Thursday 25 July 2024

Plod Squad Violence Inherits System

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Gratuitous Police Violence – a timely scandalous exposé of Grim Up North law & order hypocrisy from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Fun and games across the central concourse of Broken Britain’s Manchester Airport Terminal 2 yesterday, as one of Greater Manchester Police’s ‘finest’ (sic), PC Ron McThugg, provided a stellar public performance - for shocked and horrified travellers’ cell phone cameras - of personal discipline and unbiased restraint training - with his testosterone-fuelled kicking of a Taser-downed suspect - in the face - wearing plod squad issue boots - then stamping on the hapless, prostrate guy’s head - before moving on to brutalise his equally immobilised and unfortunate brother - raising him from a semi-conscious, prone position to sitting, to enable his being further assaulted with a shower of kicks and blows - while attending WPC Bev' Slutt roughly 'man-handled' the victims' chador-clad, elderly mother.

Yep, thugs in uniform - with zero self-control or restraint displayed by this raging barbarian firearms officer - imprudently trusted to be issued with a Glock 17 sidearm.

Ergo, if the head-stamped victim, charity worker Mohammed Fahir Khan, 19, wasn’t brain-damaged before, he most definitely will be from here on - after one horrified bystander’s video footage recorded grey matter oozing out of his ears.

Oh my, watch the violence inherit the system - and these are the dog wankers we have overseeing the safety of society, and enforcing justice?

Following the head stamping incident being posted on social media networks, a large crowd of protesters gathered outside the GMP HQ chanting "shame on you", accusing the force of institutional racism viz one psychotic plod kicking, then stamping on, a fellow Muslim’s head at the city's airport.

Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, described the video as ‘most disturbing’ and issued a statement that he understood people's immense feeling of concern regarding this internet-posted ‘show for all the family’ video of police brutality; plus respected the right to protest - and fortunately the demonstration had dispersed peacefully, without any of the gathered protesters getting their heads stamped on.

The GMP’s Head Banger Squad has since referred itself for investigation, and removed PC McThugg from operational duties following the skull-crushing video incident.

GMP spokesperson, WPC Glenda Slagg, informed gutter press media hacks that: “We acknowledge the concerns of the conduct within the videos now posted on every single internet social media outlet across the known Universe, and while it is hard to be reconciled with the purported police force culture of judicial restraint, our Professional Standards Directorate are busy assessing how to downplay and cover up this scandalous behaviour”.

Live feed action-packed video footage of PC McThugg in action - just click on the links below to review a great display of gratuitous violence by an ‘officer of the law’ - aka ‘the keepers of the peace’ - (some joke, c’est non?).

Where the fuck do the Home Office recruit these head-stamping Plod Squad thugs - brain dead to the extent they get themselves video recorded brutalising a couple of Muslim guys for the act of defending their mother’s honour and dignity.

Really, this calibre of police brutality has got to be on a par with the mindset of the Roman Catholic Vatican’s Holy Inquisition torturers - and the Nazi mass murderers operating the gas chamber at Auschwitz.

... and now for the big excuses viz gratuitous Plod Squad violence bullshit:

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Monday 22 July 2024

Sunday Sabbath’s Noxious News Roundup

Quick, duck - and watch yer backs, folks - as a fresh outbreak of the highly contagious Woke joke EDI madness strikes anew, with London's Albert Memorial getting its pristine, historical presence slammed as representing a highly offensive object of derision - for drawing on racial stereotypes - due the sad, and highly disturbing fact that certain individuals, possessed of fragile socio-political sensibilities, claim it reflects a 1900’s Victorian privateering global view of the world - thus one that clashes with their skewed Woke cult’s delicate emotional state of being, in contrast to the cavalier mood of our current times.

The Gilbert Scott-created memorial, which towers over the nearby Royal Albert Hall, has stood in Kensington Gardens since 1872, and represents Britain at its high water mark - its global zenith - and thus rightly bestowed with the preceding adjective of ‘Great’.

But now a gaggle of snowflake Woke cult ‘custodians’ (sic) have slated the monument for representing problematic values with Britain’s millenniums-long Anglo-Saxon robber baron heritage - and one reflective of a Victorian view of European supremacy and the sins of ‘go grab it’ colonialism.

The Wokester wankers whinge-a-thon continues unabated, regardless of the fact the British Empire of days now unfortunately past, has traditionally been celebrated as a symbol of Supremacy - and saving the Third World barbarian races from themselves - the modern day morons consider this view as problematic due colonialism more often than not relying on the oppression and exploitation of foreign people, resources and cultures.

Fer fuck’s sake, what is the problem? Was that not  the entire core purpose of colonialism?

In concise explanation for the benefit of our uneducated ethnic masses, and burgeoning illegal immigrant sector of our society, the monument represents Prince Albert, as seen during the reign of his royal missus, Queen Tricky Vicky - aka Empress of India - and Monarch of Every Fucking Thing Else - during the Age of Full-On & Raging Britannia Rules the Waves colonialism - a state of profitable affairs today viewed by the EDI crowd as problematic due the obvious fact that colonialism often relied on the oppression and exploitation of ‘the natives’ - along with the acquisition of their natural resources, and polluting their pagan cultures with a hefty dose of ‘civilising’ Christian worship.

Okay, for a moment we shall listen to the whingers, and not automatically diss their complaints viz Albert’s memorial reflecting the Victorian age’s exploitative view of the world, and declare ‘too fucking true - demolish the piece of shit’ - then, automatically viz this vein of ‘let’s sanitise the past’ - the next on the hit list is Rome’s Colosseum, as that arena, the Circus Maximus, likewise, reflects the Roman’s view of the world - Christians fed to hungry lions, and gladiators being nasty to each other, and guilty of repeated acts of licenced GBH.

So, WTF is next that offends the Wokester’s squinty eyes? The Taj Mahal - built with slave labour? The Pyramids of Egypt - also built with slave labour? The Christian cathedrals of Europe - built by heretic freemasons? The list is endless - much like the Woke brigade’s litany of whinges.

There again, beware, for thoe EDI-fixated Woke morons that would lay waste to, and eradicate Britain’s record of history and fail to learn from such, are doomed to repeat those purported mistakes of a history past.

