Wednesday 28 August 2024

Fixing the Foundations

‘Call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer giving his 'Fixing the Foundations' speech to a gathering of disinterested gutter press hacks - and a scavenging scurry of squirrels.

By the look of the base of his rostrum it appears he need to fix that first – before the fucking thing topples over - and disappears down the national economy's £22 billion quid Black Hole.

Lol’s – yep, the front-on view indicates a dynamic 20 degree lean to starboard. 

And this is the guy who boasts he and Labour can fix Broken Britain?

Not even adept enough to 'fix' a base-biased leaning lectern.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Labour Targets OAP Benefits

Yep, as per the banner headline reads, Broken Britain’s recently-installed Labour Party government are on a do-or-die, self-harm, suicide mission to shitcan whatever modicum of political credibility - or respect - they might still have - as their first and foremost ‘let’s fix the economy’ target victims are a ‘dying race’ - our income-restricted OAPs - the nation’s once-hard working, and industrious - and tax-paying - old age pensioner community - now facing an extinction-level event.

If the Labour Party’s kakistocracy government are realistic viz plugging this'purported' £22 zillion quid black hole in the national finances account - 'they claim' to have inherited from the former governing Tory gang - (who inherited much the same deficit back in 2012 - when they seized power from the bungling Bliar & Brown Labour comedy act) - then before they start slashing pension credits, and winter fuel payments, and warm home discounts, to the OAP voting pensioner sector of our sad and sick food bank society, they need to call a halt to dishing out our taxpayer-extorted monies under the heading of ‘foreign aid’ - to scrounging alien infidel entities - and hosting legions of illegal migrants here on begging-fest missions - plus stop financing more scent than substance arts and crafts projects - with one currently involving an all-female opera performance - in China - a nation which boasts the world's second-largest economy.

Que? Where the fuck? China? OMG - what the fuck next? Will the folks living in Luton be able to hear this all-female opera gang singing in Shanghai - if we request they turn the microphone volume all the way up - to very loud mode?

Fer fuck’s sake, talk about ‘misallocation’ of taxpayer's cash to some of the more affluent regions of the world - such as sponsoring this rural crafts exhibition in China’s Shenzhen province integrating traditional ethnic heritage crafts - or funding the construction of  a system of British style cycle lanes across the sprawl of Mexico City.

So, after years of the Tory political cabal’s ‘bread n butter’ circuses government model, we now have Labour’s Two Tier style of broken promises - and a toxic economic policy of ‘let’s raid the pensioners kitty’.

Oh yes, this is an economic / fiscal fubar that equates with Robin Hood in reverse - ripping off the poor to play Lady Bountiful on the foreign stage - flaunting themselves before Europe, and the World, as the best thing since the innovation of ready-salted tater crisps.

Typical, the ‘now in power’ Labour gang are blaming the Tory ‘Tits-Up’ Party for Food Bank Britain’s failed energy policy they claim to have inherited – and while that might be true – conversely, in the real world of commercial and industrial affairs we are met with situations where everything is a fuck up and your job is to sort it out – and instead of blame-game buck-passing and dissing the Tory tossers, then simply shut the fuck up whingeing, get on with the job, and fix the situation – for political grand-standing besides, that is what ‘call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer and his merry mendicant gang should be doing.

Regardless, those of us old fogeys still alive (if anyone is) come the Spring of 2025, and having survived the dark winter days - and frosty nights of 2024 - will have a keen eye trained on local, and national, election dates - ready to take our blood oath revenge at the ballot box - and boot Labour out of every political office they currently infest - from local and regional council chambers, and up to our Worstminster-based House of Conmans doss pit assembly.

Ergo, we hope Labour’s Chancellor, the rabid, raving Rachel 'Thieves', and the shit-fer-brains Foreign Sec’ David Scammy, jointly responsible for this despicable ‘rob the pensioners’ action - (along with leadershit responsibility lying at the feet of arch-Remainiac / EUSSR stooge, Sir Keir Stammerer) - get frostbite and chilblains on their personal private parts this winter.

First, in my own instance, it’s the OAP pension credit slashed by 60% - for wrongly ‘assumed’ reasons by the DWP - obviously acting on government directives - and now our OAP winter fuel payment slashed too.

So, on an individual basis, we shall have to make harsh decisions with regard to weathering out the coming season’s cold - despite the effects of goose flesh and the shivers - and eat. Or, alternately, starve, and keep the house warm, while chewing on one’s finger nails - and sharing the cat's dinner bowl.

All a matter of Eat or Heat - cos with the Labour Party’s new euthanasia policy of ‘let’s kill off all the non-productive oldies’ we simply cannot afford to do both on the same day.

To sum the issue up - in two words - how about ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ - for this venal exercise of slashing the pension credits ‘and’ winter fuel allowance of the elderly and vulnerable pensioner category of our society is absolutely criminal - and especially so by the likes of Reeves, Scammy, and Stammerer - whose MP salaries, boosted with the mega-bucks cabinet office minister add-on - and expenses - gives them a pre-tax take home paycheque in excess of £150,000 quid.

Oh my fucking Gawd - if Labour’s policies were not insane enough, we now have a parallel outbreak of Woke insanity, with the sheep-shagging Welsh Senedd Cymru announcing their commitment to enforcing a policy of Woke joke EDI anti-racist action on their libraries.

Ergo, doubtless English libraries will be pulling a copy-catter in the days to come, with inquisition sessions run by Mrs Alka Seltzer Cuthbert viz ‘critical whiteness studies’ - and how to deal with issues such as the ‘dominant paradigm of whiteness’.

