Saturday 1 July 2023

Confirmed: World Gone Mad

Broken Britain’s water corporations – once a national – and efficient – public-owned, and managed, industry - initially privatised to take the hard work off the idle-arsed and incompetent Twatcher Tory government bureaucracy’s hands - and with a fatally-misguided ideological faith in private sector efficiency viz achieving social and environmental goals - are on the bones of their proverbial arse – with Thames Water - following the dismal failure of thirty-four years of this private ownership experiment - being the primary agent to clear a path into the bankruptcy courts.

Yet another Tory Nasty Party fubar – a total snafu – overseen by the blood-sucking Michael ‘Dracul’ Howard (MP for Transylvania) during the mismanagement of our nation by Slaggie Twatcher’s government, and the 1989 privatisation sell-off of our national assets – specifically water – to a bunch of profit-motivated foreign-based ‘private equity’ greed merchants – who have virtually reverse-asset-stripped the companies via investor dividend payouts, and loaded them with debt – and likewise ‘loaded’ our once-pristine rivers and sea shore coastlines with human sewage.


Doubtless every fucker and their dog of voting age is acutely aware that the Tory Nasty Party government, under the leadershit of Fishy Sunak, is in a state of terminal paralysis, and ‘change’ is required like a blood transfusion for a ‘bleed-out’ casualty.

Albeit, in the eyes of the critical thinking membership of the British public, while the Tory Party are a complete and utter ‘fucked unit’ and no longer fit for purpose, WTF is the answer, replacement-wise?

The Librarian-Dummercrats? The Greens? Reform UK? Or New Labour – the political carpetbaggers who, under Teflon Tony Bliar’s leadershit, shut down the Met Plod Squad’s investigations into establishment child sex abuse paedo rings operating out of Worstminster – and to add insult to injury, joined hands with the good ole US of A in the illegal military invasion of the sovereign state of Iraq – all based on a conjured dodgy intelligence dossier.

Hmmm, not the type of ‘people’s representatives’ to be trusted to run the affairs of state.

Ergo, New Labour leader, Keir ‘U-turn’ Stammerer, high on hubris, has declared he intends to kick start a Sovereign Fund – aping the successful scheme run by Norway – to seduce and appease hordes of bonkers Greenie voters to stick their little X in Labour’s ballot box square come election day.

Thus we propose a $64,000 question.

As Stammerer intends to shut down all oil n gas production in n around Broken Britain – this will doubtless render our once-sceptred isle more ‘Broken’ in the process – due the massive oil n gas industry personnel redundancies – and the fact we then need to import oil n gas.

Now for the nitty-gritty conflict fact: Norway’s super-success Sovereign Fund was created solely from – and is maintained by - the hefty income their domestic oil and gas industry generates – while Britain’s oil n gas industry is set to be laid low – and emasculated of any and all earning potential - by Sir Keir’s Labour Party plan to shut down Britain’s entire established – and profitable - oil and gas industry.

Then we have Keir’s ‘flagshit’ election scam to spend £28 billion nicker ‘per annum’ on ‘green projects’.

Yeah, read eyesore wind turbines and solar panel farms blighting the natural beauty views our once green and pleasant land. A power generation system that will only produce electricity when windy, and the sun is shining. Not quite the perfect design strategy for our northern hemisphere island nation. 

Alas, what pity Stammerer takes himself so seriously.

Oh my, if Labour get into Downing St and control the House of Conmans government, then it won’t be long before Food Bank Britain’s Treasury is declaring Chapter 11, and calling in the bailiffs.


We have a stooge Woke joke / LGB+T / QWERTY aligned officialdom getting its claws into national scale social engineering, and promoting, in fact force feeding, Food Bank Britain’s public community a dodgy, deviant veneer of inclusiveness and diversity ideology, enticing them to go n join in the Gay Pride Month extravaganza, and wave a rainbow flag.

Thus we raise the question – who is in control of our once-sacred isle’s government, Parliament – or Mermaids n Stonewall – the Keepers of the Rainbow Ring?

Oh my, hark their latest immoral canard: Trans-women are real women.

Doubtless the sexual deviant trans-gender-bender activists will next be lobbying to have our foundation stone of moral guidance – the Holy Bible - banned, and  the above mendacious falsehood enshrined the into law – to be enforced by a uniformed force of Woke Pronoun Police.

At this point we are acutely reminded of Alice in Wonderland, and that arrogant, fat fuck Humpty Dumpty, who, setting the stage for the future trans-movement’s flawed science proclamation that ‘trans-women are real women’  - informed Alice (misquote) “... when I say a thing, it means just what I intend it to mean.”

Ergo, men dressed as women are real women - and woe betide if you are common sense critical and publicly question the bio-science accuracy of this radical ideology, for you’ll be next in line to be smiteth with the deplatforming stick – and dragged before the Non-Person Cancel Culture Court – (of no appeal).


Hark to the entire ‘negative effects’ / rising sea levels / polar ice melts / global warming / climate change scare-a-thon propaganda, spouted by the likes of the Swedish climate expert gremlin, grotty Greta - and Extinction Rebellion, and their Just Stop ‘Everything’ pals – (a gaggle of climate change fanatic activists, hampered by sub-par intellects, jumping on the ‘Let’s Save the World’ bandwagon) - is rooted in flawed science throughout – from the fact oil and gas are classified as fossil fuels – which they are not – (but rather abiotic) – which exposes their climate change science model as being constructed on flawed physics, exaggerations, and purposeful, socio-political manipulated lies.

Alas, these wankers fall short when doing the research, and are thus ignorant to the fact the World doesn’t need any saving – especially so from the excesses and abuses of the human species - and been taking pretty good care of Herself for some four-plus billion years – with the battle scars to prove the fact.

So too, by comparison, the same deception – and misconception - applies to the dark cloud Covid-1984 ‘Lie til you Die’ mantra recited by SAGE and ‘Numpty Neil’ Ferguson’s ‘prognostications of doom’ computer modelling, then jointly promoting lockdowns and toxic mRNA spike protein ‘three shot’ vaxxing for an entire global population.

To wit, here we go again, what the fuck does this teach us? Don’t trust any fucker or their dog wearing an ‘expert’ badge.


Oh my, Food Bank Britain’s High Court justices have put the kibosh on the Tory Nasty Party’s ill-conceived scheme to deport all illegal immigrants washing up on Food Bank Britian’s south coast shores to Rwanda – in Africa.

Que? WTF? Did anyone actually delude themselves into believing this so-called illegal immigrant crisis was gonna be solved by our laissez-faire Tory gang doing half a job – as usual – and sending the fuckers to ‘genocide-central’ Rwanda?

Really, what fucking imbecile thought that one up?

How about ‘Fuck it, send them to the Moon’ – or, by turning the boats around, n directing them back to France – their point of origin. Otherwise coerce the foul n foreign French to get their finger out n police their Channel shores, to stop the crossings.

Mind you, can’t really blame the Frogs, as they are perfectly content to see the illegal scrounging wankers sail off for Broken Britain - and out of France.

Ergo, regardless of the time n head-scratching effort (sic) – and mega-bucks - put into the Rwanda immigrant fix - now blocked by the High Court with an ‘illegal’ stamp on the very concept – the entire fiasco doesn’t really reflect well on the Tory cabinet’s decision-making skills.


Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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