today's 'Let's Kick Some Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our
readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Political Sleaze' – a timely
scandalous exposé of 'cross party political hypocrisy' from Anarchy Central’s
24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil'
dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire
and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian
non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical,
pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg
recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or
empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo'
elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death
cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of
entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into
believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.
What a start to the day. Now we have anti-Freedom of Speech legislation –
(Higher Education / Freedom of Speech Act 2023) – being kicked around and reviewed
by the House of Conmans primates, and their equally knuckle-dragging , moronic
Upper House of Frauds titled-reptilian associates.
More Labour Party Corruption: Labour
MP for Croydon North, Steve Reed, received a palm-greasing £1,786 worth of soccer
match tickets from Hutchison 3G UK Limited - whose parent company is connected
to Northumbrian Water.
acceptance of the football tickets occurred three months after he was appointed
shadow environment secretary.
Water, linked to the company that provided the tickets, was recently fined
£17million quid by Ofwat for discharging sewage (untreated shite) into
waterways for 280,000 hours during 2022 - (what horologists might refer to as a
‘very long time’).
we go again – smell the stench of political corruption - with Labour engulfed
in yet another scandalous cronyism row after Wes Streeting's fudging partner –
and true love fiancé, Joe Dancey, was handed a major party role - (and
doubtless the £££ salary remuneration package to go with it ) – and most
conspicuously after losing his election bid a few months back - is going to be
Labour's new executive director of policy and communications.
the new green deal / net zero acolytes – still pushing wind turbines and solar
panels for our land of fog – where the sun rarely shines, and never upon
demand, and these clowns propose to run a modern economy on intermittent
boy, God’s Chosen People (why?) up to their genocidal war crimes tricks again,
now in the process of demolishing half of the Gaza Strip – that’s the half not
quite already
demolished by their previous – and continuing – arbitrary bombing campaigns.
the trans-gender-bender cult’s disturbing agenda - to pillory any and all who
dare speak the blatant and scientific truth – that biological sex is immutable
– and they are collectively a gaggle of mentally-deluded fantasists who claim to
be a girlie if they wear a dress – or alternately, a laddie, if they wear
trousers and sport a stick-on moustache.
fuck’s sake, ‘Call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer and his loopy-left Labour party
circus are making a total bollocks of attempting to manage Food Bank Britian
(formerly Broken
Britain) and now they’re nuts deep implicated with a Trump election campaign
complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission regarding a case of
‘blatant interference by a foreign power’ in the good ole US of A’s
presidential election
– and not only supporting, but publicly promoting, the candidacy of the dumb
fuck Kamala ‘Bimbo’ Harris.
again, Harris or Trump – what a fucking choice – is that the best America can
do? Not a matter of one being better than the other, more at one being worse.
Thought Police are out and about – collaring any and all who present a danger
to polite society – and dare breach that unwritten rule – the taboo – of
voicing the audacity
to question our Labour government’s motives – or, Heavens forbid – point the
fickle finger of Fate at them, exposing their corrupt – and treasonous – dirty dealings.
my, what clots – the Zionist crowd are slapping backs and cheering at the fact
they’ve snuffed Hamas number one – and now some stand-by unknown will take his
place – adopting a modus operandi that the manky Mossad have zero experience of
– whereas the former’s way of doing ‘stuff’ was known – so you leave him to get
on with it – and pre-guess the game. But that’s the Zionist Hymie land grabber
crew – all gob and little time for forethought – or reflection.
love Labour, and Sir Keir Stammerer and Lady Mangela Rayner have our votes for
their early prison release legislation. I just got sentenced to five years for
burglary last week, and today I'm free as HMP Amnesty was overcrowded with convicted
civil rights demonstrators.
the footsteps of Napoleon, Bonkers Britain to pay Saint Helena £6.5 million
quid to take in exiled Chagos Island migrants – as the US military want their
island as a military
base. God bless America. Nice people, we don’t think.