Hmmm, how about ‘critical bullshit studies’ - and the ‘dominant paradigm of wasting time and money’?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Shouting at Police Dogs a Felony

The legal beagle sages staffing Bristol Crown Court, in their purported wisdom, while prudently reflecting on the current Woke joke equality, diversity and inclusionnpandemic affliction disabling the common sense reasoning functions of the Western civilisation (sic) populace in entirety, this week jailed one scally, Bradley McCarthy, for 20 months of hard labour - and a brutal diet of Woof Chunks, dog biscuits, and water - which apparently is more nourishing than the crap the prison kitchen chef (sic) rustles up as ‘food’.

The ginger-mingin McCarthorse, 34, from Knobhead-on-Sea, admitted to shouting at a police dog sniffing his crotch, saying ‘Don’t you dare bite me on the arse, yer mangy twat’ - which apparently upset Gromit, the canine in question, causing the distraught animal fear and alarm, during the riotous events of an anti-immigration demonstration in the city.

McCartwheel joined the brick-lobbing anti-migrant protests, which kick started in the wake of the 17-year old son of an African / Rwandan asylum-seeking family stabbing three young schoolgirls to death in Merseyside’s Southport - and wounding a clutch of other children - plus the adults attempting to protect them from the deranged onslaught.

Police later made a public appeal, requesting further incriminating information regarding the offender from the town's local lickspittle snitch and grasser community after issuing a photo of McCartshite - who apparently has previous criminal convictions for shouting at other dogs - and cats - around the neighbourhood - plus repeatedly standing in front of a Bristol pet shop window and shouting ‘Wake up, yer dozy twats - yer going round in circles’ at bowls of goldfish - and tapping on the glass to motivate a creep of Polynesian tortoises into standing on their hind legs and performing an acrobatic display.

No shit, Sherlock - we shudder at the thought of cogitating the prison sentence McCarthy might have copped if he’d shouted at the plod squad dog’s handler - and caused him / her fear and alarm too.

Let’s face it folks, Food Bank Britain’s 'two tier' justice system is an effin’ joke.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Monday 19 August 2024

Misogyny now a Terrorist Offence

Overseeing the affairs of state from her elitist Whitehall office throne, the Labour Party’s venom-spitting, serpentine home ‘sickretary’, Yvette Cooper, has ordered her minions to coordinate with MI5 and execute a review of Broken Britain's counter-extremism strategy - to determine how best to tackle threats posed by harmful ideologies - specifically the things she disagrees with.

Under Cooper’s revised categorisation of offences project, extreme misogyny (a hatred of women - especially Cooper) - is to be treated as a form of militant-political extremism - on a par with the recent - and ongoing - genocidal blanket bombings of Palestine’s hapless Gaza Strip by Zionist Israel’s terrorist government. 

Drawing off the wide experience garnered from her days of trying out every ‘shadow’ post that a second-rate political party has to offer - (and her days in Ed Millipede’s ‘doomed to fail’ clusterfuck of a shadow cabinet - promised the post of shadow chancellor - then slotted into the dogsbody job of making the tea and washing up) - before putting her foot down with a firm hand and demanding the role of shadow foreign secretary - Cooper is of an opinion there has been a rise in extremism - with misogyny at its very core - and not only online - but also on the streets of Food Bank Britain that, quote: "frays the very fabric of our communities and democracy".

Que? WTF? Did she just say ‘Democracy’? Ha! What a joke, the woman’s doubly delusional.

And as to ‘misogyny’? Fer Christ’s sake, these Woke joke cult wankers purportedly running the government can’t - or won’t - in case they offend some EDI trans-gender bender - even commit to defining what a woman is - let alone what defines misogyny - or worse still, the ‘extreme misogyny’ charges proclaimed by the Commie radical feminist brigade.

Cooper’s in-house review will look at the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism across the ghettoes of our once-sceptred isle, as well as wider ideological trends - including Zombie knife sacrifices in deserted churchyards - along with extreme misogyny - and beliefs which fit into broader categories, such as violence towards potted plants, shouting at household pets and causing them ‘fear and alarm’ - and acts of mass murder against dance classes of school children.

So too is Cooper expanding the scope of her wide-ranging ‘extremism’ interpretation clamp-down, and is of a mind that Tommy Robinson’s ‘patriotic’ English Defence League should be immediately - if not sooner - slapped with Labour’s all-new ‘proscribed terrorist organisation’ stamp due their direct connection to the recent ‘We Hate Immigrants Stabbing Our Children’ linked Southport protests - and ensuing riots - a political sanction echoed by Labour’s deputy leader, the ginger-mingin Mangela Rayner.

This 'one-size-fits-all' blanket-labelling ‘terrorism’ analysis will scrutinise a particular ideological trend that the delusional Cooper believes is gaining traction - nation-wide misogyny - now a personal pursuit mission with the Home Secretary - since one disgruntled Labour party voter / Pontefract constituent referred to her as a ‘shit-fer-brains, split-arsed slag’.

Ergo, terrorist plots besides, if one reads between the lines with a modicum of eyes-open scrutiny, it becomes clear that Cooper is on a personal vendetta-related mission, to outlaw - and criminalise - any and all instances of misogyny - and has already directed the diminutive Met’ Chief, PC Rowley, to undertake the formation of an all-new Misogyny Squad - to track down, arrest, and oversee the prosecution of offenders.

Hmmm, misogyny - the hatred of the female gender - yet nary a mention of labelling the opposing side of this misanthropic 'sexist' offence - specifically acts of ‘misandry’ - (and misandrists) - the female hatred of men - as an equally offensive crime.

Ah well, double standards yet again - nothing new with ‘Two Tier’ Labour - nor their piss poor excuse for a political leader, Sir ‘Two Tier Kier’ Stammerer.

