In this morning’s ‘Daft Ideas Gone Tits Up’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in ribald ridicule and scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
According to a report released in the House of Conmans last week, a hare-brained Tory government scheme to train ex-Army personnel as school teachers has been a Biblical scale fuck-up of Brobdingnagian proportions – with a total of twenty-eight military personnel qualifying for the disastrous ‘Troops To Teachers’ initiative since it began three years ago. Not bad, just under ten a year.
The ‘Triple T Initiative' was introduced by the Nasty Party's slack jawed former Education Secretary, Michael 'The Pob' Gove, in 2013, with the aim of bringing back some good old-fashioned 'spit n polish' / 'do or die for Queen n country' ethics and personal discipline into Broken Britain's overcrowded Asbo Central Academy classrooms – a fatally flawed project inspired by the questionable belief that gung-ho-style teaching tactics might benefit a sprog's learning progress.
The Pob's selling point centred on the argument that every child could benefit from the values of a military ethos – as self-discipline and teamwork are at the heart of what makes Broken Britain's armed forces the best thing since sliced bread - and exactly the essential ingredient that young people need to succeed in all aspects of civilian life: the workplace or while out shopping – a killer instinct.
Under the initiative, burned out military veterans with experience in advanced interrogation techniques (er – torture) are able to undertake a fast-track teacher training course over two years – with four days per week spent 'hands-on' in schools, and one day set aside for personal further educational studies - to enable recruits to keep at least one step ahead of the students they're tasked with teaching.
In addition, former military service personnel can join MPs and uncivil servants by taking advantage of generous government handouts – with a salary paid while they train – and lucky ex-squaddies able to earn 80% of the usual unqualified teacher pay rates - if they can read and write and count above ten without using their fingers (or toes).
To wit, if the above appalling record isn't shameful enough for Posh Dave Scameron's Nasty Party government in and of itself, the number of Triple T course applicants has dropped like the Tory poll ratings since the recruitment drive began - down from an unimpressive 293 when Pob kick started the project three years ago - to a piss poor showing of 62 hands during the last sign up session – a state of affairs branded by Labour's back-biting troll of a shadow education secretary, Lucy Powell, as 'a catastrophic and embarrassing failure'.
"The Pob even plagiarised the Triple T brand from the US version of the same – which hasn't exactly been a whole-hearted success across America – with ex-Gulf War army veterans actually water-boarding erring pupils who failed to hand their homework assignments in on schedule – and several instances of cheeky kids being shot or bayoneted or garrotted by their teachers for 'insubordination' – such as answering back with smart-arsed quips."
"The entire programme is another typical Tory 'on the cheap' austerity scam. Not designed to recruit qualified teaching staff but rather find jobs for battle-weary paranoid psychos and hire teachers on a pittance of a salary."
Thought for the day. Military ethos? Yeah right - marching up n down the playground; whitewashing piles of coal; eyes-front discipline; learning by rote – and field stripping the characters and personalities of talented, evolving adolescent individuals into robotic response units – all to facilitate an unquestioning and compliant 'Yes Sir' unified herd mentality.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Monday, 22 February 2016
Vatican Holy Paedos Close Ranks
In today’s ‘Jesuit Ninth Circle Orgia Paedos Rule’ expose edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Opus Dei transgender insider, Sister Fellattia Godermiche, manning the Holy City snitch n grassers hack desk for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with bugged heretical 'ring of the anvil' confidential confessional dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The gospel humming and buzzing down the scuttlebutt grapevine network – (like a bevy of beatnik bumble bees on acid) - reports that while the Vatican's scandal-embroiled Cardinal George 'Ruckman' Pell seems to have no problems visiting the massage parlours that blight Rome's Europa district, for a quick rub n tug session of an afternoon – or sneaking back into the same disreputable red light neighbourhood under cover of darkness with a gang of his equally immoral, dirty deviant Holy See Saw cohorts - to engage in illicit kiddie sex at any one of the numerous gyppo-run paedo brothels along the Viale Tres Fontane - this same scumster claims to be unfit to fly back to Oz to personally face the Royal Commission inquiry - and allegations (er, criminal charges?) that he sexually abused a legion of underage choir and altar boys while a priest in the outback town of Smellarat - and later during his exalted tenure as Archbishop of Melbourne.
Denial and counter-attack measures have been adopted by shifty political types globally as being the best form of defence since the days of Sino military strategist supremo Sun Tzu – thus the theme of a press release issued by Cardinal Pell's P2 minions states, with obvious disingenuous content – (a lie so fucking big it can be seen from the Moon) - that allegations of wanton satyriasis are without foundation and utterly false – and the little twats making them shall be henceforth excommunicated and headed straight for Hell – and most definitely will not collect £200 quid as they pass the Go sign at the Gates of Purgatory.
Pell's Vatican office PR team were responding to a Victoria Police 'Sano Taskforce' report leaked to the Pederasts Gazette - that the senior cleric has been under investigation for a swathe of historical sexual abuse complaints – plus damning evidence given to the Royal Commission by a bevy of vets, sheep farmers and abused school children - including charges of molesting an underage cassowary and further allegations of platypus and koala buggery.
Three months after departing his Smellarat parish's St Sodom's Church for Latter Day Catamites and being promoted to the post of Archbishop of Melbourne, Pell set up the 'Melbourne Response' and 'Towards Healing' protocols to counter allegations of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests.
Conversely, if the truth be known, under Pell's leadership, the secret mandate of the Melbourne Response (False Memory Foundation) was to award ex gratia compensation (payments made without the church recognising any liability or legal obligation) to victims of sexual abuse at the hands of 'Smiley Satanist' Vatican priests – in layman's terms 'a payoff' to buy their silence.
In late 2012, the Australian federal government announced the establishment of a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
However, while Pell initially welcomed the Royal Commission in a televised media statement, he then revealed that priests who hear confessions from people who succumb to the earthly temptations of venereal desire and commit child sex abuse must remain bound by the Seal of Confession, commenting: "If acts of kiddie fiddling are admitted or boasted of outside the confessional then the perp' can be reported to the police – but the Seal of Confession is inviolable. Hence if one priest hears the confession of a fellow cleric who has subjected altar boys to pretending his cock was the Eucharist during Mass or slipped one up their back passage, then his confessor is bound to silence."
But now, with the advent of the Royal Commission and Pell's shifty Melbourne Response apparatus no longer able to manipulate events and proceedings – and specifically denied the opportunity to bribe and gag historic sexual abuse victims and witnesses to such abuses, the shit is hitting the fan as MK Ultra mind control child sex slave Fiona Barrett - now one pissed off adult and turned whistleblower on a mission to crucify some fucker and their dog - exposes an all-consuming Satanic paedophilia network which underlies the mission creep New World Order totalitarian state – a debauched, lecherous culture that infests every crook and cranny of the ruling establishment structure on a global scale.
Fiona, a former victim of Satanic ritual abuse and part of an international Very Important Paedophile ring, not only exposed the existence of the Masonic Satanist secret handshake cabal network and the linked international child trafficking ring, but actually named three former Australian Prime Ministers and one former US President as perp's – along with a damning list of famous actors, celeb's, judges, politicians and other high-flying rich and shameless scumsters who have infiltrated every key organization and institution in Australia and turned it into a paedo haven – alike the Satanic-affiliated child sex abuse / ritual blood sacrifice paedo rings firmly entrenched in the good ole U S of A and Britain – and Europe – and the rest of this God-forsaken immoral global cesspit ruled by a venal Satanist 'Brotherhood of the Snake' death eater cult.
Naming the Names:
Dr Michael Aquino: Pinoy-American CIA paedo psy-ops torturer / scumster;
Dr Antony David Kidman: Clinical psychologist and kiddie hypnotist / brainwasher (suicided in Singapore 2014 - before he could spill the beans on the down-under paedo factory);
Dr. John Gittinger (Lithuanian Nazi concentration camp guard and CIA agent);
Former US President Richard Nixon;
Henry Kissinger;
David Rockefeller;
Former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam;
Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke;
Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating;
Former Australian Opposition Leader Kim Beazley;
Former NSW Premier Bob Carr;
US Evangelist Pastor Billy Graham;
Ted Turner (CNN);
Kerry Packer;
Bob Carr;
Bob Hawke;
Paul Keating;
Robert Menzies;
Tony n Cherie Bliar;
Gordon Broon;
Alan Jones;
Bernard King;
Molly Meldrum;
Elton John;
John Kerr;
Justice Lionel Murphy;
Richie Benaud
Cardinal George Pell
Joseph Ratflinger - aka Pope Benedict XVI
In fact Fiona goes the whole hog and points the fickle finger of Fate at the OTO; the Freemasons; Scientologists; the Roman Catholic Church; the CIA; MI5; MI6; the Bohemian Grove dog wankers; the Bilderbergers – Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
There's only one word to sum up Cardinal Pell - this Vatican paedo hierarchy scumster: Cunt – with a large Capital C.
Yes, we realise that this 'fundamental truth' term upsets certain sectors of our politically correct society and readership – and once drove an egocentric legal beagle at Nonceland's Crown Office (HRH Voldemort McCannelloni) into 'burn the village ' / 'take no prisoners' manic menopausal madness mode when branded with the earned and fitting profane sobriquet of 'cunt' (apparently one of many slang terms in the Oxford lexicon for the femalien genitalia – as pontificated upon at great length, and with excessive pedantry, by the sensibilities-offended party, for the literary edification of a wholly disinterested Scaberdeen courtroom audience).
But there again, the word 'cunt' in plural form (cunts) so perfectly serves to describe the entire graft and corruption-ridden Masonic-infiltrated Caledonian injustice mafia – Plod Squad; SLAB rentboy bummers; disgraced money-laundering Glassie solicitors; supercilious Crown Office panjandrums; Speculative Society Law Lord dog wankers – and too the despicable filth that infests the Sturgeon's SNP police state Hollierood Parliament who ignore historic child sexual abuse complaints with impunity.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration:
While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so vulnerable 'in care' children - or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.
No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that kiddie fiddling is a common core cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.
To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac ruling elitist fraternity – along with their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (re-branded CDS).
And let's not forget to cast equal curses upon the tents of Big Brother and his Common Purpose Colombine sister – nor overlooking the 'by Divine Right' parasitic anachronisms referred to as the 'Royal Family' - nor the profit-motivated / money-grubbing Moloch / Mammon worshipping Agenda 21 architects of the Rothshite ZioNazi New World Order Globalisers - the Round Table dog wankers, and their Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission pondscum pals from the Carlyle Group and Kissasser Associates and military-industrial armaments cabal who comprise the elitist ranks of the annual Dildoberger cabal pow-wow – and spin the trans-dimensional reptilian conjured yarn that the tried and tested key to conflict resolution is via more bloody conflict.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
The gospel humming and buzzing down the scuttlebutt grapevine network – (like a bevy of beatnik bumble bees on acid) - reports that while the Vatican's scandal-embroiled Cardinal George 'Ruckman' Pell seems to have no problems visiting the massage parlours that blight Rome's Europa district, for a quick rub n tug session of an afternoon – or sneaking back into the same disreputable red light neighbourhood under cover of darkness with a gang of his equally immoral, dirty deviant Holy See Saw cohorts - to engage in illicit kiddie sex at any one of the numerous gyppo-run paedo brothels along the Viale Tres Fontane - this same scumster claims to be unfit to fly back to Oz to personally face the Royal Commission inquiry - and allegations (er, criminal charges?) that he sexually abused a legion of underage choir and altar boys while a priest in the outback town of Smellarat - and later during his exalted tenure as Archbishop of Melbourne.
Denial and counter-attack measures have been adopted by shifty political types globally as being the best form of defence since the days of Sino military strategist supremo Sun Tzu – thus the theme of a press release issued by Cardinal Pell's P2 minions states, with obvious disingenuous content – (a lie so fucking big it can be seen from the Moon) - that allegations of wanton satyriasis are without foundation and utterly false – and the little twats making them shall be henceforth excommunicated and headed straight for Hell – and most definitely will not collect £200 quid as they pass the Go sign at the Gates of Purgatory.
Pell's Vatican office PR team were responding to a Victoria Police 'Sano Taskforce' report leaked to the Pederasts Gazette - that the senior cleric has been under investigation for a swathe of historical sexual abuse complaints – plus damning evidence given to the Royal Commission by a bevy of vets, sheep farmers and abused school children - including charges of molesting an underage cassowary and further allegations of platypus and koala buggery.
Three months after departing his Smellarat parish's St Sodom's Church for Latter Day Catamites and being promoted to the post of Archbishop of Melbourne, Pell set up the 'Melbourne Response' and 'Towards Healing' protocols to counter allegations of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests.
Conversely, if the truth be known, under Pell's leadership, the secret mandate of the Melbourne Response (False Memory Foundation) was to award ex gratia compensation (payments made without the church recognising any liability or legal obligation) to victims of sexual abuse at the hands of 'Smiley Satanist' Vatican priests – in layman's terms 'a payoff' to buy their silence.
In late 2012, the Australian federal government announced the establishment of a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
However, while Pell initially welcomed the Royal Commission in a televised media statement, he then revealed that priests who hear confessions from people who succumb to the earthly temptations of venereal desire and commit child sex abuse must remain bound by the Seal of Confession, commenting: "If acts of kiddie fiddling are admitted or boasted of outside the confessional then the perp' can be reported to the police – but the Seal of Confession is inviolable. Hence if one priest hears the confession of a fellow cleric who has subjected altar boys to pretending his cock was the Eucharist during Mass or slipped one up their back passage, then his confessor is bound to silence."
But now, with the advent of the Royal Commission and Pell's shifty Melbourne Response apparatus no longer able to manipulate events and proceedings – and specifically denied the opportunity to bribe and gag historic sexual abuse victims and witnesses to such abuses, the shit is hitting the fan as MK Ultra mind control child sex slave Fiona Barrett - now one pissed off adult and turned whistleblower on a mission to crucify some fucker and their dog - exposes an all-consuming Satanic paedophilia network which underlies the mission creep New World Order totalitarian state – a debauched, lecherous culture that infests every crook and cranny of the ruling establishment structure on a global scale.
Fiona, a former victim of Satanic ritual abuse and part of an international Very Important Paedophile ring, not only exposed the existence of the Masonic Satanist secret handshake cabal network and the linked international child trafficking ring, but actually named three former Australian Prime Ministers and one former US President as perp's – along with a damning list of famous actors, celeb's, judges, politicians and other high-flying rich and shameless scumsters who have infiltrated every key organization and institution in Australia and turned it into a paedo haven – alike the Satanic-affiliated child sex abuse / ritual blood sacrifice paedo rings firmly entrenched in the good ole U S of A and Britain – and Europe – and the rest of this God-forsaken immoral global cesspit ruled by a venal Satanist 'Brotherhood of the Snake' death eater cult.
Naming the Names:
Dr Michael Aquino: Pinoy-American CIA paedo psy-ops torturer / scumster;
Dr Antony David Kidman: Clinical psychologist and kiddie hypnotist / brainwasher (suicided in Singapore 2014 - before he could spill the beans on the down-under paedo factory);
Dr. John Gittinger (Lithuanian Nazi concentration camp guard and CIA agent);
Former US President Richard Nixon;
Henry Kissinger;
David Rockefeller;
Former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam;
Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke;
Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating;
Former Australian Opposition Leader Kim Beazley;
Former NSW Premier Bob Carr;
US Evangelist Pastor Billy Graham;
Ted Turner (CNN);
Kerry Packer;
Bob Carr;
Bob Hawke;
Paul Keating;
Robert Menzies;
Tony n Cherie Bliar;
Gordon Broon;
Alan Jones;
Bernard King;
Molly Meldrum;
Elton John;
John Kerr;
Justice Lionel Murphy;
Richie Benaud
Cardinal George Pell
Joseph Ratflinger - aka Pope Benedict XVI
In fact Fiona goes the whole hog and points the fickle finger of Fate at the OTO; the Freemasons; Scientologists; the Roman Catholic Church; the CIA; MI5; MI6; the Bohemian Grove dog wankers; the Bilderbergers – Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
There's only one word to sum up Cardinal Pell - this Vatican paedo hierarchy scumster: Cunt – with a large Capital C.
Yes, we realise that this 'fundamental truth' term upsets certain sectors of our politically correct society and readership – and once drove an egocentric legal beagle at Nonceland's Crown Office (HRH Voldemort McCannelloni) into 'burn the village ' / 'take no prisoners' manic menopausal madness mode when branded with the earned and fitting profane sobriquet of 'cunt' (apparently one of many slang terms in the Oxford lexicon for the femalien genitalia – as pontificated upon at great length, and with excessive pedantry, by the sensibilities-offended party, for the literary edification of a wholly disinterested Scaberdeen courtroom audience).
