Friday 5 July 2024

Broken Britain’s Election Aftermath

Oh no, not another New Labour government. Bollocks, is there any use demanding a full recount - to check on flying voters and ballot box Labour agents provocateur fiddling the count?

If it wasn’t for bad luck, we hapless Brits wouldn’t have any – and doubtless we’ll be up to the nuts involved, and front-line implicated, yet again – Tony Bliar style – with another US Deep State false flag-conjured pre-emptive Mid-East conflict - or the Ukraine circus - before 2024 becomes 2025 – with this globalist lackey cum dog wanker, Stammerer at the nation’s political helm.

Hand in hand with Labour’s war-monger-friendly position, is the implementation of Kier Stammerer’s reviled ‘open border’ policy, regardless of unrestricted immigration - illegal or otherwise - being unsustainable viz population expansion for a small island nation – already split into three national identities – England, Wales, and Scotland – and on a culture clash collision course to making life a misery for our ethnic Brits – the folks born n bred here – when faced with a flood of illegals composed of non-Christian, misogynist infidels and heathen scroungers, terrorists and assorted career criminal types.

As voiced earlier, voters beware, for a vote for Labour is a vote for Ed Milipede - to start churning out his ‘cunning plan’ to cover Britain’s green and pleasant land with onshore eyesore wind turbines and solar farms.

So, remember just that when you reproach yourself for not voting for Reform or the Greens – or any fucker n their dog which continues to respect our once-sceptred isle of Albion’s precious landscapes.

Yep, fuck Eyesore Ed’ Milipede – brother of the equally-obnoxious David Milipede – and progeny of that Belgian-born Polack prick – the Marxist-meddling, Zionist political plonker, Adolphe Milipede. 

To conclude the general erection bullshit, our late Tory Party PM, none other than Mr Fishy Sunak himself, is very upset that some mercenary gobshite, in a false flag bid to blacken the reputation of Nigel Farage and the Reform Party, managed to get themselves recorded by a news media outlet, calling poor old Fishy a ‘fuckin’ Paki’ – a real-deal racial insult to an East Asian, of Hindu descent – especially so in Fishy’s case, as he’s actually a ‘fuckin’ Indian’.

Never forget that your misjudged vote for Labour, and their leader, Sir Keir ‘U-Turn’, was a vote for direct, hands-on interference in our national socio-political affairs of government, our economy, our justice system – and our health - by not only Stammerer’s Freemason ‘Sisters’ – who once forced Keir’s Director of Pubic Prosecutions hand to ditch prosecuting the BBC’s DJ celeb’ sex pest n serial kiddie fiddling Masonic pederast – Jimmy Savile - but also the toxic Trilateral Commission – of which Stammerer is a paid up servile member – (read ‘stooge’) - and too of  Satan Klaus Schlob's World Economic Forum agenda for a Great Reset of global society - hence a potential traitor to our entire British culture, and way of life – when he decides to mandate a compulsory vaccination programme for Food Bank Britain’s hapless population – to inoculate against the latest H5N2 avian flu virus.

About time for Labour’s Stammerer creature to take a moment aside, look long in a mirror, and ruminate on his own inherent worthlessness – for what he is – and more to the point – what he is definitely ‘not’ – apart from being possessed by his myopic, self-righteous bombast, that serves to delight and enamour the IQ-deficient Labour camp voters - and so too the European Political Community, whose summit meeting Sir Keir is due to host here in Food Bank Britain on 18 July.

For every scam requires a rhetoric, that serves to brainwash the useless eating masses, and the eugenics agenda is simply one more on the deep state Satanist’s wish list – and hey presto - the fake Covid-1984 scamdemic – and worse still – the roll yer sleeves up vaxx – and booster shots of 2020.

No shit, Sherlock, now we have this all-new (so they claim) H5N2 strain of galloping bird flu, it might prove slightly worrying – cos they reckon humans can catch it off ‘cows’.

Yeah, no mention that you can catch it off Granny’s polly parrot, or a neighbour’s chickens – just cows.

We wonder WTF comes next viz the cross-species zoonosis contamination / infection cycle – catch it off the kid’s goldfish – or next door’s cat?

Don’t look now, and keep yer sleeves rolled down - but betcha the eugenics / genocide elitist gang have a new H5N2 vaccine all ready to go – to really do what the Covid-1984 virus vaxx failed viz a mass population / extermination of the useless eaters (that’s us, folks) cull.

