Monday 1 January 2024

Happy Skewed News Views 2024

In this New Year's Day 2024 edition of the 'Let's Kick Some Woke Joke Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Establishment Sleaze' – a timely scandalous exposé of 'Global Incompetence and Hypocrisy' from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean-Frankist death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, continue to delude themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle – even as their collective material excesses herald the end of humanity, and all inter-connected life on Earth, with a Sixth Mass Extinction event.  

Oh my, what a crock of concocted shite – a veritable systemic dose of extreme rattisage – to scarify the gullible hypochondriac community members of our sickened society as the New Year of 2024 rolls in – and yet a further opportunity for the astute minds of the critical thinking sector of our society to shake their collective heads in disbelief at this latest instance of ‘rinse and repeat’ as the corruption-ridden global elite stage a Zoom get-together, in sinister congress, to agree on the finer points of, and set the actual kick start date for their 2024-scheduled ‘9/11 replay’ false flag ‘digital cyber-attack’ trigger event that will initiate a global scale power grid collapse and blackouts – and subsequent internet and communications shut-down, initiating a total fuck up of the world’s currency and trading systems.

Yep, and guess what the ‘positive’ side (sic) of this global scale fubar cum snafu is gonna be? The perfect opportunity to usher in a Great Reset of every fucking thing.

Individually, and collectively, we need to kick in the testosterone factor and grow a pair of balls to equal the intrepid ‘Fuck You’ attitude of the solitary Tank Man who claimed centre stage in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, by giving the finger to the might of the Chinese military machine during the June 4, 1989 civil anger protests.

Scientists, (sic) in the pay of vaccine manufacturers, are warning the all-new JN.1 strain of the Covid-1984 scamdemic virus – spreading like wildfire via the media propaganda networks - might cause more than just a simple bout of coughs n sneezes – and has a dire potential to inflict serious heart disease issues.

No shit, Sherlock. Now that is a real big porky pie, and obviously one which Big Pharma is counting on to distract from, and cover up, the profusion of coronary-related problems – infirmities and deaths - caused by the toxic spike protein / graphene oxide-loaded Covid vaccine crap jabbed into the arms of the gullible guinea pigs who were trusting – or naive enough – to believe their government medical authorities (such as  Broken Britain’s NHS – No Hope Service) – actually ‘cared’ – and dutifully ventured out into the plague-ridden streets - to get vaxxed, and then double-trouble ‘booster-vaxxed’ with this noxious eugenics agent.

Hark the brouhaha over the billeting - plus the feeding n care – ‘and’ slow-go processing - of the legions of Channel puddle-hopping illegal immigrants beaching their rubber boats on Food Bank Britain’s south coast shores; claiming to be war zone refugees and /or politically persecuted – and seeking safe haven asylum – when they have just departed ‘safe haven’ France for the preferred UK soft touch welfare state.

Ergo, applying this ‘safe haven’ principle, they don’t qualify for refugee status, nor processing, through our established asylum system.

Send them back from whence they came – or even straight back to the shores of la belle Française.

There again, it becomes ‘in yer face’ insultingly obvious that these people are now taking the piss ‘big time’ viz being marginalised minorities or despised sodomites – ort politically oppressed asylum seekers – petitioning for safe haven in the UK, when hordes of the fuckers have actually been flying home for Christmas - as they miss their families.

Yep, the 2024 New Year kick starts with the likes of ex-Microslop CEO, Bent Bill Gates (of Hell) and a host of his philanthro-path Death Cult buddies – all members of the techno-crap ‘more money than sense’ zillionaire shill club - still promoting – and reviewing the schedule - during a recent ‘spirit cooking’ barbequed babies Xmas get-together luncheon - of their ‘managed extinction’ agenda to kill off the majority of the common herd useless eaters.

Er, that’s us, by the way.

Yeah, not only are they hell bent on decimating the global population with toxic Covid-1984 vaccines, but now we have Bent Billy pushing his disgusting lab’-produced Franken-meats to fuck up everyone’s genetic signatures.

Yum-fucking-yum, we don’t think.

Mr & Mrs Harry Hewitt, the controversial ‘Montecito Muppets’ are in the news, yet again. Que – when the fuck are they ever out of it?

What a pair of inept, money-grubbing clowns is how the greater ‘thinking’ public demographic views them today, publishing that scandal-mongering ‘tell all’ Spare Prick bio, and swathes of revenge-themed shit-stirring / back-stabbing canards on the one hand - juxtaposed with the egocentric ‘Look at Us’ on Oprah’s dingbat celeb’ show – plus the mass media releases covering their self-promoting charity events.