But there again, the word 'cunt' in plural form (cunts) so perfectly serves to describe the entire graft and corruption-ridden Masonic-infiltrated Caledonian injustice mafia – Plod Squad; SLAB rentboy bummers; disgraced money-laundering Glassie solicitors; supercilious Crown Office panjandrums; Speculative Society Law Lord dog wankers – and too the despicable filth that infests the Sturgeon's SNP police state Hollierood Parliament who ignore historic child sexual abuse complaints with impunity.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration:
While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so vulnerable 'in care' children - or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.
No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that kiddie fiddling is a common core cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.
To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac ruling elitist fraternity – along with their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (re-branded CDS).
And let's not forget to cast equal curses upon the tents of Big Brother and his Common Purpose Colombine sister – nor overlooking the 'by Divine Right' parasitic anachronisms referred to as the 'Royal Family' - nor the profit-motivated / money-grubbing Moloch / Mammon worshipping Agenda 21 architects of the Rothshite ZioNazi New World Order Globalisers - the Round Table dog wankers, and their Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission pondscum pals from the Carlyle Group and Kissasser Associates and military-industrial armaments cabal who comprise the elitist ranks of the annual Dildoberger cabal pow-wow – and spin the trans-dimensional reptilian conjured yarn that the tried and tested key to conflict resolution is via more bloody conflict.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Egypt: Common Sense Goes Walk-About
In today’s ‘Total Insanity’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with a class act sample of illogical, topsy-turvy Alice in Wonderland socio-political shit you simply couldn't make up no matter how much booze, coke or psychedelics you guzzled, snorted or knocked back - crafted into 'ring of the anvil' dispatch hand forged format, then further embellished with bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Egypt - we all know where the fuck it is – and what it is. Pyramids, the enigmatic smirk on the face of the Sphinx - plus camel shit galore underfoot. And sand – don't forget the sand. They've got more fucking sand than Taylor-Woodpile, Costain and McAlpine Paedo Construction could use in a zillion years of knocking up substandard housing units for the buy-to-rent bankster-owned housing association cabal to lease out at great profit to Broken Britain's homeless debt slave common herd.
More to the point is the fact that Egypt now – post Mubarak dynasty - represents a Third World shithole where logic went AWOL some years back during the US-instigated and funded Ayrab Spring - and the democratically-elected government of President Morsi was ousted in a military coup led by US / Israeli Zionist sock puppet stooge, sodomite-child rapist-paedo scumbag, General Abdel Fatty el-Sissy - who has now declared himself Pharaoh Abdel Sissy Boy the First (Ruler of the Upper and Lower Nile regions; Keeper of the Royal Sandpit; Wearer of the Imperial Fez; Lord Dredger of the Suez Canal).
Even since the Biblical fantasy days of Moses (and Nasser) then the Lands of the Nile have been a fuck-up in motion – and this current era of draconian martial law / military state rule are no exception for history's pages to record – whether from socio-economic or political depression viewpoints – the Sissy regime's deranged absurdity continues unabated.
Egypt's courts of law and injustice system (sic – a joke in and of themselves) are burning the midnight oils – 24/7 – doling out rough justice - primarily in the form of police brutality - to the zillions of citizens who dared express their pros versus cons outrage viz the way their nation was being mismanaged – by Mubarak's Kleptomania Party dynastic government – or Morsi's Muslim Sisterhood clique – and now by the highly undemocratic pro-ZioNazi Sissyboy military rule regime.
But to give the courts their due – they are catching up with the backlog of offenders – with journalists, both domestic and foreign, copping the sharp end of the big stick more so than the odd carrot – along with rioters accused of rock chucking or arson or blasphemy or looting or goat rape or murder – and every other fucking breach of the criminal code a semi-sane mind can conjure up.
And the latest on the backlog list – two years in the waiting – is one right evil little twat – who now stands convicted of no less than the multiple offences of murder, inciting riots, destruction of government property and threatening Cairo's useless (let's run away) Plod Squad with a barrage of brickbats (Ed: brickbats in Egypt?) and other assorted aerial-borne crap.
Yep, this anti-Christ in the making, one Ahmed Mansour Karni, from the town of Madīnet el Fuckūmall - some 70 kilometres from the poxy sprawling slum known as Cairo – thanks to Egypt's legal system, which has morphed into a wholly dysfunctional beast under Sissyboy's martial law regime – will be joining the other 40,000 opposition supporters currently languishing in jail thanks to the government crack down on dissent (er – any fucker and their dog who disagrees with them).
For the 'common sense' record, Ahmed Mansour Karni was convicted of his crimes in absentia - as he was attending regular nursery school classes. And here lies the quandary – Ahmed is accused of / has been convicted of crimes committed in 2014 – before he was two years old – being born in 2012.
Regardless of the fact he was only 18 months old at the time he's accused of participating in riots and demonstrations on January 3, 2014 – Ahmed was swept up in an indictment listing his name along with 115 other hapless, zero legal aid defendants sentenced to life in prison this week by pro-Sissyboy regime's Judge, Tewflik al Stupido.
Although Ahmed’s birth certificate was presented to the bench of a civil court, the moronic state security apparatus (secret squirrels do it again) added his name to the list of accused to appear before a military tribunal - where his defence attorney – kindergarten nurse Fatima al Skanger - accused the presiding judge of failing to review the case and view his birth certificate before abruptly passing down a life sentence on a four-year-old child – branding him as a danger to polite society.
Well, to the Western mind this is a travesty, but from the viewpoint of an uneducated Egyptian peasant demographic, then Ahmed got off lightly with life imprisonment - (hey - even at four years old he's never gonna reach his Biblical three score n ten in a Cairo jail cell – n be lucky to turn twenty-one) – as 180 other hard core 'exercising our democratic right of protest' offenders were sentenced to death after being summarily convicted of participating in a series of violent demonstrations against the ousting of democratically-elected President Mohamed Morsi.
And here the lack of logic and common sense involved in Ahmed's conviction pales when among the 180 convicts sentenced to death (plus the 474 deaths that occurred in police custody) was blind beggar, Mustafa Youssef - for participating in a riot by shouting (in Arabic) "What the fuck's going on?" then having his guide dog, Lucky, shot by police for barking in a threatening manner - and his sad arse arrested when he refused to drop his brandished weapon – a white stick.
Thought for the day. Looks like logic went on walk-about with common sense in Pharaoh Abdel al Fatty el Sissyboy's 'modern day' Egypt. Good job the Great Satan n ZioNazi state of Israel are behind him in these oppressive endeavours - to maintain a most crooked n corrupt political status quo - and the Palestinian Gaza border crossing closed and mined, tunnels flooded and approaches sniper-targeted.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Egypt - we all know where the fuck it is – and what it is. Pyramids, the enigmatic smirk on the face of the Sphinx - plus camel shit galore underfoot. And sand – don't forget the sand. They've got more fucking sand than Taylor-Woodpile, Costain and McAlpine Paedo Construction could use in a zillion years of knocking up substandard housing units for the buy-to-rent bankster-owned housing association cabal to lease out at great profit to Broken Britain's homeless debt slave common herd.
More to the point is the fact that Egypt now – post Mubarak dynasty - represents a Third World shithole where logic went AWOL some years back during the US-instigated and funded Ayrab Spring - and the democratically-elected government of President Morsi was ousted in a military coup led by US / Israeli Zionist sock puppet stooge, sodomite-child rapist-paedo scumbag, General Abdel Fatty el-Sissy - who has now declared himself Pharaoh Abdel Sissy Boy the First (Ruler of the Upper and Lower Nile regions; Keeper of the Royal Sandpit; Wearer of the Imperial Fez; Lord Dredger of the Suez Canal).
Even since the Biblical fantasy days of Moses (and Nasser) then the Lands of the Nile have been a fuck-up in motion – and this current era of draconian martial law / military state rule are no exception for history's pages to record – whether from socio-economic or political depression viewpoints – the Sissy regime's deranged absurdity continues unabated.
Egypt's courts of law and injustice system (sic – a joke in and of themselves) are burning the midnight oils – 24/7 – doling out rough justice - primarily in the form of police brutality - to the zillions of citizens who dared express their pros versus cons outrage viz the way their nation was being mismanaged – by Mubarak's Kleptomania Party dynastic government – or Morsi's Muslim Sisterhood clique – and now by the highly undemocratic pro-ZioNazi Sissyboy military rule regime.
But to give the courts their due – they are catching up with the backlog of offenders – with journalists, both domestic and foreign, copping the sharp end of the big stick more so than the odd carrot – along with rioters accused of rock chucking or arson or blasphemy or looting or goat rape or murder – and every other fucking breach of the criminal code a semi-sane mind can conjure up.
And the latest on the backlog list – two years in the waiting – is one right evil little twat – who now stands convicted of no less than the multiple offences of murder, inciting riots, destruction of government property and threatening Cairo's useless (let's run away) Plod Squad with a barrage of brickbats (Ed: brickbats in Egypt?) and other assorted aerial-borne crap.
Yep, this anti-Christ in the making, one Ahmed Mansour Karni, from the town of Madīnet el Fuckūmall - some 70 kilometres from the poxy sprawling slum known as Cairo – thanks to Egypt's legal system, which has morphed into a wholly dysfunctional beast under Sissyboy's martial law regime – will be joining the other 40,000 opposition supporters currently languishing in jail thanks to the government crack down on dissent (er – any fucker and their dog who disagrees with them).
For the 'common sense' record, Ahmed Mansour Karni was convicted of his crimes in absentia - as he was attending regular nursery school classes. And here lies the quandary – Ahmed is accused of / has been convicted of crimes committed in 2014 – before he was two years old – being born in 2012.
Regardless of the fact he was only 18 months old at the time he's accused of participating in riots and demonstrations on January 3, 2014 – Ahmed was swept up in an indictment listing his name along with 115 other hapless, zero legal aid defendants sentenced to life in prison this week by pro-Sissyboy regime's Judge, Tewflik al Stupido.
Although Ahmed’s birth certificate was presented to the bench of a civil court, the moronic state security apparatus (secret squirrels do it again) added his name to the list of accused to appear before a military tribunal - where his defence attorney – kindergarten nurse Fatima al Skanger - accused the presiding judge of failing to review the case and view his birth certificate before abruptly passing down a life sentence on a four-year-old child – branding him as a danger to polite society.
Well, to the Western mind this is a travesty, but from the viewpoint of an uneducated Egyptian peasant demographic, then Ahmed got off lightly with life imprisonment - (hey - even at four years old he's never gonna reach his Biblical three score n ten in a Cairo jail cell – n be lucky to turn twenty-one) – as 180 other hard core 'exercising our democratic right of protest' offenders were sentenced to death after being summarily convicted of participating in a series of violent demonstrations against the ousting of democratically-elected President Mohamed Morsi.
And here the lack of logic and common sense involved in Ahmed's conviction pales when among the 180 convicts sentenced to death (plus the 474 deaths that occurred in police custody) was blind beggar, Mustafa Youssef - for participating in a riot by shouting (in Arabic) "What the fuck's going on?" then having his guide dog, Lucky, shot by police for barking in a threatening manner - and his sad arse arrested when he refused to drop his brandished weapon – a white stick.
Thought for the day. Looks like logic went on walk-about with common sense in Pharaoh Abdel al Fatty el Sissyboy's 'modern day' Egypt. Good job the Great Satan n ZioNazi state of Israel are behind him in these oppressive endeavours - to maintain a most crooked n corrupt political status quo - and the Palestinian Gaza border crossing closed and mined, tunnels flooded and approaches sniper-targeted.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Tory Scum Nix Pro-Palestine BDS Campaign
In today’s ‘Zionist Lackey / Sock Puppet Stooge’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Achmed ibn Himar, manning the 'I-Spy more illegal settlements' monitor desk inside Hamas' special forces Super Mole Brigade tunnel system - stretching from deep inside the besieged Gaza Strip into the sovereign state of Palestine's Jerusalem capital for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Broken Britain’s Tory 'Untrustables' Nasty Party excuse for a government is to announce next week fresh draconian legislation aimed at banning local authority councils and student unions, along with other public bodies and charities, from boycotting trade goods for political reasons – with the snide legislation obviously crafted to protect crap produced by Zionist Israeli corporations in the illegally occupied West Bank of – er - Palestine.
The gospel according to the Neo-Nazi Gazette, this undemocratic foreign policy scam which ignores the UN-endorsed human rights outcry from the disenfranchised, oppressed and wholly marginalised Palestinian population of 'Palestine's' military-occupied and ever-diminishing West Bank, and invokes such criminal undertones legislation, was first proposed by the Tory hierarchy during their annual conference last October – with cabinet office minister 'Matt the Twat' Wancock tasked with formally announcing the new regulations before the Israeli Knesset during his ass-kissing visit to the illegal, rogue Zionist state this week.
The Tory's anti-Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions legislation would ban institutions that receive the majority of their funding via government sources from participating in political procurement campaigns, choosing not to buy products from companies on political grounds – with the only exception a nationwide boycott mandated by the government – such as the trade sanctions currently imposed on Russia to force them out of the Crimea – and Syria.
Speaking with a gutter press hack from the red top Daily Shitraker tabloid, Matt 'Private Jet' Wancock opined "We need to challenge and prevent these divisive town hall boycotts fielded by bleeding heart liberals – and our new guidance rules on procurement, combined with changes we are making to how pension pots can be invested, will help prevent damaging and counterproductive local foreign policies undermining Israel's national security."
Oh yes, this is yet another stellar example of Nasty Party core values at their best – broadcast by a bloke who is too stupid to sense the hypocrisy in his moronic public accusation that the Labour Party is choker block with shirt lifters. Best he take a look at Parliament's paedo-faggot infested Tory benches first before pointing the fickle finger of fate elsewhere.
These anti-BDS campaign rules share a malodorous parallel with the restrictions imposed on local councils in 1988 by right-wing Nasty Party Slime Minister, Maggie 'Menopausal Madness' Thatcher to prevent them from exercising economic pressure on South Africa's apartheid regime by boycotting its goods – as part of Downing Street's covert deal with the Botha government to surrender to British military authorities the five nuclear weapons (supplied by Israel) stored at their underground Pelindaba arsenal before the CODESA talks ended white supremacy rule and the darkies took over the reins of power – leaving a nuke-armed Nelson Umbrella with the means to burn Whitey's ass to radioactive cinders.
What the common herd demographic need to be asking of their elected House of Conmans MPs is who the fuck are Scameron and his Nasty Party representing the interests of – Broken Britain's voting public – or the Khazar-Askenazi crypto-Jews of convenience running the Rothshite bankster cabal's crime state of Israel?
While nigh on 350 'deeply disturbed' British-based academic anorak / beardy types have vowed to boycott Israeli universities – citing Tel Aviv's illegal occupation of Palestinian land and human rights violations - and further abstain from scoffing any more kosher Babka cakes - Amnesty International spokesman O’chel ben Batachat opined to the Chosen People's Review that the Tory legislation would further encourage Israeli Slime Minister Bobo Nuttyahoo's Likit Party government and the IDF military to continue unabated with their human rights violations against the Palestinian population or – er – Palestine.
The move was castigated by the Rabbi-in-Chief at London's Israeli Embassy, Orlah Snipcock, who claimed it will only sow further hatred against Israeli settlers in the West Bank and slow the non-existent peace process to a dead stop.
In support, embassy spokesperson Achzib Rosh Tahat opined to the Shifty Shylock Chronicle that the move shows the very same unacceptable and callous disregard for the sanctity of Israeli lives as the IDF thugs display towards those of the goyim scum Palestinians.
Conversely, something stinks in Tel Aviv as in the wake of the so-called 'academics' BDS protest declaration, less than a week later 150 people from the British arts world have co-signed a letter – also published in the Arse Lickers Gazette – that criticizes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for being anti-Semitic in nature – and its supporters as Holohoax deniers.
More worrying still is the fact that Harry Potter plagiarist author J.K. Rowling, stands firmly behind the ZioNazi racist state's right to steal as much Palestinian territory as they like – they are God's Chosen People and it is their Promised Land.
Doubtless Rowling's boy wizard might well be loosed to wreak havoc on any and all who dare back the BDS campaign. Thus BDS supporters be afraid – be very afraid, as the threadbare cliché goes.
Although BDS support is alive and well across the EUSSR, with a delegation of the European Parliament for relations with Palestine calling for an immediate end to the illegal Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories as well as the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the criminal demolition of Palestinian homes.
Denouncing Israel's Naziesque 'occupation policies' in a press statement, the delegation chairwoman, Martellina Shitkicker, stated “The expansion of settlements, demolitions, forcible transfers and evictions must stop immediately. Palestinians need hope, freedom and human rights. The way to these is by ending the illegal occupation."
