Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Opportunist Migrants Flood Market Town

North-West England’s dreary chartered borough of Altrincham - hosting twice-weekly markets since 1290 -  has for recent years boasted a singular, half-ways decent hostelry establishment, the Cresta Court Hotel, (part of the Vine Hotels / Worst Western group) - located on the main Manchester to Chester coach road – and yet, faster than a rat out of an aqueduct, has this very day, shut its doors, closed down its website, and, sans ceremony, evicted staying guests – cancelling all manner of pre-paid bookings for weddings, christenings, and funerals, Xmas parties, bar mitzvahs, and their popular sell-out (and scandalous) ‘full moon’ al fresco Bingo night sessions.

WTF and why the 'lockdown', you might well inquire? For the hotel has been sequestered by that notorious, for-profit prison operations quango, Serco – to house some 300 Channel-hopping illegal foreign migrants for ‘one year’ in its 150 rooms – (yep, two to a bed - at least) all due to arrive en mass via an armada of coaches – or Serco’s re-tasked fleet of prison vans - or perhaps simply continue their waterborne journeys after crossing the Channel from France, along Britain’s elaborate system of inland waterways - and make landfall at the northern end of town - via navigating their inflatable rubber duck dinghies along the length of the Bridgewater Canal.

Doubtless this incoming shower of Third World sticky-pawed, scrounging ne-er-do-well asylum seekers – fleeing (so they collectively claim) the war-torn battle grounds of safe-haven France - have heard all about soft touch Broken Britain via the jungle tom-tom telegraph, and will, as now appears customary, be comprised of the usual stock-in-trade ‘invasion potential' single, military age Muslim males – born, raised - and brainwashed - in a culture than treats their own womenfolk as third class chattels – and bear zero respect for Christian worshipping infidels – er – that’s us, by the way – and with whom our Food Bank Britain's landscape is populated.

Hmmm, has no-one else raised a concerned eyebrow viz this blatant, and most disturbing, Labour government-approved ‘single, military-age males’ factor yet – or is this precisely why our corrupt government is in cahoots with Brussels EUSSR and Satan Klaus Schlob’s New World Order to achieve – the Great Reset dilution of our Anglo-Saxon genetic bloodlines at a nation-wide population level?

For the record – and reflection on greedy Greg Dyke’s Cresta Court Hotel ceasing normal operations for ‘one year’ –  the Britannia Ashley Hotel in the neighbouring village of Hale was closed to the public, and used to house 100-plus migrants ‘for one year’ back in February 2023 – while they were ‘asylum processed’.

Guess what – and how surprising – the 100-plus are all still there – some 20 months on – still ensconced – and 'still’ being ‘processed’ – prompting the more affluent residents of Hale village to say 'fuck this' - and move out. 

Further, viz the government’s asylum policy juxtaposed against the gospel according to recent figures, March 2024, there are currently 35,686 illegal arrival asylum seekers being accommodated in hotels across the UK.

This represents a 22% fall from the end of December 2023, with scores being moved into what the slimy, money-grubbing Serco refer to as ‘dispersal accommodation’- - usually a flat or shared house – or prison cell – all managed by the Home Office - with £3.1 billion quid squandered on hotel accommodation – which equates to around £8 million nicker per day – of public funds.

But WTF can we expect from the House of Conmans assembly – for the most part a motley collective of mouth-breathing dribblers – and by the record of blunders past – and present, still engaged in the practice of terminal wrong-think.


Ergo, regardless of scheduled local community ‘discussions’ to voice complaints this coming few days, it is a fait accompli – they are coming – and (apart from x-number going to prison for whatever crimes & misdemeanours - aggravated trespass, rape, GBH, murder) - will be here to stay.

So breathe deep on that last bit folks – as this Labour government – with the Chancellor, rabid Rachel Thieves, holding the purse strings - has robbed our old age pensioners of their 2024 annual £300 quid winter fuel allowance – while filling up the Cresta Court Hotel with scrounging asylum seekers copping their lodgings, and three square meals - at a cost of £££ mega-bucks per day – to us – the hapless taxpayers.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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