Hark Labour’s ‘Hypocrisy Beyond Borders’ policy - slag off the Tory gang for flying around on private planes at an extortionate cost to the hapless, and long-suffering, taxpaying voter class - yet their imprudent ‘EDI’ choice for a suntanned Foreign Sickretary, David Scammy, is the latest Labour front bench wanker chartering luxury private jets, regardless of the flip-flopping Stammerer’s U-turn pledge to clamp down on ministerial excesses.

The gutter press Sunday Shitraker tabloid can reveal that Scammy chartered a Bombardier Global jet, at a cost of £10,000 nicker per hour, for his two-day visit to the rogue state of Israel (formerly Palestine) last week - in the repulsive company of the genocidal Israel’s diplomat-ambassador to Food Bank Britain, Tzippy Hotlegs.

And that comes in the wake of Minister Scammy recently using Labour’s private Airbus A321 to fly off on an ego-massaging jollies trip around Europe: London to Germany, to Poland, and Sweden.

Mark well the lessons to be observed for Republican party political followers, from Mrs Trump Mk 3 - the ‘pretty kitty’ Melanoma - viz hubby Donald’s false flag shooting / ear piercing incident - where two flag-waving supporters were reported to have been critically injured, and one audience member tragically lost their life to the spotty-faced assassin.

Ergo, and hark to ‘Wise Woman’ Melanoma’s numero uno rule - never attend political rallies in the gun-happy US of A - and, numero dos, if you must, then wear a Kevlar jacket - and a pair of industrial ear defenders.

Que? WTF next? Puberty blockers for young kids? The best-selling boy wizard author, Ms JK Rolling-in-It,  and her new internet social media pal, Elon Muskrat, are both spot-on right, and not simply transphobes viz their criticism of the practice that kids can consent to gobbling down sex change chemicals at a pre-pubescent age, but cannot legally have sex until 16, or drive a car until 17, or drink alcohol on a pub crawl binge-a-thon - or cast an election vote - until 18; or buy a firearm until 21 - but there again can make the self-decision to change sex before they take their 11-plus exam, and grow hair they can sit on.

Hmmm, something is real fucked up with this queer cult socio-political trans-gender-bender ideology pitch - and the Holy Inquisition condemnations of any and all who dare challenge their fucked-up puberty blocker promotion campaign.

OMG! Finally, Broken Britain is waking up, at an officialdom level, to the fact their gene and societal-polluting multiculture clash agenda is not working - after the entire city of Leeds is burned to the ground - causing in the range of £200 quid’s worth of damages.

Fer fuck’s sake, multi-culturalism has never worked throughout history - it might not be open warfare on a daily basis between cultures and races n religions, but like those nasty volcanoes and earthquakes, any seismic shock sends society into eruption mode.

There again, what the fuck can one expect when dealing with fanatical religious immigrants, and IQ-deficient savages, displaying the finer points of their barbarian cultures - albeit this specific instance of social unrest had its origins with the Romany gyppo travellers, and social services forcibly snatching into care a bunch of their kids - deemed to be suffering neglect.

To close, and on a kinky note, we have a report from Allington, in Lincolnshire, whose boundary signs boast: ‘Best kept village 2009 / 2015’ - and ‘Twinned with Sodom & Gomorrah’.

A pity the signpost doesn’t bear mention of the current ‘Swing-a-thon’ - the four day sex and BD/SM fetish themed event that kicked off this weekend.

Oh yes, make no mistake, this kinky sex festival has solicited fury from local residents who complain of orgasmic bouts of screaming and moaning through the night - with this 2024 event advertised as the biggest, and best, to date - featuring cluster-fuck play tents, pole-in-the-hole dancing, hot tubs, foam parties, suck n swallow ‘gobble-a-thons’, mobile dungeons - and butt-plug bingo.

Participants are paying up to £265, which gets you a couple's ticket - with shower use and an electric hookup included - to recharge flat vibrator batteries - and a free, complimentary butt plug shoved up your  ... wherever.

Ticket booking numbers have reportedly doubled from 500 to 1,000 in the last year, with organisers promising it will be a bigger, bolder, and better show - catering for all kinks - from A to Z (Anal to Zoophilia|).

However, one local Allington farmer, Arthur McTwatt, express his concerns to a Swingers magazine hack, stating “I’ll be on watch, day and night, the whole time this fiasco is open, as last year, post event, we discovered three of our pigs had been buggered, and several sheep were wandering around their pasture, adjacent to the Swing-a-thon event’s field, wearing crotchless knickers, and painted up with lipstick, eye shadow, and mascara”.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Labour’s Agenda for Pretty Perfect Britain

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Ruling Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Political Incompetence' – a timely scandalous exposé of 'cross party political idiocrasy' from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatian death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

On a par with an Old Testament Biblical epic, it came to pass that we now unfortunately have, yet again, a Labour government in power, with Sir Keir Stammerer as the leader of the tribe (as opposed to the previous sodomite scumbag war crim’, Tony Bliar) – pledging all manner of U-turn miracles, plus what-the-fuck-ever crosses his flip-flopping mind - touting a populist agenda is gonna end up kick starting an action replay of Waco - with Keir Koresh and his terminally-gullible leftie Branch Davidian ‘true believers’ all burning together at the next election - as Broken Britain takes Nigel Farage and Reform to their bosom.

No shit, Sherlock, this new Labour government - now leaving Platform 9, may well be treated to fawning adoration by the leftie media whores – but remain a fucking liability, and will manifest into one almighty, slow motion cluster fuck of a train wreck a few miles down the track as they impale themselves on their own fairy tale boasts – especially so with the likes of Stammerer and Fast Eddy ‘green deal’ Millipede – a pair of net zero, Woke joke rat wankers - being dybbuk-possessed - at the national helm of things, and directly relative for the responsible and efficient governmental oversight and management of Food Bank Britain. 

In a further bid to ease prison capacity, following the release of 90% of incarcerated scallies and assorted scrotes, Stammerer – an ex-DPP himself - (who failed to prosecute the notorious kiddie fiddling BBC celeb DJ - and fellow Freemason - Jimmy Savile) - plans to reset guidelines for sentencing Broken Britain’s villains - with threats of a 12 month probation order as a deterent to would-be murderers, and a very hard slap on the wrist with a wooden ruler for convicted burglars.