The EU / Brussels delegation, on a four-day official visit to the occupied West Bank, also slammed PM Bobo Nuttyahoo's Israeli regime for the increasing number of demolitions of humanitarian structures financed by the European Union.
“People are losing the homes that we paid for and built – and living in the cold and rain. Israeli policies violate international law and show disrespect for the EU, Israel's biggest trade partner – so as far as the BDS campaign goes – let's bring it on.”
Alas at the irony of the West Bank's situation when the sick joke of a Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud 'Sock Puppet' Abbas (whose term of elected office expired back in 2009) acts hand-in-glove with Bobo Nuttyahoo's Israeli occupation forces and cracks down with extreme violence and extra-judicial imprisonment on righteous and justified Palestinian opposition to the military occupation and theft of their lands.
Thought for the day. Yet a further manifestation of Scameron's Nasty Party gang's concept of 'democracy' – an executive decree enforced with neither parliamentary debate or vote.
So much for the Tory Nasty Party's observance of human rights when they tolerate the despicable abuses and war crimes of Israel's ZioNazi thugs.
But so typical of Scameron's hypocrite Tories, and their brazen hubris and contempt for the British voters and democracy. If this was Syria's Basher al Assad in question then the hue and cry would be deafening – but as it's the Rothshite crime family-owned ZioNazi apartheid racist state of Israel, then they can get away with murder – the ethnic cleansing / genocidal mass murder type of sectarian / racial butchery that Hitler and Pol Pot are best remembered for.
A point to remember, this not only applies to Zionist Israel but too toxic GMO Frankenfood / mutant crops vendors alike Monsanto and Co – and the full bevy of foul and foreign TTIP corporations once they get their evil foot in the door of UK commerce and trade.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Broken Britain’s Tory 'Untrustables' Nasty Party excuse for a government is to announce next week fresh draconian legislation aimed at banning local authority councils and student unions, along with other public bodies and charities, from boycotting trade goods for political reasons – with the snide legislation obviously crafted to protect crap produced by Zionist Israeli corporations in the illegally occupied West Bank of – er - Palestine.
The gospel according to the Neo-Nazi Gazette, this undemocratic foreign policy scam which ignores the UN-endorsed human rights outcry from the disenfranchised, oppressed and wholly marginalised Palestinian population of 'Palestine's' military-occupied and ever-diminishing West Bank, and invokes such criminal undertones legislation, was first proposed by the Tory hierarchy during their annual conference last October – with cabinet office minister 'Matt the Twat' Wancock tasked with formally announcing the new regulations before the Israeli Knesset during his ass-kissing visit to the illegal, rogue Zionist state this week.
The Tory's anti-Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions legislation would ban institutions that receive the majority of their funding via government sources from participating in political procurement campaigns, choosing not to buy products from companies on political grounds – with the only exception a nationwide boycott mandated by the government – such as the trade sanctions currently imposed on Russia to force them out of the Crimea – and Syria.
Speaking with a gutter press hack from the red top Daily Shitraker tabloid, Matt 'Private Jet' Wancock opined "We need to challenge and prevent these divisive town hall boycotts fielded by bleeding heart liberals – and our new guidance rules on procurement, combined with changes we are making to how pension pots can be invested, will help prevent damaging and counterproductive local foreign policies undermining Israel's national security."
Oh yes, this is yet another stellar example of Nasty Party core values at their best – broadcast by a bloke who is too stupid to sense the hypocrisy in his moronic public accusation that the Labour Party is choker block with shirt lifters. Best he take a look at Parliament's paedo-faggot infested Tory benches first before pointing the fickle finger of fate elsewhere.
These anti-BDS campaign rules share a malodorous parallel with the restrictions imposed on local councils in 1988 by right-wing Nasty Party Slime Minister, Maggie 'Menopausal Madness' Thatcher to prevent them from exercising economic pressure on South Africa's apartheid regime by boycotting its goods – as part of Downing Street's covert deal with the Botha government to surrender to British military authorities the five nuclear weapons (supplied by Israel) stored at their underground Pelindaba arsenal before the CODESA talks ended white supremacy rule and the darkies took over the reins of power – leaving a nuke-armed Nelson Umbrella with the means to burn Whitey's ass to radioactive cinders.
What the common herd demographic need to be asking of their elected House of Conmans MPs is who the fuck are Scameron and his Nasty Party representing the interests of – Broken Britain's voting public – or the Khazar-Askenazi crypto-Jews of convenience running the Rothshite bankster cabal's crime state of Israel?
While nigh on 350 'deeply disturbed' British-based academic anorak / beardy types have vowed to boycott Israeli universities – citing Tel Aviv's illegal occupation of Palestinian land and human rights violations - and further abstain from scoffing any more kosher Babka cakes - Amnesty International spokesman O’chel ben Batachat opined to the Chosen People's Review that the Tory legislation would further encourage Israeli Slime Minister Bobo Nuttyahoo's Likit Party government and the IDF military to continue unabated with their human rights violations against the Palestinian population or – er – Palestine.
The move was castigated by the Rabbi-in-Chief at London's Israeli Embassy, Orlah Snipcock, who claimed it will only sow further hatred against Israeli settlers in the West Bank and slow the non-existent peace process to a dead stop.
In support, embassy spokesperson Achzib Rosh Tahat opined to the Shifty Shylock Chronicle that the move shows the very same unacceptable and callous disregard for the sanctity of Israeli lives as the IDF thugs display towards those of the goyim scum Palestinians.
Conversely, something stinks in Tel Aviv as in the wake of the so-called 'academics' BDS protest declaration, less than a week later 150 people from the British arts world have co-signed a letter – also published in the Arse Lickers Gazette – that criticizes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for being anti-Semitic in nature – and its supporters as Holohoax deniers.
More worrying still is the fact that Harry Potter plagiarist author J.K. Rowling, stands firmly behind the ZioNazi racist state's right to steal as much Palestinian territory as they like – they are God's Chosen People and it is their Promised Land.
Doubtless Rowling's boy wizard might well be loosed to wreak havoc on any and all who dare back the BDS campaign. Thus BDS supporters be afraid – be very afraid, as the threadbare cliché goes.
Although BDS support is alive and well across the EUSSR, with a delegation of the European Parliament for relations with Palestine calling for an immediate end to the illegal Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories as well as the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the criminal demolition of Palestinian homes.
Denouncing Israel's Naziesque 'occupation policies' in a press statement, the delegation chairwoman, Martellina Shitkicker, stated “The expansion of settlements, demolitions, forcible transfers and evictions must stop immediately. Palestinians need hope, freedom and human rights. The way to these is by ending the illegal occupation."
The EU / Brussels delegation, on a four-day official visit to the occupied West Bank, also slammed PM Bobo Nuttyahoo's Israeli regime for the increasing number of demolitions of humanitarian structures financed by the European Union.
“People are losing the homes that we paid for and built – and living in the cold and rain. Israeli policies violate international law and show disrespect for the EU, Israel's biggest trade partner – so as far as the BDS campaign goes – let's bring it on.”
Alas at the irony of the West Bank's situation when the sick joke of a Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud 'Sock Puppet' Abbas (whose term of elected office expired back in 2009) acts hand-in-glove with Bobo Nuttyahoo's Israeli occupation forces and cracks down with extreme violence and extra-judicial imprisonment on righteous and justified Palestinian opposition to the military occupation and theft of their lands.
Thought for the day. Yet a further manifestation of Scameron's Nasty Party gang's concept of 'democracy' – an executive decree enforced with neither parliamentary debate or vote.
So much for the Tory Nasty Party's observance of human rights when they tolerate the despicable abuses and war crimes of Israel's ZioNazi thugs.
But so typical of Scameron's hypocrite Tories, and their brazen hubris and contempt for the British voters and democracy. If this was Syria's Basher al Assad in question then the hue and cry would be deafening – but as it's the Rothshite crime family-owned ZioNazi apartheid racist state of Israel, then they can get away with murder – the ethnic cleansing / genocidal mass murder type of sectarian / racial butchery that Hitler and Pol Pot are best remembered for.
A point to remember, this not only applies to Zionist Israel but too toxic GMO Frankenfood / mutant crops vendors alike Monsanto and Co – and the full bevy of foul and foreign TTIP corporations once they get their evil foot in the door of UK commerce and trade.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
BAFTA's Fry as Funny as Chemo'
In today’s 'Puff in a Huff' edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering gossip from Mollie McSkanger, manning the covert Downing Street 'insider mole' Cabinet Office hotline for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill and reporting on the controversial tittle-tattle that the Tory public school shirt lifters are planning to make homosexuality compulsory - with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Celebrity fudger Stephen 'Groucho' Fry showed his true dirty deviant colours while hosting the St Valentine's Day scheduled BAFTA awards at London’s Royal Opera House with a disgusting paedo themed joke about the Catholic church being a den of kiddie fiddling iniquity – which the politically correct mainstream media have attempted to avoid and suppress mention of - focusing instead on the nasty, sicko ‘bag lady’ joke he cracked about costume designer Jenny Beavan,
Conversely the MSM have since been embarrassed into reporting the fact that both Fry's contemptuous comments have provoked a shitstorm of criticism from a legion of his 'twelve million' Twitter followers (what sad cunts 'follow' anything this sordid and debauched dog wanker has to pontificate on?)
In a typical dummy-spitting faux outrage response to any form of criticism or reprimand from the common herd public body and / or his lickspittle fan club demographic as opposed to sycophantic adoration and praise, Fry reverted to his old tactics by lashing out at any and all who dared censure him, then shut down his Twitter account with extreme prejudice - and announced he and his tiny tots toyboy 'husband' Elliot are moving to California's faggot-central: Los Angeles.
Unless he suffers yet another of his convenient 'nervous breakdowns' and runs away to Holland again, doubtless the pedantic poufter, this sanctimonious, smug twat, will be back in the media pages faster than shit through a goose, responding to the drop in public acclaim veneration with his customary 'poor me' victim card and blaming the purposeful gaffes on his bipolar depression condition.
Excuses besides, the lewd and lurid are regular themes to Fry's sermons, as he lectures lesser mortals (heterosexuals) on points of grammar and the virtues of pink society – with purposeful intent to shock, as per his presence at the Hay Literary Festival dinner last week when he was appointed President of the event and rendered a vomitous graphic account of Gore Vidal's stay at a top London hotel and phoning a gay escort agency to arrange 'a boy' for an energetic afternoon buggery session – complete with distasteful specifics of the suck n swallow, sphincter-stretching sexual acts the escort would be expected to perform.
Hence the question must be posed - is Fry simply another digger deviant – the type of sodomite scum the Holy Bible's Leviticus refers to as 'abominations' – or is there a paedophile thread too? What might 'acclaimed' establishment celebrity Fry reveal to Operation Midland's Plod Squad investigators viz the kiddie fiddling moneyed elite that rule the roost in our once-sceptred isle – if his limp wrist was subjected to a Chinese burn?
So the public might be aware, this arse bandit scumster, to his literary acclaim, penned a twisted stage production back in 1979, while a Cambridge undergraduate: 'But Latin! or Tobacco and Boys' – (billed as “a play in two unnatural sadomasochistic acts) - with the subject matter no less than rampant pederasty at public schools which details a homosexual affair between an effete Latin teacher and his 13-year-old star pupil. Hmmm, perhaps a 'personal wish list' subject Fry had first hand knowledge of?
As the foppish egocentric host of the BBC's QI programme, back in 2013 Fry was the subject of an internal inquiry (coverup) that he had trivialised child sexual abuse during an episode of QI in which he recited a limerick about a chaplain’s paedo' desire to perform an unnatural 'beast with two backs' carnal act with a choir boy.
Oh, for the record, the Beeb rejected the complaint. Nowt surprising there then.
To add to this ignominy, Fry was one of the founders of private member’s Groucho Club, exposed as having links to a vile child pornography / exploitation scandal (The Groucho Gate Affair) and whose forum was used by a network of paedophiles and contained hundreds of web pages and links to pornographic videos and explicit images of young children and infants available for sex.
Fry, listed Number 4 on the World Pride Sodomite Power list, seems afflicted by some exaggerated sense of importance as a goggle box celebrity and comes across as being of the deviant opinion that everyone should be 'gay'.
Really, where was that term hijacked from? Gay? A bit like the scumbag Israelis patenting the term 'anti-Semitic' as their very own when half the scum are Khazar-Ashkenazi crypto-kikes such as PM Bobo Nuttyahoo - with fuck all Semite DNA in their Caucasian genes – unlike the Palestinian population of Palestine whose lands the ZioNazis have usurped – a true Semitic people.
One ponders where does Fry fit in the Linnaean taxonomy index scheme of things? As a corpulent fat-arsed gobshite marked by unqualified arrogance. A smug, holier than thou twat one finds hanging around public toilets – and an ideal candidate for Mary 'Strapon' Astor's Cliveden Set – who needs to take a long, hard look in a mirror before he goes off at anyone else.
A creature possessed by ego, who boasts he is on cordial terms with Prince Chazzer (aka Dobby von Big Ears) through his work with the Prince's Trust – which accounts as no mark of social distinction – Dobby was big bosom buddy pals with paedo sex perv Jimmy Savile too.
This effeminate 58-year old flabby slug, whose humour bears the thread of nasty malice in all he evangelises on, committed a bum bandit version of cradle snatching in January last year when he stepped up to the altar and married 27-year old Elliott Spencer - a self-proclaimed stand-up funny cunt comedian who – like his wife Fry, is also rumoured to occasionally dabble in reality.
Norfolk's local rag, the Dereham Deviant's Gazette, reported on the 'happy' (sic) occasion: "Stephen wore a white bridal dress complete with veil and bouquet of pansies - while husband Elliott was kitted out in a black suit and shirt with a Chelsea blue tie."
Thought for the day. Fry tweeted a 2011 eulogy to the BBC's celeb' paedo Sir Jimmy Savile: "Oh, Sir Jimmy Savile is no more. Spent a train journey from Leeds to London with him once. He was not as other men. Fascinating & rare: RIP".
Ref Fry's QI-recited limerick: “There was a young chaplain from King’s / Who talked about God and such things / But his real desire / Was a boy in the choir / With a bottom like jelly on springs.”
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Celebrity fudger Stephen 'Groucho' Fry showed his true dirty deviant colours while hosting the St Valentine's Day scheduled BAFTA awards at London’s Royal Opera House with a disgusting paedo themed joke about the Catholic church being a den of kiddie fiddling iniquity – which the politically correct mainstream media have attempted to avoid and suppress mention of - focusing instead on the nasty, sicko ‘bag lady’ joke he cracked about costume designer Jenny Beavan,
Conversely the MSM have since been embarrassed into reporting the fact that both Fry's contemptuous comments have provoked a shitstorm of criticism from a legion of his 'twelve million' Twitter followers (what sad cunts 'follow' anything this sordid and debauched dog wanker has to pontificate on?)
In a typical dummy-spitting faux outrage response to any form of criticism or reprimand from the common herd public body and / or his lickspittle fan club demographic as opposed to sycophantic adoration and praise, Fry reverted to his old tactics by lashing out at any and all who dared censure him, then shut down his Twitter account with extreme prejudice - and announced he and his tiny tots toyboy 'husband' Elliot are moving to California's faggot-central: Los Angeles.
Unless he suffers yet another of his convenient 'nervous breakdowns' and runs away to Holland again, doubtless the pedantic poufter, this sanctimonious, smug twat, will be back in the media pages faster than shit through a goose, responding to the drop in public acclaim veneration with his customary 'poor me' victim card and blaming the purposeful gaffes on his bipolar depression condition.
Excuses besides, the lewd and lurid are regular themes to Fry's sermons, as he lectures lesser mortals (heterosexuals) on points of grammar and the virtues of pink society – with purposeful intent to shock, as per his presence at the Hay Literary Festival dinner last week when he was appointed President of the event and rendered a vomitous graphic account of Gore Vidal's stay at a top London hotel and phoning a gay escort agency to arrange 'a boy' for an energetic afternoon buggery session – complete with distasteful specifics of the suck n swallow, sphincter-stretching sexual acts the escort would be expected to perform.
Hence the question must be posed - is Fry simply another digger deviant – the type of sodomite scum the Holy Bible's Leviticus refers to as 'abominations' – or is there a paedophile thread too? What might 'acclaimed' establishment celebrity Fry reveal to Operation Midland's Plod Squad investigators viz the kiddie fiddling moneyed elite that rule the roost in our once-sceptred isle – if his limp wrist was subjected to a Chinese burn?
