Sunday 28 January 2024

Bad Vlad to Invade Little Britain

So, as to take a welcome switch from the gutter press’ ever-newsworthy climate crisis paranoid apocalypse propaganda and ‘Chicken Little’ rants of ‘the oceans are boiling and we’re all gonna die’ – an alternate gospel truth - according to one University of Fuckingham’s so-called security and intelligence ‘experts’ – specifically the liver-spot blotched geriatric Professor Anthony Glees who heads one of the numpty-dumpty Nudge Units ‘advising’ (sic) the not-fit-for-purpose Tory Nasty Party government - our hapless population of Broken Britain needs to be ready for an all-out war against Russia within the next six years - unless Bad Vlad Putrid - the Beast from the East - succumbs to his current debilitating ailments first, and a less aggressive, and mentally stable successor assumes his post-mortem vacant Kremlin post.

This comes on the heels of NATO bosses warning European nations to be prepared not to succumb to ‘hands up / surrender monkey’ status – but rather take any and all action necessary to fight back against Russian aggression – and a ground conflict that might – or might not - erupt in the next 20 years – er – chances are long after the 71 year-old Putrid has expired his mortal coil. 

Regardless, an act of prudence would be to dig a twenty-foot deep - and bomb-proof - underground survival bunker in your back garden - tunnelling plans available free from all local town council offices.

Fer fuck’s sake, people, get real. Bad Vlad’s bogged down with his fatally-flawed Ukraine fubar – and the forecast ‘seven day in and out’ Stalinesque style military blitzkrieg invasion tactic has since manifested all the indications and makings of beating the combat record of the Late Middle Ages 100 Years’ War (Guerre de Cent Ans; 1337–1453) between England and France – now the West are playing proxy war games and supplying Ukraine with all the armaments they can sell on at a profit.

Really, think about it. WTF would Putrid – or Russia – want with our once-sceptred Isle of Albion – when Russia comprises the greatest land mass of any natural resource rich nation on the planet (gold, uranium, oil, coal) – stretching from St Petersburgh on the Baltic to the Sea of Japan at Vladivostok - and grows enough wheat to choke a T. Rex – while all Food Bank Britain has in any abundance are spuds, swedes, cabbages – and Channel-hopping illegal immigrants on the scrounge for a hand-out.

OMG! 60 years back it was all US McCarthyist propaganda broadcasts of ‘Reds Under the Bed’ alarmist paranoia viz the Soviet Communist ideology menace that dominated the Russian bear scare – now it’s Bad Vlad ready to invade Little Britain.

To compound an already negative, hare-brained issue, we have the Tory Nasty Party’s clown of a Foreign Sec’ – Posh Dave Scameron – going into Cassandra mode and beating the doom merchant’s war drum with red scare tactic warnings viz a repeat of Chamberlain’s 1930’s Policy of Appeasement mistake towards Hitler and his Nazi hordes morphing into our policy towards Putrid and the Russia Bear.

There again, at least Broken Britain’s government ‘voices of doom’ pessimist club – an entire government administration ‘and’ civil service comprised of basket case deplorables - are warning against a visible ‘one in a million’ – and highly unlikely – invasion threat from Russia, while the good ole US of A’s paranoid Department of Defence, due a recent spate of UFO sightings, are beating the war readiness drums with entreaties to Congress for a massive boost in the defence spending budget – as the US military is unprepared, and lacking the weapons systems capability to counter, let alone defeat, an actual outer space type alien invasion.

Hmmm, by who, you might ask?

Why, none other than the classic little green men from Mars variety – or their fear-eating, inter-dimensional, shape-shifting Reptilian cohorts from Alpha Draconis.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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