But the above sums Cooper up to a tee - not to be believed - or trusted, if we scrutinise her past performances - an EUSSR-Brussels stooge - and vocal Brexit ‘Remainiac'.

Plus one that the government's Ethics Oversight Committee sort-of let slip - when Cooper and her live-in politico partner, Ed Balls-up, claimed taxpayer monies under the Conmans Additional Costs Allowance scheme (or is that ‘scam’?) to subsidise their purported £438,000 mortgage - with both slammed for fiddling £1,363 quid a-piece on their House of Conmans expenses - and ordered to repay before they got their names in Parliament’s Big Bad Naughty Book.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Roll the Climate Change Dice

Let us momentarily reflect on the knee jerk reactions of our media-panicked ‘in a state of constant alarm’ vulnerable - and ever-gullible - population, when force fed the ‘latest’ (sic) conjured self-shaming data regarding the human efforts required to achieve Net Zero and prevent the manifestation of a climate tipping apocalypse point - with the Gulf Stream / Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation system predicted to shit itself big-time, and crap out before Christmas.

Worse still, if the above manifests, the doomsayers claim our once-sacred planet shall to turn into a dust bowl - or an ice-encrusted frozen sphere - or the global land mass quite possibly sink below rising ocean waves as both polar icecaps shift into melt-down mode.

There again, due hard evidence lacking, no fucker or their dog is quite sure on any of the afore-mentioned planetary fubars - apart from the fact it will be one or the other - while nary a single consideration is directed at the fact the profit-linked corporate-driven faulty science speculation is all tits-up wrong and things might just stay the same - regardless of how much a compliant West does to achieve the net zero wet dream - while the hydrocarbon-addicted China, India, and Korea - et al a long list of like-minded ‘couldn’t give a fuck about the climate’ Third World dumps - continue to ignore the purported climate change dangers, and carry on polluting - business as usual.

Of course our Earth’s climate changes - nothing new there - no surprises - for a myriad of reasons - not least of which are the vagaries and moods of solar activity.

As per the ludicrous global warming scare of yesteryear - (go tell that to the Eskimos - and penguins) - that rarely gets a mention anymore - while we still get plagued with these more at scent than substance absurd climate change models - and contentious predictions - promoted by parties of self-interest with their trillion bucks net zero climate modification scams - er - sorry - schemes - all based on concocted meteorological statistics - and we don’t give a flying fuck what the algorithms say - Mother Earth shall still be around and surviving all that is thrown at Her - (perhaps sans any sign of Homo Sapiens) - long into the future - as She has these past billions of years - regardless of volcanoes, asteroid strikes, or ice sheet / polar cap shifts and ‘north is now west’ orbital tumbles.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Friday 16 August 2024

UK Labour Party to ‘Freeze’ Pensioners

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Ruling Political Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: House of Conmans Sleaze' – a timely scandalous exposé of 'political hypocrisy' from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Official Labour Party (Anti-Free Speech) Press Release.

Given the dire state of public finances under (call me ‘Sir’) Kier Stammerer’s Labour Party ‘Makka Pakka’ economic policies - albeit part-inherited, ‘and’ part self-inflicted - the government is faced with difficult decisions to fix the foundations of the economy - so they can continued to hand-out monies to a host of Third World dumps and shitholes - while still maintaining the ‘set-in-stone’ anti-Moscow policy - by financing arms shipments to the corruption-ridden Ukraine administration.

Ergo, in these circumstances it is right that useless, non-contributing pensioners are targeted first and foremost - and their winter fuel payments cancelled, so Broken Britain, under the Labour government, can help fund Mr Zelensky’s Kiev-based Kleptocracy Party government, in his war against Russia’s Bad Vlad Putrid.

And that, mes amis, is the official stance from the once-upon-a-time boasted ‘Party of the People’ - as Labour slash OAP’s winter fuel payments - and leave pensioners to face widespread suffering and social exclusion - and a massive freezing household die-off this winter, as the sacred ‘energy bill support’ is axed by Stammerer’s political mafia.

Talk about hypocrisy with bells on - we should have seen this one coming - with Labour’s Sir ‘Two Tier Kier’ Stammerer - and the piranha-fanged Chancellor Rachel Reeves - jointly bending the knee to the Aslef train driver’s union pay rise demand for their 21,000 members - a jump of £9,000 to £69,000 quid per annum - for a four day working week - while slashing the established - and by comparison, miniscule - one-off £300 quid winter fuel payment subsidy that enables OAPs to keep warm through Food Bank Britain’s harsh ‘dark nights’ seasonal weather.

Albeit, Stammerer & Co beware, for even with frost-bitten toes and ice-blue fingers, Grandma and Grand-dad rank pensioners still maintain their voting franchise - and this ‘below the belt’ nation-wide anti-social ‘euthanasia’ depopulation Winter season hit on the over-65’s will have dire ballot box consequences for Labour - in forth-coming local and general elections - for time immemorial.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Golden Ratio Plod Squad Arrest

No shit, Sherlock - Mancunian art at its finest - and a hidden geometrical message from the Gods of Higher Maths.

A perfect depiction of our ‘so sad’ 21st Century Broken Britain, wherein the Golden Ratio even works with Plod Squad thugs beating up drunken revellers on a Manchester street for a bit of a New Year’s Eve 'sticking the boot in' brutalist fun.

Oh my, this stellar photo-portrait is a classic, and snapped by photographer Joel Goodman of what once occurred on New Year's Eve 2016.

Goodman, whose school days scores never rose above a B+ in Maths - nor had he, at the time, ever heard of the Golden Ratio - managed to capture it perfectly.

