy, Victoria Nuland (the Schwein im Schlüpfer - (pig in knickers) – the Russia-Gate scandalised cunt wife of PNAC joint architect, 9/11 false flag plotter, ‘and’ Israel First NeoCon Zio-fascist Robert ‘The Slug’ Kagan) – ‘plus’ a long list of equally corrupt, and stupid, US of A Democrap neo-liberal administration career bureaucraps for the pathetic and criminal state of Ukrainian governance today – the greedy, evil men who nurtured and hatched the damning and destabilising legacies of Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya – (to name but a few) - and foremost of all – Palestine – a sovereign state national territory riven in two and divided - and struggling to breathe under the weight of the fascist Israeli jackboot.

All are now cultures rent asunder and destroyed - and let us not overlook the contributions made by those supremely corrupt ‘in it for the money’ politically-connected commercial adventurers – the latter day robber baron corporate exploiters - (did someone mention Hunter Bidet?) - for their contributions to Ukraine being run by a series of Western muppet totalitarian kleptocracies and incompetent Willy Wonka impersonators.

So here we have the Western political gobshites and mass media – hypocrisy personified – slamming Russia and voicing (not much else) support for Ukraine – and every dumb fucker n their dog either overlooking or ignorant of the fact that Kiev’s crooked political oligarchy and the eastern Ukraine ‘Russian aligned’ oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk have been in a state of civil war since 2014.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Lizzie Get Yer Gun

In today's 'Let's Expose Some Nasty Warmongering Ass' news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Black Propaganda Political Sleaze – from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Dizzy Lizzy Truss, the Tory ‘Party Animal’ gang’s Foreign Sickretary, this morning went into ‘Time to Panic’ mode, informing the mass media machine that Food Bank Britain - and NATO - could be on the brink of 'long and protracted' war with Russia in the European operations theatre before the week is out.

(Hmmm, doubtful any Russian-related European battle front conflict will be ‘long n protracted’ if nukes are deployed – only the millennium scale radioactive half life after-effects).

Resorting to black propaganda scaremongering as opposed to common sense and logic, the bottle blonde bimbo maintained a President Putrid-directed invasion of the self-declared Moscow-aligned (and Russian-speaking) republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, in eastern Ukraine, is 'imminent and highly likely'.

In discourse with gutter press hacks from the Warmongers Gazette and False Flag Review, Truss - suffering a bout of her customary cognitive dissonance - claimed Russia could move as swiftly as a king cobra snatching a Bombay sewer rat through an aqueduct grating – and attack the capital Kyiv within hours of breaching the piss-poor joke referred to as Ukraine’s ‘border defence line’.

When asked ‘how quickly’ the Russian military could move to the Ukrainian capital if they decide to invade, Truss opined: “Very, very quickly – as fast as a microwave dinner takes to cook. A full military ‘rape n ruin’ onslaught could take place immediately – if not sooner.”

“However, in the actual event of a brimstone and hellfire invasion by Russia, Broken Britain is ready to take in evacuated Ukrainian refugees and house them in hotels, alongside all the Jolly Jihad Afghani refugees we evacuated from Kabul – and the legions of unwashed illegal foreign migrants who managed to cross the Channel - without falling in and drowning.”

“We further suspect there could be a false flag provocation attack staged by Moscow against their own troops – to provide a pretext for a Devcon One style Russian invasion – much as the US did on 9/11 – then blamed some rag-arsed, cave-dwelling al Qaeda Islamic group in Afghanistan for the WTC Twin Towers plane strikes, when it was obvious to anyone with a couple of brain cells still functioning that it was all an inside rigged demolition charges job - staged and executed by the White House and Pentagon-embedded pro-Zionist NeoCon aligned saboteurs, working with the war-mongering US Military-Industrial arms manufacturing cabal – alongside the rogue state of Israel’s phony art students and high-fiving Mossad agents.”

“So, what we are focusing on now is exposing President Vlad Putrid’s attempts to put a Russian controlled Muppet Show sock puppet government into Kyiv, to replace the nasty autocratic President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s current Fraggle Rock dictatorship puppet show.”

“Further, our latest CIA / MI6 intelligence (sic) believes that over the next few days Moscow will sanction an attempt to stage that afore-mentioned false flag operation and claim the Ukrainian army attacked them; then the Russians have a justification for invading Ukraine."

“Putrid’s military generals currently have 130,000 troops stationed on, and around, the Ukrainian borders – and while we are demanding those troops be moved, we would prefer they are moved back' - into the Russian homeland – and ‘not’ into Germany and France.”

