Monday 22 July 2024

Sunday Sabbath’s Noxious News Roundup

Quick, duck - and watch yer backs, folks - as a fresh outbreak of the highly contagious Woke joke EDI madness strikes anew, with London's Albert Memorial getting its pristine, historical presence slammed as representing a highly offensive object of derision - for drawing on racial stereotypes - due the sad, and highly disturbing fact that certain individuals, possessed of fragile socio-political sensibilities, claim it reflects a 1900’s Victorian privateering global view of the world - thus one that clashes with their skewed Woke cult’s delicate emotional state of being, in contrast to the cavalier mood of our current times.

The Gilbert Scott-created memorial, which towers over the nearby Royal Albert Hall, has stood in Kensington Gardens since 1872, and represents Britain at its high water mark - its global zenith - and thus rightly bestowed with the preceding adjective of ‘Great’.

But now a gaggle of snowflake Woke cult ‘custodians’ (sic) have slated the monument for representing problematic values with Britain’s millenniums-long Anglo-Saxon robber baron heritage - and one reflective of a Victorian view of European supremacy and the sins of ‘go grab it’ colonialism.

The Wokester wankers whinge-a-thon continues unabated, regardless of the fact the British Empire of days now unfortunately past, has traditionally been celebrated as a symbol of Supremacy - and saving the Third World barbarian races from themselves - the modern day morons consider this view as problematic due colonialism more often than not relying on the oppression and exploitation of foreign people, resources and cultures.

Fer fuck’s sake, what is the problem? Was that not  the entire core purpose of colonialism?

In concise explanation for the benefit of our uneducated ethnic masses, and burgeoning illegal immigrant sector of our society, the monument represents Prince Albert, as seen during the reign of his royal missus, Queen Tricky Vicky - aka Empress of India - and Monarch of Every Fucking Thing Else - during the Age of Full-On & Raging Britannia Rules the Waves colonialism - a state of profitable affairs today viewed by the EDI crowd as problematic due the obvious fact that colonialism often relied on the oppression and exploitation of ‘the natives’ - along with the acquisition of their natural resources, and polluting their pagan cultures with a hefty dose of ‘civilising’ Christian worship.

Okay, for a moment we shall listen to the whingers, and not automatically diss their complaints viz Albert’s memorial reflecting the Victorian age’s exploitative view of the world, and declare ‘too fucking true - demolish the piece of shit’ - then, automatically viz this vein of ‘let’s sanitise the past’ - the next on the hit list is Rome’s Colosseum, as that arena, the Circus Maximus, likewise, reflects the Roman’s view of the world - Christians fed to hungry lions, and gladiators being nasty to each other, and guilty of repeated acts of licenced GBH.

So, WTF is next that offends the Wokester’s squinty eyes? The Taj Mahal - built with slave labour? The Pyramids of Egypt - also built with slave labour? The Christian cathedrals of Europe - built by heretic freemasons? The list is endless - much like the Woke brigade’s litany of whinges.

There again, beware, for thoe EDI-fixated Woke morons that would lay waste to, and eradicate Britain’s record of history and fail to learn from such, are doomed to repeat those purported mistakes of a history past.

Hark Labour’s ‘Hypocrisy Beyond Borders’ policy - slag off the Tory gang for flying around on private planes at an extortionate cost to the hapless, and long-suffering, taxpaying voter class - yet their imprudent ‘EDI’ choice for a suntanned Foreign Sickretary, David Scammy, is the latest Labour front bench wanker chartering luxury private jets, regardless of the flip-flopping Stammerer’s U-turn pledge to clamp down on ministerial excesses.

The gutter press Sunday Shitraker tabloid can reveal that Scammy chartered a Bombardier Global jet, at a cost of £10,000 nicker per hour, for his two-day visit to the rogue state of Israel (formerly Palestine) last week - in the repulsive company of the genocidal Israel’s diplomat-ambassador to Food Bank Britain, Tzippy Hotlegs.

And that comes in the wake of Minister Scammy recently using Labour’s private Airbus A321 to fly off on an ego-massaging jollies trip around Europe: London to Germany, to Poland, and Sweden.

Mark well the lessons to be observed for Republican party political followers, from Mrs Trump Mk 3 - the ‘pretty kitty’ Melanoma - viz hubby Donald’s false flag shooting / ear piercing incident - where two flag-waving supporters were reported to have been critically injured, and one audience member tragically lost their life to the spotty-faced assassin.

Ergo, and hark to ‘Wise Woman’ Melanoma’s numero uno rule - never attend political rallies in the gun-happy US of A - and, numero dos, if you must, then wear a Kevlar jacket - and a pair of industrial ear defenders.

Que? WTF next? Puberty blockers for young kids? The best-selling boy wizard author, Ms JK Rolling-in-It,  and her new internet social media pal, Elon Muskrat, are both spot-on right, and not simply transphobes viz their criticism of the practice that kids can consent to gobbling down sex change chemicals at a pre-pubescent age, but cannot legally have sex until 16, or drive a car until 17, or drink alcohol on a pub crawl binge-a-thon - or cast an election vote - until 18; or buy a firearm until 21 - but there again can make the self-decision to change sex before they take their 11-plus exam, and grow hair they can sit on.

Hmmm, something is real fucked up with this queer cult socio-political trans-gender-bender ideology pitch - and the Holy Inquisition condemnations of any and all who dare challenge their fucked-up puberty blocker promotion campaign.

OMG! Finally, Broken Britain is waking up, at an officialdom level, to the fact their gene and societal-polluting multiculture clash agenda is not working - after the entire city of Leeds is burned to the ground - causing in the range of £200 quid’s worth of damages.

Fer fuck’s sake, multi-culturalism has never worked throughout history - it might not be open warfare on a daily basis between cultures and races n religions, but like those nasty volcanoes and earthquakes, any seismic shock sends society into eruption mode.

There again, what the fuck can one expect when dealing with fanatical religious immigrants, and IQ-deficient savages, displaying the finer points of their barbarian cultures - albeit this specific instance of social unrest had its origins with the Romany gyppo travellers, and social services forcibly snatching into care a bunch of their kids - deemed to be suffering neglect.

To close, and on a kinky note, we have a report from Allington, in Lincolnshire, whose boundary signs boast: ‘Best kept village 2009 / 2015’ - and ‘Twinned with Sodom & Gomorrah’.

A pity the signpost doesn’t bear mention of the current ‘Swing-a-thon’ - the four day sex and BD/SM fetish themed event that kicked off this weekend.

Oh yes, make no mistake, this kinky sex festival has solicited fury from local residents who complain of orgasmic bouts of screaming and moaning through the night - with this 2024 event advertised as the biggest, and best, to date - featuring cluster-fuck play tents, pole-in-the-hole dancing, hot tubs, foam parties, suck n swallow ‘gobble-a-thons’, mobile dungeons - and butt-plug bingo.

Participants are paying up to £265, which gets you a couple's ticket - with shower use and an electric hookup included - to recharge flat vibrator batteries - and a free, complimentary butt plug shoved up your  ... wherever.

Ticket booking numbers have reportedly doubled from 500 to 1,000 in the last year, with organisers promising it will be a bigger, bolder, and better show - catering for all kinks - from A to Z (Anal to Zoophilia|).

However, one local Allington farmer, Arthur McTwatt, express his concerns to a Swingers magazine hack, stating “I’ll be on watch, day and night, the whole time this fiasco is open, as last year, post event, we discovered three of our pigs had been buggered, and several sheep were wandering around their pasture, adjacent to the Swing-a-thon event’s field, wearing crotchless knickers, and painted up with lipstick, eye shadow, and mascara”.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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