Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Skewed News Mayday Mayhem

Gee n wow n no shit, Sherlock. Fun n games up north of the border in Alba, or is it Caledonia? That strange place where grown men prance around in pretty-coloured tartan skirts, with furry things hung on the front.

Yeah, and folks scratch their heads, questioning the quantitative defects and errors that have stricken Broken Britain’s politics, which are currently manifesting into becoming more fucked up than a soup sandwich.

Bonny Nonceland’s Worst Minister, Humza Yousaf, this week pulled a strategic resignation trick from his throne in Holyrood – before the arrogant buffoon could be forcibly kicked out of Edinburgh’s Butt Hole House following a ‘no confidence’ vote.

But WTF was to be expected, with the dipshit Yousaf the victim of his own Scottish Nonce Party back-stabbing demise - a continuity candidate who failed to break away from the toxic shadow of his predecessors – then became doubly cursed by promoting divisive hate crime laws, and the loony trans-gender bender Cass Review – neither helped along with his myopic adoption of unachievable Net Zero targets.

Hmmm, obviously Humza had been neglecting his daily breakfast Weetabix.

There again, the horrid Humza’s just another failure in quite a line of political failures for the Scots, if we reflect on the legacies of the Wee Nippy Sturgeon and her predecessor – the Porky Pict – Alex Salmond.

Without a shred of a doubt, these dog wankers have, on both individual and collective scales, most certainly elevated ‘fucking up’ into a purist art form.

Now let’s take a break and play that great old game of What If? – and speculate 'what if' Katie Forbes grabs the SNP leadershop by the short n curlies?

For starters, she’s gotta be an improvement on the last triumvirate of corrupt and manipulative losers – a reflection of her austere and religious related upbringing – an outwardly honest and sincere person – one who disses the trans-women concept that they are real women – and perhaps the person to finally come down hard on the scum perv activities of Scotland’s kiddie fiddling central – Aberdeen / Granite City – infested with, and governed by, an officialdom of low life Satanist-worshipping pederasts that prey on special needs children.

Just Google 'Hollie Greig Scandal'.

Mind you, reflecting back on the horrid Humza and the SNP incompetents in Holyrood, when it comes down to political chaos and dysfunctional government, things are no better down south, in Mother England – as neither of Parliament’s Lower House of Conmans, or the Upper House of Frauds dosspit, amount to naught but ego-massaging asylums - catering to the established practice of hierarchical corruption and acts of political treachery.

More to the point, the Tory Nasty Party’s Slime Minister, Fishy Sunak, has proved to be as much use as tits on a bull, and impotency personified when it comes to solving any of our problems – especially so the illegal immigration conundrum – where we have hordes – legions in fact,  of infidel foreign types departing the safe haven refuge of France – and making landfall on our south coast beaches – hell bent on engaging in a mass asylum-seeking scrounge-a-thon mission, and thanks to not fit for purpose ECHR laws, arrogantly intent on dipping wholesale into our taxpayer piggy bank.

Wow, the stench of political corruption hit the nostrils faster than the 20mph speed limit restrictions as we drive across the windy way border into Welsh Wales – with one corporate donor – the Cardiff-based Dauson Environmental Group – doling out a nice, round-robin £200,000 nicker to the now-Worst Minister Vaughn Gething’s ‘Welsh Labour’ party leadershit campaign –– and by return, under the charitable Gething’s aegis, being granted an interest-free loan of £400,000 quid.

For the pubic record, Dauson ‘Environmental’ (sic) Group is owned and operated by a certain David ‘Fly-Tipper’ Neal, who was given a suspended prison sentence of three months in 2013 for illegally dumping waste – and four years on copped a further suspended sentence of 18 weeks for not removing the very same heaps of fly-tipped crap.

Ergo, if these wankers are so cash flow positive, to the extent they can donate £200 grand, then why the fuck do they need a £400 grand loan off the Welsh government? Perhaps to clean up their accumulated mountains of fly-tipped shite?