“Any war with NATO will result in very severe consequences – not just for Russia and Ukraine, but also for the whole of Europe - especially so if that stupid old fart Biden and his NeoCon handlers start launching nuclear warhead missiles at Moscow – and President Putrid returns the favour.”

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness. An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence – and my Freedom of Speech liberty guaranteed - as enshrined in Article 10 of the European Human Rights Convention.

(Unless one has the audacity to subscribe to Assange's WickedLeaks – or support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of the horrid Hampstead – or  Nottingham's - Nasty Paedo Clubs - or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors – then Sections 5 and 19 of the Public Order Act (1986) are enacted – and fair play Judicial Process, along with Common Fucking Sense, go the way of the Dodo).

Sunday 13 February 2022

Ukraine storm troopers ready to repel Russian invasion.


Ukrainian civilian cannon fodder 'troops' take part in military training in Kyiv.

US Biden administration Black Propaganda Secretary, Col Antony Blinkered, informed gutter press hacks from the Warmongers Gazette and False Flag Review that the 'imminent' threat of a Russian military attack on the Ukraine justifies arming Kyiv civilians with AK47 plywood cut outs.

Oh my, God Bless America, indeed. Let's go, Brandon.

As of this coming Wednesday, 16th February, the CIA / NSA and other false flag / black propaganda merchant enterprises, are predicting Russia will attack Ukraine – and the US Mil-Ind mega-profiteering arms manufacturing cartel and the Pentagon generals are chomping at the bit for a hot to trot shooting war with Vlad Putrid – the very same generals who couldn’t beat the Viet-Cong after a couple of ‘troops on the ground’ decades of military occupation – or the Taliban after – yet again – a couple of decades of ‘troops on the ground’ military occupation.

Same with their post 9/11 Mid-East military meddling – bombing the shit out of every fucking thing in the name of ‘Democracy’ – what a fucking joke – they just leave chaos n rubble in their wake.

But come a shooting war with Russia, and if the Biden / Pentagon crazies get their 'wet dream' wish to escalate it to ‘nuclear exchanges’ – then, for the first time since the 1860’s Civil War, the ‘chaos n rubble’ factor will be taking place in their own back yard:– for the first time in their short 250 year history, on a ‘home ground battlefield’ – starting with Washington DC - along with every military base across the continental United States ‘and’ simultaneously, scores of internationally-sited bases will be targeted for imminent destruction – and won’t that be a slap-in-the-face shock n awe surprise for the voting American public.

Ukraine – imminent invasion – propaganda beyond borders. 

Russia could invade at any time – immediately, if not sooner – well, Wednesday anyway. 

Oh my, fuck all to do with fending off an imminent invasion of the Ukraine by Russia and all to do with the nasty Western Zio-fascist scumsters bending public – socio-political – opinion to block the Russian Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline – that will tie Europe to this energy supply source.

Wednesday 2 February 2022

Plod Squad Stasi to Target Catcallers

Once again we bring our readers the latest and greatest 'hot gossip' in this scandal-mongering Enhanced Bullshit exposé edition from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Drivers who 'catcall' women from their passing vehicles could be hit with mega-bucks fines by an all-new sneaky 'undercover' female Plod Squad unit operating in – and around - Food Bank Britain.

The new Public (or is that Pubic?) Space Protection Order initiative aims to clamp down on motorists shouting - or swearing at - or abusing, threatening - or otherwise intimidating – passers-by – specifically ugly drag queens - and those attractive females with tasty boobs n buns; displaying lots of salacious, bare flesh.

This novel plain clothes Bimbo Stasi unit (on a par the Covid Compliance Squad - just what we don't need) will be composed entirely of split-arsed Plods – (albeit a testosterone-depleted trans element is rumoured to be integrated at some later date) – and tasked with patrolling around a Yorkshire city centre in the beguiling eye-catching fashion of street hookers – specifically in areas where students have complained of being harassed by randy car drivers on a Viagra high.

Motorists who yell obscene comments from their vehicles – such as 'Get yer knickers off!' risk being stopped and handed a penalty, or fined £1,000 quid if taken to court – with the clampdown on sexist comments by men – or horny dykes - to be trialled in Yorkshire's notorious paedo-grooming centre of Bradford.

(Banned 'shouting' activities include the use of sexist language, or making sexual suggestions – like 'you wanna suck this, bitch?')

Detective Superintendent Fellatia McSkanger of West Yorkshire Police informed gutter press hacks that: "Around Christmas time our Plod Squad officers were made aware of concerns expressed by female students regarding the unsolicited delinquent behaviour of some motorists, which offended, and made them feel threatened and unsafe, including harassing comments and suggestions with certain sexual connotations – such as 'Give yer £20 quid to come and sit on Santa's knee'."

