Friday 19 April 2024

Climate Apocalypse by Christmas?

What duff science bollocks these Just Stop Traffic ‘doomsayer’ dog wanker, eco-warriors – terminally infected with the latter day Woke mind virus - quote viz their purported environmentally-progressive ‘Save the Planet’ campaign - and the more at scent than substance claims of mass climate breakdown caused by some hapless family guy – or gal – possessed of zero sense of social responsibility - switching on their gas central heating to keep the house from morphing into an ‘ice cave’ – plus using their CO2-belching car for the school run, then driving to and from work.

To add to the blatant lack of contrary hard evidence they ignore while spouting utter global warming / negative climate change nonsense, these self-righteous tossers – both the Just Stop Traffic and their Extinction Rebellion cohorts - are loud in the ‘We are Right and You are Wrong’ declamation message they peddle – a factor endorsed and exacerbated by Food Bank Britain’s ‘in-opposition’ New Labour cabal.

Under the leadershit of ‘call me Sir Keir’ - and in an effort to win votes - plus a modicum of popularity – Stammerer has taken to playing socio-political parkour – while brandishing his courtroom skills to parry and dodge answering the questions asked – or telling the Truth – he has now publicly agreed with, and supports, their campaign - further pledging Labour is committed to no new oil and gas extraction licences being issued for onshore or offshore exploration or extraction around the British Isles – when (more at ‘if’) his party win the next general election.

Ergo, so WTF actually is the Just Stop Everything gang’s ‘religious fervour’-driven message of ‘if we don’t act now we won’t see another Christmas?’

Anthropogenic activity’s negative effect on the environment is the direct – and singular - cause of global warming and climate change – (go tell that to the Eskimos and penguins) - causing crops to literally rot away in the ground – which morphs into a situation where parents are unable to feed their children – (or, one logically supposes, even themselves).

So too say the collectively delusional Greenie cult: “We’re facing 40C degrees of heat and no food on the Greedy Grocer supermarket shelves, and have to get serious about a return to the Dark Ages - by turning civilisation’s clock back a couple of millennia.”

Well, 40C in northern Europe might be a wee bit too warm for turnips n swedes n rhubarb – so how about we adjust our agricultural mindset, and plant tropical crops?

Hmmm, ‘no answer’ was the reply to that one.

Fer fuck’s sake – it’s 40C-plus each day around the equatorial belt and every sod n their dog (and cat) manage to feed themselves – plus export mega-tons of rice and delicious fruits and veggies to their North-bound Western customers.

There again, these shit-fer-brains eco-activists have a zero comprehension hard-on against CO2 – the gas of Life for flora – without which plants and trees – all greenery - withers and dies.

Ergo the afore-mentioned paragraph’s point on adjusting agricultural methodology is rather mute, as sans CO2, the papayas and melons and mangoes – and rice – will be going the same way as the swedes and turnips.

Sorry, boys n girls – time to get back to common sense and logic, for planetary scale global warming and negative effect climate change has sweet fuck all to do with human activity or industrial pollution and all to do with the cyclic moods and vagaries of our Solar Mistress – aka the Sun - that great fiery ball we orbit once every 365:25 days.

Okay, what these clowns want – not just for their pretty perfect selves, but to force upon the rest of a reluctant – and critical thinking – humanity is a latter day meteorological Inquisition, demanding that we ditch, in the main, coal, gas and oil (and their manyfold industrial, household and medical derivatives) and rely on wind turbine and solar panel farm generated electricity to replace these duly-denounced and condemned pariah fuels.

Right on, so let us hope the sun shines and the wind blows - or else the lights go out, the computers shut down – along with the televisions, the dialysis machines ‘grind’ to a stop – and that is just the sore thumb, ‘in-yer-face’ obvious crap.

Sans the ‘from coal’ coke derivative fuel source for blast furnaces, steel production is a thing of the past – hence no more wind turbine blades or masts - and also goes the required furnace heat source to treat silica sands and form solar panel glass – hence no more solar panel farms.

Really, did any of these Just Stop Traffic and Extinction Rebellion onanists do their science records homework, and think this one through?

Obviously not, for mankind’s science doesn’t quite advance at a rate that we can simply dump – make redundant – power source fuels – specifically oil, gas and coal – and replace it with technologically-novel and still-in-development solar and wind sources that are unreliable, and of a far less generational potential than these traditional ‘tried n tested’ – and now reviled – carbon-base origin supplies.

More so, with our current level of technology – and the pathetic state of public finances – depleted to poverty level on military aid to the Ukraine, and caring for scrounging illegal migrant types; any chance of achieving this net zero target by 2030 – or 2050 – and even 20-anytime – is more at scent than substance – and any memory of these eco-warriors  shall go the way of our old pal, the Dodo – and in their case, being of tinpot inconsequence, forgotten – apart from, perhaps, their ridiculous M25 road block antics – which we must duly confess to deriving great entertainment – albeit having seen better organised riots.

Why the fuck are they not pushing for reliable – and zero carbon clean - (apart from the occasionally Chernobyl or Fuckupshima style disasters) - nuclear power plants – the atomic fuel source that just keeps on giving.

The gospel according to weather ‘scientists’ (sic) with their own agendas - a deadly 48C degree heatwave across West Africa and the Sahel was not down to an El NiƱo effect - and impossible without human-induced climate change – as developed nations burning fossil fuels were responsible for raising temperatures up to 1.4C higher than normal.

(Que? Normal – who in the eco-activist camp decides WTF is ‘normal’?)

Ergo, sans this 1.4C degrees rise purportedly caused by human / industrial activities, then a regular, ambient temperature of 46.6C is okay and quite liveable, and no fucker is going to sweat their bollocks off and dehydrate to a parchment condition – and crumble to dust - before lunch?

To wit, and to close, we are hence expected to swallow this fictional ‘official science assessment’ that two car families in Europe and the good old US of A, indiscriminately driving their kids to and from school, and themselves to the office on a daily basis are the cause of what these twats term climate change.

But nary a mention that this atmospheric pollution factor may just be contributed to, and compounded to the power of 10 due the industrial scale burning of coal in faraway Russia, China and India and NorKor – and are jointly the sole cause of the 1.4C degree rise in temperature in North West Africa?

Further, the eco-bullies seem to overlook the climate change effect related to the deforestation factor in South America’s Amazonia Basin - and wholly ignore the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan’s deforestation caused by mass ‘kaingan’ hack and burn farming / plantation practices that is a regular source of smoke pollution across the South China Sea and Malacca Straits – with the population of Singapore reduced to choke mode, wearing smog masks, and driving along the Pan Island Expressway with fog lights on - at mid-day.

There again, does the good ole United Nations do anything to resolve and correct this deforestation / smoke pollution abuse. Do they fuck as like.

All a matter of CCL / Nimby-ism – aka Couldn’t Care Less / Not in My Back Yard.

Allergy warning: for Woke cult readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth – a socio-political factor which exists, regardless of Overton Window constraints.

his article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations, and heretical, seditious commentary with schismatic and unbridled conjecture - plus measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - into socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

1 comment:

Banksy said...

Love the re-name for the M25 human bollards - Just Stop Traffic.
These eco-activist do-gooders have definitely lost the plot with regard to cause and effect of this politically-driven climate change myth.