Tuesday 21 December 2021

Covidian Cultist Javid Disses Non-Vaxxed

Ill-Health Minister, Sajid Javid, recently installed in the post of 'Covid-1984 Gatekeeper', has once more been exercising his democratic right to talk fucking nonsense, and this weekend, to crank up the 'fear machine' virus danger level' he turned his acidic criticism on 'unvaccinated pariahs' for “the damage they are doing to society” by not queuing up with the rest of Food Bank Britain's gullible common herd sheeple to get injected with the experimental gene therapy mRNA clot shot 'fake' vaccine – and prevent this hoax Omicron variant (it's the flu) - devastating human life across the length and breadth of our once-sceptred isle. 

The Ill-Health Secretary – a former bankster type with zero medical or bio-sciences training or background – (apart from the fact he once watched an episode of General Hospital) - speaking with a gutter press hack from the Fascist State Gazette – advised that further Covid restrictions, specifically the imposition of a post-Chrissie lockdown, are not off the cards, and BoJo's incompetence-ridden Tory government “will do what is necessary” to prevent the NHS (No Hope Service) being overburdened with unvaccinated Omicron variant patients – and 'infecting the vaccinated' (Ed': Que? – this can't be right?) - when they could just as easily suffer and die in their own beds at home.

Hmmm, typical of a shit-for-brains bureaucrat - with nary a fucking mention of the legions of vaxxed n second booster shot 'vaxxed' patients currently lying prostrate in hospital beds - cos the fake mRNA Clot Shot crap doesn't work worth a shit – apart from causing more adverse physical effects damage than preventing Covid virus infections.

Yet WTF can we expect when these not fit for purpose twats are appointed to posts they have no qualification for – and Javid was simply a handy available substitute for Bonkers Boris to replace the equally unqualified, and grossly incompetent, geriatric euthaniser - 'Midazolam Matt' Wancock.

The intellectually-limited Javid, known to his Bromsgrove constituents, and House of Conmans associates alike, as a right nasty cunt (and derisively, around Worstminster, as 'the Coconut') - (and is considered by all who meet him to be the type of slimy twat that prompt one to count their fingers if they've been unfortunately coerced into shaking his hands with him) - while indolently basking in the polarised glow of his unqualified arrogance, has been slotted into more government ministerial posts than enough – and proven to be equally fucking useless at them all.

Culture Minister, Business Minister, Communities Minister, Home Secretary, and Chancellor of the Exchequer – and now, via his appointment to the Ill-Health Ministry, gets the opportunity to make a bigger fuck-up of the NHS than it already is. Ha, what the fuck comes next - Minister for Sewerage Farms - in charge of 'recycling shit'?

Here Javid is exposed as a breed of wanker who would have been better served had he eschewed the vanities of political stage performance, and laid aside reckless ambitions for that he is wholly unqualified - and sought employment as a shelf-stacker at one of Broken Britain's Greedy Grocer supermarket chains.

Really, the brazen hubris of this self-promoting dog wanker Thatcherite – marked well by his past EUSSR Remainiac status – (and pro-Zionist lapdog shill support for the rogue state of Isra-Hell) – is now attempting to force-feed this 'new abnormal' 'get vaxxed' propaganda down the public's throats - and intimidate and shame the critical thinking elements of our sick society who do the research and can intuitively detect the entire Covid scam is a fucking hoax – a poorly scripted pantomime plandemic to usher in the New World Order's Great Reset agenda and get the entire global population 'immunity compromised' with this mRNA gene manipulating therapy crap being peddled as a cure-all vaccine.

Yeah, fourteen days to flatten the curve – and some 22 months later – and counting – (two full years come March 2022) - the curve's no fucking flatter – and the social distancing, face muzzles and lockdown laws actually represent a global coup d'etat against our liberal democracy – which has resulted in our collective freedoms and rights being trampled on in the name of the hoax Covid plandemic – and those rights are never coming back.

This lowlife political creature, Javid, now assumes to take the moral high ground viz his autocratic 'Do as I say' vaccine sectarianism attitude and enforcing every fucker to get these Covid mRNA shots – to protect the double-dose vaxxed – (yep, something definitely not right with that equation) - thereby wholly dismissing the proven superiority of natural immunity, in terms of efficacy, durability, and range.

Further, if Javid gets his way, this theme will pretty well guarantee that 2022 shall see the non-vaxxed realists actually 'criminalised' – and if the 'no job / no travel / no soccer matches' pariah status exclusion threats don't work, then possibly force-injected - with a gun held to their heads.

Hmmm, Javid n his SAGE science manipulating / computer model addicted 'Covidian cult' cronies, are attempting to surpass and outdo the good ole US of A's Scumbag-in Chief, Dr Fraudchi, with their Doom & Gloom 'worst outcome' versions of Covid variant bullshit n outright lies - and in the process of establishing a propaganda-driven  vaxxed / unvaxxed apartheid sect – hell bent on segregating an already divided society, and using the unvaxxed as the scapegoat cause of each and every successive mutated variant of this SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 virus - call it what you will - that comes along – straight out of the nudge unit master magician's hat.

Alas, the great Covid reverse-transcriptase-PCR test deception has been, and continues to be, a remarkable success – with regard to the 'in vivo' versus the 'in vitro' presence of the isolation and identification of any virus being an utter fraud – and what these 'virologists' are claiming to be Covid nasties are actually exosomes.