Well, there you have it. Catcalling, no less. Now a certified criminal offence – perhaps on a par with domestic terrorism - even when such comments are directed at a bona-fide female – or trans - 'sex kitten'.

But WTF is the legal definition of a 'Catcall'? Wolf-whistling? Meowing – or shouting 'Here Pussy, Pussy, Pussy'?

Do you live in the Bradford area? Have you been sexually harassed by passing car drivers. Are you: a – a sexy teen? b -  a MILF? c – a Cougar? or d – a gorgeous Granny?

Send your snowflake student comments using the online reply form below and you could win a year's supply of alkaline-strength rampant rabbit vibrator batteries.

A selection of your lascivious comments may be published, displaying your name and location – so any drivers you reported and were fined can call round and shout 'Snitch!' as they lob a brick through your front window.

Hmmm, perhaps it is just me, a dinosaur anachronism stumbling blindly on towards cultural extinction in this 'I'm offended' Wokester-dominated political correctness world of the new 2000 Millennium – but, Alzheimer's besides, I do remember well the days when a wolf-whistle at some tasty tart in a mini-skirt brought an over-the-shoulder look-around, and a wave n a smile.

To conclude on a serious note, here we have yet another authoritarian crowd control freak initiative shoved in our faces – same as this fascist-themed Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill our cunt of a government are attempting to force through Parliament – with the end game intent of blocking the common herd's ability to cry Foul and stage public protests – (noisy or otherwise) - and further reinforce Officialdom's unaccountability.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka 'the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Tuesday 1 February 2022

Boris' Savile Jibes Upset Starmer

Cries of 'Foul!' and Labour Party front bench denials besides, the fact remains that Stammerer was the Director of Public (or was that Pubic?) Prosecutions, and had command responsibility over the Crown Prosecution Service at the time Savile's sexual offences – Rape, Paedophilia, Necrophilia - were reviewed by the CPS, and the decision not to pursue (ranking Freemason / BBC High Priest / Royal Confidant & Pimp) Savile's arrest and prosecution was taken.

To wit, regardless of whoever made that incompetent decision, something stinks in Denmark - and the stench of incompetence and possible corruption has malodorous links back to 'Sir Keir'.

A Rational Ramblings Chrestomathy

Yes siree, as the entire world goes slowly bonkers, Food Bank Britain wakes up this week to a revised set of very silly Highway Code rules.

No shit Sherlock, what dipshit bureaucratic think tank conjured up these new Highway Code regulations viz cyclists being not only permitted, but further advised, to hog the entire fucking road – n pedestrians sanctioned to jaywalk at intersections?

Obviously the same Highway Britain wankers who dreamed up the concept of the 'not-so-smart motorways' and shit-canning hard shoulders – and inadvertently opened a Pandora’s Box of unforeseen consequences.

And for that class act fubar there have been countless missed opportunities -every single day - since the corrupt morons realised they’d done something very wrong – yet failed to put it right – thanks to pressure from greedy private contractors making mega-bucks from the hard shoulder conversion work.

So now, for the regular town n country roads n streets, it's no more of the good old 'Look right, then left, then right again' mantra that's kept kids – and dozy, cellphone zombie adults – safe and alive for donkeys years. Simply step out into the road – as vehicles have been mandated to 'stop'.

Yeah, right – stop – just like that - the NHS – and undertakers – are gonna be kept busy. WTF next – push bikes n mobility scooters allowed on motorways? Hmmm, that would be fun.

Now here we pose a question for Mr. Xi Nau, State Security Minister of the Chinese People's Communist Utopia – and a bloke with a back door key to the wicked Wuhan bio-weapons lab – and a reserved table at the adjacent wet market's BBQ'd Bat & Pickled Pangolin Restaurant.

In a society where the government n bureaucracy don't give a flying fuck viz the welfare of the common herd, the Q & A query to pose is this: regarding the purported SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus scamdemic, where the actual / true death count is only 2 to 1,000, why the fuck is officialdom so fixed on inoculating entire populations with Big Harma's (read DARPA death cult) experimental mRNA gene modifying toxic Clot Shot medication – that does not prevent infection, nor transmission?

Or is it all part of the propaganda drive to facilitate the WEF's 'Satan Klaus' Schlob's Great Reset window of opportunity Trojan horse Covid-1984 scamdemic – and usher in a new abnormal society – and his wet dream 4th Industrial Transhumanist IOB Graphene Nanobot Revolution – and the imposition of Beijing's good citizen social credits system on the rest of the world?