Art critics have drawn comparisons with, and are of a unanimous opinion the frame is a carbon copy-cat for a Golden Ratio fit for the so-recent Manchester Airport Plod Squad brutality incident - of a hapless Muslim suspect’s head being purposely stamped on by PC McSadist - and perhaps too certain photo-captures of the Southport kiddie stabbing / unregulated immigration protests, and ensuing demonstrations - copping their own portion of two-tier police violence - which assumed a nation-wide ’repeat-repeat’ life of their very own - perfectly encapsulated in the geometry of the Golden Ratio.

Now that is the sacred serendipity of  Golden Ratio Art.


As to the Plod Squad response viz the guy lying prostate in the middle of the rain-soaked street:  "Here's one we treated to a good kicking earlier".

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Dissing Plods an Extradition Offence

The Met' Plod Squad’s current diminutive Commissioner, Mork Rowley-Poly, in a recent fit of male menopausal pique, has threatened to extradite citizens from other countries - to be jailed (sans mention of any trial to establish guilt) - in Broken Britain - if ‘Two-Tier-Keir’ Stammerer’s Labour Party considers such online criticisms of them, or Rowley’s ‘Police State’ plod squad, violate the regime’s online free speech statutes - even though those Rowley is threatening don’t violate the free speech laws of their own (more sensible - less authoritarian) countries. 

Yep, the rabid Rowley is hot to trot, and threatening to extradite, and imprison, overseas nationals - if he considers their social media posts referencing Broken Britain’s authorities to be offensive to him personally - for being designated a non-violent keyboard warrior does not insulate - nor make you safe - from ‘Rowley’s Law’.

One key aspect that makes this apparent crackdown on social media particularly shocking to critics is PC Rowley’s threat to issue US-based - and any overseas / foreign citizens - with the option of being imprisoned in one of Food Bank Britain’s sodomite paradise jails for dissing his Plod Squad’s actions - for simply stamping on Muslim citizen’s heads - or having a go at the gross incompetence of the Stammerer-led Labour government - or by telling the Truth the way it is - and thus, in Rowley’s misguided view - ‘abusing’ their God-given - and Constitutionally-bestowed - right of freedom of speech - political or otherwise - online - thus possibly inciting racial hatred - and this to be henceforth classified as a terrorist offence.

And here Rowley is referencing the recent ‘Enough is Enough’ protests in London’s Shitehall, where ethnic Anglo-Saxon Brits demonstrated their public ire against the level of uncontrolled immigration by wetback illegals crossing the Channel with inflatable rubber dinghies  - and collectively expressing - as one voice - less than complimentary freedom of speech opinions regarding Sir Keir Stammerer’s shambolic non-response to unbridled migration: criticism hereafter categorised by Rowley as ‘criminal activity’.

Really, is this twat of a would-be martinet, Rowley, making it all up as he goes along?

Maybe not - for the dog wanker is also targeting US zillionaire Tesla, and X Corp owner, Elon Muskrat  for his personal, and less than complimentary, online comments in response to the recent UK-wide riots linked to generalised government and Plod Squad incompetence regarding the monitoring and supervision of mental case foreign origin types stabbing dance classes of young children to death.

Oh my, what a fubar, if Rowley gets his wicked way. Food Bank Britain’s Plod Squad will have the legal authority to extradite any fucker and their dog who dares criticise their performance - or that of Stammerer’s wet rag government - or is that just another item on Rowley’s delusional control freak ‘wish list;’ he’d love to see manifested into reality?

Here is where we, the common herd, tax-paying voters, take exception regarding Rowley’s despotic ‘I am right and you are wrong’ autocratic attitude towards the greater British public demographic / community - and our collective - and individual - right to criticise officialdom - for any and all of its incompetent performances - as they are now frequent - and manyfold.

Hmmm, when a government - or bureaucratic department - plod squad - can no longer tolerate constructive criticism, then it’s time to change the government - or kick start a revolution to hoof the arseholes out of office and power - as our Lord Protector, Olly Cromwell, did with King Charles de First.

Where the fuck do the Home Office recruit these totalitarian head-stamping Plod Squad thugs - brain dead to the extent they get themselves video recorded in a very public arena setting - while brutalising a couple of young Muslim guys for the act of defending their mother’s honour and dignity - in the wake of her being insulted by some gobshite whitey traveller at Manchester Airport?

Ergo, this calibre of imperious, ‘head-stamping’ Thug Squad police brutality has got to be on a par with the Untouchables ‘get away with anything’ mindset of the Roman Catholic Vatican’s Holy Inquisition torturers - or the Hitlerian Nazi mass murderers operating the gas chambers at Auschwitz.

Authoritarianism knows no boundaries with dodgy despots of PC Rowley’s stamp at the helm of national plod squadding - especially so when it comes to the fascist censorship of politically-embarrassing broadcasts viz the amplification of harmful content - also known as ‘the Truth’ - being circulated by our American cousins.

Hmmm, perhaps before he kick starts his ‘extradition’ threats and demands the FBI arrest Elon Musk and stick him on a flight to London - along with latest critic, RFK Jr - PC Rowley-Poly should simply shut the fuck up, take his blood pressure meds, sit down, and listen to Rowan Atkinson expound, and pontificate, his take on the authoritarian censorship of free speech.

Rowan Atkinson link: definitely worth a watch.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Friday 9 August 2024

Policing Minister Praises Pet Plods

Speaking to press hacks from the Daily Shitraker and Crap Media TV - with all keeping a safe distance from the Policing Minister’s Medusa-Gorgon style slithering serpent mess of a wild hair-do - (appearing to all intents and purposes as though she’s been dragged through a hedge - backwards) - Dame Diana ‘Clueless’ Johnson - MP for Kingston upon a Hill and Snottingham - fiercely challenged the media’s allegations of two-tier policing by Broken Britain’s Plod Squad in regard to anti-immigration protests - (the black vs white racial conflict, linked directly with Christian vs infidel / pagan religious polarity) - plus certain second class sectors of our sick society treated more aggressively than others.