Ergo, if the IQ scores of this pair of shit-fer-brains imbeciles were added together, they still fall into the double figures mentally-retarded category – and the likes of the charity exposure and the Spare Prick bio’ are all the ‘great ideas’ of their ‘don’t come cheap’ PR team to make the Hewitts look good – or at least conjure a formula that manifests as a passport to social acceptance – if not quite social credibility.

And now, mes amis, another bucket-load of Wokester jokester virtue signalling.

Hark the Wokerati cabal, these textbook fascists, complain viz the New Normal Totalitarianism they are responsible for ushering in – this state of political correctness; the inane equality, diversity and inclusion culture that ignores the canons of meritocracy.

Demonising all and sundry who refuse to parrot their propaganda – and demanding they are hauled off, sans trial in a court of peers, to some hate crime re-education black site - for having the audacity to question and disagree with the Woke agenda – or failing to use the correct pronouns when addressing some trans-gender-bender ‘drag queen’ perv’ sporting a face-full of stubble and hairy legs – kitted out with a blonde wig, falsies, mini skirt, and high heels – reading a ‘fairy story’ (sic) to nursery age kiddies.

Laugh if one likes, but the gospel according to Westminster’s weekly edition of the Silly Shit Review, the utterly ridiculous Esther McVey has been appointed Minister for Common Sense, no less. A political post that has been vacant for far too long – due the fact no one in the House of Conmans has ever demonstrated the intellect to qualify for the post.

Prudence and pragmatism were the wellspring from which common sense did once flow – until the cult of Wokeism usurped the source, and logic was outlawed, with moralistic progressivism becoming the order of the day.

Que? The world is mad. A fitting synonym for ‘diversity’ is discrimination; and for ‘inclusivity’ – allowing the residents of the insane asylum to mix freely with polite society – while a better example would be sanctioning convicted pederasts to work with young children; and as to ‘equality’ - positioning the qualified with the unqualified on the same level playing field – and expecting a constant and uniform performance, and end game results.

Albeit one dare not speak out, lest fragile sensibilities are offended by failure to comply with the ever-emerging Orwellian-Woke ‘new speak’, nor filling a gender or race diversity quota – or crying out ‘Foul!’ when some hairy-arsed bloke who identifies as a female of the species beats all others hands-down in a biological women only sports event.

Not so much about the slave trade - reasons for / consequences of, per se - being aired via the recent news media brouhaha; but more at news views regarding the money-grubbing actions of persons claiming to be the x-generations-removed dreadlock-sporting octoroon descendants of slave trade victims - or their dodgy legal representatives – making avaricious demands for reparations / mega-bucks compensation for what someone, now long-deceased, might have suffered at the hands of Whitey.

Typically, in this blame n shame game / ‘some fucker else’s fault’ Woke cult action, there is nary a scintilla of mention of the embarrassing fact the hapless Africans who became victims of the slave trade, and shipped across the Atlantic to the New World, were rounded up and sold into white trash bondage by their fellow African brothers.

Oh my, the brainless hypocrisy of the Woke joke brigade.

Old Sir Snotford Gobswaller, the 18th Century philanthropist-entrepreneur – and long-standing Whig member of Parliament for the South Downs constituency of Twatford Oaks - had his bronze statue - (commissioned, post-mortem, by good folks of Twatford in his honour and remembrance) – toppled from the plinth and indiscriminately chucked into the local duck pond by the Woke joke activist brigade – as retribution for the old man multiplying his earthly fortune from colonial cotton plantations - reputedly worked by black African slaves.

And at this juncture we shake our heads – this action is payback, regardless of the fact his wealth build cotton mills and schools – and funded the ubiquitous work houses of the day – and constructed the local hospital – that fine architectural piece of work still standing and functioning to this day under NHS custodianship.

So, we inquire of these holier-than-thou Wokesterite activist-protesters assuming the righteous roles of judge, jury, and executioner – are the mill, and the hospital, going to end up in the duck pond too – alongside the statue?

Now there’s one for the Wokester brigade philosophers to cogitate upon.

An offence to the human ears - the whingeing of the Sabbatian pro-Zionist front, complaining n shouting their stock n trade ‘anti-Semitism’ mantra if any fucker or their dog uses the word ‘genocide’ in another context unrelated to their personal (purported) Nazi era Holocaust (more at exaggerated Holohoax) that claims to have snuffed 6 million European Jews.

Typical, despite the fact a series of actual holocausts - in the Americas – both North and South - for one – in the wake of Columbus’ 1492 landfall - cost 100 million lives in the Spanish ethnic cleansing / Catholic ‘spiritual’ religious conversion campaigns – followed by a close second viz the Trans-Atlantic slave trade claiming a further 60 million lives.