So the public might be aware, this arse bandit scumster, to his literary acclaim, penned a twisted stage production back in 1979, while a Cambridge undergraduate: 'But Latin! or Tobacco and Boys' – (billed as “a play in two unnatural sadomasochistic acts) - with the subject matter no less than rampant pederasty at public schools which details a homosexual affair between an effete Latin teacher and his 13-year-old star pupil. Hmmm, perhaps a 'personal wish list' subject Fry had first hand knowledge of?
As the foppish egocentric host of the BBC's QI programme, back in 2013 Fry was the subject of an internal inquiry (coverup) that he had trivialised child sexual abuse during an episode of QI in which he recited a limerick about a chaplain’s paedo' desire to perform an unnatural 'beast with two backs' carnal act with a choir boy.
Oh, for the record, the Beeb rejected the complaint. Nowt surprising there then.
To add to this ignominy, Fry was one of the founders of private member’s Groucho Club, exposed as having links to a vile child pornography / exploitation scandal (The Groucho Gate Affair) and whose forum was used by a network of paedophiles and contained hundreds of web pages and links to pornographic videos and explicit images of young children and infants available for sex.
Fry, listed Number 4 on the World Pride Sodomite Power list, seems afflicted by some exaggerated sense of importance as a goggle box celebrity and comes across as being of the deviant opinion that everyone should be 'gay'.
Really, where was that term hijacked from? Gay? A bit like the scumbag Israelis patenting the term 'anti-Semitic' as their very own when half the scum are Khazar-Ashkenazi crypto-kikes such as PM Bobo Nuttyahoo - with fuck all Semite DNA in their Caucasian genes – unlike the Palestinian population of Palestine whose lands the ZioNazis have usurped – a true Semitic people.
One ponders where does Fry fit in the Linnaean taxonomy index scheme of things? As a corpulent fat-arsed gobshite marked by unqualified arrogance. A smug, holier than thou twat one finds hanging around public toilets – and an ideal candidate for Mary 'Strapon' Astor's Cliveden Set – who needs to take a long, hard look in a mirror before he goes off at anyone else.
A creature possessed by ego, who boasts he is on cordial terms with Prince Chazzer (aka Dobby von Big Ears) through his work with the Prince's Trust – which accounts as no mark of social distinction – Dobby was big bosom buddy pals with paedo sex perv Jimmy Savile too.
This effeminate 58-year old flabby slug, whose humour bears the thread of nasty malice in all he evangelises on, committed a bum bandit version of cradle snatching in January last year when he stepped up to the altar and married 27-year old Elliott Spencer - a self-proclaimed stand-up funny cunt comedian who – like his wife Fry, is also rumoured to occasionally dabble in reality.
Norfolk's local rag, the Dereham Deviant's Gazette, reported on the 'happy' (sic) occasion: "Stephen wore a white bridal dress complete with veil and bouquet of pansies - while husband Elliott was kitted out in a black suit and shirt with a Chelsea blue tie."
Thought for the day. Fry tweeted a 2011 eulogy to the BBC's celeb' paedo Sir Jimmy Savile: "Oh, Sir Jimmy Savile is no more. Spent a train journey from Leeds to London with him once. He was not as other men. Fascinating & rare: RIP".
Ref Fry's QI-recited limerick: “There was a young chaplain from King’s / Who talked about God and such things / But his real desire / Was a boy in the choir / With a bottom like jelly on springs.”
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Only in America: The Good Ole US of A
In today’s ‘Be Kind to Animals: Zoophilia Banned’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Mollie McSkanger, manning the Great Lakes editorial desk for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The Michigan State Senate in downtown Lansing last week passed a new bill which mandates that individuals convicted of having sex with animals – or using animals as part of a Masonic / Satanic cult sexual act (blood sacrifice / secret society initiation rituals) will henceforth be banned from legally owning a pet or working with animals for five years.
No shit, let's hope Broken Britain's House of Conmans adopt the same legislative measures – cos that will most definitely put a damper on the pervy pastimes of the likes of Lord Peter Scandalson and his 'vermin in ermine' House of Frauds pals - and if the spank-eyed, tax-dodging Baron Gashcroft is to be granted a minor modicum of credibility, then too the Tory's snob-rat oick of a Slime Minister, Posh Dave Scameron – who reputedly gets his jollies from blow jobs off dead pigs – (fellatia necrophus porkus).
Michigan State Senate Bill 219, also known as Logan’s Law - which is named in memory of an underage dachshund that was buggered to death by its canine-paedo abusive taxidermist owner – (then gutted and stuffed and turned into a front door draught excluder) - passed by a 37-1 vote and is headed to the House Judiciary Committee for ratification – along with an attached 'small print' covert clause that oral and anal sex among Michigan citizens is henceforth verboten.
Thus, while pet owners and farmers might well be rejoicing over the passage of the bill, residents of the Werewolf State – heterosexuals and homo faggots alike - who enjoy a good suck n swallow gamarouche and / or bout of bum sex, are bound to be super pissed off with the final paragraphs of the 21-page bill:
'A person who commits the abominable and detestable crime of sodomy against nature (unnatural carnal copulation) - either with a man or woman or with any animal – including fish - is guilty of a felony'.
The wording of the bill, drafted by a team of bipartisan sponsors, is problematic for defining sodomy as both anal and oral sex – and equating both acts with bestiality, despite the fact that they (usually) take place between consenting humans - and are forthwith punishable with a 15 year jail sentence (in one of the US's notorious bumboy paradise prisons).
Michigan remains one of the twelve of fifty states that still have sodomy bans on the books, despite a ruling from the Supreme Court that okays blow jobs and anal sex between consenting adults – but not sheep.
So the gospel according to Senate Bill 219, a good old gam' - and anal sex -constitute immoral and abominable acts and are henceforth forbidden carnal fruits – with each other and / or stray dogs and cats. Conversely, most conspicuous by its absence in the bill, is the fact there's no provision for a parallel ban on incest nor kiddie fiddling.
Doubtless this latest affront to personal liberty in the Land of the Free will be swallowed whole by the dumb-arsed common herd collective that the American
population have evolved into due the black propaganda and treasonous acts of the ruling elite – an Ivy League WASP establishment controlled by a shitbag paedo-faggot cabal of Satanists, originally led by the Brothers Dulles and the Rockefeller clan – who, with their equally maleficent cohorts, conspired to murder Jack, then Bobby, then Martin then Malcolm, then Marley, then Lennon .... and on and on ... to the Neo-Con PNAC / 9/11 killing spree, designed to open up the Middle East and Africa to a generation of strategic hegemony military conflicts and the control of a conquered sovereign nation's fossil fuel resources.
Three hundred million Yanks – and due their macho self-righteous claptrap, they deserve each other so badly. This once-proud nation of rebellious empire-smashing iconoclasts have since devolved at a rate of knots into a bunch of bully boy cave dweller thugs that would make Cro-Magnon look like Homo Superior - beating up on Third World no-chancers – and still not winning a single match – always trounced as second-placers yet deluded by their own Nixonite 'peace with honour' bullshit.
They elected Dodger Bill twice, the moronic Bush twice, and twice again for this alien Afro-Indonesian Muslim faggot impostor, Barky – a Zionist stooge saddled with a pre-op' transgender 'wife' - Muscles Mike. And if it wasn't for master of deception 'Stan the Man' Kubrick, NASA would never have put a man on the moon.
To wit, just look who's in the running for the office of the Presidency this November: Trump and the Mena Mafia Matriarch – Hilarious Rodent Clinton. Hey, the circus has come to town, and Bernie Saunders has no chance – he's that most rare and unique of political creatures - an honest man.
And that folks, is that. Blow jobs and bum sex are out for the count in Michigan.
Thought for the day. On the subject of felching, Lord Scandalson of the Cottagers was branded with the disparaging sobriquet of 'Pet Shop Pete' while acting as New Labour PM Gordon 'Cyclops' Broon's Business Secretary, and some whistle-blowing snitch at MI5, out to ruffle a few feathers and stir the shit, circulated a medical report from a Paris hospital where Scandalson had reputedly been examined for a 'colonic obstruction' – which turned out to be a most irate and inconsolable hamster who has been fed a shot of crystal meth' then shoved up the dirty bastard's back passage during a Masonic felching ritual (apparently by fellow fudger, Nutty Natty Rothshite) - and suffered a bowel-rage 'let me out!' scratching tantrum episode when it realised it was trapped up a faggot's arse.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico paedo ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets, stoats, polecats, voles and moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
The Michigan State Senate in downtown Lansing last week passed a new bill which mandates that individuals convicted of having sex with animals – or using animals as part of a Masonic / Satanic cult sexual act (blood sacrifice / secret society initiation rituals) will henceforth be banned from legally owning a pet or working with animals for five years.
No shit, let's hope Broken Britain's House of Conmans adopt the same legislative measures – cos that will most definitely put a damper on the pervy pastimes of the likes of Lord Peter Scandalson and his 'vermin in ermine' House of Frauds pals - and if the spank-eyed, tax-dodging Baron Gashcroft is to be granted a minor modicum of credibility, then too the Tory's snob-rat oick of a Slime Minister, Posh Dave Scameron – who reputedly gets his jollies from blow jobs off dead pigs – (fellatia necrophus porkus).
Michigan State Senate Bill 219, also known as Logan’s Law - which is named in memory of an underage dachshund that was buggered to death by its canine-paedo abusive taxidermist owner – (then gutted and stuffed and turned into a front door draught excluder) - passed by a 37-1 vote and is headed to the House Judiciary Committee for ratification – along with an attached 'small print' covert clause that oral and anal sex among Michigan citizens is henceforth verboten.
Thus, while pet owners and farmers might well be rejoicing over the passage of the bill, residents of the Werewolf State – heterosexuals and homo faggots alike - who enjoy a good suck n swallow gamarouche and / or bout of bum sex, are bound to be super pissed off with the final paragraphs of the 21-page bill:
'A person who commits the abominable and detestable crime of sodomy against nature (unnatural carnal copulation) - either with a man or woman or with any animal – including fish - is guilty of a felony'.
The wording of the bill, drafted by a team of bipartisan sponsors, is problematic for defining sodomy as both anal and oral sex – and equating both acts with bestiality, despite the fact that they (usually) take place between consenting humans - and are forthwith punishable with a 15 year jail sentence (in one of the US's notorious bumboy paradise prisons).
Michigan remains one of the twelve of fifty states that still have sodomy bans on the books, despite a ruling from the Supreme Court that okays blow jobs and anal sex between consenting adults – but not sheep.
So the gospel according to Senate Bill 219, a good old gam' - and anal sex -constitute immoral and abominable acts and are henceforth forbidden carnal fruits – with each other and / or stray dogs and cats. Conversely, most conspicuous by its absence in the bill, is the fact there's no provision for a parallel ban on incest nor kiddie fiddling.
Doubtless this latest affront to personal liberty in the Land of the Free will be swallowed whole by the dumb-arsed common herd collective that the American
population have evolved into due the black propaganda and treasonous acts of the ruling elite – an Ivy League WASP establishment controlled by a shitbag paedo-faggot cabal of Satanists, originally led by the Brothers Dulles and the Rockefeller clan – who, with their equally maleficent cohorts, conspired to murder Jack, then Bobby, then Martin then Malcolm, then Marley, then Lennon .... and on and on ... to the Neo-Con PNAC / 9/11 killing spree, designed to open up the Middle East and Africa to a generation of strategic hegemony military conflicts and the control of a conquered sovereign nation's fossil fuel resources.
Three hundred million Yanks – and due their macho self-righteous claptrap, they deserve each other so badly. This once-proud nation of rebellious empire-smashing iconoclasts have since devolved at a rate of knots into a bunch of bully boy cave dweller thugs that would make Cro-Magnon look like Homo Superior - beating up on Third World no-chancers – and still not winning a single match – always trounced as second-placers yet deluded by their own Nixonite 'peace with honour' bullshit.
They elected Dodger Bill twice, the moronic Bush twice, and twice again for this alien Afro-Indonesian Muslim faggot impostor, Barky – a Zionist stooge saddled with a pre-op' transgender 'wife' - Muscles Mike. And if it wasn't for master of deception 'Stan the Man' Kubrick, NASA would never have put a man on the moon.
To wit, just look who's in the running for the office of the Presidency this November: Trump and the Mena Mafia Matriarch – Hilarious Rodent Clinton. Hey, the circus has come to town, and Bernie Saunders has no chance – he's that most rare and unique of political creatures - an honest man.
And that folks, is that. Blow jobs and bum sex are out for the count in Michigan.
Thought for the day. On the subject of felching, Lord Scandalson of the Cottagers was branded with the disparaging sobriquet of 'Pet Shop Pete' while acting as New Labour PM Gordon 'Cyclops' Broon's Business Secretary, and some whistle-blowing snitch at MI5, out to ruffle a few feathers and stir the shit, circulated a medical report from a Paris hospital where Scandalson had reputedly been examined for a 'colonic obstruction' – which turned out to be a most irate and inconsolable hamster who has been fed a shot of crystal meth' then shoved up the dirty bastard's back passage during a Masonic felching ritual (apparently by fellow fudger, Nutty Natty Rothshite) - and suffered a bowel-rage 'let me out!' scratching tantrum episode when it realised it was trapped up a faggot's arse.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico paedo ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets, stoats, polecats, voles and moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Monday, 15 February 2016
Scameron's EUSSR Referendum Scam
Once again, the latest and the greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The UK's Tory Slime Minister, 'Pig Sex Dave' Scameron, yesterday suffered a further bout of self-delusional euphoria and announced with an unconvincing display of dynamism that Broken Britain will continue to be a leading voice on the world stage - applying a somewhat muddled medieval metaphor marked by feudal implications - that Britain will never pull up the drawbridge and retreat from global affairs - and it is in Europe's best interests for the United Kingdom – including Sturgeon's bolshie SNP Police State 'separatist' Scotland - to stay in a reformed European Union and add Westminster's signature to the TTIP agreement as proof of the Tory's continued support for the perverted culture of unbridled consumerism – and by direct association, usurious credit card debt slavery.
Speaking off the record to one press hack from Hamburg's prestigious 'Spankodrom Gazette' outside Peppa's Bar during an evening stroll around the zoophilia sector of the notorious Reeberbahn - and while ignoring his litany of egregious deceits regarding the Nasty Party being on top of any shift of geo-political powerbases - Scameron confided that the changes he was seeking to the UK's continued membership were designed to lull Broken Britain's common herd peasant class voters into a false sense of security and convince them to vote Yes when the proposed In / Out referendum is held.
While Posh Dave might well be labouring under the flawed impression the British public demographic are going to swallow his pro-Europe arguments hook, line and sinker, he's still got to sell these demands to the bête noire antagonist leaders of the other 27 member states community at next week's summit of EUSSR head honchos in Brussels – before his Royal Arch Freemason handlers, ensconced in their Square Mile citadel, dare schedule any In / Out referendum for June – or whenever.
And here manifests a stumbling block of Biblical proportions when we consider the Tory Nudge Unit think tank scribes have purposely crafted ambiguous and diametric wording into Scameron's '4-Point Plan' - which will present a total unintelligible fuck up once it's translated into 27-plus other EUSSR community languages and regional dialects.
Additionally there will be EUSSR state leaders who maintain Scameron's demands will breach Brussels' sacred cow ideology and can only be complied with under a re-written treaty agreement – while Posh Dave himself claims it will take forever – if not longer – for any treaty deal to come into force – whereas if his proposals are okayed next Thursday (some fucking chance) then he wants the new rules to come into force immediately – if not sooner.
Conversely, the Polack President of the EUSSR Council, Donald 'Ivory' Tusk, who agreed to stick his scrawny Slavic neck out by going through the motions of brokering discussions on the UK's renegotiation process, warned that the deal remains as fragile as Scameron's credibility as a political heavyweight – with leaders particularly pissed off at any suggestion that welfare payments to their own scrounging migrant nationals arriving in the UK will be blocked.
In his final authoritarian 'tough guy' speech before next week's scheduled dog n pony show meeting, Scameron told business, political and civic leaders in Hamburg that the entire House of Conmans assembly, and too the British sheeple, would remain argumentative and strong willed to push his threadbare re-negotiation deal when it came to the subject of being further integrated into a dystopian technocratic EUSSR super state federation, controlled by a covert financial oligarchy of Satan-worshipping sociopaths.
"We have the character of an island nation - independent, forthright, passionate in defence of our sovereign Majesty's monopolistic ownership of land - and of the Royal institutions that have served us well for centuries - thus the need to protect our sovereignty has always been paramount for us."
Quite right too Dave – apart from confusing 'sovereign' with 'sovereignty' - thanks for letting that gem of a controversial point slip out. Cos if that is our position than why the fuck do we need to be part and parcel of the graft and corruption-ridden bureaucratic / political edifice that Brussels and the entire EUSSR state apparatus represents.
