Yep, the banner headline says it all.
So, WTF ‘muddled’ socio-political agenda is motivating these Labour
Party 'champagne socialist' clowns?
First it’s ‘screw the farmers and their tax-free inheritance scams’ – the very same folks who produce the porridge oats n milk n eggs n toast for the breakfast table – along with the ingredients for the remaining square meals of our daily diet - and now this absurd ‘government’ (sic) are planning a mass die-off extinction level event to freeze Food Bank Britain’s senior citizens to death – and subsequently, by malevolent design, thus save forking out life support pension payments every month to the nation’s no-longer-productive Grandmas and Granddads.
A canvas of Broken Britain’s self-aware electorate – those still able to think for themselves - regardless of being programmed by celebrity moron opinions in the daily mass media news sheets – or on the goggle box – are, collectively, of one mind, and opinion, that the House of Conmans incumbent majority Labour Party shall – due their slashing of the established winter fuel allowance for our older generations - be held responsible, at cabinet office ministerial level, for the predicted hypothermia deaths of a legion of OAPs during this imminent 2024 / 2025 Winter freeze.
So, which coterie of bubble-head psychotic gurus manning the cabinet office advisory desk (Moron McSweeny-Todd?) conjured up this ‘spiffingly great money-saving idea’ for the feather-brained executive considerations of 'Call me Sir' Keir Stammerer, and his egocentric, rodent-dunce of a Chancellor, Rachel Thieves – the traitors within – as a solution to correcting the purported shortfalls in Food Bank Britain’s economy?
Who? Well, obviously those specifically elected to political office, and charged with ‘safeguarding’ (sic) the best interests and welfare of our once-proud nation – this sacred isle of Albion – and here we focus our condemnatory attentions on the political officials, and career un-civil service bureaucrap advisors, collectively responsible for shit-canning our elderly citizen’s winter fuel allowance payments.
Hmmm, mass murder planned – a veritable geriatric genocide most foul – and all to fill in this £22 billion quid 'bottomless pit' Black Hole that Fishy Sunak's Tory government are purported – by Labour’s bean counters – to have excavated in Broken Britain's economy – and which they determine can be easily filled – (cheaper than digging a mass grave and supplying body bags) - with the bodies of snap frozen old age pensioners - who have succumbed to hypothermia, and a range of other cold-related afflictions - while sat in their front rooms cuddling the cat – or a hot water bottle - for that extra degree of bodily warmth - due their Winter Fuel Allowances being slashed - and thus now lacking the ackers to top up the pre-pay gas and electric meters.
Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.
This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.
Amazingly - MPs can claim up to £3,400 towards their heating costs.
Yeo, same as Rachel Thieves does for her 'two' homes - on a combined MP / cabinet minister salary of £140,000 bucks per annum - plus, as above, expenses.
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