Que? WTF? Now more exaggerated bullshit from Labour – with Stammerer’s announcement viz their proposed home building agenda – to house all the illegal immigrants they’re ushering into Food Bank Britain - as citizens to be - and scheduling the fast-tracking of 90,000 asylum claims - so best plan to erect a strew of mosques for these heathens to perform their repetitive daily prayers.

Believe it or not – (better at ‘not’) – Labour’s Bob the Builder gang are going to erect 1.5 million houses in five years – across the length n breadth of our once-sceptred isle’s ever-shrinking Green Belt – and applying simple schoolkid maths, that translates as 821 homes to be built, to completion, every single day over the boasted five year window - or 1,150 per day, if the overworked Bob and his building team decide to take their weekends off.

Hmmm, hopefully they have Merlin the Magician – and Superman - employed on the bricklaying and roofing crews.

But this is simply more of Labour’s Kabuki theatre hyperbole - like Malice in Wonderland - 1:5 million new homes erected in five years - or are they actually talking tents?

To add further insult to injury, loopy Labour’s deputy leader, the ginger-mingin Mangela Rayner, boasted to gutter press news hacks that every city, town and village in Broken Britain will take their fair share of migrants - and local authorities must house successful asylum seekers who will be eligible for places in Labour’s 1.5 million head social housing scam - er (typo) - scheme.

Sir Keir sent his thanks to the mass media system for peddling scare-a-thon fantasies regarding the myths of CO2 global warming (now redundant) and the negative aspects of the climate change / rising sea levels scam - plus their bullshit half-truths viz the cost of renewables - all a deceptional ruse to force socio-political change – for control and profit, via economic and environmental fascist policies.

But when one has top dog politico leaders, per the ilk of Fishy Sunak and Keir the Stammerer being members of a political elitist class, they become increasingly divorced from the lives of ordinary working people – aka ‘us - the tax-paying worker / voters’.

Labour’s shit-fer-brains choice for an Energy Secretary, the talentless Ed Millipede, has just morphed into 'eco-zealot' mode and given the green light to the biggest solar farm on our once-sceptred isle - with more green belt gone the way of the Dodo - claiming that his proposed Sunnica solar farm in East Anglia will drastically slash electricity bills for the voting classes.

As is often the case with politicians, the opposite is true, due the in-yer-face fact that solar farms produce next to zero electricity in the winter months, due the fact it’s dark for around 16 hours a day, and when a watery Sun might shine on through, the UV / IR rays are weak and half-arsed hidden behind thick cloud - hence the need for back-up electricity generation - with good ole besmirched - albeit tried n tested - Old King Coal - and oil fired generators - to the rescue.

Solar energy makes perfect sense in tropical countries, such as the North Africa Sahara regions, but building solar farms in Britain is a no-fucking-brainer.

To wit, essentially two electricity generation facilities will have to be constructed and operated, one for the summer and one for the winter, which will increase electricity bills for families, and not cut them.

For a hard truth fact, subsidies to companies operating solar farms and wind farms is the reason electricity bills in Britain are amongst the most padded, and outrageous,  in the world - with the hapless population of Food Bank Britain paying five times as much for electricity per unit consumed as China, and double that of the good ole US of A.

But to the empathy-deficient new green deal / net zero eco-zealot cult holding sway in the House of Conmans, and sodomite-infested civil service - all in the palms crossed with silver thrall of big corporate influence, they don’t give a flying fuck for the useless eating public - nor do the mass media gutter press and tv channels that peddle scare-a-thon horror stories viz global warming, and disseminate half-truths regarding the oh-so-low cost of ‘King’s ransom’ renewables.

The bullshit tale goes that these caring corporate wankers wish for Broken Britain to be a world leader in Net Zero - and don’t give a shit about the price the rest of us poor fuckers have to pay for this utterly pointless ambition - for our wholly de-industrialised nation - (once the leader of the Industrial Revolution - and creator of the largest Empire history has known - and on which the Sun never set) - is responsible for only 1% of global CO2 emissions, so even if we achieved Net Zero tomorrow, this would have fuck all measurable impact on global temperature rises or fluctuations in sea levels.

There again, the whopper-popper CO2 emitters, such as the People’s Utopia of  China (30% of global CO2 emissions) and the good ole US of A, (10% of global CO2 emissions), turn a blind eye - and deaf ear - to Net Zero accord supplications - while continuing to build and operate fossil-fuel power stations.

Unlike solar farms and wind farms, these power stations are both cheap and reliable, and operate every hour of every day, come summer (air con) or winter (heating) - thus the key reason domestic electricity consumption bills for Chinese and American families are that much lower than British households.

Ergo, so keep in mind, come the next general election , for a national government, ignore the Tory and Labour party tick boxes - and scribe your X in the box of the common sense-led ‘Fuck Net Zero Party’.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Trump Gives Oscar ‘Ouch!’ Performance

Bullets fly – or so they claim – and go whistling, and whizzing, and ricocheting through the air round Trump’s re-election campaign stage - buzzing alike a swarm of cicadas high on Columbian nose candy – and the next thing, Presidential wannabee Trump has a bleeding ear – and gets smothered in an impenetrable layer of bullet-proof secret service agents.

Oh my, what a photogenic moment and an ‘almost’ (but no quite) perfectly choreographed psy-op’ - as mid-speech, Trump turns to his right, then Wham! Bam! Scam! - blood dripping down the face, and that vote-winning ‘Fist of Defiance’ in the air photo, as the bodyguards usher him away to ‘safety’ (sic).

Yeah,  a veritable 9/11 repeat – one that’s all about angles and line of sight.

Smoke n mirrors – pure stage magic – and it works every time. All about perception – and the hand being faster than the eye – plus, for a touch of genuine ‘’special effects’, a couple of useless eater bystanders actually cop a live round apiece from the unseen ‘real deal’ sniper.

Then fer fuck’s sake, you always have some smart-arsed, eagle-eyed twat who spots this week’s deliberate mistake, then yells out Foul! and spoils the fun.

