Saturday 13 July 2024

Doddering Dodds to Redefine Gender

Okay boys n girls, in whichever order of gender identity suits you best; gather round for a rollicking good laugh at the nonsensical absurdity of our so-called establishment authorities and pontificating politicos, regarding this ongoing Woke joke cult’s trans-gender bender ‘equality, diversity and inclusion’ brouhaha – now being pursued and expounded upon by the knee-bending Minister for Gorgon Affairs – none other than the loopy Labour Party’s Anneliese Dodds – (she sporting the Medusa-look robin’s nest hair-do) – proclaiming for any fucker and their dog with a mind to listen, that there are different legal definitions of what a woman actually is.

Que? WTF? ‘Different legal definitions’? As Dicken’s Bumble the Beadle so rightly declared, quote: “... If the law supposes that, then the law is an ass, and an idiot.”

Ergo, for the sake of common sense reality; there exist three sexes. Male (equipped with cock n a pair of bollocks); female (kitted out with tits and a snatch – mensurates for a week each month, and has the ability to get preggers and bear offspring); then last, but not least, the rarity hermaphrodite (born with both male and female sets of sexual gear – and ability to fuck themself silly).

Hmmm, one simple peek at the biological factors (cock or snatch – or both) and the matter is determined – but obviously that ain’t gonna suit the Woke joke brigade pursuing the social acceptance of their equality, diversity, and inclusivity agenda.

But no, Dreadlocks Dodds maintains – and now promotes – the highly contested (and physically-impossible) view that adults, and children, can change their sex – the very same sick sex change agenda idiocy / gender-dysphoria diagnosis propaganda that the trans-gender-bender ideologues are force feeding into the eager ears of gullible, and hapless, pre-pubescent kids.

Fer fuck’s sake, the entire trans-gender-bender brouhaha is cult chaos – a cluster-fuck in motion. A ‘fubar’ beyond borders, that defies the tenets of common sense and logic.

Ahem, the doddering Dodd’s position is very clear. It's about respecting women's rights – and also respecting the rights of trans people. Thus if some bloke wants to use the ladies bogs and sit down to pee, and pretend to be a girlie – and by extension, respecting the rights of every other self-delusional clown, who wishes to identify as something they are not.

But ‘tis odd that butch lesbian types prefer to stick with using ladies toilets and not invade the gents convenience.

Hark too the equality, diversity and inclusion philosophy spouted by the Tory Party’s Roman Catholic-raised (Penny-Dropped) ‘muddled’ Mordant – a speech doubly damned for being proclaimed from the House of Conmans Dispatch Box, and recorded for posterity in Hansard.

To wit: ‘that trans men are men – and trans women are women’ – even though the biological evidence confounds that blatant lie when we have a butch lesbian minority of these feminine ‘men’ - in blatant contrast to an ever-expanding community of gravel-voiced, five o’clock shadow ‘women’ (sic) with erectile cocks – stalking around ladies toilets, to stimulate their masturbatory fantasies.

Some fucker n their dog is definitely attempting to ford the deep end of the Rubicon by promoting this preposterous EDI scam,  to facilitate the fragile sensibilities of a community of trans-gender perv’s.

Laugh you may, and perhaps rightly so, at this gender-bending EDI nonsense, but WTF action are employers expected to take when they have male workers taking sick days off and claiming to be suffering from pre-menstrual tension – or these same trans-gender benders – still biological males – turning up at their local GPs surgery and demanding a course of NHS-funded in vitro fertilization - to get preggers and start a family.

On a par with some hairy arsed tranny male, suffering a terminal bout of gender confusion, pestering his / her GP for a course of post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy – and buying bulk supplies of oestrogen on the dodgy drugs black market.

In the wake of the Tavistock GIDS Clinic scandal - doling out puberty blockers like jelly beans and dolly mixture treats to pre-pubescent kids – and reflecting on the Hilary Cass Review, released in April 2024, many hoped that good old common sense and logic might dominate the pro-trans-gender propaganda bourse – but no.

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy’s latest edition of its quarterly magazine for practitioners, who work with children, titled ‘Children, Young People, and Families’manifests in reality as nothing more than a manual in trans-gender bender ideological indoctrination.

Yep, the rot has gotten deep into our societal woodwork and foundations, with the LGBT+ activists, and specifically the gender bender tranny pack, pushing their degeneracy in promoting sexual perversion; a blatant breach of our Christian moral culture and teaching.

It bears parallels with Hitlerian era Nazi Germany  where speaking the Truth versus their state ideology Master Race / Thule Group delusion was condemned and persecuted – much as is the case now when the sensible sector of society speak out on the subject of biological sex being the determinate factor of identity, regardless of the individual’s personal gender identity preferences – or delusions.

But Truth versus delusional opinion will forever raise negative issues – and dinosaur-sized bones of contention – for this Woke joke EDI cult simply cannot abide the harsh Truth that Reality provides – and JK Rowling, the boy wizard creator, much to Doddsy’s chagrin, repeatedly vocalises as a matter of moral, public concern, awareness.

Readers might find it conflicting that the dumb-arsed Dodds and Rowling are in conflict viz the trans-gender issue, considering Doddsy has so much in common with Rowling’s boy wizard literary works – being a full blown broomstick jockey herself.

While the dodgy Dodds claims there exist different legal definitions viz what these so-called ‘new women’ actually are – responding in the pursuit and promotion of common sense, this was branded as nonsensical on Mr Musk’s ‘Big X’ social media website by the Harry Potter author.

Ms. Rowling has become known as a fierce advocate for the rights of biological women, and rightly criticising the shit-fer-brains Scottish Government viz their intended proposals to introduce self-identification for trans-gender benders – when 90% of the male population are already wandering around north of Hadrian’s Wall, wearing tartan skirts.

Alternately, Dodds has again affirmed the Labour Party’s commitment to trans-gender people and commitment to modernising the Gender Recognition Act – and duly criticised the demonisation of male perverts who choose to identify as women, and demand the legal right – along with social acceptance - to use ‘women’s spaces’ – especially so ladies’ toilets.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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