Obviously getting carried away with his own half-witted verbosity during the Matthiae-Mahlzeit dinner in Hamburg and monopolising the ear of Germany's 'schwein im schlüpfer' Chancellor, mangy Angie Merkel – with the skewed disclosure that Britain was an open nation and shared a long history with Germany – even if it did involve kicking their arses in two world wars during the last century.
So it looks like Posh Dave's got his work cut out, appeasing his Satanist financial oligarchy bosses 'and' the hapless British public who, according to the latest Ipsos MORI survey poll, don't trust the snob-toff wanker a single inch.
Good stuff, and let's hope he sweats a few flabby arsed pounds off with the stress. For not only has he got to sell the four major stickler renegotiation points to the likes of welfare-grubbing scroungers from Greece, Poland, Romania and too the vulgar Bulgar gyppo bloc – but even if that's a half-arsed success, then he has to sell continued membership / further integration viz the totalitarian Stasi EUSSR state to his own dissident Tory Party membership and Labour and the Lib-Dums – 'and' the British voting public.
Yet the final wording of the deal – with this fatally flawed 'emergency brake' on benefit payments to EUSSR migrants - and the UK opt-out from 'ever closer union' / federation – look set to remain a thorn in the side right up to the summit on February 18th – which is going to result in as much of a unanimous agreement as you'd get at a dogfight between sparring pit bulls.
A clique of aggie Tory backbenchers have put the hard word on Scameron and the Nasty Party's whips that if he tries to sell Britain down the river then 100-plus Conservative MPs – including Cabinet ministers - will throw their all behind the Out campaign in any future referendum he dares hold and automatically inform the brain-dead British public they need to be aware of the covert pre-drafted agenda for the progression of the EUSSR fascist super state as the national boundaries / borders map of Europe is to be re-drawn in entirety to decimate any notion of national pride and identity.
In addition to the rebellious MPs, an excess of 130 Tory councillors – for starters - have warned Scameron that he risks splitting the party and must accept his pathetic renegotiation bid had failed from day one and should now climb aboard the campaign trail train for Britain to give Brussels the finger and finally break with the voracious EUSSR monstrosity once and for all.
So much for Scameron's unqualified arrogance – while he's under orders from his shadow government Black Nobility bankster masters to promote continued EUSSR membership – without which the next step towards a single world currency / cashless society / New World Order / EUSSR Federation super state is a nipped in the bud blocked reality – although Posh Dave, due his gullible intellectually-challenged stupidity, might well have deluded himself into believing its all for the good of the country.
Conversely, We, the British people, do not want it nor are we gonna wear it. We are not part of Europe – we're an island – an insular state that once ruled an empire the sun never set on – and we do not need our historical enemies – the foul and foreign French or Germany – nor the graft and corruption-ridden Brussels' bureaucrats and their European community model - to carry on the business of life – of trade, enterprise and security – and to prosper.
Our national recession / economic depression has its roots in the Thatcherite era de-industrialisation / privatisation policies wherein national assets were sold off to 'for profit' commercial enterprises – who, in total, have, to date, made a fuck of everything they've put their greedy hands to.
Rattle Track, Notwork Rail, the National Ill-Health Service, toll roads, no more coal mines, no more shipbuilding, no more steel works – the heart, the economic crucible of our once-sceptred isle – we, the progenitors of the Industrial Revolution – de-industrialised on the whim of the maniac menopausal daughter of some kiddie fiddling Grantham grocer.
Guide: All you need to know about the Nasty Party referendum.
EUSSR renegotiation: Will Scameron get what he wants? Will it rain or go dark before next Tuesday? Is Yogi Bear a Catholic? Does the Pope shit in the woods?
Referendum timeline: What will happen and when? Don't hold your fucking breath. When The City / Baron Jack'off Rothshite's bankster crime syndicate okay a date.
The view from Europe: What's in it for the 27 other EUSSR states? Even more pikey economic migrants heading to the UK on job stealing / human trafficking / welfare benefit mooching missions.
Thought for the day. 'The US has a profound interest in a strong UK staying in a strong European Union'. Yep, that's the gospel from the dog wanker US Secretary of State, 'John Boy' Kerry – speaking on behalf of his Wall Street / military-industrial cabal masters who want to see Britain shackled to their corporate control debt chain via the drop forged link that will enslave the entire 28 member EUSSR community when Brussels signs the Great Satan's top secret / no negotiations TTIP document.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
The UK's Tory Slime Minister, 'Pig Sex Dave' Scameron, yesterday suffered a further bout of self-delusional euphoria and announced with an unconvincing display of dynamism that Broken Britain will continue to be a leading voice on the world stage - applying a somewhat muddled medieval metaphor marked by feudal implications - that Britain will never pull up the drawbridge and retreat from global affairs - and it is in Europe's best interests for the United Kingdom – including Sturgeon's bolshie SNP Police State 'separatist' Scotland - to stay in a reformed European Union and add Westminster's signature to the TTIP agreement as proof of the Tory's continued support for the perverted culture of unbridled consumerism – and by direct association, usurious credit card debt slavery.
Speaking off the record to one press hack from Hamburg's prestigious 'Spankodrom Gazette' outside Peppa's Bar during an evening stroll around the zoophilia sector of the notorious Reeberbahn - and while ignoring his litany of egregious deceits regarding the Nasty Party being on top of any shift of geo-political powerbases - Scameron confided that the changes he was seeking to the UK's continued membership were designed to lull Broken Britain's common herd peasant class voters into a false sense of security and convince them to vote Yes when the proposed In / Out referendum is held.
While Posh Dave might well be labouring under the flawed impression the British public demographic are going to swallow his pro-Europe arguments hook, line and sinker, he's still got to sell these demands to the bête noire antagonist leaders of the other 27 member states community at next week's summit of EUSSR head honchos in Brussels – before his Royal Arch Freemason handlers, ensconced in their Square Mile citadel, dare schedule any In / Out referendum for June – or whenever.
And here manifests a stumbling block of Biblical proportions when we consider the Tory Nudge Unit think tank scribes have purposely crafted ambiguous and diametric wording into Scameron's '4-Point Plan' - which will present a total unintelligible fuck up once it's translated into 27-plus other EUSSR community languages and regional dialects.
Additionally there will be EUSSR state leaders who maintain Scameron's demands will breach Brussels' sacred cow ideology and can only be complied with under a re-written treaty agreement – while Posh Dave himself claims it will take forever – if not longer – for any treaty deal to come into force – whereas if his proposals are okayed next Thursday (some fucking chance) then he wants the new rules to come into force immediately – if not sooner.
Conversely, the Polack President of the EUSSR Council, Donald 'Ivory' Tusk, who agreed to stick his scrawny Slavic neck out by going through the motions of brokering discussions on the UK's renegotiation process, warned that the deal remains as fragile as Scameron's credibility as a political heavyweight – with leaders particularly pissed off at any suggestion that welfare payments to their own scrounging migrant nationals arriving in the UK will be blocked.
In his final authoritarian 'tough guy' speech before next week's scheduled dog n pony show meeting, Scameron told business, political and civic leaders in Hamburg that the entire House of Conmans assembly, and too the British sheeple, would remain argumentative and strong willed to push his threadbare re-negotiation deal when it came to the subject of being further integrated into a dystopian technocratic EUSSR super state federation, controlled by a covert financial oligarchy of Satan-worshipping sociopaths.
"We have the character of an island nation - independent, forthright, passionate in defence of our sovereign Majesty's monopolistic ownership of land - and of the Royal institutions that have served us well for centuries - thus the need to protect our sovereignty has always been paramount for us."
Quite right too Dave – apart from confusing 'sovereign' with 'sovereignty' - thanks for letting that gem of a controversial point slip out. Cos if that is our position than why the fuck do we need to be part and parcel of the graft and corruption-ridden bureaucratic / political edifice that Brussels and the entire EUSSR state apparatus represents.
Obviously getting carried away with his own half-witted verbosity during the Matthiae-Mahlzeit dinner in Hamburg and monopolising the ear of Germany's 'schwein im schlüpfer' Chancellor, mangy Angie Merkel – with the skewed disclosure that Britain was an open nation and shared a long history with Germany – even if it did involve kicking their arses in two world wars during the last century.
So it looks like Posh Dave's got his work cut out, appeasing his Satanist financial oligarchy bosses 'and' the hapless British public who, according to the latest Ipsos MORI survey poll, don't trust the snob-toff wanker a single inch.
Good stuff, and let's hope he sweats a few flabby arsed pounds off with the stress. For not only has he got to sell the four major stickler renegotiation points to the likes of welfare-grubbing scroungers from Greece, Poland, Romania and too the vulgar Bulgar gyppo bloc – but even if that's a half-arsed success, then he has to sell continued membership / further integration viz the totalitarian Stasi EUSSR state to his own dissident Tory Party membership and Labour and the Lib-Dums – 'and' the British voting public.
Yet the final wording of the deal – with this fatally flawed 'emergency brake' on benefit payments to EUSSR migrants - and the UK opt-out from 'ever closer union' / federation – look set to remain a thorn in the side right up to the summit on February 18th – which is going to result in as much of a unanimous agreement as you'd get at a dogfight between sparring pit bulls.
A clique of aggie Tory backbenchers have put the hard word on Scameron and the Nasty Party's whips that if he tries to sell Britain down the river then 100-plus Conservative MPs – including Cabinet ministers - will throw their all behind the Out campaign in any future referendum he dares hold and automatically inform the brain-dead British public they need to be aware of the covert pre-drafted agenda for the progression of the EUSSR fascist super state as the national boundaries / borders map of Europe is to be re-drawn in entirety to decimate any notion of national pride and identity.
In addition to the rebellious MPs, an excess of 130 Tory councillors – for starters - have warned Scameron that he risks splitting the party and must accept his pathetic renegotiation bid had failed from day one and should now climb aboard the campaign trail train for Britain to give Brussels the finger and finally break with the voracious EUSSR monstrosity once and for all.
So much for Scameron's unqualified arrogance – while he's under orders from his shadow government Black Nobility bankster masters to promote continued EUSSR membership – without which the next step towards a single world currency / cashless society / New World Order / EUSSR Federation super state is a nipped in the bud blocked reality – although Posh Dave, due his gullible intellectually-challenged stupidity, might well have deluded himself into believing its all for the good of the country.
Conversely, We, the British people, do not want it nor are we gonna wear it. We are not part of Europe – we're an island – an insular state that once ruled an empire the sun never set on – and we do not need our historical enemies – the foul and foreign French or Germany – nor the graft and corruption-ridden Brussels' bureaucrats and their European community model - to carry on the business of life – of trade, enterprise and security – and to prosper.
Our national recession / economic depression has its roots in the Thatcherite era de-industrialisation / privatisation policies wherein national assets were sold off to 'for profit' commercial enterprises – who, in total, have, to date, made a fuck of everything they've put their greedy hands to.
Rattle Track, Notwork Rail, the National Ill-Health Service, toll roads, no more coal mines, no more shipbuilding, no more steel works – the heart, the economic crucible of our once-sceptred isle – we, the progenitors of the Industrial Revolution – de-industrialised on the whim of the maniac menopausal daughter of some kiddie fiddling Grantham grocer.
Guide: All you need to know about the Nasty Party referendum.
EUSSR renegotiation: Will Scameron get what he wants? Will it rain or go dark before next Tuesday? Is Yogi Bear a Catholic? Does the Pope shit in the woods?
Referendum timeline: What will happen and when? Don't hold your fucking breath. When The City / Baron Jack'off Rothshite's bankster crime syndicate okay a date.
The view from Europe: What's in it for the 27 other EUSSR states? Even more pikey economic migrants heading to the UK on job stealing / human trafficking / welfare benefit mooching missions.
Thought for the day. 'The US has a profound interest in a strong UK staying in a strong European Union'. Yep, that's the gospel from the dog wanker US Secretary of State, 'John Boy' Kerry – speaking on behalf of his Wall Street / military-industrial cabal masters who want to see Britain shackled to their corporate control debt chain via the drop forged link that will enslave the entire 28 member EUSSR community when Brussels signs the Great Satan's top secret / no negotiations TTIP document.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Sunday, 14 February 2016
UK Gov: Schools Legit War Zone Targets
In today’s ‘Barbarism Rules’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Shylock Weaselthal, manning the war crimes watch desk at the United Nations HQ in New York for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Typically displaying the toxic threads of covert Masonic institutional corruption that have debilitated Broken Britain since the investment of a foreign monarchy and the fire sale control of the Bank of England - along with our currency and economy - to money-grubbing crypto-kike bankster types (the Rothshite crime syndicate family) centuries ago, the Nasty Party's Foreign Secretary, Philip 'Dandruff' Hammond, acting on instructions from the sinister military-industrial lobbyists who pull the strings of government from the shadows, has refused to sign a United Nations agreement - crafted by former UK naval officer Steven Haines, and already endorsed by 51 morally-responsible nation states - to protect Arab war zone schools from being tagged as handy targets for artillery range finding – or fingered as legitimate ground zero military objectives as they have a rumoured tendency to breed the next generation of bolshie terrorist jihadis.
The agreement, first publicly leaked in its draft proposal format by the Warmonger's Gazette, has been championed by the UN children’s UNICEF body as a protocol to protect schools from attack during conflicts and implement a 'Safe Schools Declaration' that aggressive military forces must observe and adhere to.
However, it was reported on Tuesday by the Blood n Guts Review red top tabloid that the Tory's piss poor excuse for a Foreign Secretary, Philip 'Tax Dodge' Hammond, had effectively followed the lead of other permanent members of the UN Security Council and vetoed the move 'yet again' – a repeat of having opposed its implementation while head of two government departments in the past: as Minister of Defence and now in his latest misplaced role at the Foreign Office.
In a recent press statement Amnesty International's senior crisis advisor, Lama Fuckwitsky, reported how schools were being targeted with deadly effect in Yemen, where a Sunni / Shite proxy war is currently being waged by the barbaric Saudi-led coalition, who are guilty of launching a legion of unlawful air strikes on schools being used for educational - not military - purposes - a flagrant violation of International Humanitarian Law.
Ms Fuckwitsky elaborated for press hacks: "Schools are central to civilian life and meant to offer a safe space for children. Now we have young pupils in Syria and Yemen being blasted to mincemeat at their desks by shells, bombs and missiles manufactured and supplied by the arms corporations that rule the roost inside the US and British governments. Little wonder so many are failing their GCSE exams with this kind of stressful disturbance to their school life."
Amnesty, due an inherent gullibility factor that has plagued them for years – believing that there is still some good in the heart's of government bureaucrats and their sock puppet jobsworths – unfortunately succumbed to the delusion that Britain would be a leading voice in the campaign to protect the schools and their teacher / children demographic after the high-profile campaign against sexual violence in war zones led by Hammond’s Foreign Office predecessor, Willy Hague and movie star Angelina Jolie.
Initially, of the three Tory government departments whose support was required, only the MoD – then under Hammond – resisted; while the Department for International Development and Willy 'Fudger' Vague’s Foreign Office were all for the Safe Schools Declaration measures.
Conversely, the horrible Hammond’s subsequent shift from Defence to the Foreign Office has had a toxic stumbling block effect and poisoned both the military and diplomatic ministries against the initiative, despite the fact the agreement was drawn up by a former British naval officer, Steven Haines - now a professor of international law at the University of Greenwich - who compiled the wholly ignored British military rulebook for Tony Bliar's New Labour-led illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Well, WTF can we expect from Hammond, the incumbent Tory MP for the safe seat Runnynose constituency? A homophobic prude who disdains not only same sex marriage and 'keep it in the family' incestuous relationships – but is yet another zillionaire Nasty Party cabinet jobsworth stooge who does as he's told – or else – whether such concerns backstabbing Iraq, guarding the Afghan opium crops, arming 'moderate' Syrian terrorists – or bombing the fuck out of Yemeni schools. The man is scum and history will not remember him kindly.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled military stoogers, nonce-ponces politicos, money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden BAE Systems arms dealers might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks - no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugees or Yemeni school children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Typically displaying the toxic threads of covert Masonic institutional corruption that have debilitated Broken Britain since the investment of a foreign monarchy and the fire sale control of the Bank of England - along with our currency and economy - to money-grubbing crypto-kike bankster types (the Rothshite crime syndicate family) centuries ago, the Nasty Party's Foreign Secretary, Philip 'Dandruff' Hammond, acting on instructions from the sinister military-industrial lobbyists who pull the strings of government from the shadows, has refused to sign a United Nations agreement - crafted by former UK naval officer Steven Haines, and already endorsed by 51 morally-responsible nation states - to protect Arab war zone schools from being tagged as handy targets for artillery range finding – or fingered as legitimate ground zero military objectives as they have a rumoured tendency to breed the next generation of bolshie terrorist jihadis.