So it was with the staged Trumpy sniper attack fubar.

One ginger-mingin' arsehole wearing a  bright red Trump MAGA baseball cap blows the whole false flag hit scenario wide open – shouting to the police and secret service “There’s a guy crawling along the roof with a rifle!” – and the plods just ignore it – until a burst of gunfire rings out.

Ergo, a splash of fake blood, and a 78-year-old Trump’s defiant fist in the air, face streaked with claret – and voila – that’s an election campaign winner as the presidential hopeful is rushed off, exit stage left, swathed in a cladding of secret service agents.

Not quite  the Hollywood-styled Academy Award - Oscar-winning, quality performance one might expect from the Executive Office – but at the centre of a highly polarised political landscape, supercharged by pre-election campaign tensions -  and  disinformation – in an already-divided nation facing presidential elections this November - an act good enough to secure the vote from the ranks of those ever-gullible, mouth-breathing masses.

Then again, as to the spotty-faced stooge of a 20-year-old sniper-assassin – Thomas Matthew Crooks – from hereon to be known as Tommy McPatsy - he’s fucking dead, and can be slandered and smeared with whatever perjurious falsehoods the mass media choose.

But as past instances show, a disinformation conspiracy theory moves at near-light speed, and can sprint around the globe and be back home for lunch, while the actual Truth is still lacing up its running shoes.

Bravo, and yet one more election certainty win for the Republican Party machine – while doubtless some fucker or their dog is bound to pull a comparison to John Warnock Hinckley’s screwed-up theatrtical attempt, to assassinate Republican Presidential incumbent, Ronnie Reagan, some 43 years earlier.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Monday 15 July 2024

BBC Gobshite Promotes Political Violence

Ouch! Trumpy gets his ear pierced – by the Armalite M16 ‘single shot’ 5:56 macho method. Betcha that will serve to secure him the Hell’s Angels biker vote in November’s Presidential elections – and the backing of the Punk Masochists Anonymous Society.

But WTF can be expected in the good ole US of A and their ‘buy one – get one free’ gun laws – and the actual incumbent US president, Joe Bidet, publicly announcing his ‘executive office’ approval that it was time to “put Trump in the bullseye” – for the benefit of political assassins, trying to make their fucking minds up – of who to shoot first.

A pertinent question – why are US assassins – specifically those aiming for top rank political targets – obsessed not only with self-identity issues, and this ‘must have‘ middle name conundrum – (eg: Morton ‘Prendergast’ Molesnuffer the Third) – but have previously been incarcerated at some psychiatric institute, with a criminal record for charges ranging from Arson and Buggery, to Treason and Zoophilia.

Thus, we pose the question of why these would-be political elitist assassins never have a moniker like Bill Thug, or Jack Snott, or Ron McKunt?

For a fact, all US politicos who have gone the way of an assassins bullet were targeted by (or purported to have been) – cuckoo killers with a middle name – Lee Harvey Patsy, for one conspicuous instance –  a scapegoat stooge framed with murdering a US sitting President – JFK – who, by mere chance, was also possessed of a middle name, Fitzgerald.

To wit, now we finally have the true blue lowdown on the good ole US of A’s November election presidential wannabees. Jumpin’ Joe Bidet can’t verbalise his way through a political debate – and bullets alone - (well, the blatantly obvious false flag assassin type, anyways) - can’t stop Donald the Trump.

There again, politically-motivated assaults are not unknown in Food Bank Britain either, with the indestructible Nigel Farage (Reform MP- One of Five) – being wellied with milk shakes, cement, and beer.

Responding to a particularly outrageous attack on Farage’s private person, we unfortunately have one of our national broadcaster BBC’s ‘personalities’ (sic) publicly comment – on air - that the milkshake container should have been filled with a poisonous, corrosive liquid.

Yep, no shit, Sherlock. And that from a BBC funny person, hired to make people laugh. Ho, fucking Ho.

This utterly disgusting, if not criminal, proclamation was uttered by one shit-fer-brains, triple-chinned, post-menopausal, cellulite-packed, scumbag that goes by the name of Jo Brand – (aka ‘Three Names’ Josephine Grace Brand) - purported to be a ‘not very funny’ BBC-contracted comedienne – who stated for the public record, on live television, quote: ... “why waste your time with milk shakes, better to use battery acid.”

Ergo, and this nasty, flabby cunt is still appearing on the bent Beeb - for daring to suggest some fucker and their dog chuck battery acid in the face of a British politician, Nigel Farage MP.

Hmmm, doesn’t that meet our Woke joke Plod Squad's classification of criminal incitement, to commit violent harm, under the laws of Broken Britain?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Doddering Dodds to Redefine Gender

Okay boys n girls, in whichever order of gender identity suits you best; gather round for a rollicking good laugh at the nonsensical absurdity of our so-called establishment authorities and pontificating politicos, regarding this ongoing Woke joke cult’s trans-gender bender ‘equality, diversity and inclusion’ brouhaha – now being pursued and expounded upon by the knee-bending Minister for Gorgon Affairs – none other than the loopy Labour Party’s Anneliese Dodds – (she sporting the Medusa-look robin’s nest hair-do) – proclaiming for any fucker and their dog with a mind to listen, that there are different legal definitions of what a woman actually is.

Que? WTF? ‘Different legal definitions’? As Dicken’s Bumble the Beadle so rightly declared, quote: “... If the law supposes that, then the law is an ass, and an idiot.”

Ergo, for the sake of common sense reality; there exist three sexes. Male (equipped with cock n a pair of bollocks); female (kitted out with tits and a snatch – mensurates for a week each month, and has the ability to get preggers and bear offspring); then last, but not least, the rarity hermaphrodite (born with both male and female sets of sexual gear – and ability to fuck themself silly).

Hmmm, one simple peek at the biological factors (cock or snatch – or both) and the matter is determined – but obviously that ain’t gonna suit the Woke joke brigade pursuing the social acceptance of their equality, diversity, and inclusivity agenda.

