Wednesday 22 December 2021

Tony Bliar: Unvaxxed are Idiots

Eligible people who are not vaccinated against the Covid-1984 dreaded lurgy virus, and have no other reason not to get the mRNA jab – (besides the fact they are of an informed opinion that it's a toxic, eugenics gene modifying killer clot shot) - have been branded as 'idiots' by the former New Labour crime minister and low life war criminal, Tony Bliar.

Bliar - regardless of his impending promotion to Sir Tony in the New Year Honours List - remains a psychotic control freak - just like his great crony pal, ex-Microslop chief nerd Jill Gates - stated to one gutter press hack from the Scumbags Gazette that 'these non-vaxxed people are cluttering up the No Hope Service's beds, coughing and sneezing – and all due the fact they haven't had their mRNA nano-chip vaccine. Now, all our sensible and brave citizens are ready to queue up for their Merry Christmas fourth 'jingle jab' booster shots to 'stay ahead of the curve' – (not really flattened yet) - and fight off this nasty Omicron variant that's killing hundreds of black people, and lions and tigers, in South Africa – and still the UK's unvaxxed silly sector, who think they know better than our SAGE scientists and Dr Chris Shitty, haven't even had their first shot and are all going to die horrible deaths.'

Hmmm, Bliar might have a point regarding the common herd – vaxxed n unvaxxed alike – being composed of 'idiots' – for a majority vote from the same idiots saw him elected to Downing Street back in 1997 – and simply standing there, six years on, in 2003 - gobs open wide and doing sweet fuck all – as the cunt dragged Broken Britain into an illegal war of aggression against Iraq on the strength of a conjured 'dodgy intelligence dossier' – all to overthrow the regime of a dictator the rogue Zionist state of Israel didn't much care for – so the good ole US of A's Neo-Con Bush regime could dominate control of the country's vast oil and gas reserves - and establish a strategic Mid-East geo-political military base of operations - to protect Israel - 'and' intimidate Iran.

The sleazy Bliar, and Jack Strawman, Peter Loon, Alastair Campbed, and Attorney General Peter Goldshit – and his Prince of Darkness sodomite buddy, Lord Peter Scandalson of the Felchers - Labour's entire Zionist stooge cabinet cabal - should have been subject to a Citizen's Arrest – charged with war crimes, prosecuted and jailed.

Idiots, yes, as in the disastrous wake of the 2003 Iraq invasion – a continuation of the so-called War on Terror (more at Bush n Bliar's war of terror) – the bonehead British public gave the wanker a majority vote yet again in the May 2005 general election – regardless of the disturbing fact that in his first six years in office, Bliar had ordered British troops into combat five times - more than any other prime minister in British history. Iraq – 1998 and 2003. Kosovo in 1999. Sierra Leone in 2000, and Afghanistan in 2001.

To wit, anyone who hasn't rolled up their sleeve and had several mRNA Covid shots is – in Bliar's unqualified opinion – an 'idiot'.

Yep, and this from the vile craw of Anthony Charles Lynton Bliar - a class act political scumster, who couldn't tell the truth if he didn't have a lie to hand.

Truth be told – (but don't expect any such thing from Bliar's quarter) – there is nowt we relish more than to see obnoxious bureaucrats clawing their way through a political thorn bush – albeit this shameless, slimy serpentine cunt rates an even lower grade than a mole's bollocks on the Linnaean morality scale, and seems to slither through any and all ignominy with fiendish impunity – dating back to the pre-1967 days when public acts of homosexuality were illegal - he was arrested for 'cottaging' in a London suburb's gents toilets (loitering with intent to solicit sodomic sex with other males of the species) and appeared in court under a false identity – specifically the 'Charles Lynton' mid-section of his name.

But of course, lowlife miscreant scoundrels and bumboy pervs with secrets to hide - like Bliar - are easy blackmail pickings for the Dark Forces that rule this world – so his talentless rise in the political arena was all by the Satanic Deep State / NeoCon design – as too his following orders with canine obedience when it came down to dragging Britain into a series of military conflicts that had, in all truth, fuck all to do with Britain.

To close, the ignominious Bliar, a person devoid of any skill useful to society – and specifically of the medical / science category – further pontificated on the delay by Bonkers BoJo's Tory government to vaccinate people under the age of 12 with the mRNA gene manipulating clot shot – a decision, in Bliar's unqualified opinion, that should have been taken 'some time ago' – adding, for emphasis: 'I don’t know what they’re waiting for'.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka 'the Truth'.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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