Thursday 1 August 2024

Skewed News Views Roundup 01/08/24

Talk about ‘keep children indoors’ - and safe - during the current summer school vacation scorcher. Now that has got to be the byword for the times, with this horrific incidence of multiple stabbings - and murder - of young primary school-age children in Southport, by an autistic 17 year old teenage mental case immigrant stock offspring - Axel Muganwa Rudakubana - whose parents hail from Africa’s notorious ‘genocide central’ of Rwanda - and while indulging himself in a week-early pre-18th birthday stab-a-thon treat homicidal extravaganza, neighbours claim the boy may have been acting under some malevolent spell cast by a local Juju Man.

Hmmm, malevolent black magic spells and sinister, tribal Juju Men besides, anyone remember the impending foreign contamination clash warnings of previous decades - viz white Christian vs the dark souls of infidel religious and Third World pagan cultures?

The ever-sagacious Enoch Powell MP, in 1968, made his Rivers of Blood speech to a gob-smacked and objecting House of Conmans, chocker with naysayers - yet accurately predicted the advent of this very issue - a prophecy that has come home to roost - and for which he should have been awarded the ‘Oracle of Delphi’ medal - and not slapped with the stock-in-trade label of ‘racist’.

What short-sighted clown gave the ‘short memory’ Rachel ‘Amnesia’ Reeves the job of Chancellor, dispensing her personal brand of social injustice - and for her primary ministerial debut act of ego-massaging she intends to axe winter fuel payments for pensioners - a ‘keep warm’ seasonal lifeline for us older type guys n gals.

Yep, and for a fact, none of us would voice a single whinge viz winter fuel poverty if we too were pocketing Reeves’ salary of £91,000 quid per annum - plus expenses and ministerial allowances etc.

But, on a vengeful note, that’s several million pension age ballot box votes down the drain for Labour - and lots of pins n nasty needles stuck in the Labour politico voodoo dolls.

To wit, rot in Hell, bitch - and beware the Pensioner’s ‘Curse of the Empty Fireplace’.

The scandalous OAP pension slashing statement came as a video emerged of Hypocrite-in-Chief, Sir Keir 'Flip-Flop' Stammerer, a mere two months ago, speaking to Good Housekeeping magazine, and relating how ‘awful’ and ‘the biggest thing in the world’ it is when people, specifically pensioners, are unable to afford their heating bills.

Equally duplicitous, the rabid Reeves once tweeted in the opposition days of May, 2017: ‘It’s Labour who will stand up for pensioners, defending the triple lock & winter fuel payments.’

Yep, another shit-fer-brains hypocrite impaled on her own boasts - and lies.

So too her fellow hypocrite, Deputy PM Mangela Rayner, has also previously tweeted: ‘Labour will protect the ‘triple-lock’ on state pensions, maintain the Winter Fuel Allowance, & free bus passes for pensioners.’

If this Reeves troll wants to balance her budget, then stop handing out taxpayer’s funds to Third World shitholes, and housing illegal migrant types - or sucking up to Brussels and the EUSSR’s demands.

There again, if y’all thought the Tory gang were bad and voted them out of office, then for the start of a 5 year political run in power, the Labour crew’s socio-economic agenda is starting to look like shit.  

To focus in passing on the question of WTF to do with the legions of Channel hopping wetbacks and the Tory’s lunatic mega-bucks, £££ pre-funded scam to ship out these illegals to rabid Rwanda - (twinned with Auschwitz as a mass genocide tourist destinations) - the entire farce has morphed into one not very funny joke.

Why not ship them back to whatever Third World shithole dump from whence they came - or the French beach they set off from - or is that yet another Brussels’ EUSSR human rights n wrongs no-no - dictated by a control freak European political organisation Food Bank Britain is no longer a member of?

Yep, as we always suspected, and all bare-faced denials besides - Sir Keir Stammerer is a Brussels toad and gonna attempt to finagle getting Broken Britain’s neck back under the EUSSR jackboot.

But first on Labour’s treasonous agenda he’s okayed his pet energy minister, Ed Millipede’s scheme - more at ‘scam’ - to erect wind turbines across every bit of green belt in our once pleasant land - and in every fucker’s back - or front - garden - and kid’s playgrounds - and parks - and mandated a program to fit every roof with solar panels - which potty Ed claims will lower energy bills.

Following that roll-out of net zero clean energy fascism, any chilled Granny type caught stoking up their once-government recommended log burner fire to offset the north wind chills this Winter will cop an automatic 12 months jail term - hard labour too - scraping bits of chopped seagull off the ubiquitous wind turbine blades, arrayed along the peaks of the Pennines.

Alas, anything resembling a green space is gonna cop either a wind turbine or a row of terraced slum-drum jerry-built houses (sic) as the ginger-mingin Mangela Rayner, now appointed to yet another job she’s clueless about - housing secretary - has made Labour’s new homes target agenda mandatory - and plans to re-categorise off-green areas as either grey belt - or black belt - and toss up some 1:5 million homes for Channel-hopping illegal migrants - before you can even summon the breath to shout ‘Greenbelt’!

Hmmm, hopefully she’ll start the survey pegging of proposed building sites around her home town of Stockport.