But no, Dreadlocks Dodds maintains – and now promotes – the highly contested (and physically-impossible) view that adults, and children, can change their sex – the very same sick sex change agenda idiocy / gender-dysphoria diagnosis propaganda that the trans-gender-bender ideologues are force feeding into the eager ears of gullible, and hapless, pre-pubescent kids.

Fer fuck’s sake, the entire trans-gender-bender brouhaha is cult chaos – a cluster-fuck in motion. A ‘fubar’ beyond borders, that defies the tenets of common sense and logic.

Ahem, the doddering Dodd’s position is very clear. It's about respecting women's rights – and also respecting the rights of trans people. Thus if some bloke wants to use the ladies bogs and sit down to pee, and pretend to be a girlie – and by extension, respecting the rights of every other self-delusional clown, who wishes to identify as something they are not.

But ‘tis odd that butch lesbian types prefer to stick with using ladies toilets and not invade the gents convenience.

Hark too the equality, diversity and inclusion philosophy spouted by the Tory Party’s Roman Catholic-raised (Penny-Dropped) ‘muddled’ Mordant – a speech doubly damned for being proclaimed from the House of Conmans Dispatch Box, and recorded for posterity in Hansard.

To wit: ‘that trans men are men – and trans women are women’ – even though the biological evidence confounds that blatant lie when we have a butch lesbian minority of these feminine ‘men’ - in blatant contrast to an ever-expanding community of gravel-voiced, five o’clock shadow ‘women’ (sic) with erectile cocks – stalking around ladies toilets, to stimulate their masturbatory fantasies.

Some fucker n their dog is definitely attempting to ford the deep end of the Rubicon by promoting this preposterous EDI scam,  to facilitate the fragile sensibilities of a community of trans-gender perv’s.

Laugh you may, and perhaps rightly so, at this gender-bending EDI nonsense, but WTF action are employers expected to take when they have male workers taking sick days off and claiming to be suffering from pre-menstrual tension – or these same trans-gender benders – still biological males – turning up at their local GPs surgery and demanding a course of NHS-funded in vitro fertilization - to get preggers and start a family.

On a par with some hairy arsed tranny male, suffering a terminal bout of gender confusion, pestering his / her GP for a course of post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy – and buying bulk supplies of oestrogen on the dodgy drugs black market.

In the wake of the Tavistock GIDS Clinic scandal - doling out puberty blockers like jelly beans and dolly mixture treats to pre-pubescent kids – and reflecting on the Hilary Cass Review, released in April 2024, many hoped that good old common sense and logic might dominate the pro-trans-gender propaganda bourse – but no.

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy’s latest edition of its quarterly magazine for practitioners, who work with children, titled ‘Children, Young People, and Families’manifests in reality as nothing more than a manual in trans-gender bender ideological indoctrination.

Yep, the rot has gotten deep into our societal woodwork and foundations, with the LGBT+ activists, and specifically the gender bender tranny pack, pushing their degeneracy in promoting sexual perversion; a blatant breach of our Christian moral culture and teaching.

It bears parallels with Hitlerian era Nazi Germany  where speaking the Truth versus their state ideology Master Race / Thule Group delusion was condemned and persecuted – much as is the case now when the sensible sector of society speak out on the subject of biological sex being the determinate factor of identity, regardless of the individual’s personal gender identity preferences – or delusions.

But Truth versus delusional opinion will forever raise negative issues – and dinosaur-sized bones of contention – for this Woke joke EDI cult simply cannot abide the harsh Truth that Reality provides – and JK Rowling, the boy wizard creator, much to Doddsy’s chagrin, repeatedly vocalises as a matter of moral, public concern, awareness.

Readers might find it conflicting that the dumb-arsed Dodds and Rowling are in conflict viz the trans-gender issue, considering Doddsy has so much in common with Rowling’s boy wizard literary works – being a full blown broomstick jockey herself.

While the dodgy Dodds claims there exist different legal definitions viz what these so-called ‘new women’ actually are – responding in the pursuit and promotion of common sense, this was branded as nonsensical on Mr Musk’s ‘Big X’ social media website by the Harry Potter author.

Ms. Rowling has become known as a fierce advocate for the rights of biological women, and rightly criticising the shit-fer-brains Scottish Government viz their intended proposals to introduce self-identification for trans-gender benders – when 90% of the male population are already wandering around north of Hadrian’s Wall, wearing tartan skirts.

Alternately, Dodds has again affirmed the Labour Party’s commitment to trans-gender people and commitment to modernising the Gender Recognition Act – and duly criticised the demonisation of male perverts who choose to identify as women, and demand the legal right – along with social acceptance - to use ‘women’s spaces’ – especially so ladies’ toilets.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Monday 8 July 2024

Full Steam Ahead for Labour’s Gravy Train

In today's 'Let's Kick Some New Labour Party Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Political Sleaze' – a timely scandalous exposé of 'opposition party political hypocrisy' from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Yep, as per the banner headline states: the gravy train now standing at Downing Street platform one ..... just read on:

Lo and behold, it’s post-election payback time, so cock a careful ear and listen to the clackety-clack on the rails from Labour’s graft n corruption gravy train, as it rolls out of the station - full steam ahead for the Crony Express - a political control system operating through corporate nepotism and genetic lineage - and even more sinister means of blackmail and power-driven coercion.

Regardless of these criminal undertones, Sir Keir is hot to trot, awarding peerages and top ministerial roles like a brothel Madam handing out condoms at a bachelor night Shag-a-Thon – with the first ‘ladyshit’ title going to one expenses scandal-mired former cabinet minister who once had the brass-necked arrogance to proclaim that – ‘the Lords is no place for disgraced politicians’ – such as herself.

Wearing a face of acute embarrassment, one of Number 10’s Labour dogsbody’s admitted, after having his sticky palm crossed with silver by gutter press hacks, that ex-Home Secretary Jacqui Shit was returning as Education Minister, ‘and’ bestowed with a peerage, to massage her inflated ego.

Doubtless canny political watchers and critics will recall with clarity that Jacqui Shit had the audacity to charge taxpayers – on her personal House of Conmans expense account – for renting two ‘pay-per-view’ BD/SM hard porn movies – to attempt to arouse her ex-husband’s lagging libido, and into ‘spankies’ mood.

