Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Labour’s Stammerer Converts to Islam

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Sleazy Control Freak Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: ‘Politicised Islam' – a timely scandalous exposé of 'Religious Hypocrisy Rules' from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist-atheist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial – and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian scumsters, cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed, – who, imprudently attempt to manipulate religion and politics – and a brain-dead, gullible citizenry - for their own corrupt ends.

No shit, Sherlock, this Britain-based contentious ‘enemy-within’ Muslim Vote group that has imprudently chosen, sans a thought viz critical reaction - to issue, in a most insulting and cavalier fashion, the Labour Party leadershit – specifically the exalted personage of Sir Keir Stammerer himself – with a list of 18 Islamic ideology-related demands.

Que? Why the fuck, you might well inquire, would they attempt to coerce a careful Christian soul like Labour’s Sir Keir with their foreign Muslim religious-orientated political demands?

Why, indeed?

To entice - (perhaps more at ‘coerce’) - him to win their Muslim community backing and votes in the rumoured forthcoming 2024 Parliamentary elections – a mission of persuasion that carries a pervasive stench of not only ‘political’ but also ‘criminal’ corruption – and strains of the religion-rooted animosities that have been sparking faith-related conflicts – pagan vs pagan - since time immemorial – and in recent history, from the fundamentalist Christian Crusades, to the Gordon Riots of 1780 – up to this present day’s Fenian Catholic versus Proddies spiritual belief animosities on our own civilised (sic) doorstep – and Muslim vs Zionist Jew in what was, until 1948, Palestine – now rebranded as Israel.

Ergo, viz the majority vs minority numbers of religious statistics in Broken Britain, the current Anglo-Saxon ethnic Christianity worship headcount stands at 60% - as opposed to a 4% following of Islam by immigrant Muslim adherents.

Thus we draw umbrage at the unqualified arrogance of these conceited fanatics – set to steer British public, and political, opinion to conform with their demands to force British government policy changes concerning the actions of conflicting foreign national entities – specifically Israel and Gaza – whose only connection to the latter is one of the Islamic faith.

Reflecting on the historic record of the opposing Protestant / Catholic Christian / Judaic / Islamic schismatic religious wars that have plagued the Mid-East and Europe - from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, through the Middle Ages, and to the present day – with Henry VIII giving Pope Clement VII and his Roman Catholic Vatican cohorts the middle finger in 1534 – in a fit of lascivious, matrimonial pique.

Since that occasion our sceptred isle of Albion, from harsh experience, has been, to a greater extent, unofficially tolerant of infidel religions that conflict with our established national / state faith of Protestant Christianity.

However, it appears, to all intents and purposes, that while we permit these followers of a conflicting religious deity - wholly opposed to our Christian faith and moral culture - an inch of ground, they next demand the whole nine yards – to influence our government’s international / foreign political policy.

The Muslim Vote group (Que? WTF is this Muslim Vote?) have, in their supreme and unqualified arrogance, warned that, without these changes to conform with their demands regarding British government policy viz Israel and the Palestinian coastal enclave of Gaza - the group's supporters – (now an estimated 4 million Muslim voter age headcount residents in Britain) - would vote instead for the Green Party or the Librarian Dummercraps, or the semi-denominational Pancake Tuesday Adventist Party – or even the independent Count Binny McBinface Refuse Container Party.

This Muslim Vote grassroots campaign gang has handed their itemised list of 18 demands – no less – to the Labour Party’s capricious, and inconsistent leader, Sir Keir ‘Flip-Flop’ Stammerer - to force his hand and win back lost votes due his pro-Zionist Israel cheer leader stance concerning the human rights abuses visited on the Muslim Palestinian population of the besieged Gaza Strip littoral enclave..

Not only, but also, included in this listing of 18 demands – (somewhat reminiscent of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses of 1517) – is the want of an apology from Sir Keir for failing to prosecute his fellow Freemason - the BBC’s celebrity kiddie fiddling DJ, Jimmy Savile - while in his previous post of Director of Pubic Prosecutions – and also an act of self-flagellating penance for his pro-Zionist stance on the Israel-Hamas military conflict.

In addition, Item 5 demands the British government - (if Labour win control of Parliament) - sever military links – both MI6 intelligence sharing and arms supplies - with Israel – and, last but by no means least, (item 6) permit the junior demographic worshippers of Islam to roll out their Axminster prayer mats in the classrooms of British schools and pray to their singular - yet purportedly ‘brimstone & fire’ omnipotent deity - x-times per day.

