Tuesday 13 August 2024

Dissing Plods an Extradition Offence

The Met' Plod Squad’s current diminutive Commissioner, Mork Rowley-Poly, in a recent fit of male menopausal pique, has threatened to extradite citizens from other countries - to be jailed (sans mention of any trial to establish guilt) - in Broken Britain - if ‘Two-Tier-Keir’ Stammerer’s Labour Party considers such online criticisms of them, or Rowley’s ‘Police State’ plod squad, violate the regime’s online free speech statutes - even though those Rowley is threatening don’t violate the free speech laws of their own (more sensible - less authoritarian) countries. 

Yep, the rabid Rowley is hot to trot, and threatening to extradite, and imprison, overseas nationals - if he considers their social media posts referencing Broken Britain’s authorities to be offensive to him personally - for being designated a non-violent keyboard warrior does not insulate - nor make you safe - from ‘Rowley’s Law’.

One key aspect that makes this apparent crackdown on social media particularly shocking to critics is PC Rowley’s threat to issue US-based - and any overseas / foreign citizens - with the option of being imprisoned in one of Food Bank Britain’s sodomite paradise jails for dissing his Plod Squad’s actions - for simply stamping on Muslim citizen’s heads - or having a go at the gross incompetence of the Stammerer-led Labour government - or by telling the Truth the way it is - and thus, in Rowley’s misguided view - ‘abusing’ their God-given - and Constitutionally-bestowed - right of freedom of speech - political or otherwise - online - thus possibly inciting racial hatred - and this to be henceforth classified as a terrorist offence.

And here Rowley is referencing the recent ‘Enough is Enough’ protests in London’s Shitehall, where ethnic Anglo-Saxon Brits demonstrated their public ire against the level of uncontrolled immigration by wetback illegals crossing the Channel with inflatable rubber dinghies  - and collectively expressing - as one voice - less than complimentary freedom of speech opinions regarding Sir Keir Stammerer’s shambolic non-response to unbridled migration: criticism hereafter categorised by Rowley as ‘criminal activity’.

Really, is this twat of a would-be martinet, Rowley, making it all up as he goes along?

Maybe not - for the dog wanker is also targeting US zillionaire Tesla, and X Corp owner, Elon Muskrat  for his personal, and less than complimentary, online comments in response to the recent UK-wide riots linked to generalised government and Plod Squad incompetence regarding the monitoring and supervision of mental case foreign origin types stabbing dance classes of young children to death.

Oh my, what a fubar, if Rowley gets his wicked way. Food Bank Britain’s Plod Squad will have the legal authority to extradite any fucker and their dog who dares criticise their performance - or that of Stammerer’s wet rag government - or is that just another item on Rowley’s delusional control freak ‘wish list;’ he’d love to see manifested into reality?

Here is where we, the common herd, tax-paying voters, take exception regarding Rowley’s despotic ‘I am right and you are wrong’ autocratic attitude towards the greater British public demographic / community - and our collective - and individual - right to criticise officialdom - for any and all of its incompetent performances - as they are now frequent - and manyfold.

Hmmm, when a government - or bureaucratic department - plod squad - can no longer tolerate constructive criticism, then it’s time to change the government - or kick start a revolution to hoof the arseholes out of office and power - as our Lord Protector, Olly Cromwell, did with King Charles de First.

Where the fuck do the Home Office recruit these totalitarian head-stamping Plod Squad thugs - brain dead to the extent they get themselves video recorded in a very public arena setting - while brutalising a couple of young Muslim guys for the act of defending their mother’s honour and dignity - in the wake of her being insulted by some gobshite whitey traveller at Manchester Airport?

Ergo, this calibre of imperious, ‘head-stamping’ Thug Squad police brutality has got to be on a par with the Untouchables ‘get away with anything’ mindset of the Roman Catholic Vatican’s Holy Inquisition torturers - or the Hitlerian Nazi mass murderers operating the gas chambers at Auschwitz.

Authoritarianism knows no boundaries with dodgy despots of PC Rowley’s stamp at the helm of national plod squadding - especially so when it comes to the fascist censorship of politically-embarrassing broadcasts viz the amplification of harmful content - also known as ‘the Truth’ - being circulated by our American cousins.

Hmmm, perhaps before he kick starts his ‘extradition’ threats and demands the FBI arrest Elon Musk and stick him on a flight to London - along with latest critic, RFK Jr - PC Rowley-Poly should simply shut the fuck up, take his blood pressure meds, sit down, and listen to Rowan Atkinson expound, and pontificate, his take on the authoritarian censorship of free speech.

Rowan Atkinson link: definitely worth a watch.




Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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