Wednesday 17 July 2024

Trump Gives Oscar ‘Ouch!’ Performance

Bullets fly – or so they claim – and go whistling, and whizzing, and ricocheting through the air round Trump’s re-election campaign stage - buzzing alike a swarm of cicadas high on Columbian nose candy – and the next thing, Presidential wannabee Trump has a bleeding ear – and gets smothered in an impenetrable layer of bullet-proof secret service agents.

Oh my, what a photogenic moment and an ‘almost’ (but no quite) perfectly choreographed psy-op’ - as mid-speech, Trump turns to his right, then Wham! Bam! Scam! - blood dripping down the face, and that vote-winning ‘Fist of Defiance’ in the air photo, as the bodyguards usher him away to ‘safety’ (sic).

Yeah,  a veritable 9/11 repeat – one that’s all about angles and line of sight.

Smoke n mirrors – pure stage magic – and it works every time. All about perception – and the hand being faster than the eye – plus, for a touch of genuine ‘’special effects’, a couple of useless eater bystanders actually cop a live round apiece from the unseen ‘real deal’ sniper.

Then fer fuck’s sake, you always have some smart-arsed, eagle-eyed twat who spots this week’s deliberate mistake, then yells out Foul! and spoils the fun.

So it was with the staged Trumpy sniper attack fubar.

One ginger-mingin' arsehole wearing a  bright red Trump MAGA baseball cap blows the whole false flag hit scenario wide open – shouting to the police and secret service “There’s a guy crawling along the roof with a rifle!” – and the plods just ignore it – until a burst of gunfire rings out.

Ergo, a splash of fake blood, and a 78-year-old Trump’s defiant fist in the air, face streaked with claret – and voila – that’s an election campaign winner as the presidential hopeful is rushed off, exit stage left, swathed in a cladding of secret service agents.

Not quite  the Hollywood-styled Academy Award - Oscar-winning, quality performance one might expect from the Executive Office – but at the centre of a highly polarised political landscape, supercharged by pre-election campaign tensions -  and  disinformation – in an already-divided nation facing presidential elections this November - an act good enough to secure the vote from the ranks of those ever-gullible, mouth-breathing masses.

Then again, as to the spotty-faced stooge of a 20-year-old sniper-assassin – Thomas Matthew Crooks – from hereon to be known as Tommy McPatsy - he’s fucking dead, and can be slandered and smeared with whatever perjurious falsehoods the mass media choose.

But as past instances show, a disinformation conspiracy theory moves at near-light speed, and can sprint around the globe and be back home for lunch, while the actual Truth is still lacing up its running shoes.

Bravo, and yet one more election certainty win for the Republican Party machine – while doubtless some fucker or their dog is bound to pull a comparison to John Warnock Hinckley’s screwed-up theatrtical attempt, to assassinate Republican Presidential incumbent, Ronnie Reagan, some 43 years earlier.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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