So thus preacheth Dame Diana, as she emerged from yesterday’s latest Cobra snake pit meeting, still spitting venom - and obviously referring to the wildfire rioting and galloping xenophobia protests, kick started in response to the incidence of three little girls recently stabbed to death by one coloured teen from an African origin immigrant family - with this being the single catalyst for the ensuing protests, plus the arsonist-linked brick n bottle-lobbing sustained nation-wide civil disturbances and inter-ethnic conflicts.

Johnson continued from her pavement pulpit: “First of all, there is no two-tier policing, and we all have to band together to support my pet Plod Squad, as they have a very difficult job to do - rushing off to Manchester Airport to deal with cross culture clashes and taser darkie Muslim thugs, then stamp on their pointy heads.”

“I think it's worth paying tribute to the police leaders for their efforts this past week, to avoid a civil race hate war - and specifically the Met’ Chief, Mark Rowley, setting a good example for everyone, kept busy ripping the microphones out of gutter press hack’s nasty paws, so they can’t report a pack of exaggerations - or the truth - concerning police activities.”

"Further, it’s important to remember that swift justice shall be dealt out to these protesters and activists who think they’re smarter than our government, and blatantly object, with brazen hubris - on the streets in riot mode - to Westminster’s open borders policy of welcoming rubber boat loads of ‘irregular’ migrants whose passports and visas and identity papers were unfortunately washed overboard in the rough seas as they departed the French coast - or blame them personally for the stabbing and murders of little girls at a Taylor Swift-themed music and dance class.”

"Now, thanks to the tireless efforts of Sir Keir’s ‘all-new ‘Standing Army’ being mobilised to deal with the immigration chaos protests, today we see the first batches of these protester hooligans and generalised trouble-making scallies being rapidly processed through our courts of law, for the crime of setting homeless asylum seekers on fire - and sentenced to maximum term jail time - to be served in our newly-constructed HM Rwanda prison.”

Well, thanks for that knee jerk twaddle, Minister Johnson, and your further slandering of all protesters as right wing thugs, when the majority were gathered to express legitimate concerns regarding unfettered immigration of pagan foreign types who have zero respect for British culture, nor any inclination to integrate with British society - (apart from shagging underage white girls in Rotherham) - and whose mental case offspring are at liberty to engage in unbridled stab-a-thon missions against dance classes of little girls - for that is what we object to, and protest against.

Forensic psychologists consulted for their opinions on the actual root causes of the violent demonstrations and riots are of one mind in declaring it is down to boredom across the entire common herd population, and the solution lies in dropping the price of handy six-packs of lager and beer at the Greedy Grocer supermarket chains - then forcing the hand of television corporations to broadcast programmes that will serve to interest the customarily somnambulist public and keep them glued to the screen - as opposed to the same old shit repeats of the Muppet Show and Gardeners' World, or the brain dead Gary Lineker pontificating on Match of the Day, that they’ve all sat through, yawning, ten times previously.

Regardless of the vacuous bullshit being touted by Dame ‘Dreadlocks’ Johnson, preaching that ethnic Brits should welcome and embrace the hordes of heathen immigrants with open arms, it is a fact that Food Bank Britain’s governing Labour Party, and leader - call me ‘Sir Keir’ - aka ‘Two-Tier’ Keir - Stammerer - stand accused of fomenting a plan - more at scam - to have illegal migrants jump ahead of needy, homeless Brits in the housing queue - and semi-confirmed rumours abound regarding cabinet office talk to scatter these legions of ‘illegal’ - (under prevailing government Woke joke terminology now to be referred to as ‘irregular’) - asylum-seeking alien cadgers across the length and breadth of our once-sceptred kingdom - from the Channel Islands’ Jersey to bonny Scotland’s Orkneys and Shetlands.

To close, a word to the wise, for this is all part n parcel of yet another dirty racist-sectarian shit-stirring scam, conjured in the bowels of the authoritarian cesspit - a deliberate policy of unchecked immigration, purposely designed by government dark forces and bureaucratic control freaks to instigate the intended - and desired - civil unrest consequences.

Hmmm, problem-reaction-solution - and welcome to the New World Order’s ‘Great Reset’ population redistribution agenda. 

Conversely, media footage from across the country shows empathy-deluded counter-protesters against the anti-immigration and child-stabbing demos were filmed chanting ‘no to hate’ and ‘refugees welcome here’ and ‘come and sleep on my sofa’ - along with ‘live in our garden shed, rent-free’.

Lol’s - go on, indulge oneself for a bit of a giggle. Log onto the YouTube video of one recently-inducted ‘irregular’ Mohammed bin Scrounger in a tartan kilt, retrenched to a Holiday Inn asylum seeker hotel in Edinburgh - and attempting to perform a copulative sex act with a set of bagpipes.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Two-Tier Policing by Brain Dead Plods

The manky Met’s Plod Squad boss, PC ‘looks to be well past retirement age’ Mork Rowley-Poly (95) morphed into his customary bad mood temper tantrum mode yesterday on leaving Downing St - grabbing at, and ripping off, the fluffer cover of a press hack’s microphone, then spitefully chucking it into the gutter as his ‘silent rage’ response to a simple and polite posed question concerning the culture of ‘two-tier policing’.