The agreement, first publicly leaked in its draft proposal format by the Warmonger's Gazette, has been championed by the UN children’s UNICEF body as a protocol to protect schools from attack during conflicts and implement a 'Safe Schools Declaration' that aggressive military forces must observe and adhere to.
However, it was reported on Tuesday by the Blood n Guts Review red top tabloid that the Tory's piss poor excuse for a Foreign Secretary, Philip 'Tax Dodge' Hammond, had effectively followed the lead of other permanent members of the UN Security Council and vetoed the move 'yet again' – a repeat of having opposed its implementation while head of two government departments in the past: as Minister of Defence and now in his latest misplaced role at the Foreign Office.
In a recent press statement Amnesty International's senior crisis advisor, Lama Fuckwitsky, reported how schools were being targeted with deadly effect in Yemen, where a Sunni / Shite proxy war is currently being waged by the barbaric Saudi-led coalition, who are guilty of launching a legion of unlawful air strikes on schools being used for educational - not military - purposes - a flagrant violation of International Humanitarian Law.
Ms Fuckwitsky elaborated for press hacks: "Schools are central to civilian life and meant to offer a safe space for children. Now we have young pupils in Syria and Yemen being blasted to mincemeat at their desks by shells, bombs and missiles manufactured and supplied by the arms corporations that rule the roost inside the US and British governments. Little wonder so many are failing their GCSE exams with this kind of stressful disturbance to their school life."
Amnesty, due an inherent gullibility factor that has plagued them for years – believing that there is still some good in the heart's of government bureaucrats and their sock puppet jobsworths – unfortunately succumbed to the delusion that Britain would be a leading voice in the campaign to protect the schools and their teacher / children demographic after the high-profile campaign against sexual violence in war zones led by Hammond’s Foreign Office predecessor, Willy Hague and movie star Angelina Jolie.
Initially, of the three Tory government departments whose support was required, only the MoD – then under Hammond – resisted; while the Department for International Development and Willy 'Fudger' Vague’s Foreign Office were all for the Safe Schools Declaration measures.
Conversely, the horrible Hammond’s subsequent shift from Defence to the Foreign Office has had a toxic stumbling block effect and poisoned both the military and diplomatic ministries against the initiative, despite the fact the agreement was drawn up by a former British naval officer, Steven Haines - now a professor of international law at the University of Greenwich - who compiled the wholly ignored British military rulebook for Tony Bliar's New Labour-led illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Well, WTF can we expect from Hammond, the incumbent Tory MP for the safe seat Runnynose constituency? A homophobic prude who disdains not only same sex marriage and 'keep it in the family' incestuous relationships – but is yet another zillionaire Nasty Party cabinet jobsworth stooge who does as he's told – or else – whether such concerns backstabbing Iraq, guarding the Afghan opium crops, arming 'moderate' Syrian terrorists – or bombing the fuck out of Yemeni schools. The man is scum and history will not remember him kindly.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled military stoogers, nonce-ponces politicos, money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden BAE Systems arms dealers might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks - no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugees or Yemeni school children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Saturday, 13 February 2016
UK Establishment: Less Than Honest?
In today’s ‘Institutionalised Graft & Corruption’ edition we bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Ebenezer McShylock, manning the City's septic Square Mile editorial desk for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
As though to inform Broken Britain's long-suffering common herd voters what they already know - that their entire 'Establishment' structure – the rapacious royals; the nasty nobility; child molesting Shitehall bureaucraps; expense-fiddling House of Conmans MPs 'and' Upper House of Frauds peers - are a bunch of low life petty embezzlers – the Kleptomaniacs Gazette has published a censorious report that the civil service mandarins and bloated panjandrums charged with the care of Her Majesty’s Treasury (the place where they keep all the cash extorted from the voting demographic in the form of the taxes and fines) are, amongst a legion of other 'public servants' (sic), routinely accepting gifts and expensive dinners from shyster lobbyist agents in the pay of the bent bankster industry.
More damning still is the fact that such pernicious influence peddling and soul-selling was rampant whilst these self-same money-juggling scumsters were under the investigative spotlight for pulling a litany of the biggest financial crimes in the history of financial crimes – such as playing blind man's bluff with the national economy; market rigging; sub prime asset legerdemain and dodgy derivatives juggling; criminal credit swaps; re-branding the old negative equity debt trap as 'collateralising debt obligations' and manipulating the benchmark Libor inter-bank rate to maximise person commissions and performance bonus awards.
Yep, and hence, as a direct result, manifests the catastrophic economic crash of 2008, where sweet fuck copped a spot market value of even less - and half the hapless punters burdened with a mortgage ended up sleeping in the old spare room at Mom's – or in the back of the Toyota hybrid – or sharing a kennel with the family dog – and all thanks to an bunch of 'unregulated' shifty shylock bankster types concocting a fusion of Mandelbrot set fiscal theory applications blended with casino roulette culture practices, to steer the global economy – wherein a GNP deficit multiples in direct ratio to the number of moronic Treasury / Exchequer bean counters, economists and Rothshite crime syndicate banksters attempting to manipulate the rock bottom figures to conjure a futures profit out of Scotch mist loss.
Now the proverbial cat is loosed amongst the pigeons with the publication of documented evidence that the British Banksters Association (BBA) – the bastards who get high and their rocks off popping zero percent fractional reserve usury pills - provided gifts and hospitality in excess of twenty separate occasions to Civil Service mandarin and 33rd degree Freemason, Sir Nickleass McUntouchable - the permanent secretary to the Treasury - along with his questionably corrupt deputy, John Kingshit.
Amid continued retail banking market manipulation investigations by the authorities (Que? Who they?) into the non-stop illegal activities of the banking industry, senior civil servants – the Untouchable Freemason class that actually 'run' the government of the day (New Labour / Nasty Party Tory's – or Heaven forbid - the Lib-Dums or UKIP) - were quite happy accepting bounteous gifts from the lobbyists of the very same banks involved in perpetrating financial crimes.
When it comes down to the malodorous task of smelling shit by having to take a long-delayed regulatory peek into the septic tank to see why it's overflowing, the fact that career government officials accepted freebies from the leprous likes of Barclays and HSBC - both of whom are members of the very same BBA which have ended up in the Financial Conduct Authority's Naughty Book and subsequently fined on no less than forty-nine occasions since 2012.
In addition, a report from the National Audit Office reveals other senior civil servants are ‘cozying’ up and happy to receive frequent hospitality and gifts from arms manufacturers. It highlights that MoD officials such as past minister Philip 'Dandruff' Hammond and his incumbent dog wanker replacement, Michael Fallon, amongst other insider corrupt tosspots, have accepted gifts totalling around £10 zillion quid – plus change.
Alas, but such falls within the realm of the vagaries of human nature – and the irony seems lost on these low life public dis-service officials. These are the very same moral pariahs – no friend to any man, apart from their own wallets (and Swiss bank accounts) that thanks to their signature on an end users certificate, Broken Britain supplies weaponry to nations with appalling human rights and wrongs records – Israel, Bahrain, the UAE, Kuwait, Pakiland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt – and a host more – which collectively account for some of the world’s most dire humanitarian / war crimes disasters that have ended – or continue unabated - in apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide in the Middle East and Africa – and here blood n guts arms manufacturer BAE Systems have lavished civil service officials in grand Lucullian style in excess of 581 occasions alone to facilitate their export / supply line deals.
The 'Campaign Against Fagins, Svengalis and Gombeen Men Lobbying Parliament' (CAFSGMLP) spokesman, Ron McScrote, opined to one press hack from the Warmongers Review gutter press tabloid that “Here we got yet another effin' example of the politically intimate an' compromisin' relationship between arms companies an' fuckin' Whitehall. These companies wouldn’t be buyin' all these expensive gifts an' spendin' mobs of effin' money unless they expected – an' got - somethin' in return.”
Spot on, Ron. In fact thousands of expensive dinners were accepted by un-civil servants, MPs and Lords - an excess of 2,600 in fact, at five star hotels and restaurants. Amongst the gifts were bottles of champagne, blister packs of 100 gram Viagra tablets, an evening at a Skidrow Hamlets covert child sex brothel – or tickets to a gay mud wrestling event - plus electrical items such as top of the range Samsung smart phones and mega-gigabyte iPads loaded with Satanic-themed kiddie porn, Gucci vibrating butt plugs, Japanese paedo-sex dolls (with real hair), Fortnum and Mason 'chew n spew' hampers, and exclusive Mont Wanc pens.
The culture of conflict of interest gifts is confirmed in National Audit Office chief Amyas Morse's latest revelatory report that the immoral practice of gift giving / baksheesh - is to be expected – (wrong) but did at least acknowledge that such can lead to a risk of conflicts of interest – even though no less than seventeen government departments accepted a total of 3,413 corporate gifts to the value of over £150,000,000 nicker - with the most frequent of donors being PwC and Deloitte, the City of London Corporation (Square Mile Rothshite scum) and arms manufacturer BAE Systems.
To add to these calumnious revelations, Nasty Party Slime Minister, the pig-fucking Posh Dave Scameron - and his piss poor excuse for a Health Secretary, Jeremy Kunt – he of the perennial shit-eating grin - were among 64 Tory MPs named in a study by Unite in 2014 where one in five Coalition MPs (2010-15) had links with private firms who could profit from the Government’s NHS reforms – and Jeremy Kunt received a £32,920 backhander from hedge fund baron Andrew Lawbreaker, a major investor in offshore wealthcare corporations with an interest in owning the entire National Ill-Health Service once the taxpayer-unfriendly secret TTIP 'agreement' (sic) is forced down our reluctant and protesting gullets.
Thought for the day. Hmmm, institutionalised graft and corruption have been around since feudal times – and then some. But it all sort of knocks the bollocks out of Montesquieu's tripartite system of checks and balances, when our corruption-ridden Parliament (the entire crooked fucking system) is sanctioned to regulate itself – and does so this past week by awarding itself a further pay raise of £960 quid per annum – to top up the £7,000 which was back-dated to last May – while the rest of Broken Britain's common herd sheeple are smitten with wage freezes.
To paraphrase the talented chap who penned Shakespeare's plays: something stinks in Denmark, and it isn't Hamlet's socks.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
As though to inform Broken Britain's long-suffering common herd voters what they already know - that their entire 'Establishment' structure – the rapacious royals; the nasty nobility; child molesting Shitehall bureaucraps; expense-fiddling House of Conmans MPs 'and' Upper House of Frauds peers - are a bunch of low life petty embezzlers – the Kleptomaniacs Gazette has published a censorious report that the civil service mandarins and bloated panjandrums charged with the care of Her Majesty’s Treasury (the place where they keep all the cash extorted from the voting demographic in the form of the taxes and fines) are, amongst a legion of other 'public servants' (sic), routinely accepting gifts and expensive dinners from shyster lobbyist agents in the pay of the bent bankster industry.
More damning still is the fact that such pernicious influence peddling and soul-selling was rampant whilst these self-same money-juggling scumsters were under the investigative spotlight for pulling a litany of the biggest financial crimes in the history of financial crimes – such as playing blind man's bluff with the national economy; market rigging; sub prime asset legerdemain and dodgy derivatives juggling; criminal credit swaps; re-branding the old negative equity debt trap as 'collateralising debt obligations' and manipulating the benchmark Libor inter-bank rate to maximise person commissions and performance bonus awards.
Yep, and hence, as a direct result, manifests the catastrophic economic crash of 2008, where sweet fuck copped a spot market value of even less - and half the hapless punters burdened with a mortgage ended up sleeping in the old spare room at Mom's – or in the back of the Toyota hybrid – or sharing a kennel with the family dog – and all thanks to an bunch of 'unregulated' shifty shylock bankster types concocting a fusion of Mandelbrot set fiscal theory applications blended with casino roulette culture practices, to steer the global economy – wherein a GNP deficit multiples in direct ratio to the number of moronic Treasury / Exchequer bean counters, economists and Rothshite crime syndicate banksters attempting to manipulate the rock bottom figures to conjure a futures profit out of Scotch mist loss.
Now the proverbial cat is loosed amongst the pigeons with the publication of documented evidence that the British Banksters Association (BBA) – the bastards who get high and their rocks off popping zero percent fractional reserve usury pills - provided gifts and hospitality in excess of twenty separate occasions to Civil Service mandarin and 33rd degree Freemason, Sir Nickleass McUntouchable - the permanent secretary to the Treasury - along with his questionably corrupt deputy, John Kingshit.
Amid continued retail banking market manipulation investigations by the authorities (Que? Who they?) into the non-stop illegal activities of the banking industry, senior civil servants – the Untouchable Freemason class that actually 'run' the government of the day (New Labour / Nasty Party Tory's – or Heaven forbid - the Lib-Dums or UKIP) - were quite happy accepting bounteous gifts from the lobbyists of the very same banks involved in perpetrating financial crimes.
When it comes down to the malodorous task of smelling shit by having to take a long-delayed regulatory peek into the septic tank to see why it's overflowing, the fact that career government officials accepted freebies from the leprous likes of Barclays and HSBC - both of whom are members of the very same BBA which have ended up in the Financial Conduct Authority's Naughty Book and subsequently fined on no less than forty-nine occasions since 2012.
In addition, a report from the National Audit Office reveals other senior civil servants are ‘cozying’ up and happy to receive frequent hospitality and gifts from arms manufacturers. It highlights that MoD officials such as past minister Philip 'Dandruff' Hammond and his incumbent dog wanker replacement, Michael Fallon, amongst other insider corrupt tosspots, have accepted gifts totalling around £10 zillion quid – plus change.
Alas, but such falls within the realm of the vagaries of human nature – and the irony seems lost on these low life public dis-service officials. These are the very same moral pariahs – no friend to any man, apart from their own wallets (and Swiss bank accounts) that thanks to their signature on an end users certificate, Broken Britain supplies weaponry to nations with appalling human rights and wrongs records – Israel, Bahrain, the UAE, Kuwait, Pakiland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt – and a host more – which collectively account for some of the world’s most dire humanitarian / war crimes disasters that have ended – or continue unabated - in apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide in the Middle East and Africa – and here blood n guts arms manufacturer BAE Systems have lavished civil service officials in grand Lucullian style in excess of 581 occasions alone to facilitate their export / supply line deals.
The 'Campaign Against Fagins, Svengalis and Gombeen Men Lobbying Parliament' (CAFSGMLP) spokesman, Ron McScrote, opined to one press hack from the Warmongers Review gutter press tabloid that “Here we got yet another effin' example of the politically intimate an' compromisin' relationship between arms companies an' fuckin' Whitehall. These companies wouldn’t be buyin' all these expensive gifts an' spendin' mobs of effin' money unless they expected – an' got - somethin' in return.”
Spot on, Ron. In fact thousands of expensive dinners were accepted by un-civil servants, MPs and Lords - an excess of 2,600 in fact, at five star hotels and restaurants. Amongst the gifts were bottles of champagne, blister packs of 100 gram Viagra tablets, an evening at a Skidrow Hamlets covert child sex brothel – or tickets to a gay mud wrestling event - plus electrical items such as top of the range Samsung smart phones and mega-gigabyte iPads loaded with Satanic-themed kiddie porn, Gucci vibrating butt plugs, Japanese paedo-sex dolls (with real hair), Fortnum and Mason 'chew n spew' hampers, and exclusive Mont Wanc pens.
The culture of conflict of interest gifts is confirmed in National Audit Office chief Amyas Morse's latest revelatory report that the immoral practice of gift giving / baksheesh - is to be expected – (wrong) but did at least acknowledge that such can lead to a risk of conflicts of interest – even though no less than seventeen government departments accepted a total of 3,413 corporate gifts to the value of over £150,000,000 nicker - with the most frequent of donors being PwC and Deloitte, the City of London Corporation (Square Mile Rothshite scum) and arms manufacturer BAE Systems.
To add to these calumnious revelations, Nasty Party Slime Minister, the pig-fucking Posh Dave Scameron - and his piss poor excuse for a Health Secretary, Jeremy Kunt – he of the perennial shit-eating grin - were among 64 Tory MPs named in a study by Unite in 2014 where one in five Coalition MPs (2010-15) had links with private firms who could profit from the Government’s NHS reforms – and Jeremy Kunt received a £32,920 backhander from hedge fund baron Andrew Lawbreaker, a major investor in offshore wealthcare corporations with an interest in owning the entire National Ill-Health Service once the taxpayer-unfriendly secret TTIP 'agreement' (sic) is forced down our reluctant and protesting gullets.
Thought for the day. Hmmm, institutionalised graft and corruption have been around since feudal times – and then some. But it all sort of knocks the bollocks out of Montesquieu's tripartite system of checks and balances, when our corruption-ridden Parliament (the entire crooked fucking system) is sanctioned to regulate itself – and does so this past week by awarding itself a further pay raise of £960 quid per annum – to top up the £7,000 which was back-dated to last May – while the rest of Broken Britain's common herd sheeple are smitten with wage freezes.