Yet the common herd never doubt the official Covid-19 narrative and are eager to roll up their sleeves for their initial Clot Shot – then back to get double-vaxxed – plus a stream of new variant-fighting boosters shots – and all the while unknowingly shedding their contaminated DNA toxic spike proteins to infect the hale n healthy unvaxxed sector of the population.

A global killer Covid-19 pandemic, my arse. The only pandemic is one of fucking ignorance infecting the mass population collective - otherwise referred to as the gullible 'common herd' sheeple – who are conditioned (programmed) to be naive and dare not lose their trust in an authoritarian government system – or even risk 'disobedience' by questioning the official status quo – lest it negatively affect their more at scent than substance personal 'comfort zone' safety.

To wit, the supercilious Javid, he possessed by blatant contempt and disdain for lesser mortals – now intends, via the route of a media driven propaganda narrative, to further segregate society by generating a 'them n us' state of bigotry, directed against the unvaxxed, to please his Satanic Masters.

For all intents and purposes, this egocentric, fascist cunt comes across as a bully boy with borderline melagomaniac pretentions – just like his fat-arsed Home Sickretary crony, Shiti Patel. The type of wanker who will enforce a mandatory inoculation policy if given a slack-enough leash – then task his  Ill-Health Ministry enforcement agents to stalk the public byways, demanding 'your Covid vaxx papers'.

Obviously the criminally-corrupt officials pushing this Covid virus / vaxx campaign are gifted with the predictive abilities of a proven clairvoyant as our Tory Nasty Party government have now ordered, and will stock, sufficient mRNA clot shot gene manipulating vaccine supplies for 2022 'and' 2023.

Yet this is a no-brainer as the scamdemic is designed be kept going until 2025 – by which time the evil bastards controlling global events hope to have their People's Utopia of China model copycat 'Great Reset' totalitarian state implemented - and every fucker n their proverbial dog vaxxed n chipped with a nano-tracker - and any fucker that has the audacity to dare question, criticise or raise debate viz any part of the Covid / Vax scam narrative is immediately branded as a loopy conspiracy theorist and smacked around with the big, bad censorship stick – then, all good citizen social credit scores cancelled and duly deplatformed from polite society.

Ergo, to conclude, we do not embrace, nor accept, the official Doomsday narrative, nor the corrupt concept of flabby Klaus Schlob's Great Reset, or his 'Satan Klaus' / 'Dr Strangepork' psychosis-mandated 'new abnormal' way of life.

Nor shall we submit to being injected with this experimental mRNA genetic encoded  toxin – further boosted with neuro-degenerative adjuvants – that has never before been 'publicly' used on humans, and still has years to run on their already truncated and farcical clinical trials – for its use on human subjects breaches both the Human Rights Charter and the Nuremberg Code benchmarks – and further constitutes a crime against humanity.

This is a spike protein medication being injected into the arms of a gullible – scarified and trusting – common herd. A gene-manipulating bio-weapon designed to negatively compromise the innate human immune system – viz the actual immune system attacking itself. It has various intended cause n effect properties – from suppressed ovarian and semen potencies to outright sterilisation.

And here we have legions of the unsuspecting, queuing up en masse, to be purposely, and with malice aforethought, injured and die from the poison being injected into their bodies - to combat a disease that does not exist.

For the record, this inoculation medication is comprised of gene modifiers, non-biological materials - graphene hydroxide nano-flakes - and a host of other nasty 'Shitemare on Elm Street' razor-edged nano-particles to slice up the hapless recipient's epithelium.

This injectable mRNA toxic gene therapy shite does not meet the definition of a 'vaccine' – and if, as Big Pharma and their SAGE / government stooges assure us, it's all perfectly safe – then why the fuck did Big Pharma 'demand' total indemnity from prosecution viz any and all 'adverse' health effects resulting from their so-called vaccine?

Oh yes, time to wake up to the fact that this entire Covid-1984 scamdemic is the Trojan horse for the genocidal mass depopulation of the human race – and the critical thinking unvaxxed are the Latter Day Heretics who shall be sought out by Javid's Ill-Health Ministry Inquisition and burned at the stake.

The human body – and mind – in a well maintained and healthy, alkaline state of being, is possessed of a superior, innate immune system, compared with that any synthetic injectable mRNA clot shot spike protein shite – posing as a medical serum / vaccine - can provide.

But thanks to the official narrative viz this deadly and highly transmissible Covid Omicron variant – or should that be 'scariant' - legions of gullible 'trustafarian sheeple – perhaps the term Hive Mind 'lab rats' might be more appropriate – are queuing up for their ? – is it the 3rd or 4th ? – SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-1984 'latest variant' mRNA clot shot boosters - the booster to end all boosters – until the next 'even deadlier' variant comes along.

For fuck's sake, does BoJo's behavioural science manipulator / nudge unit crew think the common herd are brain dead in entirety and too fucking stupid to see this 'in yer face' soft step / tip toe Pavlovian conditioning via the route of their Covid-1984 virus plandemic hoax lockdown pantomime - followed by the toxic mRNA Covid clot shot 'euthaniser' inoculation – and the award of good citizen vaccine immunity (sic) certificates and passports – and then onto the oh-so convenient Covid immuno-pass microchip in your wrist.

Stop press: Coming soon to a vaxx clinic near you. Covid-1984 passports as a sub-dermal implant – your very own 666 personal tracking microchip.

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