Monday, 6 May 2024

Bright Blue Hosts Palestinian Hate Blogger

A UK-based ultra-Zionist – and hard core rabid cheer-leader for the Israeli Defence Force military’s human rights abuses - the publicity-addicted, Israeli apologist, Isabella Wallersteiner, has taken to contaminating X – (formerly Twatter) - and mesmerising a boasted 73,000 equally brain dead online followers with her blatant Jewish heritage-rooted racial-discriminatory hate-bait dribble.

Yep, the bottle blonde Bella is high in oath, and at full gallop, when savaging all and sundry who disagree with her unqualified, arrogant opinions – specifically those infidel Gentile-types who fail to kneel before the Chosen People’s altar of Zionism - and kiss the rogue Jewish state’s ‘Promised Land’-stealing ass – or dare (Jehovah forbid) pass critical comment of PM Bobo Nuttyahoo and the incumbent Likit Party’s blessing of the IDF’s barbaric ‘Amalek’ style holy war of annihilation against the Muslim Palestinian population of the ever-diminishing Gaza Strip littoral enclave – besieged behind Israeli’s 30 foot high Great Apartheid Wall.

To wit, bonkers Bella, a suitable case for treatment, gives an all-round thumbs up to the rogue Zionist state’s psychotic PM Nuttyahoo, as he ordered the devastation of Gaza - quoting the Hebrew Tanakh: “Go now, and smite the Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”

Ergo, in modern day English – go kill every fucking thing that moves.

And that is, with prudence aforethought, to sidestep mention of the equally-maligned and human rights abused Palestinian population of the IDF-occupied West Bank territory – physically segregated from their Gaza-situated relatives.

Albeit, for Wallersteiner’s 24/7 ‘Zionism Rules’ promotion work on X – and further abusive misuse of the pages of the Shite Blue liberal-conservative ‘stink tank’ website – (and elsewhere that will, sans social conscience, entertain and publish her racially-extreme bigotry and hate speech) - she unashamedly waves the ubiquitous Jewish victim card, and hails Israel as the only Mid-East state as ‘dyke-tolerant’ - where she can legally engage in a lesbian relationship.

Hmmm, and that closing sentence tends to provide a stellar insight to, and assessment of, the IQ-deficient bottle blonde’s moral disposition.

So, who the fuck is this noxious and opinionated Wallersteiner character? The gospel according to her online bio’ – she’s an ‘associate researcher’ no less - (keeps the photocopier paper topped up) - at Burson Cohn & Wolfe Global – (aka BCW - a multinational pubic relations company – and subsidiary of the WPP Group – who, are too, a sub’ holding of SYZYGY AG) – and has, due the toxic venom she spits at the hapless Muslim Palestinian population of ersatz Israel - (formerly, until 1948, the sovereign state of Palestine) – subsequently earned herself the well-deserved – and fittingly appropriate - nom de guerre nickname of ‘Genocide Barbie’.

In a world where Kismet has a timely habit of eventually kicking the supremely pretentious squarely in the ass, and impaling them on their own boasts, one factor is pre-ordained; and for sure - history shall not remember this nasty, bigoted bitch kindly - nor those, such as Shite Blue and X, who freely entertain and host her noxious, racist views and pro-Zionist / anti-Palestinian hate speech  diatribes sans caution nor censorship.

Big 'awww' for Genocide Barbie - so deep down the rabbit hole of radicalised extremism she absolves Israel from all responsibility viz the wholesale slaughter of Muslim Palestinian children – claiming it is the fault of Hamas – and is thus a most suitable candidate for the UK’s extremist / terrorist de-radicalise Prevent Programme.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations’ and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour - and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, spike proteins, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.


Sarah said...

Oh, Bella, you and your big mouth - what a dizzy clown. But things always manifest as a problem when your arrogance surpasses that stifled intellect.

guido fawkes said...

What a class act gobshite you are Bella, and bringing further disrepute to the already-malignant Zionist state.

wiggins said...

"God's chosen" ass. I'm sure I read in the Bible, he disowned the wretched people...

Rusty said...

Too true Wiggins - He eventually did, due their duplicity and worshipping false gods - even after bestowing them with a Land of Milk & Honey.
BTW - the Chosen People appellation was a piece of latter-day Zionist propaganda to sort-of 'legalise / justify' their incessant land stealing antics.