Hmmm, the trademark of a wanker - and a perfect example of what to expect from Broken Britain’s shambolic two-tier policing system - displayed by the cranky-pants Met’ Commissioner personally - specifically so when reflecting on the media broadcast video of one plod on a loudspeaker in Stoke, advising a gathering of Muslim thugs of an official ‘avoid arrest’ Plod Squad weapons amnesty - if they leave their hardware’ (sic) inside the mosque (see link below).

So, we ask, WTF ignited ‘ripper’ Rowley’s petulant reaction to a genuine public-interest media question?

Possibly due the fact he had just copped a right old bollocking from ‘Sir’ Keir Stammerer, in the wake of his Woke joke snowflake plod squad losing control over the nation-wide ‘darkie immigrant stabs little girls’ protests and ensuing carnage.

Thus, as we view this nasty, public space 'caught-on-camera' reaction from an irate Rowley-Poly, Downing St. issued a statement viz the two-tier policing controversy question: that the job of Britain’s police force is to keep everyone safe - excepting the in-yer-face fact that some ‘more elite’ political class members of our sick ‘two-tier’ rich vs poor society are entitled to be kept safer than others.

Yep, that sums up the toxic Parliamentary government culture and Worstminster’s socio-political incompetence - sat on their lackadaisical arses, talking crap.

Thus we have a House of Conmans political class now reaping the harvest of noxious foreign vegetation they have permitted to take root and flourish over decades of negligent border controls and this open door to any fucker and their dog immigration policy.

In the wake of chairing an emergency Cobra meeting yesterday - (and bollocking Rowley) - the Labour Party Slime Minister - (call me ‘Sir’ Keir) Stammerer pledged to form a standing army of specialist police - an actual ‘Thug Squad’ - to tackle what he has condemned as far-right thuggery by the ‘far-rightly’ pissed-off common herd, tax-paying voter demographic - sick to the back teeth viz patience and tolerance of barbaric foreign immigrant types coming to settle in our once-sceptred and sacred isle of Albion - with zero intention of ever integrating - just establishing their own ghettoes.

Stammerer informed salivating press hacks that ... “police would be in place to cope with any further disorder - for our first duty is to ensure our communities are safe."

Yep, now reflect long and hard on that closing sentence - ... “to ensure our communities are safe” - but that mantra wasn’t applied to Southport and the multiple stabbings of children - and resulting murder of three pre-pubescent girls - by a 17-year-old Cardiff-dwelling African stock mental case teen from Rwanda.

Ergo, and Stammerer’s knee jerk ‘B Specials’ reincarnated Thug Squad reaction-solution is oh-so typical of the arse-about-face thinking of Broken Britain’s politicos, and officialdom in general. No fucking idea as to what the actual root cause problems are, but to enact some dystopian, totalitarian tiptoe agenda - to impose a control freak police state - with freedom of speech - and protest actions - censured (read ‘banned’).

More to the point, this is typical of ‘Two Tier Keir’ - see his photo-opportunity appearance to lay flowers - as tribute to the unrestricted immigration fubar that is the direct and root cause of the murder of three schoolgirls, and wounding of eight more, by the homicidal teenage maniac son of an African migrant family.

Let us not forget a perfect example, back in June of 2020, of Stammerer’s two tier law system, when during the bend-a-knee Black Lives Matter (more than White lives do) idiocy period, we have national mass media piccies of Sir Keir and the repulsive Mangela Rayner taking the knee to demonstrate their supplicant conformity with the minority whinge-a-thon George Floyd anti-black racism / plod squad brutality campaigns.

But Labour - in fact this applies to any and all governments - have their wish list realised and manifested - a brainless population that responds to trigger events - and in this instance kick started into mass destruction mode by some homicidal immigrant incident they were too fucking stupid to foresee might take place when you pollute and contaminate a functioning Christian democratic society with infidel barbarians - and the street justice reaction morphs into a nation-wide pogrom - fuelled by toxic masculinity.

All the end game result of open borders and unrestricted mass migration of Third World Philistine primitives whose entire country-of-origin infidel cultures are fuelled by mass nepotism, bribery, and unregulated graft and corruption.

On a par with the flip-flopping Stammerer, one now-ex-plod squad chief - the uber sun-tanned PC ‘Batty’ Basu - likened the riots to terrorism - which is the stock-in-trade opinion we have come to expect from actual responsibility-shrugging officialdom - and not the fact that this riotous reaction is directly linked to the fatal stabbing of three primary school-age, defenceless wee girls - and wounding of ten others - children and adults - by Axel Muganwa Rudakubana - the mental case black teenage son of an immigrant family from rabid Rwanda.

To wit, PC Basu simply cannot cogitate that this is a ‘what to expect’ community reaction to shit poor management of our nation’s law and order affairs by crap, successive governments viz unbridled immigration polluting and contaminating our Anglo-Saxon society - for multiculturalism is a sick joke - along with the entire Woke, equality, diversity and inclusivity cult delusion.

It does not work, never has, and never will.

Yet Stammerer’s Labour government are still welcoming rubber boat-loads of wetback illegal migrants to the shores of our once-sceptred isle - our majestic England, this fortress built by Nature for herself - all of whom are simply impersonating refugees fleeing war zones, torture and persecution - (from safe haven France?) - but actually set out on a cross-Channel cadging mission to sneak into soft touch Britain - where they await asylum processing for all eternity in a cosy hotel - fed n watered - and provided with a credit-topped up cell phone so they can call up their fellow knuckle-dragging Australopithecus mates to ‘come to Food Bank Britain’ - land of welfare state hand-out opportunities.