To paraphrase the talented chap who penned Shakespeare's plays: something stinks in Denmark, and it isn't Hamlet's socks.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Friday, 12 February 2016
Masonic Judge to Probe Masonic Paedo Ring?
Yep, the banner headline question says it all: 'Masonic Judge to Probe Masonic Paedo Ring?' – for as readers utter the customary Que? WTF? astonished exclamations at the hypocrisy of the situation, this morning's Masonic Paedo-Scum Coverups edition exposes the latest and greatest scandal-mongering hot gossip regarding this travesty of justice from our embedded Westminster mole, Freddy 'Fly-on-the-Wall' McSnitch – reporting direct to Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill via open smart phone link - with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into a piquant blend of bespoke satire by our uber-libellous propaganda team to tempt the bolshie palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
The pro-establishment judge assigned to review the questionable pros and cons of the Met Plod Squad's investigation into historic child sexual abuse claims that Labour peer Lord Granville Janner was a paedo sex fiend who sodomised little boys in care homes has – unsurprisingly - been exposed as a bosom Masonic buddy of top dog barrister George Carman QC, who the smarmy Janner once hired to defend his worthless arse against allegations of kiddie fiddling crimes back in 1991, while he was the MP for Red Leicester.
The retired judge, Sir 'Tricky Dicky' Henriques regarded Carman not only as a friend and mentor at the Bar, but a close Masonic secret handshake club 'Inner Temple' 33rd Degree brother.
Further scandalous news has emerged that the Director of Pubic Prosecutions (sic), Alison Saunders - who ruled that Janner, a Welsh-Lithuanian kikester nonce, due his play act dementia, had the mind of an intellectually challenged tortoise and was hence unfit to be charged with any fucking thing or stand trial – was once upon a time employed in the same Garden Court law chambers as Janner. Collusion? Conspiracy? Don't even dare go there.
The Met Plod Squad Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hulk Hogan-Howe, is expected to make a formal announcement regarding Judge Henriques appointment to conduct this inquiry - which he hopes will be taken into consideration by the PTB when his contract comes up for renewal at the end of February – as future prospects for another term as the Met Plod Squad boss look bleak.
There again Hogan Howe's petitioning of his Masonic Lodge mate, Judge Henriques, to review the widely criticised police procedures covering Operation Midland is a shrewd tactic as in one fell stroke this will block the media acting as judge and jury before the investigation has been completed – and further knock the bollocks out of the hysterical press coverage of the Met's politically incorrect performance, which has to date involved prominent Very Important Paedophiles (and a host of ex-politico low life shirt lifters) summoned for interviews by the Met' Stasi – with several accused of being the notorious Dolphin Square Strangler - following fickle finger of fate accusations of sexual abuse and murder from a survivor known only as Victim N.
Well, that mess of 'unbiased' (sic) pottage should result in no bugger or their dog knowing what the fuck is going on – or has gone on – or is going to go on – and will further serve to prevent Janner's bestest pal and apologist, Keith 'Jukebox' Vaz, the Labour chair of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, grandstanding when Hogan Howe comes before him at the end of this month.
Vaz will be severely hampered by the fact he is unable to grill Hogan-Howe regarding Operation Midland procedures while there is an ongoing inquiry by a retired judge, examining the very same controversial issues.
Okay folks, no conflict of interest here. Move along now.
So who was – or is – the Dolphin Square Strangler? Who was guilty of bumming little boys at the Elm Guest House? The ex-Tory MP and class act sicko, Harvey Proctologist? Lib-Dum's answer to Mr Creosote, Cyril 'Cellulite' Smith? Lecherous Leon Brittan – who conveniently died of a 48 hour insta-cancer virus infection? Or ex-Army boss, war hero and all-round Boy's Own good guy - Lord Eddy Scumall of Bush Tucker, who served as a bowman in the Battle of Hastings Norman conquest landings back in 1066 before rising through the ranks to become a military big chief?
Coverups regardless, the likes of Tom Watson and John Mann still have a sharp eye on the proceedings – and too Simon Danczuk, the suspended Labour MP for rabid Rochdale, who exposed the Cyril Smith child sex abuse 'cover-ups'. Yes 'cover-ups' – a very plural matter indeed.
In Danczuk's case here we are presented with yet another ham-fisted stitch-up job by MI5 and an establishment in 'shitting kittens' mode - to undermine his political credibility and attempt to hook him with a string of criminal offences.
Sending sexually graphic text messages to some 17-year old slapper. A concocted rape allegation dating back to 2006. Now some historic Parliamentary expenses fiddle viz accommodation claims for his children.
For fuck's sake, all he's guilty of is thinking with his cock instead of his brain – the bloke didn't stick his willy in a pig's gob or pay to get handcuffed and spanked by low life London Dominatrix, Natalie Rowe - or shag some care home orphan up the arse then strangle him – or anything as equally disgusting that qualifies as a felony under the criminal acts code.
But this offensive against Danczuk to silence him, once again bears the venal hallmarks of a small clique of nasty, powerful pederast scumsters looking after their perverted criminal interests. And don't dare anyone mention a Freemasons / Satanists link.
So here we have the likes of Harvey Proctologist in denial, and the rest of the fingered (sic – no pun intended) VIP paedo politicos either dead or impersonating demented Cabbage Patch sock puppets.
Whereas for want of a good secret Family Courts / forced adoption / child sexual abuse / establishment paedo ring chocker full with community leader Masonic Lodge / Satanist types, look no further than Hampstead – and here we have one monster of a fucking problem – cos nobody 'in authority' will.
The blinds are drawn and the shutters down on this scandal. More evidence than you can shake a stick at yet insouciance is the order of the day. Even Hogan Howe's moronic plods could pull a Sherlockian first and collar some guilty noncing scumbags. But no, the ranks have closed and the black propaganda, credibility-shredding mass media machinery working flat out, 24/7 – like a lizard drinking, to sanitise the scandal.
A factor supported by intense criminal activities reputedly involving elements of the Hampstead / Barnet Plod Squad, to intimidate the abused child victims – the stalwart whistleblower kids – Alisa and Gabriel Gareeva-Dearman – and force them to redact their statements.
With the same levels of intimidation directed at witnesses to the sexual abuses, blood sacrifice rituals, cannibalism, et al - and their voluntary lay advocate McKenzie Friends supporters - hounded and arrested for their courageous Truthsayer acts.
Talk about organised crime – conspiracy is a term that fails to do it justice.
Then we have Scotland's Dunblane Primary School massacre coverup - at the corrupt hands of Lord Douggie 'McWhitewash' Cullen – whose contrived inquiry into the insane kiddie killing antics of the onanist sodomite Boy Scout troop leader and VIP paedo pimp, Thomas Watt Hamilton, revealed sweet fuck all and slapped a 100 year Closure Order on the classified findings – to protect Cullen's Edinburgh-based VIP (Very Important Paedophiles) Masonic Nonce Ponce / Speculative Society / BD/SM Violate Club Sodomite Brethren – and Hamilton's bestest pal, ex-NATO panjandrum, Lord George Robertson.
The next in line major establishment VIP / Masonic / Satanic cult paedo ring historic child sexual abuse coverup stays in bonny Nonceland with the Tartan Tadger kiddie fiddling clique – now entered into the days of infamy since first being reported to the Aberdeen Plod Squad in 2000 and 'never' given more than a cursory sideways glance excuse for an investigation to this day – with not one of the 22 identified and named special needs children sex abusers being collared or interviewed.
Yep, you gottit. The Hollie Greig scandal of Scaberdeen – the Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling capital of Sturgeon's SNP Police State Scotland.
Akin to Dunblane, here we have Scotland's theatrical pretence at investigating historic child sexual abuse reports, wherein the 16-year old complaint case (2000) of the serial rape of Hollie Greig and a host of other special needs and disabled children by an untouchable Aberdeen-based elitist establishment (Masonic / Satanist) pederast ring continues to be ignored – and the named 22 abusers and paedo-enablers never to this day interviewed by police nor arrested – and hence never brought to justice.
Hardly surprising when one of the named 22 nonce-ponce abusers belonged to the very same Aberdeen Plod Squad tasked with investigating the complaint.
Whereas two anti-child sexual abuse crusaders, specifically the stalwart Cheshireman, Robert Green, who have sought to expose the scandal and seek justice for Hollie, were subjected to multiple cross-border arrests in their English homes by Plod Squad Nonceland thugs and imprisoned in Scotland - plus gagged by corrupt nonce-protecting Scottish courts from initiating further exposure campaigns.
But nothing new on the corruption front if one takes a closer look at Scotland's past record for sexual perversion and child abuse coverups – as instanced by Operation Planet and the follow-up actions by Crown Office legal stooges, tasked with re-writing the law of the land to indemnify their Magic Circle Masonic Speculative Society Law Lord bosses from prosecution for sodomising underage rent boys.
Here, time and again, we see the very same venal establishment hands involved in sanitising and covering up criminal acts of kiddie fiddling and child porn possession - ranging from the offices of disgraced lowlife money-laundering Glasgow solicitors manipulating the media with carrot n stick 'enticements' - to the sock puppet Scottish Herald's moronic paedo-apologist excuse for press hacks - to career pederast Grampian Sheriffs, to the rent boy buggering Nonceland Legal Aid Board's technical head - and let's not overlook the complicity of the Crown Office, and even further, into the Holyrood Parliament – a hotbed of hypocrisy, graft and corruption, in and of itself - under the questionable Porky Pict Salmond - and now Mrs 'Wee Nippy' Sturgeon. Alas, such is the price of devolution.
Although is there hope for Scotland yet as they finally launch a Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. Perhaps, if the appointed chair of the inquiry, the pugilist-featured Ms Susan O’Brien QC can shake off the bad vibe rumours of incompetence and conflict of interest smears related to her involvement with chairing of the panel of the now-notorious 2003 pretence of an investigation into the death of 11-week-old baby Caleb Ness in Edinburgh – with her announced appointment hotly contested last year by The Congregation of the Poor Sisters of Nazareth and the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent De Paul.
Per the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry having any real intent and 'teeth' - or simply another window dressing theatrical production to pander to anti-child sex abuse activists – the Education Secretary, Angela Constance, has stated for the public record that the inquiry would have powers to force witnesses to give evidence - and abusers would 'face the full force of the law'.
No shit – well, Hollie Greig and her Mum Anne will be glad to hear that – after 16 years of being discredited and fobbed off with lies. That is, if Hollie's abuse case – now get this – 'falls within the inquiry's terms of reference'.
Anyone fancy a wager it fucking well won't.
Thus, to focus back on the Westminster scandals, time for the British stooge media to finally focus on the Hampstead Satanist paedo abuse ring – but still keep a sharp eye on the Parliamentary MPs 'Very Important Paedophiles' scandal and Dolphin Square, Bryn Estyn, Elm Guest House, Haut de la Garenne, Nottingham's Beechwood Child Abuse Home – and a host of other such Satanic 'care homes' (sic) and orphanages where defenceless, emotionally-shattered kids were sexually abused and often put to death by untouchable Devil-worshipping Establishment paedo-sadists - both men 'and' women (Savile, Heath, Smith, Boyson, Joseph, Janner, Morrison, Astor, McAlpine) who were granted free range license to prey on vulnerable children purportedly under state protection.
Ha! Some joke. Tell that to the victims who, alike Maddie McCann and a host of their now-dead contemporaries mouldering in shallow - and watery - graves, still await justice to be done.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.
No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that kiddie fiddling is a common core cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.
To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac ruling elitist fraternity – along with their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (re-branded CDS).
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
The pro-establishment judge assigned to review the questionable pros and cons of the Met Plod Squad's investigation into historic child sexual abuse claims that Labour peer Lord Granville Janner was a paedo sex fiend who sodomised little boys in care homes has – unsurprisingly - been exposed as a bosom Masonic buddy of top dog barrister George Carman QC, who the smarmy Janner once hired to defend his worthless arse against allegations of kiddie fiddling crimes back in 1991, while he was the MP for Red Leicester.
The retired judge, Sir 'Tricky Dicky' Henriques regarded Carman not only as a friend and mentor at the Bar, but a close Masonic secret handshake club 'Inner Temple' 33rd Degree brother.
Further scandalous news has emerged that the Director of Pubic Prosecutions (sic), Alison Saunders - who ruled that Janner, a Welsh-Lithuanian kikester nonce, due his play act dementia, had the mind of an intellectually challenged tortoise and was hence unfit to be charged with any fucking thing or stand trial – was once upon a time employed in the same Garden Court law chambers as Janner. Collusion? Conspiracy? Don't even dare go there.
The Met Plod Squad Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hulk Hogan-Howe, is expected to make a formal announcement regarding Judge Henriques appointment to conduct this inquiry - which he hopes will be taken into consideration by the PTB when his contract comes up for renewal at the end of February – as future prospects for another term as the Met Plod Squad boss look bleak.
There again Hogan Howe's petitioning of his Masonic Lodge mate, Judge Henriques, to review the widely criticised police procedures covering Operation Midland is a shrewd tactic as in one fell stroke this will block the media acting as judge and jury before the investigation has been completed – and further knock the bollocks out of the hysterical press coverage of the Met's politically incorrect performance, which has to date involved prominent Very Important Paedophiles (and a host of ex-politico low life shirt lifters) summoned for interviews by the Met' Stasi – with several accused of being the notorious Dolphin Square Strangler - following fickle finger of fate accusations of sexual abuse and murder from a survivor known only as Victim N.
Well, that mess of 'unbiased' (sic) pottage should result in no bugger or their dog knowing what the fuck is going on – or has gone on – or is going to go on – and will further serve to prevent Janner's bestest pal and apologist, Keith 'Jukebox' Vaz, the Labour chair of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, grandstanding when Hogan Howe comes before him at the end of this month.
Vaz will be severely hampered by the fact he is unable to grill Hogan-Howe regarding Operation Midland procedures while there is an ongoing inquiry by a retired judge, examining the very same controversial issues.
Okay folks, no conflict of interest here. Move along now.
So who was – or is – the Dolphin Square Strangler? Who was guilty of bumming little boys at the Elm Guest House? The ex-Tory MP and class act sicko, Harvey Proctologist? Lib-Dum's answer to Mr Creosote, Cyril 'Cellulite' Smith? Lecherous Leon Brittan – who conveniently died of a 48 hour insta-cancer virus infection? Or ex-Army boss, war hero and all-round Boy's Own good guy - Lord Eddy Scumall of Bush Tucker, who served as a bowman in the Battle of Hastings Norman conquest landings back in 1066 before rising through the ranks to become a military big chief?
Coverups regardless, the likes of Tom Watson and John Mann still have a sharp eye on the proceedings – and too Simon Danczuk, the suspended Labour MP for rabid Rochdale, who exposed the Cyril Smith child sex abuse 'cover-ups'. Yes 'cover-ups' – a very plural matter indeed.
In Danczuk's case here we are presented with yet another ham-fisted stitch-up job by MI5 and an establishment in 'shitting kittens' mode - to undermine his political credibility and attempt to hook him with a string of criminal offences.
Sending sexually graphic text messages to some 17-year old slapper. A concocted rape allegation dating back to 2006. Now some historic Parliamentary expenses fiddle viz accommodation claims for his children.
For fuck's sake, all he's guilty of is thinking with his cock instead of his brain – the bloke didn't stick his willy in a pig's gob or pay to get handcuffed and spanked by low life London Dominatrix, Natalie Rowe - or shag some care home orphan up the arse then strangle him – or anything as equally disgusting that qualifies as a felony under the criminal acts code.
But this offensive against Danczuk to silence him, once again bears the venal hallmarks of a small clique of nasty, powerful pederast scumsters looking after their perverted criminal interests. And don't dare anyone mention a Freemasons / Satanists link.
So here we have the likes of Harvey Proctologist in denial, and the rest of the fingered (sic – no pun intended) VIP paedo politicos either dead or impersonating demented Cabbage Patch sock puppets.
Whereas for want of a good secret Family Courts / forced adoption / child sexual abuse / establishment paedo ring chocker full with community leader Masonic Lodge / Satanist types, look no further than Hampstead – and here we have one monster of a fucking problem – cos nobody 'in authority' will.
The blinds are drawn and the shutters down on this scandal. More evidence than you can shake a stick at yet insouciance is the order of the day. Even Hogan Howe's moronic plods could pull a Sherlockian first and collar some guilty noncing scumbags. But no, the ranks have closed and the black propaganda, credibility-shredding mass media machinery working flat out, 24/7 – like a lizard drinking, to sanitise the scandal.