Alas, in the sick and so misguided society of ours, dominated by the loopy left and their Woke cult's perennially-offended (and harassed, alarmed and distressed) gobshite warriors, common sense and logic have been shitcanned – along with real science – and the politics of political correctness assumed control viz promoting such idiocies as critical race theory, white shaming, men can have periods – and babies – and it's okay for humans to identify as whatever the fuck takes their delusional facy that particular day.

Hence our once intelligentsia-brimming society is now a fucking wasteland viz practitioners of the classical arts deplatformed -  with discussion and debate stifled, lest some fucker of their dog say something that offends someone - the bar has fallen so low that mouth-breathing morons - a legion of IQ-deficient dipshits n dingbats - now form a commissar corps, policing the educational institutions of the West, and overseeing the entire academic estate with their nasty political correctness cattle prods; promoting – and force feeding their irrational paranoid fears and anxieties down the throats of the common herd – most of whom are only too willing to swallow, so as to be accepted, and part of the subservient cult membershit.

A fact that the Wokerati wankers have definite problems navigating the cold, hard facts of reality and want to deplatform common sense, for Reality has been reclassified as a bigot - and racist – and as for Truth, well, that commodity has been under close scrutiny for quite some time, due proving itself to be more trouble than it was worth.

Albeit one favourable phenomenon to emerge from the Woke culture mess is that folks who were once only borderline critical thinkers have evolved the facility of intelligent disobedience due being forced to assume a hard core approach and re-examine anything officialdom promulgates as Fact – especially if it's being broadcast by that gobshite, gender-specific Spotify social influencer twat, Brenda McGobshite, n her porcine tranny mate, non-binary Barry.

So, will it come down to a tactical nukes at dawn duel between Moscow n Washington DC regarding what the hypocrisy-ridden Yanks are deliberately referring to as a 'Cry Foul!'  imminent Russian invasion of the Ukraine?

(Ha, more at an imminent invasion of Kiev by US military forces out for yet another fight they won't win).

Well, this is fuck all to do with Groper Joe Biden, the Oval Office incumbent, geriatric paedo' – he's just the current – and temporary - mouthpiece for the Zionist NeoCons n the Mil-Industrial complex weapons manufacturers – and all about another money-spinning war front and Profits – and the US Corporatocracy antagonists attempting to induct Ukraine into NATO – and thus, by reverse psychology, a foreign military force on Russia's border.

Seem to recall the US 'Cuba crisis' back in the 60's – when Russia was supplying missiles to Castro – big Mexican stand-off then – Russian / foreign military power weapons staged on US doorstep – no way, said JFK.

Yep, the US warmongering contingent don't really give a flying shite – death n destruction to life n infrastructure anywhere else but the continental US of A – and bombing the crap outa Eastern Europe n the Ukraine n Russia is just fine with these unholy Sabbatean death cult shits.

And too, the war party are 'loud' in their battle cry promotions – even though the President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has publicly announced via the global media chain "Hey Washington - stop the warmongering propaganda – no problems here – we can look after ourselves – we don't want you cunts making a bombed-out radioactive fuck of the Ukraine as you have all over the Middle East."

But no, the US-based Mil-Industrial NeoCon shills know best what's good for the Ukraine – and their corrupt cronies in the Capitol – the graft n corruption-ridden likes of Pelosi n Lindsey Graham n Adam Schitt n Liz Cheney (her criminal 9/11 guilty father's cunt of a daughter)  - n a whole hog more of bent Democraps – and GOP stooges.

Not much has changed – for the better / improvement-related - with Food Bank Britain's not fit for purpose Plod Squad over the past couple of Covid-1984 lockdown years – since the Greater Manchester Plod's Chief Constable Ian Hopkins was fired for gross incompetence and failure to get off his arse and do his job – and the GMP placed under 'special measures' due their failure to record in excess of 80,000 crimes in the space of a single year (2020).

Now we have official statistics revealing that the plods solved a mere – and most unsatisfactory – 5% of burglaries last year, compared with 9.4%in 2015.

Embarrassing stats reveal that between April 2020 and April 2021, there were 268,000 burglaries, from which only 14,000 were solved – with 243,000 dropped due to evidential difficulties – or should that actually read: 'due to the fact the plods couldn't solve shit'?

According to the latest Home Office statistics, the number of crimes being solved has reached a record low, with only 1 in 17 resulting in a charge.