Then we have Mao’s Chinese People’s Utopia ‘Great Leap Forward’ (1958-1962) making a total fubar of the country’s agricultural system, causing a catastrophic ‘weight watchers’ famine in which 50 million people starved to death.

Conversely, even those numbers pale since the spike protein toxic Covid-1984 gene-corrupting vaxx poison has been repeatedly injected into the hapless arms of the majority of the world’s 7-plus billion people gullible enough to trust their lying scum governments and roll up a sleeve – then a-ways down the road start dropping like flies – flies with heart conditions.

But that figure, once the real deal spike protein and graphene oxide toxic effect kicks in - when activated by the 5G / EMF broadcasting satellites – and electro-magnetic hyper-sensitivity radiation from the now-ubiquitous not-so-smart meters fitted in everyone’s home - the global population start popping their clogs in tune with the WEF (New World Order) Great Reset depopulation agenda – will make previous genocidal holocausts look wholly insignificant – which will doubtless really piss off the Zionist ‘Holohoax’ camp no end.

Silly question, perhaps – but does any fucker think Mao’s Great Leap Forward sociopathic-engineered depopulation tragedy sounds like a precursor to – or an echo for - Satan Klaus Schlob’s WEF Great Reset – and the ‘oh-so-coincidental’ Covid-1984 global scamdemic outbreak - and ‘shame n blame’ de rigueur ‘get yer shots’ vaccine campaign to depopulate the useless eater common herd sheeple?

Time shall tell. “You vill own nutink und you vill be happy”. Thank you Klaus.

This entire 1.5 degrees global warming charade and associated rip-off carbon credits offset ransom being pushed by the likes of Al Bore, Bent Billy Gates, and the WEF’s Satan Klaus Schlob, along with a host of unscrupulous NGO others – are all part n parcel of the Great Reset population-shuffling agenda.

The propaganda push to promote this pantomime New Green Deal / Zero Carbon climate crisis fable is still being marketed and sold as a black swan event that the common herd ignored and are collectively to blame for.

Global warming, my ass. Go tell that to the fucking Eskimos – and the Antarctic penguin colonies. They’d really appreciate a 1:5 degrees temperature rise - Centigrade over Fahrenheit, preferred.

Okay, so WTF is this ‘Deep State’ bogeyman, the naïve amongst us ask?

A spin-off of the Mil-Ind complex – a noxious money-grubbing profit-driven, militaristic corporate state apparatus – in the thrall of control freaks, greedsters, sociopaths, and classic case psychos - all bent on total global domination through the imposition of martial law on domestic fronts, and fomenting repeated ‘friends and enemies of convenience’ military conflicts overseas – especially so in Third World nations possessing a plethora of enviable natural resources.

So WTF do these Deep State nasties really do? Well, the US and Zionist Israeli chapters get together, and pull false flag attack stunts like the 9/11 WTC attacks – blamed squarely on the likes of Big Al Qaeda and his Mohammed bin Patsy sidekick, and their Insh-Allah terrorist gang – to provide an excuse to invade Afghanistan – and Iraq, and anywhere else that has lots of yummy natural resources worth stealing – and provide an opportune live fire practice event for US and NATO troops to exercise their barbarity genes – and that same old Mil-Ind’ complex the chance to field test their new, nasty weapons by crippling, maiming and snuffing mobs of non-accountable infidels.

The BBC (Biased Broadcasting Corp) license fee hike of £10:50 quid, scheduled to hit the goggle box-addicted public community of Food Bank Britain in April 2024 - for the legal right to watch their entertainment (sic) broadcast content on a colour telly, rising to an exorbitant (read ‘rip-off’) £169.50 nicker per annum – is not destined to finance the viewing of world-class entertainment content - providing top notch value for the full spectrum of audiences – nor even the customary re-hashed vacuous crap – or produce all-new vacuous crap – but rather finance the New Year cost of living / inflation demand for that totally vacuous, and pretentious grifter - Gary ‘Gobshite’ Lineker’s exorbitant salary.

Heaven, or Hell, forbid that any fucker or their dog votes for New Labour in 2024, as a Europhile Brussels stooge Keir Stammerer-led government would be a Third World / welcome back to the Dark Ages catastrophe for the population of Broken Britain.

Why is it the Labour wankers have a propensity for appointing serial liars, mental incompetents, and low life twats to occupy their leadershit chair? Notorious cottager Tony Bliar, Gordon Broon, and now Stammerer, and his ginger-mingin foul-mouthed deputy, Mangela Rayner - to name a sampling.

Mind you the Tory Nasty Party political drudges such as Fishy Sunak & Co ain’t any better when it comes down to the matter of ‘truth be told’ – or competence.