Then, to add insult to injury, this public funds embezzler designated her hapless sister’s home as her main address for Parliamentary allowances – and by using this scam, the light-fingered Jacqui had fiddled £116,000 quid of taxpayer-funded expenses on her family's Redditch home since becoming an MP.

But that’s typical of the bottle blonde dunce - beset by gaffes and errors, she was hopelessly out of her depth at one of the top jobs in politics – and obviously better suited for a role as shelf stacker at Poundland – or a Pestco Extra.

Ergo, the credibility-deficient Stammerer and his U-Turn Party are going to ‘sort out’ the NHS – and the striking junior doctor rebels - hopefully they start with the current ‘sadly lacking’ to ‘non-existent’ NHS dental services for adults - and specifically OAPs - who can’t afford to fork our mega-bucks for a filling or dentures – and are rendered unable to chew even a bowl of porridge.

We take scrupulous note that the ex-New Labour Slime Minister, and notorious US stooge cum war criminal, Anthony ‘Charles Lynton’ Bliar, is conspicuously in and out of 10 Downing Street like a blow fly round cow shite, attempting to spread his toxic opinions and influence on neophyte PM, ‘Sir’ Keir Stammerer - while rumours abound that the noxious, career sodomite presence of  arch-degenerate Lord Peter Scandalson - aka Satan's Little Helper - has been espied slithering into Number 10 during the hours of darkness, through the back door's cat flap.

Editor’s note: should that read ‘rat flap’?

Hark, if you will, at Labour’s more at scent than substance pre-election pledge to abolish the Upper House of Frauds, and all in it - Stammerer and his Morgan McScrote-powered Labour political machine are already dusting off inept politicos from the scandal-ridden Bliarite era, and given roles in the new Labour government – a factor only surpassed for its iniquity by the corrupt stench of dishing out gravy train peers appointments - in an attempt to push through Labour policies and boost the representation of Labour-aligned split-arsed  peers in the previously-maligned Upper House. 

Regardless of their links to graft and corruption scandals past, several retiring MPs - including Margaret Beckett, 81, Margaret Slodge, 79 and Harriet Harmful, 73, have been bestowed with such questionable peerages in Sir Keir’s dissolution list.

Conversely, to look on the ‘bright side’ (sic) of things - topping Labour’s ‘To Do’ list is solving the current housing shortage to accommodate the hordes of unwashed illegal rubber boat migrant types they’re welcoming ashore along our island’s once-secure South Coast-which shall doubtlessly involve a horrific swathe of environmental greenbelt abuses when throwing up rows of jerry-build tenements across the breadth of England’s green and pleasant rolling countryside.

Meanwhile, back in the House of Conmans, dumpty Dianne Abbott is declared the symbolic Mother of the House, while Tory grandee, Sir Edward Leigh is set to become Father of the House – if his alcohol-bloated head doesn’t explode first.

Labour whips are on the ball too, threatening their MPs with a Chinese burn if they’re caught taking the piss out of the party’s member for poxy Oxford East – none other than Anneliese Doddering – due her Gorgon’s-stare hair-do – which appears to have been fashioned by getting dragged through a hedge backwards.

Really, raking in a cabinet minister’s salary and she can’t afford a brush or comb – or a trip to the local coiffeur? There again, this pillock can’t even define the biological difference twix a man and a woman.

But an all-round thumbs-up for ‘Two Jobs Dodds’ – not only tasked as Minister of State at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office – but also Minister for Women and Equalities at the Department for Education – a post she shares with Bridgette – the fidget – Phillipson.

Yep, check if you like, but it’s not a typo – ‘two’ Equalities Ministers, doubtless squabbling over who gets to sit where in the House of Conmans – but ‘equality-wise’, are they equally-equal?

Ha! That one’s on a par with Orwell’s old Animal Farm proclamation from the porcine Grunt Squad: “All animals are equal – but some are more equal than others”.

Oh my, reflecting on the above, what a fucking mockery Broken Britain’s Parliament has become – and we speculate WTF would our once-Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell, have to say if he were to view this slapstick comedy-themed carnival – a veritable circus without a tent – headed by very person, Stammerer, who, in the trusted role of Director of Public Persecutions repeatedly – and most conspicuously, failed to prosecute fellow Freemason, the BBC DJ, and celebrity sex pest rapist cum paedo kiddie fiddler, Jimmy Savile. 

And now, welcome to the prevaricating ‘Sir Keir’ Stammerer’s all-new Labour Gulag board game – for those family members of voting age: Spot the U-Turn.

Tax the top earners vs no plans to raise income tax.

We need immigrants for our labour (sic) force, and allow them here to study - versus no plans to implement an open borders, or freedom of movement policy.

Pledge to abolish student tuition fees – until some bankster type sticks a foot in your arse and says ‘no way’ - thus we now have tuition fees as the economy-saving order of the day.

Sir Keir’s Mum swore by our free NHS, but as it is in such a pathetic state of chaos, and sans free dentistry, he now recommends you go private – and into debt.

And let’s not forget the HS2 rail line – now you see it – now you don’t.

Oh yeah, that’s Sir Keir – with this ‘hypocrisy beyond borders’ for y’all folks – the twat who publicly announced – as a dig at the Tory gang: “If you can’t keep your promises, then don’t make them in the first place”.

A mere three days after Labour came to power, their new Defence Secretary, John ‘Beaky’ Healey, has attended an arse-kissing commemoration service in Ukraine with Zippy Zelensky – pledging – on behalf of a ‘non-consensual’ British taxpayer, to supply, free of charge, a fast-track a package of nasty weapons – including artillery pieces and dozens of Brimstone missiles – in addition to the £7.6 billion quid's-worth of military assistance already gifted to Ukraine since 2022 to fight against Russia’s Bad Vlad Putrid.

The ‘fuck Russia’ announcement came in the wake of the new Foreign Secretary, the pigshit-thick David Scammy, proclaiming military, economic, political and diplomatic support for the Ukraine will remain ironclad under a Stammerer-led Labour Government – sans any format of consideration of what Russia’s ‘military’ reaction might be to its homeland getting battered by British-supplied weaponry.

