Friday 9 August 2024

Policing Minister Praises Pet Plods

Speaking to press hacks from the Daily Shitraker and Crap Media TV - with all keeping a safe distance from the Policing Minister’s Medusa-Gorgon style slithering serpent mess of a wild hair-do - (appearing to all intents and purposes as though she’s been dragged through a hedge - backwards) - Dame Diana ‘Clueless’ Johnson - MP for Kingston upon a Hill and Snottingham - fiercely challenged the media’s allegations of two-tier policing by Broken Britain’s Plod Squad in regard to anti-immigration protests - (the black vs white racial conflict, linked directly with Christian vs infidel / pagan religious polarity) - plus certain second class sectors of our sick society treated more aggressively than others.

So thus preacheth Dame Diana, as she emerged from yesterday’s latest Cobra snake pit meeting, still spitting venom - and obviously referring to the wildfire rioting and galloping xenophobia protests, kick started in response to the incidence of three little girls recently stabbed to death by one coloured teen from an African origin immigrant family - with this being the single catalyst for the ensuing protests, plus the arsonist-linked brick n bottle-lobbing sustained nation-wide civil disturbances and inter-ethnic conflicts.

Johnson continued from her pavement pulpit: “First of all, there is no two-tier policing, and we all have to band together to support my pet Plod Squad, as they have a very difficult job to do - rushing off to Manchester Airport to deal with cross culture clashes and taser darkie Muslim thugs, then stamp on their pointy heads.”

“I think it's worth paying tribute to the police leaders for their efforts this past week, to avoid a civil race hate war - and specifically the Met’ Chief, Mark Rowley, setting a good example for everyone, kept busy ripping the microphones out of gutter press hack’s nasty paws, so they can’t report a pack of exaggerations - or the truth - concerning police activities.”

"Further, it’s important to remember that swift justice shall be dealt out to these protesters and activists who think they’re smarter than our government, and blatantly object, with brazen hubris - on the streets in riot mode - to Westminster’s open borders policy of welcoming rubber boat loads of ‘irregular’ migrants whose passports and visas and identity papers were unfortunately washed overboard in the rough seas as they departed the French coast - or blame them personally for the stabbing and murders of little girls at a Taylor Swift-themed music and dance class.”

"Now, thanks to the tireless efforts of Sir Keir’s ‘all-new ‘Standing Army’ being mobilised to deal with the immigration chaos protests, today we see the first batches of these protester hooligans and generalised trouble-making scallies being rapidly processed through our courts of law, for the crime of setting homeless asylum seekers on fire - and sentenced to maximum term jail time - to be served in our newly-constructed HM Rwanda prison.”

Well, thanks for that knee jerk twaddle, Minister Johnson, and your further slandering of all protesters as right wing thugs, when the majority were gathered to express legitimate concerns regarding unfettered immigration of pagan foreign types who have zero respect for British culture, nor any inclination to integrate with British society - (apart from shagging underage white girls in Rotherham) - and whose mental case offspring are at liberty to engage in unbridled stab-a-thon missions against dance classes of little girls - for that is what we object to, and protest against.

Forensic psychologists consulted for their opinions on the actual root causes of the violent demonstrations and riots are of one mind in declaring it is down to boredom across the entire common herd population, and the solution lies in dropping the price of handy six-packs of lager and beer at the Greedy Grocer supermarket chains - then forcing the hand of television corporations to broadcast programmes that will serve to interest the customarily somnambulist public and keep them glued to the screen - as opposed to the same old shit repeats of the Muppet Show and Gardeners' World, or the brain dead Gary Lineker pontificating on Match of the Day, that they’ve all sat through, yawning, ten times previously.

Regardless of the vacuous bullshit being touted by Dame ‘Dreadlocks’ Johnson, preaching that ethnic Brits should welcome and embrace the hordes of heathen immigrants with open arms, it is a fact that Food Bank Britain’s governing Labour Party, and leader - call me ‘Sir Keir’ - aka ‘Two-Tier’ Keir - Stammerer - stand accused of fomenting a plan - more at scam - to have illegal migrants jump ahead of needy, homeless Brits in the housing queue - and semi-confirmed rumours abound regarding cabinet office talk to scatter these legions of ‘illegal’ - (under prevailing government Woke joke terminology now to be referred to as ‘irregular’) - asylum-seeking alien cadgers across the length and breadth of our once-sceptred kingdom - from the Channel Islands’ Jersey to bonny Scotland’s Orkneys and Shetlands.

To close, a word to the wise, for this is all part n parcel of yet another dirty racist-sectarian shit-stirring scam, conjured in the bowels of the authoritarian cesspit - a deliberate policy of unchecked immigration, purposely designed by government dark forces and bureaucratic control freaks to instigate the intended - and desired - civil unrest consequences.

Hmmm, problem-reaction-solution - and welcome to the New World Order’s ‘Great Reset’ population redistribution agenda. 

Conversely, media footage from across the country shows empathy-deluded counter-protesters against the anti-immigration and child-stabbing demos were filmed chanting ‘no to hate’ and ‘refugees welcome here’ and ‘come and sleep on my sofa’ - along with ‘live in our garden shed, rent-free’.

Lol’s - go on, indulge oneself for a bit of a giggle. Log onto the YouTube video of one recently-inducted ‘irregular’ Mohammed bin Scrounger in a tartan kilt, retrenched to a Holiday Inn asylum seeker hotel in Edinburgh - and attempting to perform a copulative sex act with a set of bagpipes.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

1 comment:

Rusty said...

Stop press footnote - Sunday 11/08/24: Two-tier policing: Christian worshippers left petrified after attack on church during riots as media hacks and Plod Squad ignore Muslim mob chanting 'Allahu Akbar'.