One thing our career politicos are provenly not, is a force of Nature – competing within their own fractious ranks to achieve personal political ascendancy.

If voters consider the current unbridled illegal immigration chaos – and accompanying non-integration pandemonium, just wait ‘til Labour are running (sic) the show and it morphs into a total open borders fiasco to appease the New World Order / WEF / Satan Klaus Schlob ‘Great Reset’ national identity ‘dilution and pollution’ agenda that is currently driving Western, and Brussels EUSSR, immigration policies.

Stammerer and his toxic minions will be trumpeting the ‘diversity is our unity’ message – and promoting the endless multiplication of impulsive diversity – then stand back and lock your doors, for there will be no limit to the socio-political fragmentation that will produce – to a state of Them vs Us open civil warfare.

The barbarian-governed Sabbatian-Frankist state of Israel’s ambassador to Broken Britain, Tipsy Hotlips – herself a sworn Māḡēn Dāwīḏ Zionist - recently loosed a sharp rebuke of brazen chutzpah to renewed talk of establishing an independent state of Palestine, alongside ersatz Israel, as a route to permanent peace.

Questioned regarding the prospect of a two-state solution - which would see the establishment of an independent Palestine alongside the ‘Promised Land’ of Israel – the pro-Jabotinskist Ambassador Hotlegs informed one news hack from the Chosen People’s Gazette: "absolutely not".

Que? WTF? The Edomite Mafia’s going to return the lands we’ve stolen from them since 1948? That has no part of the Zionist ‘Manifest Destiny’ – from the Nile to Euphrates territorial wet dream - expropriating the lands of others. No way, Mohammed.

The blame for this state of affairs Ms Hotsauce dumped squarely on the shoulders of the Palestinians – (a people now robbed of peace, and bereft of aspirations) - stating, with calculated hudaibiya and calumnious hasbara, for the public record that they did not want an independent nation state next to Israel, but in place of Israel.

Really, much the same as the Zionist thugs did back in 1948 – the Palestinian population driven out of their historic homeland by Zionist terror gangs in the ultra-violent Yawm an Nakbah – the Day of the Catastrophe – their ‘’Shoah’ - when Palestine, per se, ceased to exist as a sovereign nation state – thanks to the corruption-ridden US administration under Harry Truman, and an equally noxious UN, chaired by nutty Norway’s Trygve Lie.

Ergo, and all still justified to this day as above board and legit’ by the likes of Bobo Nuttyahoo, waving a scrap of paper known to history as Balfour’s Folly.

Hmmm, and with the current IDF military destruction of the Gaza Strip littoral enclave (the West Bank territories come next) - and the slow cook genocide of the Palestinian residents driven into the desert wastelands of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, we view their Zionist Dahiya Doctrine at work.

At this juncture we are reminded of the Latin phrase that comes into play - ‘impunitas sempre ad deteriora invitat’: impunity always leads to greater crimes – when these greater crimes are not checked, halted, and corrected by a moral-minded greater global community – whose membershits are all in the pay of the Ashkenazi-Sabbatean bankster cult.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Carbon Credits Cap & Trade Offset  Exchange (aka Global Warming / Climate Change Pollution Reduction Scam) declaration:

Disclaimer: While a hefty score of conscience-stifled rabid royals, noncing nobles, political ponces, perjurious Oxford college principals, bent money-laundering Glassie lawyers and corruption-ridden porky plods might have become collateral 'fear and alarm' casualties and thrown into paranoid psychosis states of scandalous exposure anxiety attacks, no innocent non-combatant women and kids - and especially so Muslim migrant refugee 'Junior Jihadi' sprogs – or trees, fish, cormorants, bumble bees, small furry 'felcher friendly' sized mammals – ferrets and stoats, voles, moles, white mice, bum rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, miniature coypus, dwarf beavers, etcetera, et al – were harmed in posting this insurrectionist Truthsayer epistle.

Conversely, a legion of the NSA / GCHQ / Gorgon Stare / Pegasus / Five Eyes Alliance / PRISM / Vault 7 / Tempora / Carnivore / Voxel-51 PDI / Clear-Force / Echelon / X-Keyscore / SIG-INT I-Spy super snooper ‘Nosy Bastard’ wire-tap / Birds of a Feather tracking rat / IMSI catchers / eavesdropping Dachau DVD / Eco-Giraffe data mining / TOR sniffing / JTRIG – and the Umbra Ultra-encrypted system’s nasty network AI smart electrons on Hubble Bubble Road in EMF smog-bound Cheltenham were shocked into high anxiety states and temporarily inconvenienced by our blatant acts of disrespect for the neo-McCarthyite 'politisch korrekt' fascist 24/7 panopticon surveillance sub-culture.

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