Okay, a simple aside from the British armaments being supplied to Ukraine, to attack Russia with. Can some fucker or their dog ‘please’ supply Zelensky with a change of t-shirt – we’re sick of seeing the scruffy, unshaven twat in that old, soiled combat green rag – with the borscht stains down the front.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Labour Party Recruiting Child MPs

Feel the after-shock tremors of Broken Britain’s Fourth of July General Election – a veritable political earthquake – with ‘caveat emptor’ – (let the voters beware) – being the order of the day - as New Labour candidate, 12-year-old Sam Carling, joins his front bench majority ‘four hundred and eleven’ political team mates, after beating the  Tory's incumbent opponent, who had been entrenched in the Cambridge seat since before ‘child Carling’ was born.

Driven by the youthful fantasy of being a member of Parliament, and after making a wishful pact with Satan - (aka Prince of Darkness) - lucky Sam spent his weekly pocket money, and earnings from a newspaper round, on election campaign document printing services, then skimped his school homework each evening so he could do the rounds of his intended constituency - posting election manifest leaflets, and drumming up face-to-face door-knocking support with sympathetic and supportive neighbours.

Albeit a borderline – (and enforced ‘close call’ ballot paper re-count) – win for Sam, he received 14,785 votes - a mere 39 more than the Conservative Party deadwood candidate, Shailesh Vara, who had represented this backwater Cambridgeshire constituency since the Dark Ages - and was cautiously examined by Tory doctors during the post-election ballot count, to ensure he wasn’t actually dead.

So, as the ‘Baby of the House’, WTF is on Sam’s ‘must do’ agenda, prior to the opening of Parliament later this month – and he takes his seat on the junior MPs kindergarten benches – as Minister for Playground Affairs.

A very simple “Get an effin’ haircut and learn how to fasten a tie’ was the response – then, answering gutter press hack’s questions viz his personal ‘wish list’ – of perhaps one day sit in the House of Conmans Speaker’s Chair, or lead Labour’s mass mediocrity party, as Prime Minister – or drag Broken Britain into an illegal Mid-East military conflict, alike war criminal Tony Bliar – he replied it was a wee bit premature for setting his goals that high.

Carling confided that reflecting on his personal political success to date, he intended to focus on enlisting some of his younger school pals to run for local borough council election appointments, once they’ve sat their 11-plus exams – while he, personally, was dead set on seducing Labour’s ginger-mingin Deputy Leader, Mangela Rayner, to part her thighs and permit him an assenting up close and confidential nose-deep sniff at her panties.

There again, adolescent masturbatory fantasies besides, Sam Carling wears a rightful, and earned grin, as he has been anointed to the Labour Party, and House of Conmans, membership post, by none other than the party fuhrer, Sir Kier Stammerer himself - convinced of young Sam’s latent, political  potentials on learning that the lad is a habitual, vacillating U-turn mind-changer, just like himself.

What further endorsement might a political acolyte require for a top job appointment in Stammerer’s ‘New Britain’ Woke joke government?

Just one crucial ‘dress’ pointer for young Sam, prior to the House of Conmans resuming its business of assembly on the seventeenth of July – ask his Mum to buy him a pair of long pants to wear for the ceremonial opening of Parliament – lest he gets laughed at, by King Chazzer, and a host of like dignitaries, for wearing his school shorts.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Friday 5 July 2024

Broken Britain’s Election Aftermath

Oh no, not another New Labour government. Bollocks, is there any use demanding a full recount - to check on flying voters and ballot box Labour agents provocateur fiddling the count?

If it wasn’t for bad luck, we hapless Brits wouldn’t have any – and doubtless we’ll be up to the nuts involved, and front-line implicated, yet again – Tony Bliar style – with another US Deep State false flag-conjured pre-emptive Mid-East conflict - or the Ukraine circus - before 2024 becomes 2025 – with this globalist lackey cum dog wanker, Stammerer at the nation’s political helm.

Hand in hand with Labour’s war-monger-friendly position, is the implementation of Kier Stammerer’s reviled ‘open border’ policy, regardless of unrestricted immigration - illegal or otherwise - being unsustainable viz population expansion for a small island nation – already split into three national identities – England, Wales, and Scotland – and on a culture clash collision course to making life a misery for our ethnic Brits – the folks born n bred here – when faced with a flood of illegals composed of non-Christian, misogynist infidels and heathen scroungers, terrorists and assorted career criminal types.

As voiced earlier, voters beware, for a vote for Labour is a vote for Ed Milipede - to start churning out his ‘cunning plan’ to cover Britain’s green and pleasant land with onshore eyesore wind turbines and solar farms.

So, remember just that when you reproach yourself for not voting for Reform or the Greens – or any fucker n their dog which continues to respect our once-sceptred isle of Albion’s precious landscapes.

Yep, fuck Eyesore Ed’ Milipede – brother of the equally-obnoxious David Milipede – and progeny of that Belgian-born Polack prick – the Marxist-meddling, Zionist political plonker, Adolphe Milipede. 

To conclude the general erection bullshit, our late Tory Party PM, none other than Mr Fishy Sunak himself, is very upset that some mercenary gobshite, in a false flag bid to blacken the reputation of Nigel Farage and the Reform Party, managed to get themselves recorded by a news media outlet, calling poor old Fishy a ‘fuckin’ Paki’ – a real-deal racial insult to an East Asian, of Hindu descent – especially so in Fishy’s case, as he’s actually a ‘fuckin’ Indian’.

Never forget that your misjudged vote for Labour, and their leader, Sir Keir ‘U-Turn’, was a vote for direct, hands-on interference in our national socio-political affairs of government, our economy, our justice system – and our health - by not only Stammerer’s Freemason ‘Sisters’ – who once forced Keir’s Director of Pubic Prosecutions hand to ditch prosecuting the BBC’s DJ celeb’ sex pest n serial kiddie fiddling Masonic pederast – Jimmy Savile - but also the toxic Trilateral Commission – of which Stammerer is a paid up servile member – (read ‘stooge’) - and too of  Satan Klaus Schlob's World Economic Forum agenda for a Great Reset of global society - hence a potential traitor to our entire British culture, and way of life – when he decides to mandate a compulsory vaccination programme for Food Bank Britain’s hapless population – to inoculate against the latest H5N2 avian flu virus.

