Monday 15 July 2024

BBC Gobshite Promotes Political Violence

Ouch! Trumpy gets his ear pierced – by the Armalite M16 ‘single shot’ 5:56 macho method. Betcha that will serve to secure him the Hell’s Angels biker vote in November’s Presidential elections – and the backing of the Punk Masochists Anonymous Society.

But WTF can be expected in the good ole US of A and their ‘buy one – get one free’ gun laws – and the actual incumbent US president, Joe Bidet, publicly announcing his ‘executive office’ approval that it was time to “put Trump in the bullseye” – for the benefit of political assassins, trying to make their fucking minds up – of who to shoot first.

A pertinent question – why are US assassins – specifically those aiming for top rank political targets – obsessed not only with self-identity issues, and this ‘must have‘ middle name conundrum – (eg: Morton ‘Prendergast’ Molesnuffer the Third) – but have previously been incarcerated at some psychiatric institute, with a criminal record for charges ranging from Arson and Buggery, to Treason and Zoophilia.

Thus, we pose the question of why these would-be political elitist assassins never have a moniker like Bill Thug, or Jack Snott, or Ron McKunt?

For a fact, all US politicos who have gone the way of an assassins bullet were targeted by (or purported to have been) – cuckoo killers with a middle name – Lee Harvey Patsy, for one conspicuous instance –  a scapegoat stooge framed with murdering a US sitting President – JFK – who, by mere chance, was also possessed of a middle name, Fitzgerald.

To wit, now we finally have the true blue lowdown on the good ole US of A’s November election presidential wannabees. Jumpin’ Joe Bidet can’t verbalise his way through a political debate – and bullets alone - (well, the blatantly obvious false flag assassin type, anyways) - can’t stop Donald the Trump.

There again, politically-motivated assaults are not unknown in Food Bank Britain either, with the indestructible Nigel Farage (Reform MP- One of Five) – being wellied with milk shakes, cement, and beer.

Responding to a particularly outrageous attack on Farage’s private person, we unfortunately have one of our national broadcaster BBC’s ‘personalities’ (sic) publicly comment – on air - that the milkshake container should have been filled with a poisonous, corrosive liquid.

Yep, no shit, Sherlock. And that from a BBC funny person, hired to make people laugh. Ho, fucking Ho.

This utterly disgusting, if not criminal, proclamation was uttered by one shit-fer-brains, triple-chinned, post-menopausal, cellulite-packed, scumbag that goes by the name of Jo Brand – (aka ‘Three Names’ Josephine Grace Brand) - purported to be a ‘not very funny’ BBC-contracted comedienne – who stated for the public record, on live television, quote: ... “why waste your time with milk shakes, better to use battery acid.”

Ergo, and this nasty, flabby cunt is still appearing on the bent Beeb - for daring to suggest some fucker and their dog chuck battery acid in the face of a British politician, Nigel Farage MP.

Hmmm, doesn’t that meet our Woke joke Plod Squad's classification of criminal incitement, to commit violent harm, under the laws of Broken Britain?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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