Regardless of Welsh Labour’s Chief Whip, Jabba the Hutt, insisting ‘nothing to see here, move along now’ - if one was of a suspicious mind, it might be speculated, not only on issues of transparency and proprietary – and specifically Gething’s lack of sound judgement – and, so too, on moral grounds, that Dauson / Neal made a prudent investment of £200,000 nicker, and copped a 100% return on the investment – and what appears to be a long-term Get Outa Jail Free exemption for still failing to clear their illegally-dumped debris / junk / rubbish.

Now that has simply gotta be a first. AstraZeneca have this week finally held their proverbial hands up and admitted to what the hapless public demographic have known since Day One of the Covid-1984 scamdemic – that their life-saving (sic) Covishield vaccine, quote: ‘causes a rare side effect’ – specifically ‘death’.

To wit, just forget the Covid-1984 mRNA jab micro-chip hysteria – for the devil is in the mix, all right – and is the cause of all manner of adverse medical effects – doubtless due to being formulated from a noxious blend of crap, containing the nasty likes of graphene oxide and self-assembling hydrogels - (aka lipid nano-particles) – which act as nano-receivers – all embedded with a functioning MAC target address.

Yep, the Covid vaxx shot is packed with even more toxic spike protein nasties that form the fibrous Calamari blood clots – (notorious for blocking human veins and arteries - like turd-bergs in a London sewer) – and electro-magnetic materials that dutifully respond to coded radio ‘signal’ frequencies – turning us into nano-tech cyborgs.

All part n parcel of the forthcoming control freak ‘human hack’ – and global depopulation agenda.

Ha, lol’s – the gospel according to this week's edition of the gutter press Montecito Shitraker News, Prince Harry, and spouse Princess Meghan, have garnered a certain notoriety for being equally difficult to work with.

Probably due the fact both these IQ-deficient dingbats are egocentric knobheads, who know everything better that any other fucker – or so they think.

Yeah, entertainment beyond borders, as we sit back and watch the silly Sussex clowns, Harry – and specifically Her Regal Highness, the Princess Meghan – a class act, shit-for-brains narcissist - flail around from one failed project to the next.

But wait – cos no shit, Shylock, we now hear on the jungle telegraph, that Harry Hewitt’s ghost-written autobiography – ‘Spare Prick at a Coronation’ - has been nominated – not once, but twice - for the British Book Awards.

Really, so who the fuck gets to collect any ‘work of fiction’ / ‘C for Effort’ award – if it wins one - the ginger-mingin Harry - or Casper, the Ghost Writer?

Also up on the Rumour Mill screen is news Harry’s heading to London next week, for an Invictus Games 10th anniversary event – and pre-informed ‘there’s no room for you’ at any of the Royal’s palaces or Windsor Castle - or their old haunt of Freddy Frog Cottage.

Hence the ginger-mingin back-stabber will be shacking up at some Air BnB – or dossing down in a convenient Soho doorway, well liquored, after he stumbles out of whatever den of iniquity in the night’s pre-dawn hours.  

The gospel according to the Tory Nasty Party’s Defence Procurement Minister, James Cartlidge, keeping the Ukraine’s military supplied with ammo has knocked a big hole in Broken Britain’s arsenal reserves – to the point of having none left.

Yep, and none actually means ‘none’ – not even a few rounds of 5.56 x 45mm centre fire for the Army to stage their local weekly L85A2 rifle target practice session at Bisley, shooting Farmer McDuff’s cows in an adjacent field – and that is the core reason the government are set to increase defence spending (taxpayer funds) by the power of 10 – to keep Zelensky’s army locked n loaded – and ready to shoot more Russians.

Ouch! Now that has simply gotta be a wake-up call that some fucker in government is lacking in prudence and effective management, when Broken Britain’s military turn around and whinge they haven’t got any ammo left, as the Worstminster bureaucraps shipped it all off to Zelenski’s 21st Losers Battalion, of the Ukraine’s Defence Force.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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