WTF? Slavery reparations translate as any old excuse to go on the perennial, hands-out
‘gimme’ cadge – and are utterly shameless. The fact the incompetent governments
of Third World dumps are struggling economically has sweet fuck all to do with
slavery - which ceased 200 years ago – (with an economic infrastructure in
place) - and even less with some future fantasy predicted climate catastrophe.
now, just for the community hypochondriacs, 20 signs that your liver is not
1 – you turn a dull, jaundiced shade of yellow.
2 – you are dead.
3 to 20 – reasons for mention now redundant.
the current ‘governing’ (sic) Labour gang, under the leadershit of ‘Call me
Sir’ Keir Stammerer, and his ginger-mingin broomstick merchant deputy, Mangela
Rayner, have succumbed to silly season anti-logic, and are all out with their
support – and promotion of – this gender bender conversion therapy for the
fucked in the head sector of our society that believes they were born in the
wrong body – male/female vs female/male.
common sense must take prescience in this debate – for if born with a willy,
you are a male of the species – and if born with a snatch, you are a female. No
if’s or but’s – that is how Nature and science are.
yes, our medical tech , and a deft surgeon, plus lots of gender bender drugs,
can do the ‘transition’ bit, and change the physical appearance, but that is
all – change the appearance – for a woman with a skin grafted dick is not a man
– nor is a bloke with a pussy a real female.
– whichever you refer to, are all human constructs – and invariably control
system orientated - the good ole ‘Thou Shalt’ and, of course, ‘Thou Shalt Not’ obedience
– and WTF next, we ask? The world is falling apart and all the shit-fer-brains
MSM can ask is - what impact could Taylor Swift really have on this year’s US election
if Lil’ Miss Cutie Pants launched a presidential bid, she’d doubtless win –
being 100% more popular than the clowns currently standing - Donald Dumbo and
Kamala Dumbo – and probably just as half-arsed smart to boot.
Labour government is launching a ‘Back to Work for Lazy-Arsed Fat Gits’ campaign
– an ill-thought scheme of injecting
the unemployed and overweight with some experimental crap wonder diet juice
conjured up by Big Pharma profiteers Lilly and Novo Nordisk - to run for a
five-year trial period - on 3000 obese (read ‘fat fuckers’) hapless guinea pigs
in the Manchester area.
The ginger-mingin Prince
Harry Hewitt can't get royalty level motorcade protection anymore - thanks to
the wart-faced Yvette Cooper blocking the privilege - but Taylor Swift can - in
exchange for a couple of executive box tickets to her concert.
Mummy! The nasty Plod Squad thugs have just arrested Daddy on thought crime
charges. Yeah,
free-thinkers beware - first they clamped down on freedom of travel, then came
the jackboot effect on free speech – and now, under this ever-evolving fascist
dystopia, our control freak government inquisition is prosecuting ‘free
WTF next? XL Bully cats indeed – looks like a fully pickled and wrinkled hairless
monstrosity – straight out of Gremlins. Don’t believe? Just Google it.
to do with 'anti-Semitism' - but a yet another typical stock n trade racial / sectarian
protest viz the Zionist Ashkenazi Jews of Convenience now governing 'Israel'
- who stole the sovereign state of Palestine - (with the blessings of the good
ole US of A, and a neophyte United Nations) - from the rightful Muslim owners
back in 1948 - whose hapless populations are now confined to suffer human
rights and war crime privations in the ever-diminishing West Bank and Gaza
strip concentration camps.
Ref’ the dreaded Covid-1984 latest – and greatest –
all-new XE variant – which carries the usual symptoms, including a high
temperature, headaches, sore throat, continuous cough, loss of sense of taste
or smell, shortness of breath, diarrhoea and vomiting, body aches (from all the
shitting and spewing), extreme fatigue – and – er – eventually death.
Go see your GP and get the latest shot – preferably
followed by a couple of boosters – which will really fuck you up into a state
of paraplegic disability – plus fry your brain to the IQ of a guinea pig.
warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) –
there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the
'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.
This article was composed in
a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane
unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with
measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a
dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight
exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation,
and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph