Friday, 3 May 2024

Hotel Rwanda Flights + £3,000 Spends

Well, there we go, Food Bank Britain’s illegal immigrant deportation / human rights n wrongs conundrum finally solved – following a cluster of complicated legal-political, sneaky legerdemain moves – and what an embarrassment to boot.

To wit, through a route of sleight of hand chicanery, our government has succeeded in ‘coaxing’ (more at ‘bribing’) their first illegal immigrant – (and only passenger) - to get on their inaugural deportation flight to Rwanda – quite possibly tempted to go voluntarily due the £3,000 quid cash-in-hand ‘pocker money’ payment from our inept Tory Nasty Party government – with Fishy Sunak playing Fairy Godmother by doling out monies on behalf of an uninformed - and doubtless reluctant - British taxpayer.

How f*cking much - £3,000 nicker – plus a free - (and most definitely required) - Kinyarwanda phrase book? Okay, sign me up – I’m on the next Rwanda flight too. Kigali here we come.

Okay, joke over – back to common sense reality. This will prove to be an absurd and expensive gimmick – and the most ridiculous idea the Tory Party have conjured up in a long line of ridiculous ideas.

At £3 grand per deported immigrant, and their numbers are now legion - surely it is time to get serious, instead of fucking the cat, as per the current situation – for there has to be a cheaper alternative – just say bollocks to EU human rights legislation, and  direct the Borders Agency patrol boats to turn these fuckers around mid-Channel – (as opposed to taking them on board) – with a bows-on nudge to their overloaded rubber boats - and point them back to safe haven France – from whence they came.

Better still, stop the fuckers on the beaches of la belle Française, before they can launch and board their rubber inflatables.

There again, that’s problematic, cos the Frogs ain’t gonna cooperate as they’re just glad to be shut of the scrounging illegal immigrant problem.

Yee-Ha! What a ferkin embarrassment for the good ole US of A and NATO combined – this stellar ‘battle front trophy’ exhibition of their collective military hardware supplied, free of charge – (read ‘taxpayer cost’) - to the Ukraine – to bait Bad Vlad Putrid and fuel this insane proxy war with Russia – with all of the heavy duty armoured variety equipment shot to shit and back – and now on public show in Moscow’s Victory Park – with a pretty coloured national flag identity sticker on each trophy piece – designating the country of origin and to boost the embarrassment factor.

Germany’s Leopard 2 tanks; Broken Britain’s Huskie APC’s and Challenger 2 battle tanks; French TRF1 Howitzers, Crotale NG missiles and CM200 Radar systems; and from the good ole US of A-M1 Abrams tanks by the dozen; Starstreak missile launchers; Patriot missile launchers; M777 / 155mm Howitzers; MGM-140 ATACMS missiles, and M142 HIMARS rocket launchers galore - along with the shattered remains of dozens of DJI Mavic-3 drones – and the burned out, crumpled wreckage of a US Navy F16 Falcon fighter jet.

Meanwhile, over the Pennine’s Peak District tops, in hilly Derbyshire’s ordinarily serene Whaley Bridge area, Farmer Giles has been arrested on the twin charges of suspicion of murder ‘and’ attempted murder - for an act of self-preservation – and protecting his hearth and home – from the criminal intentions of a motley crew of would-be thieving teenage scallies, attempting to burgle his property during the hours of darkness – and who collectively ended up on the receiving end of a 12 gauge live fire ‘Shoot-a-Scrote’ exercise.

As the old adage states: an Englishman’s home – end terrace, semi-detached, bungalow, first floor flat, or farm house – is his castle – and the owner / occupant should be granted the legal right to defend such against all manner of intruders – especially so mob-handed thugsters, hell bent on committing criminal acts of aggravated burglary.

Nathan McScrote, a research associate in philosophy, and author of the ever-popular bedtime reading tome, Reptiles with a Conscience - who was, until most recently, gainfully occupied in an honorary post at Cambridge’s Emmanuel College, has sparked a veritable ‘abhorrent race row’ shit storm backlash, and become embroiled in a heated public debate viz the subject of ‘race realism’ - due his studied, and rational, dismissal of racial equality, credibly linking racial origin to academic ability – which has resulted in howls for ‘his’ dismissal.

McScrote came under fire following the publication of a blog which claimed the number of black professors at Harvard would 'approach zero' in a true meritocracy; and, quote: that 'blacks would disappear from almost all high-profile positions - outside of sports and entertainment’ – then further dismissed the concept of equality between people of different ethnicities as a 'thesis based on lies'.

Well, the Woke joke gang were doubtless to be high in objection, but the racial equality debate, forever controversial and rigorous in nature, has no foundation in reality; and in a society whose parameters of academia are structured around meritocracy, then the white Caucasian tribes surpass all others in attainment.

Ergo, and thus, so too, goes the argument viz the rejection of the Woke cult’s diversity, equality and inclusion policies.

Okay folks, just when you decided this world could not get any more fucked up than it already is, Italy’s National Board for Animal Protection has decided to finally ban the controversial ‘puppy yoga’ classes - on animal welfare grounds.

Perhaps following the example of the UK's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), their Italian counterparts are urging people to consider alternative activities to having their puppies practice yoga – such as taking them for a run in the park, and playing ‘Fetch!’

The NBAP’s Giuseppe D’Angelo opined to one gutter press hack from the Eyeball Twister magazine "This type of activity is detrimental to a puppy dog's well-being and only brings financial advantages to those rip-off scammers who run these insane classes."

While the shifty organisers claim the puppies enjoy the ancient Indian art, of sitting cross-legged, with their eyes closed, and repeatedly chanting (actually barking) ‘Ohm’ – to enhance their parasympathetic nervous system activity, and promote relaxation and calmness – critics state there is nothing in this practice that might be considered beneficial to the animals.

Believe it or not, while puppy yoga classes are all the rage across Europe and the good ole U.S. of A – a whole gamut of other variations include kitten yoga, rabbit yoga, and even goat yoga.

Allergy warning: for Woke cult readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth – a socio-political factor which exists, regardless of Overton Window constraints.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations, and heretical, seditious commentary with schismatic and unbridled conjecture - plus measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - into socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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