A factor supported by intense criminal activities reputedly involving elements of the Hampstead / Barnet Plod Squad, to intimidate the abused child victims – the stalwart whistleblower kids – Alisa and Gabriel Gareeva-Dearman – and force them to redact their statements.
With the same levels of intimidation directed at witnesses to the sexual abuses, blood sacrifice rituals, cannibalism, et al - and their voluntary lay advocate McKenzie Friends supporters - hounded and arrested for their courageous Truthsayer acts.
Talk about organised crime – conspiracy is a term that fails to do it justice.
Then we have Scotland's Dunblane Primary School massacre coverup - at the corrupt hands of Lord Douggie 'McWhitewash' Cullen – whose contrived inquiry into the insane kiddie killing antics of the onanist sodomite Boy Scout troop leader and VIP paedo pimp, Thomas Watt Hamilton, revealed sweet fuck all and slapped a 100 year Closure Order on the classified findings – to protect Cullen's Edinburgh-based VIP (Very Important Paedophiles) Masonic Nonce Ponce / Speculative Society / BD/SM Violate Club Sodomite Brethren – and Hamilton's bestest pal, ex-NATO panjandrum, Lord George Robertson.
The next in line major establishment VIP / Masonic / Satanic cult paedo ring historic child sexual abuse coverup stays in bonny Nonceland with the Tartan Tadger kiddie fiddling clique – now entered into the days of infamy since first being reported to the Aberdeen Plod Squad in 2000 and 'never' given more than a cursory sideways glance excuse for an investigation to this day – with not one of the 22 identified and named special needs children sex abusers being collared or interviewed.
Yep, you gottit. The Hollie Greig scandal of Scaberdeen – the Nonce Ponce kiddie fiddling capital of Sturgeon's SNP Police State Scotland.
Akin to Dunblane, here we have Scotland's theatrical pretence at investigating historic child sexual abuse reports, wherein the 16-year old complaint case (2000) of the serial rape of Hollie Greig and a host of other special needs and disabled children by an untouchable Aberdeen-based elitist establishment (Masonic / Satanist) pederast ring continues to be ignored – and the named 22 abusers and paedo-enablers never to this day interviewed by police nor arrested – and hence never brought to justice.
Hardly surprising when one of the named 22 nonce-ponce abusers belonged to the very same Aberdeen Plod Squad tasked with investigating the complaint.
Whereas two anti-child sexual abuse crusaders, specifically the stalwart Cheshireman, Robert Green, who have sought to expose the scandal and seek justice for Hollie, were subjected to multiple cross-border arrests in their English homes by Plod Squad Nonceland thugs and imprisoned in Scotland - plus gagged by corrupt nonce-protecting Scottish courts from initiating further exposure campaigns.
But nothing new on the corruption front if one takes a closer look at Scotland's past record for sexual perversion and child abuse coverups – as instanced by Operation Planet and the follow-up actions by Crown Office legal stooges, tasked with re-writing the law of the land to indemnify their Magic Circle Masonic Speculative Society Law Lord bosses from prosecution for sodomising underage rent boys.
Here, time and again, we see the very same venal establishment hands involved in sanitising and covering up criminal acts of kiddie fiddling and child porn possession - ranging from the offices of disgraced lowlife money-laundering Glasgow solicitors manipulating the media with carrot n stick 'enticements' - to the sock puppet Scottish Herald's moronic paedo-apologist excuse for press hacks - to career pederast Grampian Sheriffs, to the rent boy buggering Nonceland Legal Aid Board's technical head - and let's not overlook the complicity of the Crown Office, and even further, into the Holyrood Parliament – a hotbed of hypocrisy, graft and corruption, in and of itself - under the questionable Porky Pict Salmond - and now Mrs 'Wee Nippy' Sturgeon. Alas, such is the price of devolution.
Although is there hope for Scotland yet as they finally launch a Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. Perhaps, if the appointed chair of the inquiry, the pugilist-featured Ms Susan O’Brien QC can shake off the bad vibe rumours of incompetence and conflict of interest smears related to her involvement with chairing of the panel of the now-notorious 2003 pretence of an investigation into the death of 11-week-old baby Caleb Ness in Edinburgh – with her announced appointment hotly contested last year by The Congregation of the Poor Sisters of Nazareth and the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent De Paul.
Per the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry having any real intent and 'teeth' - or simply another window dressing theatrical production to pander to anti-child sex abuse activists – the Education Secretary, Angela Constance, has stated for the public record that the inquiry would have powers to force witnesses to give evidence - and abusers would 'face the full force of the law'.
No shit – well, Hollie Greig and her Mum Anne will be glad to hear that – after 16 years of being discredited and fobbed off with lies. That is, if Hollie's abuse case – now get this – 'falls within the inquiry's terms of reference'.
Anyone fancy a wager it fucking well won't.
Thus, to focus back on the Westminster scandals, time for the British stooge media to finally focus on the Hampstead Satanist paedo abuse ring – but still keep a sharp eye on the Parliamentary MPs 'Very Important Paedophiles' scandal and Dolphin Square, Bryn Estyn, Elm Guest House, Haut de la Garenne, Nottingham's Beechwood Child Abuse Home – and a host of other such Satanic 'care homes' (sic) and orphanages where defenceless, emotionally-shattered kids were sexually abused and often put to death by untouchable Devil-worshipping Establishment paedo-sadists - both men 'and' women (Savile, Heath, Smith, Boyson, Joseph, Janner, Morrison, Astor, McAlpine) who were granted free range license to prey on vulnerable children purportedly under state protection.
Ha! Some joke. Tell that to the victims who, alike Maddie McCann and a host of their now-dead contemporaries mouldering in shallow - and watery - graves, still await justice to be done.
Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, politico ponces, bent money-laundering lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Syrian refugee children – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etc – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.
Conversely, a large number of the NSA - GCHQ / Five Eyes Alliance’s Prism / Tempora / Carnivore / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG / Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced.
So bollocks with a large capital B to political correctness - from here on in this is our legacy - to rip away the Veil of Venus blinkers and awaken people's vigilance against the corrupt establishment's totalitarian encroachment - using their eyes and ears - and brains - to say 'what if?' and make that 'consequences be damned' / 'harm's way' / 'who gives a flying fuck' quantum leap to start thinking for 'themselves' and become agents of their own destiny.
No longer accepting and believing the propaganda and lies our corrupt gutter press and biased goggle box telly spew out in a disingenuous politically correct format – or the ruling regime's sinister de facto belief that kiddie fiddling is a common core cultural value that should be accepted by a morally-misguided public and the age of consent lowered to three years – to accommodate their perverted Satanic sexual fetishes.
To conclude, fuck the Devil's demonic Satanás and the crypto-Judahist sayanim scum – along with the Vatican-regime's flabby, maladjusted Masonic / Opus Dei / Jesuit Ninth Circle / Sovereign Order of the Shites of Malta secret handshake psycho-sodomite-felching-pederast-necrophiliac ruling elitist fraternity – along with their Crapitalist shifty Shylock bankster brethren and their shelf life expired fractional reserve fraudulent and usury-rigged system's zillion % APR mark-ups, toxic credit default swaps, sub-prime whatsit loans and 'bespoke tranche opportunities' (re-branded CDS).
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Doc's Strike: Refuse to Work for Less
Today’s ‘Medical Emergency – Don't Call 9/11 – We'll Call You’ edition bring you the latest and greatest in scandal-mongering hot gossip from Tiny Tim Cratchit, gimping round the mortuary department of manky Manchester's Harold Shipman Centre for Medical Excellence and expediting a 'collateral damage' body count for Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged and crafted into bespoke satire to tempt the palates of all budding non-conformists, proto-nihilists and career radical revolutionaries who carry the immortal bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial.
Time might well be running out to agree a deal with junior doctors in the long-running pay dispute as doctors in England take part in their second 24-hour strike and issue a damning press statement that whoever sickens and croaks as a result of their justified industrial action, then the onus is on the Tory Health Minister, Jeremy Kunt.
However, in typical Nasty Party fashion, pursuing the fatally-flawed 'austerity or bust' economic system established by the Tory train fare dodging / coke-snorting Chancellor, George 'Spankies' Osborne, and his equally obnoxious – and despised – colleague - the DWP's Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin-Shitt, - Health Secretary Jeremy 'Head Boy' Kunt, following this parsimonious example, now wants to employ the draconian health service model of the People's Utopia of China – and junior doctors to work for fuck all.
Formal talks between doctors and the government - hosted by the not fit for purpose conciliation service Knackas - went tits up in January when mediator Ron McScrote went from being mildly frustrated to terminally stressed out with the intransigence of both disputing parties then morphed into self harm mode and ripped his own head off.
Now matters have gone from bad - to worse – to 'even worse still' - amid mounting speculation the tax-dodging twat of a Health Secretary, Kunt, is harbouring plans to impose a new 24/7 National Ill-Health Service contract on quacks whether they like it or not - and if they dare strike again, then flood the NHS with Syrian refugees with an NVQ 1 Diploma in General Medical Practice - potentially inflaming the row into a Mexican stand-off that will see hospital services flounder on the rocks of socio-political despair - with NHS patients the losers and the only winners being the undertakers who have to clean up and bury the embarrassing mess of bodies.
One major key sticking point in this entire brouhaha relates to payments for working Saturday shifts, with the British Medical Association demanding the whole day is paid at the traditional unsociable hours premium, while Kunt has mandated the hours between 07:00 and 17:00 are to be paid at basic rate.
How the fuck would Kunt know – the House of Conmans has never worked a Saturday since World War Two.
The BMA proposed a compromise of accepting half of the 11% basic pay rise offered by the Nasty Party government - in return for retaining extra payments for working Saturdays, but Heath Sec' Kunt shit canned that proposal with extreme prejudice.
BMA junior doctor leader Sapphie Dildodo opined to one press hack from the Daily Shitraker that the government should put the National Ill-Health Service before politics and curb Jeremy Kunt's machismo and dogmatic 'I'm right and you are wrong' attitude.
Conversely, Health Secretary Kunt claims that the intransigence of England's 55,000-plus junior doctors – some of whom have ten years of practical hospital ward / surgical experience - and their refusal to accept lower pay - is the only reason a solution had not been found.
But what else can we expect from this smarmy tosser of a Health Minister, who, along with his boss, the Tory's pig-fucking Slime Minister, Posh Dave Scameron, is hell bent on selling off our once-iconic NHS and morphing it into a fully privatised 'for profit' National Ill-Health Service - to be bought up by corporate greedsters under the 'fuck you' provisions of the skewed – and secret – 'bilateral' (sic) TTIP charter that is being force fed by the NWO Neo-Cons to the Brussels' EUSSR bureaucrats – and will end up on a par with the Great Satan's ill-fated 'die n save money' ObamaCare system.
To wit, Jeremy 'PPE' Kunt – he of the annoying, habitual shit-eating smirk – is a class act intellectually challenged dog wanker who still has a Scouse hit contract hanging over his pointy little 'microcephalic' head for uttering unsolicited, disparaging comments viz the Hillsborough football calamity being down to Liverpool soccer hooligans – and has the popularity ratings of a leper at a christening.
Going by his past record, to put Kunt – a People's Republic of China double agent mole and Rupert Mudrock News Corp lickspittle - in charge of anything – export guru for the marmalade industry; the affairs of disabled persons; the UK's 'Culture' portfolio; or the National Ill-Health Service – is inviting fucking disaster – and guess what – it's arrived in the form of a national junior doctor's rebellion – at full gallop, mud-splattered, and high in oath.
Stop press: Tiny Tim Cratchit – himself a living, limping victim of medical negligence due protracted waiting times at a Bristol A & E following a skate board accident on the M5 - reports on the mobile hotline that junior doctors' leaders have rejected a 'final take-it-or-leave-it' offer made by the government to settle the bitter contract dispute in England.
While the offer included a concession on Saturday pay, the British Medical Association replied 'too little n too late' – telling Minister Kunt to shove his deal where the sun don't shine – and think twice before attempting to impose any contract on them.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
Time might well be running out to agree a deal with junior doctors in the long-running pay dispute as doctors in England take part in their second 24-hour strike and issue a damning press statement that whoever sickens and croaks as a result of their justified industrial action, then the onus is on the Tory Health Minister, Jeremy Kunt.
However, in typical Nasty Party fashion, pursuing the fatally-flawed 'austerity or bust' economic system established by the Tory train fare dodging / coke-snorting Chancellor, George 'Spankies' Osborne, and his equally obnoxious – and despised – colleague - the DWP's Minister for Social Misery, Iain Dunkin-Shitt, - Health Secretary Jeremy 'Head Boy' Kunt, following this parsimonious example, now wants to employ the draconian health service model of the People's Utopia of China – and junior doctors to work for fuck all.
Formal talks between doctors and the government - hosted by the not fit for purpose conciliation service Knackas - went tits up in January when mediator Ron McScrote went from being mildly frustrated to terminally stressed out with the intransigence of both disputing parties then morphed into self harm mode and ripped his own head off.
Now matters have gone from bad - to worse – to 'even worse still' - amid mounting speculation the tax-dodging twat of a Health Secretary, Kunt, is harbouring plans to impose a new 24/7 National Ill-Health Service contract on quacks whether they like it or not - and if they dare strike again, then flood the NHS with Syrian refugees with an NVQ 1 Diploma in General Medical Practice - potentially inflaming the row into a Mexican stand-off that will see hospital services flounder on the rocks of socio-political despair - with NHS patients the losers and the only winners being the undertakers who have to clean up and bury the embarrassing mess of bodies.
One major key sticking point in this entire brouhaha relates to payments for working Saturday shifts, with the British Medical Association demanding the whole day is paid at the traditional unsociable hours premium, while Kunt has mandated the hours between 07:00 and 17:00 are to be paid at basic rate.
How the fuck would Kunt know – the House of Conmans has never worked a Saturday since World War Two.
The BMA proposed a compromise of accepting half of the 11% basic pay rise offered by the Nasty Party government - in return for retaining extra payments for working Saturdays, but Heath Sec' Kunt shit canned that proposal with extreme prejudice.
BMA junior doctor leader Sapphie Dildodo opined to one press hack from the Daily Shitraker that the government should put the National Ill-Health Service before politics and curb Jeremy Kunt's machismo and dogmatic 'I'm right and you are wrong' attitude.
Conversely, Health Secretary Kunt claims that the intransigence of England's 55,000-plus junior doctors – some of whom have ten years of practical hospital ward / surgical experience - and their refusal to accept lower pay - is the only reason a solution had not been found.
But what else can we expect from this smarmy tosser of a Health Minister, who, along with his boss, the Tory's pig-fucking Slime Minister, Posh Dave Scameron, is hell bent on selling off our once-iconic NHS and morphing it into a fully privatised 'for profit' National Ill-Health Service - to be bought up by corporate greedsters under the 'fuck you' provisions of the skewed – and secret – 'bilateral' (sic) TTIP charter that is being force fed by the NWO Neo-Cons to the Brussels' EUSSR bureaucrats – and will end up on a par with the Great Satan's ill-fated 'die n save money' ObamaCare system.
To wit, Jeremy 'PPE' Kunt – he of the annoying, habitual shit-eating smirk – is a class act intellectually challenged dog wanker who still has a Scouse hit contract hanging over his pointy little 'microcephalic' head for uttering unsolicited, disparaging comments viz the Hillsborough football calamity being down to Liverpool soccer hooligans – and has the popularity ratings of a leper at a christening.
Going by his past record, to put Kunt – a People's Republic of China double agent mole and Rupert Mudrock News Corp lickspittle - in charge of anything – export guru for the marmalade industry; the affairs of disabled persons; the UK's 'Culture' portfolio; or the National Ill-Health Service – is inviting fucking disaster – and guess what – it's arrived in the form of a national junior doctor's rebellion – at full gallop, mud-splattered, and high in oath.
Stop press: Tiny Tim Cratchit – himself a living, limping victim of medical negligence due protracted waiting times at a Bristol A & E following a skate board accident on the M5 - reports on the mobile hotline that junior doctors' leaders have rejected a 'final take-it-or-leave-it' offer made by the government to settle the bitter contract dispute in England.
While the offer included a concession on Saturday pay, the British Medical Association replied 'too little n too late' – telling Minister Kunt to shove his deal where the sun don't shine – and think twice before attempting to impose any contract on them.
Allergy warning: This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with wild rumour 'and' hard public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references and lashings of bush telegraph innuendo.
Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness: a news sheet and media source not owned by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the uber-racist Zionist kikester lobby, committed to the relay of open source information – and immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence - (unless one has the audacity to dare expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle / Violate BD/SM Club kiddie fiddling cabal – along with their Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office sodomite / paedo-enablers and cover-up protectors).
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