Monday 19 August 2024

Misogyny now a Terrorist Offence

Overseeing the affairs of state from her elitist Whitehall office throne, the Labour Party’s venom-spitting, serpentine home ‘sickretary’, Yvette Cooper, has ordered her minions to coordinate with MI5 and execute a review of Broken Britain's counter-extremism strategy - to determine how best to tackle threats posed by harmful ideologies - specifically the things she disagrees with.

Under Cooper’s revised categorisation of offences project, extreme misogyny (a hatred of women - especially Cooper) - is to be treated as a form of militant-political extremism - on a par with the recent - and ongoing - genocidal blanket bombings of Palestine’s hapless Gaza Strip by Zionist Israel’s terrorist government. 

Drawing off the wide experience garnered from her days of trying out every ‘shadow’ post that a second-rate political party has to offer - (and her days in Ed Millipede’s ‘doomed to fail’ clusterfuck of a shadow cabinet - promised the post of shadow chancellor - then slotted into the dogsbody job of making the tea and washing up) - before putting her foot down with a firm hand and demanding the role of shadow foreign secretary - Cooper is of an opinion there has been a rise in extremism - with misogyny at its very core - and not only online - but also on the streets of Food Bank Britain that, quote: "frays the very fabric of our communities and democracy".

Que? WTF? Did she just say ‘Democracy’? Ha! What a joke, the woman’s doubly delusional.

And as to ‘misogyny’? Fer Christ’s sake, these Woke joke cult wankers purportedly running the government can’t - or won’t - in case they offend some EDI trans-gender bender - even commit to defining what a woman is - let alone what defines misogyny - or worse still, the ‘extreme misogyny’ charges proclaimed by the Commie radical feminist brigade.

Cooper’s in-house review will look at the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism across the ghettoes of our once-sceptred isle, as well as wider ideological trends - including Zombie knife sacrifices in deserted churchyards - along with extreme misogyny - and beliefs which fit into broader categories, such as violence towards potted plants, shouting at household pets and causing them ‘fear and alarm’ - and acts of mass murder against dance classes of school children.

So too is Cooper expanding the scope of her wide-ranging ‘extremism’ interpretation clamp-down, and is of a mind that Tommy Robinson’s ‘patriotic’ English Defence League should be immediately - if not sooner - slapped with Labour’s all-new ‘proscribed terrorist organisation’ stamp due their direct connection to the recent ‘We Hate Immigrants Stabbing Our Children’ linked Southport protests - and ensuing riots - a political sanction echoed by Labour’s deputy leader, the ginger-mingin Mangela Rayner.

This 'one-size-fits-all' blanket-labelling ‘terrorism’ analysis will scrutinise a particular ideological trend that the delusional Cooper believes is gaining traction - nation-wide misogyny - now a personal pursuit mission with the Home Secretary - since one disgruntled Labour party voter / Pontefract constituent referred to her as a ‘shit-fer-brains, split-arsed slag’.

Ergo, terrorist plots besides, if one reads between the lines with a modicum of eyes-open scrutiny, it becomes clear that Cooper is on a personal vendetta-related mission, to outlaw - and criminalise - any and all instances of misogyny - and has already directed the diminutive Met’ Chief, PC Rowley, to undertake the formation of an all-new Misogyny Squad - to track down, arrest, and oversee the prosecution of offenders.

Hmmm, misogyny - the hatred of the female gender - yet nary a mention of labelling the opposing side of this misanthropic 'sexist' offence - specifically acts of ‘misandry’ - (and misandrists) - the female hatred of men - as an equally offensive crime.

Ah well, double standards yet again - nothing new with ‘Two Tier’ Labour - nor their piss poor excuse for a political leader, Sir ‘Two Tier Kier’ Stammerer.

But the above sums Cooper up to a tee - not to be believed - or trusted, if we scrutinise her past performances - an EUSSR-Brussels stooge - and vocal Brexit ‘Remainiac'.

Plus one that the government's Ethics Oversight Committee sort-of let slip - when Cooper and her live-in politico partner, Ed Balls-up, claimed taxpayer monies under the Conmans Additional Costs Allowance scheme (or is that ‘scam’?) to subsidise their purported £438,000 mortgage - with both slammed for fiddling £1,363 quid a-piece on their House of Conmans expenses - and ordered to repay before they got their names in Parliament’s Big Bad Naughty Book.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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