Figures published recently revealed that just one in 20 crimes concluded with a charge in 2020-21, and that a mere – and shocking - 1 in 77 rapes led to a charge.

The chairwoman of London's police and crime committee opined to gutter press hacks that "Mistrust in the Plod Squad is at a record high, while the number of burglaries solved is at a record low - and Cressida Dickhead's Met are not earning that trust back – ignoring crimes which look too difficult to solve."

Hmmm, where the fuck are Sherlock Holmes n Dr. Watson when you need them most?

"We are very proud our World Economic Fund political agents, the Young Global Leaders cadre, have by now infiltrated the global government cabinets of nation states."

Hmmm, that's the disturbing, boastacious opinion of the WEF's Satan Klaus Schlob.

A couple of years back the control freak psycho billionaire Sabbatean death cult High Priests who run this world, on a cocktail recipe of arrogance and greed, (ref Klaus Schlob / Jill Gates, Georgie Soreass, et al) - gathered together for their annual Dildoberg get-together conclave in Montreux, Shitzerland, with these sycophantic WEF Young Global Leader stooges in attendance, and decided to advance their New World Order / Georgia Guidestones agenda 'completion date' from 2050 to 2030 – kick starting the common herd programming / conditioning global mass depopulation programme in 2020 - with a scare-a-thon SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus purportedly originating in China – and a mandated toxic / mRNA spike protein, gene-modifying, genocidal graphene hydroxide-laced clot shot inoculation campaign that would, by 2030 - when the 5G oxygen-burning / nano-tech activating frequencies had been fully functional for a few years - see some six billion useless eaters immune system compromised – and dead.

Ergo, the conspiratorial narratives that drive officialdom's push for social distancing, lockdowns and face muzzles – plus the double (triple) vaxx jabs mandated requirement for employment and social life - stinks of some malevolent ulterior motive that bears zero good for public welfare – all so easy to get a gullible common herd to swallow the Covid-1984 scamdemic lies and roll up their sleeves to get shot full of an 'unapproved' clinical trial / experimental mRNA medication – thanks to mass media subliminal messaging and mass formation hypnosis morphing them into 'willing' lab rats.

Such are the powers of the Branch Covidians – and their Bene Gesserit witches group think preaching of a doctrine of mass formation psychosis.

Well, it proved a fact the 14 days to flatten the Covid curve was a fucking joke, and it seems too that reaching a state of 'Peak Covid Insanity' is on a par with the 14 days fantasy  - for as soon as anyone comments that 'things can't get any crazier or fucking worse' – then, as though by default, they automatically do.

To wit, if you and yours want access to 'everyday life' then yer better get vaxxed with the mRNA toxic gene modifying soup – n if you come down with galloping myocarditis or stricken by neuro-degeneration and prion diseases then it's yer own fucking fault for being so gullible and believing the Covid lies.

Thus, in places like Food Bank Britain, (formerly Broken Britain) the 5% critical thinking sector of the population have caught on to the Covid-1984 hoax scamdemic crowd control agenda – and the toxic graphene hydroxide Clot Shot's mass depopulation 'euthanasia' purpose - and are telling the PTB to stuff their jabs.

Albeit, alas, for Third World nations whose corrupt, authoritarian governments often resort to having their military thugs enforce official decree compliance - are taking the WHO control freak situation to an industrial level of idiocy with even babies wearing masks and getting the clot shot – and the actual dictators of this lunacy revelling in their Pavlovian conditioning powers - the mastery of the art of propaganda and psychological warfare to control the backward masses.

To close on a less dramatic, and depressing note, ref the brilliant Netflix movie, Mank, starring Gary Oldman and what amounts to the funniest fucking piece of speculative guesswork I ever heard – viz Herman Mank (iewicz)'s composing of the Citizen Kane movie script – (based on the pointless, profligate, acquisition-addicted life, and obnoxious, personal character of William Randolph 'Hearst' – before he ended up in the back of one) – that the mystery of Charles Foster Kane's final deathbed delirious mutterings viz his beloved childhood toboggan 'Rosebud' were actually a coded reference to Marion Davies' engorged pink genitalia.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka 'the Truth'

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.

An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence – and my Freedom of Speech liberty guaranteed - as enshrined in Article 10 of the European Human Rights Convention.

Unless one has the audacity to subscribe to Assange's WickedLeaks – or support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of the horrid Hampstead – or  Nottingham's - Nasty Paedo Clubs - or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors – then Sections 5 and 19 of the Public Order Act (1986) are enacted – and fair play Judicial Process, along with Common Fucking Sense, go the way of the Dodo.