Yep, now the RAF has joined the Woke joke bonkers club, kowtowing to some raghead twat complaint that their century-plus old squadron name of Crusaders might be offensive to Muslims - especially so if the 14 Squadron are dropping bombs on their snowflake heads.

The RAF's 14 Squadron first gained the nickname Crusaders during the First World War, when it flew sorties over Palestine - long before the Khazar-Ashkenazi Jews of convenience ever arrived to steal the country from its Muslim residents, and rename it Israel. 

Hmmm, apparently the official word from the RAF’s apologies department is the fact the name Crusader is no longer appropriate in the 21st Century. Nuff said.

Immigrant scumbag extraordinaire, Sheikh Tosser bin-Bagg, wants to buy an island in bonny Scotland’s weather-beaten archipelago (Torsa) to establish his Islamic paradise for the second coming of Allah’s messenger (no, not the fucking postman).

Sheikh bin Bagg sought asylum in Britain 20 years ago after fleeing his native Kuwait - where he spent months in jail for insulting Sunni and Cher.

And now, residing in our once-sceptred isle of Albion, the twat is hell bent on creating division between the ever-divisive Muslim Sunni and Shite communities - and, of course, the pagan Gentile ethnic population - that’s us, folks - the Christian majority (for now) population.

WTF is wrong with these illegal - yes, illegal - ‘that is’ the right terminology - not this Woke joke euphemism of ‘homeless unfortunates’ in need of Christian charity - free housing and a credit-loaded cell phone - but rather visa- deficient migrant mendicants, sneaking across the Channel in rubber boats, overloaded from bow to stern - with fuckers falling overboard n drowning - yep - none of the twats can swim.

But that’s hardly surprising if you’ve lived all your life in a desert - while Brits have set records for swimming across the very same Channel - from the south coast to France - or in reverse order, if the mood takes, and it’s calm seas.

Every fucking thing you touch, or look at, reflects or echoes the same boring clichés preached by the Woke joke cult, and the twisted EDI messages promoting the moral sins of trans-gender-bender-ism propaganda - along with how we need multi-culturalism - and legions of unwashed beggars - to make our once-united kingdom ‘fit-in’ with the rest of the fucked up world.

WTF was that display of foul and foreign French theatrical crap to open the Olympics. Trust the Frogs to make a fuck of anything they touch.

A bevy of LGBT+Q +++ faggots performing their perverted take on the Last Supper.

Hmmm, in one respect it's a pity the Spanish Inquisition is no longer around to deal with such a tacky, multiple offence display of apostasy, blasphemy and heresy by a Satanist troop of performing sodomites.

Oh my, just ogle at the banner headline and shake yer head.

Thames estuary 1944 shipwreck in danger of spontaneous detonation and flooding London with a resulting tsunami.

Yep, What a heap of scare-mongering rubbish from the manky Metro hacks - a handy paper for wiping one’s arse if no bog roll around - and not much else.

Spontaneous detonation and ensuing tsunami. How is the salt-water penetrated explosive cargo of ammonium nitrate going to detonate? Was it rigged out with fulminate of mercury detonator caps that some electric eel might inadvertently rub up against?

Get real , tell the truth - the cargo is by now inert, and all the rest a packed lunch of exaggeration and venal, news-selling lies.

Fer fuck’ sake, one might expect better from the conspiracy theory crowd. The Covid-1984 scamdemic was not the great global euthanasia attack they claim, but simply a test run to fine tune the real thing - that’s a-coming a ways down the road - albeit the mandatory CPR testing worked, along with the nudge campaign to get the first, and second, and third, etc, et al, anti-Covid jabs worked like a charm - a psycho-propaganda charm - one that keeps on giving, even when the body bags n graveyard are filled to capacity, and the crem’ has run out of gas.

Conspiracy theorists juggling the right / left paradigm might well set aside the recent Secret Service-managed chicanery viz the blotched / false flag attempted assassination of Citizen Trump and simply accept the entire charade was a Republican vote winner for the November ballot - and necessary to offset the chances of yet another lame duck Democrap getting into the Shite House, especially an IQ-deficient glove puppet like the cackling Kamala Harris.

Opinions vary viz the so-called failed sole gunman assassination attempt with many Trump supporters blaming the secret service for allowing it to happen, while many more suspect the shooter was a Democrap Party hirling, while others are of an opinion the shooter copped precisely what he deserved - for missing Trump’s forehead.

Whatever the November outcome, FEMA’s gonna be busy combatting leftie aggro’ - and the good ole US of A’s economy already on a decades-long path to total collapse - with Europe’s overdue fall set to follow suit. 

Interesting times ahead, folks.

Yeah, and none more so than for the BBC’s iconic news presenter, Huw Edwards, once a most familiar face on British telly, but now disgraced - after entering a ‘very sorry’ guilty plea regarding a personal collection of indecent kiddie fiddling images - made to share with his pervy, paedo pals - and will henceforth step back from his previous national news desk slot while awaiting a court sentencing date - and instead present the all-new Children’s Hour social awareness program, aimed at 4 to 12 year old’s: Spot the Paedo.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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