About time for Labour’s Stammerer creature to take a moment aside, look long in a mirror, and ruminate on his own inherent worthlessness – for what he is – and more to the point – what he is definitely ‘not’ – apart from being possessed by his myopic, self-righteous bombast, that serves to delight and enamour the IQ-deficient Labour camp voters - and so too the European Political Community, whose summit meeting Sir Keir is due to host here in Food Bank Britain on 18 July.

For every scam requires a rhetoric, that serves to brainwash the useless eating masses, and the eugenics agenda is simply one more on the deep state Satanist’s wish list – and hey presto - the fake Covid-1984 scamdemic – and worse still – the roll yer sleeves up vaxx – and booster shots of 2020.

No shit, Sherlock, now we have this all-new (so they claim) H5N2 strain of galloping bird flu, it might prove slightly worrying – cos they reckon humans can catch it off ‘cows’.

Yeah, no mention that you can catch it off Granny’s polly parrot, or a neighbour’s chickens – just cows.

We wonder WTF comes next viz the cross-species zoonosis contamination / infection cycle – catch it off the kid’s goldfish – or next door’s cat?

Don’t look now, and keep yer sleeves rolled down - but betcha the eugenics / genocide elitist gang have a new H5N2 vaccine all ready to go – to really do what the Covid-1984 virus vaxx failed viz a mass population / extermination of the useless eaters (that’s us, folks) cull.

So who the fuck is pushing – and funding – this global kill-off crap? In no particular order we have the ‘thick as thieves’ Club of Rome eugenicist psychos, their Trilateral Commission buddies, the Committee of 300 (even more psychos), and last but nowhere near least, the cookie Council on Foreign Relations psycho membershits.

Rumours abound that shitbag lying bitch Labour politico and hard-arsed Stonewall faggotry proponent, Harriet Harmful, retiring as an MP, is set to be appointed as the new Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission – which will definitely see her support for the trans-gender bender pervs being legally anointed to their use of opposite sex women’s private spaces – especially so ‘Ladies Toilets’ - to facilitate their bog seat sniffing masturbatory arousal perversions.

Ha, you couldn’t make this shit up, for we have the WEF’s head honcho, the not-so-smart egg-headed Satan Klaus Schlob, pushing his Malthusian green energy smart cities ‘forced acceptance collaboration’ agenda on the worker drone populations of our planet – in the copycat established fashion of the People’s Utopia of China – and regardless of such fascist socio-political actions being wholly contrary to our preferred comfort zone ‘best interests’.

Question is, would an IQ-deficient Nazi wanker like ‘You vill do as I say’ Schlob – and his elitist, useless eater global predator dumb cunt associates, even be allowed in a ‘smart city’ – cos it’s a fact that smart he is not.?

Sorry Klaus, your passport of social acceptance – and credibility - has hereby been cancelled forthwith - by the International Common Sense Club.

Hmmm, said he, scratching his head, pondering WTF was worse –  the Swedish poison dwarf Greta and her fossil fuels-linked climate change hysteria outbursts – insisting, sans research data-proven rationale - that the seas are going to boil – or the self-declared climate change ‘weather experts’ who will be proven totally wrong – yet again - viz their end of times apocalypse viz global warming predictions – just as was their coming ice age climate scrying of a mere couple of decades past.

Ah well, we suppose, and thank the fuck for the literary mediums of ‘embellishment and exaggeration’ – (aka ‘blatant lies) – sans which the news media and political broadcasts would be even more boring.

A furious row broke out on GB News over refugee charity Care4Calais’ - (run by an illegal immigrant cabal of politically motivated activists, who embrace an anarchist ideology, while masquerading as humanitarians) - ploy to hand out willy-nilly, smartphones to refugees.

The Care4Calais group have a page on their website calling on users to donate £50 quid to buy smartphones for refugees.

While one IQ-deficient, self-promoting political gobshite ‘commentator’ (sic) Benjamin Butterscotch, however, defended all illegal migrants, stating for the public record that owning a phone (to ‘phone home’) – and the ability to access the internet - is a human right. 

Butterball, wholly ignorant and blind to the fact these illegal alien scroungers are not political refugees but the economic variety, simply after a better life – sponging off Food Bank Britain’s welfare state apparatus – where some dumb fuck of a charitable Christian type will fill their outstretched, begging paws – with a freebie smart phone.

The Church of England, notorious for once burning purported heretics at the stake – (after ‘absolution’ via crucifixion went out of fashion due a shortage of big nails) - has now turned its General Synod wrath on social media, and the internet’s keyboard warriors.

The Rt Reverend Martin Sleazy, Bishop of St Sodom’s Church for Latter Day Buggery, has focused his ire of condemnation on WhatsApp and Instagram, as the websites of Satan - claiming their content is responsible for stupefying Broken Britain’s Christian population with false information.

Hmmm, now there’s an accusation that equally applies to the apocryphal content of the Bible – especially so the New Testament’s fantasy narrative – viz a Jewish carpenter’s lad being the son of God (Yahweh) - force fed on hapless Christian souls from childhood – throughout the expanse of those countless centuries marked with the Anno Domini suffix.

Using the same fucked-up algorithms as Numpty Neil Ferguson did for his grossly flawed Covid-1984 virus modelling – the climate change fantasists are today pushing their ‘managed retreat’ agenda by having insurance companies cancel and refuse coverage for coastal residential properties – in what might prove the greatest land grab since the bankster criminocrats dominating US governments tasked the US Cavalry – and a host of free-booting, mercenary carpet baggers - to ‘legally’ usurp the rightful ethnic Indian tribes from their traditional lands and into concentration camp reservations.

Yep, and so too, these very same global imperialist criminocrat scum are, to the gross disadvantage of the common herd, today pushing the climate change cum global warming ‘the sea’s gonna boil’ lie-a-thon narrative on an oh-so gullible taxpaying electorate – even as the Eskimos, and penguin colonies, collectively laugh with incredulousness at this ridiculous, money-grubbing green deal ‘master-scam’.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.