Thus here we see the root causes of all discontent and conflict, for now it’s illegal (whoops - now a Woke rebrand as ‘irregular’) immigrants vs common sense population controls; gays n the trans-gender bender brigade vs common sense Christian moralist straight folks; and gender bender puberty blocker meds promoted for schoolkids (little Tommy wants to be a girl) - versus the ‘get real’ surviving common sense sector of our mentally-disturbed Woke joke society.

Okay, to close, a History Lesson, and a note of reality viz officialdom’s two-tier policing in denial statements.

What a crock of shit and lies - just browse through the past century’s historic record - to Broken Britain’s year-long Miner’s Strike of 1984-85, protesting the closures of still-viable working pits - and Slaggie Twatcher’s Tory government setting the Plod Squad on the strikers - with repeated violent confrontations between the flying pickets and police Thug Squads - (themselves employed wage slaves at the end of the day).

Ergo, striking workers ‘policed’ on behalf of Tory-voting corporate elitist money.

Stop press footnote - Sunday 11/08/24:  Typical of the response - rather non-response - from Two Teir Keir’s Labour government - Christians left petrified following an attack on Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church in Wembley by Muslim thugs - with the Plod Squad and media hacks ignoring the Saracen scally infidel mob chanting Allahu Akbar as they smashed a statue of the Virgin Mary to pieces.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Skewed News Views Roundup 01/08/24

Talk about ‘keep children indoors’ - and safe - during the current summer school vacation scorcher. Now that has got to be the byword for the times, with this horrific incidence of multiple stabbings - and murder - of young primary school-age children in Southport, by an autistic 17 year old teenage mental case immigrant stock offspring - Axel Muganwa Rudakubana - whose parents hail from Africa’s notorious ‘genocide central’ of Rwanda - and while indulging himself in a week-early pre-18th birthday stab-a-thon treat homicidal extravaganza, neighbours claim the boy may have been acting under some malevolent spell cast by a local Juju Man.

Hmmm, malevolent black magic spells and sinister, tribal Juju Men besides, anyone remember the impending foreign contamination clash warnings of previous decades - viz white Christian vs the dark souls of infidel religious and Third World pagan cultures?

The ever-sagacious Enoch Powell MP, in 1968, made his Rivers of Blood speech to a gob-smacked and objecting House of Conmans, chocker with naysayers - yet accurately predicted the advent of this very issue - a prophecy that has come home to roost - and for which he should have been awarded the ‘Oracle of Delphi’ medal - and not slapped with the stock-in-trade label of ‘racist’.

What short-sighted clown gave the ‘short memory’ Rachel ‘Amnesia’ Reeves the job of Chancellor, dispensing her personal brand of social injustice - and for her primary ministerial debut act of ego-massaging she intends to axe winter fuel payments for pensioners - a ‘keep warm’ seasonal lifeline for us older type guys n gals.

Yep, and for a fact, none of us would voice a single whinge viz winter fuel poverty if we too were pocketing Reeves’ salary of £91,000 quid per annum - plus expenses and ministerial allowances etc.

But, on a vengeful note, that’s several million pension age ballot box votes down the drain for Labour - and lots of pins n nasty needles stuck in the Labour politico voodoo dolls.

To wit, rot in Hell, bitch - and beware the Pensioner’s ‘Curse of the Empty Fireplace’.

The scandalous OAP pension slashing statement came as a video emerged of Hypocrite-in-Chief, Sir Keir 'Flip-Flop' Stammerer, a mere two months ago, speaking to Good Housekeeping magazine, and relating how ‘awful’ and ‘the biggest thing in the world’ it is when people, specifically pensioners, are unable to afford their heating bills.

Equally duplicitous, the rabid Reeves once tweeted in the opposition days of May, 2017: ‘It’s Labour who will stand up for pensioners, defending the triple lock & winter fuel payments.’

Yep, another shit-fer-brains hypocrite impaled on her own boasts - and lies.

So too her fellow hypocrite, Deputy PM Mangela Rayner, has also previously tweeted: ‘Labour will protect the ‘triple-lock’ on state pensions, maintain the Winter Fuel Allowance, & free bus passes for pensioners.’

If this Reeves troll wants to balance her budget, then stop handing out taxpayer’s funds to Third World shitholes, and housing illegal migrant types - or sucking up to Brussels and the EUSSR’s demands.

There again, if y’all thought the Tory gang were bad and voted them out of office, then for the start of a 5 year political run in power, the Labour crew’s socio-economic agenda is starting to look like shit.  

To focus in passing on the question of WTF to do with the legions of Channel hopping wetbacks and the Tory’s lunatic mega-bucks, £££ pre-funded scam to ship out these illegals to rabid Rwanda - (twinned with Auschwitz as a mass genocide tourist destinations) - the entire farce has morphed into one not very funny joke.

Why not ship them back to whatever Third World shithole dump from whence they came - or the French beach they set off from - or is that yet another Brussels’ EUSSR human rights n wrongs no-no - dictated by a control freak European political organisation Food Bank Britain is no longer a member of?

Yep, as we always suspected, and all bare-faced denials besides - Sir Keir Stammerer is a Brussels toad and gonna attempt to finagle getting Broken Britain’s neck back under the EUSSR jackboot.

But first on Labour’s treasonous agenda he’s okayed his pet energy minister, Ed Millipede’s scheme - more at ‘scam’ - to erect wind turbines across every bit of green belt in our once pleasant land - and in every fucker’s back - or front - garden - and kid’s playgrounds - and parks - and mandated a program to fit every roof with solar panels - which potty Ed claims will lower energy bills.

Following that roll-out of net zero clean energy fascism, any chilled Granny type caught stoking up their once-government recommended log burner fire to offset the north wind chills this Winter will cop an automatic 12 months jail term - hard labour too - scraping bits of chopped seagull off the ubiquitous wind turbine blades, arrayed along the peaks of the Pennines.

