Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Two Tier Keir Crosses Student Voters

New Labour are a joke - and not very funny either. 

Stammerer sparks fury from students after breaking tuition fees pledge.

Yep, Mr ‘Call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer breaks yet a further promise – this time via his shit-fer-brains Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, viz student tuition fees.

Like the Red Indians of old – declaring ‘white man speak with forked tongue’ with regard to his election run-up assurance that once in office he would ritually abolish tuition fees – then reneges on that 'writ in stone' vow, and goes one step further - in the wrong direction - by declaring the fees have to be increased. – to fill some more at scent than substance £££ black hole excavated into the heart of Food Bank Britain’s economy by the hapless, insaneiac Tory gang.

But that’s our two tier Keir – the DPP - who failed to prosecute his fellow Freemason, the BBC's celebrity kiddie fiddling, sex pest DJ, Jimmy Savile - and so too with all of this Labour Party shower of moronic dog wankers preaching their Woke joke alphabet message: equality, diversity, inclusivity, sustainability – simply not to be trusted.

Hmmm, WTF fuck comes next for our free-thinking universities - morality police and wrong-think Gestapo squads?

Then we have Labour’s man with his finger on the environment’s pulse - Steve Reed. This is a cabinet office minister who pays a visit to farmyards wearing his £420 quid designer wellies – a gift from deep pockets Labour donor, Lord Alli Bongo – while farmers, farmer’s wives – and their pittance-paid labourers trudge round, knee deep in cow shit, wearing a pair of £12 quid Dunlop galoshers.

Yep, you gottit, Sir Keir Stammerer's Labour wankers are taking the piss yet again.

But WTF can we expect from the House of Conmans assembly – for the most part a motley collective of mouth-breathing dribblers – and by the record of blunders past – and present, still engaged in the practice of terminal wrong-think.

Stop press: So the burning question of the day is this: Who will put out a hit contract on the insufferable Stammerer first? The uni’ student collective – or the hapless farmers who ensure that Food Bank Britain’s sucker-punched (by Labour) population have milk for their breakfast cork flakes – or will his own back benchers deliver a timely ‘et tu Brute’?


Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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