So who the fuck is pushing – and funding – this global kill-off crap? In no particular order we have the ‘thick as thieves’ Club of Rome eugenicist psychos, their Trilateral Commission buddies, the Committee of 300 (even more psychos), and last but nowhere near least, the cookie Council on Foreign Relations psycho membershits.

Rumours abound that shitbag lying bitch Labour politico and hard-arsed Stonewall faggotry proponent, Harriet Harmful, retiring as an MP, is set to be appointed as the new Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission – which will definitely see her support for the trans-gender bender pervs being legally anointed to their use of opposite sex women’s private spaces – especially so ‘Ladies Toilets’ - to facilitate their bog seat sniffing masturbatory arousal perversions.

Ha, you couldn’t make this shit up, for we have the WEF’s head honcho, the not-so-smart egg-headed Satan Klaus Schlob, pushing his Malthusian green energy smart cities ‘forced acceptance collaboration’ agenda on the worker drone populations of our planet – in the copycat established fashion of the People’s Utopia of China – and regardless of such fascist socio-political actions being wholly contrary to our preferred comfort zone ‘best interests’.

Question is, would an IQ-deficient Nazi wanker like ‘You vill do as I say’ Schlob – and his elitist, useless eater global predator dumb cunt associates, even be allowed in a ‘smart city’ – cos it’s a fact that smart he is not.?

Sorry Klaus, your passport of social acceptance – and credibility - has hereby been cancelled forthwith - by the International Common Sense Club.

Hmmm, said he, scratching his head, pondering WTF was worse –  the Swedish poison dwarf Greta and her fossil fuels-linked climate change hysteria outbursts – insisting, sans research data-proven rationale - that the seas are going to boil – or the self-declared climate change ‘weather experts’ who will be proven totally wrong – yet again - viz their end of times apocalypse viz global warming predictions – just as was their coming ice age climate scrying of a mere couple of decades past.

Ah well, we suppose, and thank the fuck for the literary mediums of ‘embellishment and exaggeration’ – (aka ‘blatant lies) – sans which the news media and political broadcasts would be even more boring.

A furious row broke out on GB News over refugee charity Care4Calais’ - (run by an illegal immigrant cabal of politically motivated activists, who embrace an anarchist ideology, while masquerading as humanitarians) - ploy to hand out willy-nilly, smartphones to refugees.

The Care4Calais group have a page on their website calling on users to donate £50 quid to buy smartphones for refugees.

While one IQ-deficient, self-promoting political gobshite ‘commentator’ (sic) Benjamin Butterscotch, however, defended all illegal migrants, stating for the public record that owning a phone (to ‘phone home’) – and the ability to access the internet - is a human right. 

Butterball, wholly ignorant and blind to the fact these illegal alien scroungers are not political refugees but the economic variety, simply after a better life – sponging off Food Bank Britain’s welfare state apparatus – where some dumb fuck of a charitable Christian type will fill their outstretched, begging paws – with a freebie smart phone.

The Church of England, notorious for once burning purported heretics at the stake – (after ‘absolution’ via crucifixion went out of fashion due a shortage of big nails) - has now turned its General Synod wrath on social media, and the internet’s keyboard warriors.

The Rt Reverend Martin Sleazy, Bishop of St Sodom’s Church for Latter Day Buggery, has focused his ire of condemnation on WhatsApp and Instagram, as the websites of Satan - claiming their content is responsible for stupefying Broken Britain’s Christian population with false information.

Hmmm, now there’s an accusation that equally applies to the apocryphal content of the Bible – especially so the New Testament’s fantasy narrative – viz a Jewish carpenter’s lad being the son of God (Yahweh) - force fed on hapless Christian souls from childhood – throughout the expanse of those countless centuries marked with the Anno Domini suffix.

Using the same fucked-up algorithms as Numpty Neil Ferguson did for his grossly flawed Covid-1984 virus modelling – the climate change fantasists are today pushing their ‘managed retreat’ agenda by having insurance companies cancel and refuse coverage for coastal residential properties – in what might prove the greatest land grab since the bankster criminocrats dominating US governments tasked the US Cavalry – and a host of free-booting, mercenary carpet baggers - to ‘legally’ usurp the rightful ethnic Indian tribes from their traditional lands and into concentration camp reservations.

Yep, and so too, these very same global imperialist criminocrat scum are, to the gross disadvantage of the common herd, today pushing the climate change cum global warming ‘the sea’s gonna boil’ lie-a-thon narrative on an oh-so gullible taxpaying electorate – even as the Eskimos, and penguin colonies, collectively laugh with incredulousness at this ridiculous, money-grubbing green deal ‘master-scam’.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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