Alas, anything resembling a green space is gonna cop either a wind turbine or a row of terraced slum-drum jerry-built houses (sic) as the ginger-mingin Mangela Rayner, now appointed to yet another job she’s clueless about - housing secretary - has made Labour’s new homes target agenda mandatory - and plans to re-categorise off-green areas as either grey belt - or black belt - and toss up some 1:5 million homes for Channel-hopping illegal migrants - before you can even summon the breath to shout ‘Greenbelt’!

Hmmm, hopefully she’ll start the survey pegging of proposed building sites around her home town of Stockport.

Yep, now the RAF has joined the Woke joke bonkers club, kowtowing to some raghead twat complaint that their century-plus old squadron name of Crusaders might be offensive to Muslims - especially so if the 14 Squadron are dropping bombs on their snowflake heads.

The RAF's 14 Squadron first gained the nickname Crusaders during the First World War, when it flew sorties over Palestine - long before the Khazar-Ashkenazi Jews of convenience ever arrived to steal the country from its Muslim residents, and rename it Israel. 

Hmmm, apparently the official word from the RAF’s apologies department is the fact the name Crusader is no longer appropriate in the 21st Century. Nuff said.

Immigrant scumbag extraordinaire, Sheikh Tosser bin-Bagg, wants to buy an island in bonny Scotland’s weather-beaten archipelago (Torsa) to establish his Islamic paradise for the second coming of Allah’s messenger (no, not the fucking postman).

Sheikh bin Bagg sought asylum in Britain 20 years ago after fleeing his native Kuwait - where he spent months in jail for insulting Sunni and Cher.

And now, residing in our once-sceptred isle of Albion, the twat is hell bent on creating division between the ever-divisive Muslim Sunni and Shite communities - and, of course, the pagan Gentile ethnic population - that’s us, folks - the Christian majority (for now) population.

WTF is wrong with these illegal - yes, illegal - ‘that is’ the right terminology - not this Woke joke euphemism of ‘homeless unfortunates’ in need of Christian charity - free housing and a credit-loaded cell phone - but rather visa- deficient migrant mendicants, sneaking across the Channel in rubber boats, overloaded from bow to stern - with fuckers falling overboard n drowning - yep - none of the twats can swim.

But that’s hardly surprising if you’ve lived all your life in a desert - while Brits have set records for swimming across the very same Channel - from the south coast to France - or in reverse order, if the mood takes, and it’s calm seas.

Every fucking thing you touch, or look at, reflects or echoes the same boring clichés preached by the Woke joke cult, and the twisted EDI messages promoting the moral sins of trans-gender-bender-ism propaganda - along with how we need multi-culturalism - and legions of unwashed beggars - to make our once-united kingdom ‘fit-in’ with the rest of the fucked up world.

WTF was that display of foul and foreign French theatrical crap to open the Olympics. Trust the Frogs to make a fuck of anything they touch.

A bevy of LGBT+Q +++ faggots performing their perverted take on the Last Supper.

Hmmm, in one respect it's a pity the Spanish Inquisition is no longer around to deal with such a tacky, multiple offence display of apostasy, blasphemy and heresy by a Satanist troop of performing sodomites.

Oh my, just ogle at the banner headline and shake yer head.

Thames estuary 1944 shipwreck in danger of spontaneous detonation and flooding London with a resulting tsunami.

Yep, What a heap of scare-mongering rubbish from the manky Metro hacks - a handy paper for wiping one’s arse if no bog roll around - and not much else.

Spontaneous detonation and ensuing tsunami. How is the salt-water penetrated explosive cargo of ammonium nitrate going to detonate? Was it rigged out with fulminate of mercury detonator caps that some electric eel might inadvertently rub up against?

Get real , tell the truth - the cargo is by now inert, and all the rest a packed lunch of exaggeration and venal, news-selling lies.

Fer fuck’ sake, one might expect better from the conspiracy theory crowd. The Covid-1984 scamdemic was not the great global euthanasia attack they claim, but simply a test run to fine tune the real thing - that’s a-coming a ways down the road - albeit the mandatory CPR testing worked, along with the nudge campaign to get the first, and second, and third, etc, et al, anti-Covid jabs worked like a charm - a psycho-propaganda charm - one that keeps on giving, even when the body bags n graveyard are filled to capacity, and the crem’ has run out of gas.

Conspiracy theorists juggling the right / left paradigm might well set aside the recent Secret Service-managed chicanery viz the blotched / false flag attempted assassination of Citizen Trump and simply accept the entire charade was a Republican vote winner for the November ballot - and necessary to offset the chances of yet another lame duck Democrap getting into the Shite House, especially an IQ-deficient glove puppet like the cackling Kamala Harris.

Opinions vary viz the so-called failed sole gunman assassination attempt with many Trump supporters blaming the secret service for allowing it to happen, while many more suspect the shooter was a Democrap Party hirling, while others are of an opinion the shooter copped precisely what he deserved - for missing Trump’s forehead.

Whatever the November outcome, FEMA’s gonna be busy combatting leftie aggro’ - and the good ole US of A’s economy already on a decades-long path to total collapse - with Europe’s overdue fall set to follow suit. 

Interesting times ahead, folks.

Yeah, and none more so than for the BBC’s iconic news presenter, Huw Edwards, once a most familiar face on British telly, but now disgraced - after entering a ‘very sorry’ guilty plea regarding a personal collection of indecent kiddie fiddling images - made to share with his pervy, paedo pals - and will henceforth step back from his previous national news desk slot while awaiting a court sentencing date - and instead present the all-new Children’s Hour social awareness program, aimed at 4 to 12 year old’s: Spot the Paedo.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.