The Muslim Vote group, which describes itself as both a ‘broad community campaign’ and ‘loose cannon collective’, is also demanding that Labour / Stammerer returns to source all Zionist donation monies made to the Labour party coffers - and retracts the Tory Nasty Party government's recently-revised legal definition of ‘extremism’ – which gives a blanket coverage of the nefarious activities of militant Islam -  and further enforce a British destination travel ban on Israeli politicians who support the Zionist state’s military actions against hapless Muslim terrorist types ensconced in the Gaza Strip enclave.

To add to this delusional 18 points idiocy these Muslim political bullies have warned that, without their demands being met and the changes implemented, the group's supporters would vote for the Green Party, as opposed to Labour.

Well, on a sensible logic aside, that might not be a bad thing either. For if these Muslim immigrant voters join with the Green Party’s Christian advocates and supporters – and the Greenies gain control of Downing Street, plus dominance of the House of Conmans – their proposed socio-political policies might equate with more trees getting planted, an explosion of national green recreation spaces – and the installation of special road crossings for our hedgehogs.

Okay, now back to ground zero, and hard fact Reality.

The Muslim Vote cabal’s wet dream list of 18 demands was reissued after a number of Labour and Tory councillors were ousted at last week's local elections by a series of council candidates in Muslin ghetto areas who campaigned on the issue of Gaza - a Muslim-governed geo-political location NOT a part of Food Bank Britain, but rather what might be referred to as being – er – ‘a long way away’ - in the Middle East.

As to the fore-mentioned Muslim Vote’s castigation of Michael Gove’s ‘Levelling Up’ department’s revised definition of extremism – and counter-extremism strategy - this applies directly to groups that promote an ideology based on ‘violence, hatred or intolerance’ – all three factors that are blatantly present in the key elements of Islamic ideology.

To wit, the Muslim adherents of this ideology label the worshippers of far older faiths than the 7th Century Islam to be non-believers and infidels – upon whom they have repeatedly launched violent holy war Jihads - as so well evidenced by the repeated Christian Crusades to free the Holy Land (sic) and city of Jerusalem, and allow Christian disciples and votaries to visit and pray there in peace and safety from persecution by the shifty Saracen overlords of the time.

The campaign group states it will be focusing on influencing House of Conmans political seats where the Muslim vote can impact the outcome - with one spokesperson for the Labour Muslim Network, Ali Bin Bagg, stating for the public record that the party's position on Gaza ‘is going to have a serious electoral consequence for some fucker and their dog’.

Mr Bin Bagg added: ‘If I was a Labour MP in the Muslim majority ghettoes of Bradford, Birmingham, or Leicester, or parts of London or Manchester, I would be seriously concerned, and start kissing some Muslim political opinion influencer’s spotty ass.’

Contrarily, the Labour campaign coordinator, Pat McFuckwit, claims the party is working to secure a better future for the Palestinian people – with two major issues now guiding their policy.

The first being Zionist Israel’s right to defend itself against Palestinian Hamas terrorist aggressions - and second is helping the Palestinian people of Gaza by supplying medical supplies and body bags following Israel military reprisal attacks.

Speaking in Brummystan’s urban Muslim ghetto last Saturday night, Stammerer switched to populism mode, appealing directly to those who had abandoned his party over Labour’s ambiguous stance on Gaza, with the plea: ‘I have heard you. I have listened. From here on, we don’t care how many synagogues you spray with anti-Zionist graffiti - please vote Labour’.

Hmmm, just what Broken Britain doesn’t need – a most foreign Muslim-ideology dominated New Labour Party political apparatus governing (sic) our once-sceptred Arthurian – and true Christian - isle of Albion.

Stop press: Tory MP defectors to Labour, Christian Wakeup and Dan Poultry, recently had their treacherous numbers boosted by Dover MP, Twatalie Elphicke – amid unconfirmed rumours that PM Fishy Sunak will be next to join their turncoat ranks.

Allergy warning: for Woke cult readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth – a socio-political factor which exists, regardless of Overton Window constraints.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

1 comment:

guido fawkes said...

First class - brilliant piece of ass-kicking satire - which both parties - Labour's Starmer and this Muslim Vote gang, so richly deserve.