Thursday 22 August 2024

Labour Targets OAP Benefits

Yep, as per the banner headline reads, Broken Britain’s recently-installed Labour Party government are on a do-or-die, self-harm, suicide mission to shitcan whatever modicum of political credibility - or respect - they might still have - as their first and foremost ‘let’s fix the economy’ target victims are a ‘dying race’ - our income-restricted OAPs - the nation’s once-hard working, and industrious - and tax-paying - old age pensioner community - now facing an extinction-level event.

If the Labour Party’s kakistocracy government are realistic viz plugging this'purported' £22 zillion quid black hole in the national finances account - 'they claim' to have inherited from the former governing Tory gang - (who inherited much the same deficit back in 2012 - when they seized power from the bungling Bliar & Brown Labour comedy act) - then before they start slashing pension credits, and winter fuel payments, and warm home discounts, to the OAP voting pensioner sector of our sad and sick food bank society, they need to call a halt to dishing out our taxpayer-extorted monies under the heading of ‘foreign aid’ - to scrounging alien infidel entities - and hosting legions of illegal migrants here on begging-fest missions - plus stop financing more scent than substance arts and crafts projects - with one currently involving an all-female opera performance - in China - a nation which boasts the world's second-largest economy.

Que? Where the fuck? China? OMG - what the fuck next? Will the folks living in Luton be able to hear this all-female opera gang singing in Shanghai - if we request they turn the microphone volume all the way up - to very loud mode?

Fer fuck’s sake, talk about ‘misallocation’ of taxpayer's cash to some of the more affluent regions of the world - such as sponsoring this rural crafts exhibition in China’s Shenzhen province integrating traditional ethnic heritage crafts - or funding the construction of  a system of British style cycle lanes across the sprawl of Mexico City.

So, after years of the Tory political cabal’s ‘bread n butter’ circuses government model, we now have Labour’s Two Tier style of broken promises - and a toxic economic policy of ‘let’s raid the pensioners kitty’.

Oh yes, this is an economic / fiscal fubar that equates with Robin Hood in reverse - ripping off the poor to play Lady Bountiful on the foreign stage - flaunting themselves before Europe, and the World, as the best thing since the innovation of ready-salted tater crisps.

Typical, the ‘now in power’ Labour gang are blaming the Tory ‘Tits-Up’ Party for Food Bank Britain’s failed energy policy they claim to have inherited – and while that might be true – conversely, in the real world of commercial and industrial affairs we are met with situations where everything is a fuck up and your job is to sort it out – and instead of blame-game buck-passing and dissing the Tory tossers, then simply shut the fuck up whingeing, get on with the job, and fix the situation – for political grand-standing besides, that is what ‘call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer and his merry mendicant gang should be doing.

Regardless, those of us old fogeys still alive (if anyone is) come the Spring of 2025, and having survived the dark winter days - and frosty nights of 2024 - will have a keen eye trained on local, and national, election dates - ready to take our blood oath revenge at the ballot box - and boot Labour out of every political office they currently infest - from local and regional council chambers, and up to our Worstminster-based House of Conmans doss pit assembly.

Ergo, we hope Labour’s Chancellor, the rabid, raving Rachel 'Thieves', and the shit-fer-brains Foreign Sec’ David Scammy, jointly responsible for this despicable ‘rob the pensioners’ action - (along with leadershit responsibility lying at the feet of arch-Remainiac / EUSSR stooge, Sir Keir Stammerer) - get frostbite and chilblains on their personal private parts this winter.

First, in my own instance, it’s the OAP pension credit slashed by 60% - for wrongly ‘assumed’ reasons by the DWP - obviously acting on government directives - and now our OAP winter fuel payment slashed too.

So, on an individual basis, we shall have to make harsh decisions with regard to weathering out the coming season’s cold - despite the effects of goose flesh and the shivers - and eat. Or, alternately, starve, and keep the house warm, while chewing on one’s finger nails - and sharing the cat's dinner bowl.

All a matter of Eat or Heat - cos with the Labour Party’s new euthanasia policy of ‘let’s kill off all the non-productive oldies’ we simply cannot afford to do both on the same day.

To sum the issue up - in two words - how about ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ - for this venal exercise of slashing the pension credits ‘and’ winter fuel allowance of the elderly and vulnerable pensioner category of our society is absolutely criminal - and especially so by the likes of Reeves, Scammy, and Stammerer - whose MP salaries, boosted with the mega-bucks cabinet office minister add-on - and expenses - gives them a pre-tax take home paycheque in excess of £150,000 quid.

Oh my fucking Gawd - if Labour’s policies were not insane enough, we now have a parallel outbreak of Woke insanity, with the sheep-shagging Welsh Senedd Cymru announcing their commitment to enforcing a policy of Woke joke EDI anti-racist action on their libraries.

Ergo, doubtless English libraries will be pulling a copy-catter in the days to come, with inquisition sessions run by Mrs Alka Seltzer Cuthbert viz ‘critical whiteness studies’ - and how to deal with issues such as the ‘dominant paradigm of whiteness’.

Hmmm, how about ‘critical bullshit studies’ - and the ‘dominant paradigm of wasting time and money’?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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