Tuesday 27 June 2023

Skewed News Views Roundup #99

Common sense deplores this toxic environment being created and promoted by officialdom giving credit to frivolous fantasies, and permitting school children to identify as whatever the fuck they like – and we’re not just talking viz the trans-gender-bender inclusiveness n diversity n equality brouhaha, with boys identifying as girls, and vice-versa; but boys, and girls, identifying as animals – a cat, squirrel, a rabbit, a chicken, and a fox.

To all intents and purposes, if this is a true psychological delusion possessing the child, a calibre of fantasies fraught with social complications, then they do not belong in a classroom, but rather out in the woods, under the protective and caring wing of Mother Nature – or, more appropriately, a mental health institute – with bars on the windows.

Ergo, it comes down to a case of discrimination between common sense – and nonsense.

Conversely, Scottish school pupil, Reynard McNumpty, who made national headlines this past week for self-identifying as a fox, was arrested by police yesterday when caught in the act of breaking into a farmer’s hen house and engaging in non-consensual sex with a rooster.


It starts with a nudge, then a bit of a push, then officialdom’s media-driven social shaming bulldozer comes along to finish the job.

Of course, any critical thinker will be aware of the facts that the entire Woke joke political correctness cult – and too their LGB-QUERTY / Trans-gender-bender diversity, inclusivity and equality ‘Rainbow Revolution’ buddies – along with the ‘paedo-pervy’ hairy-arsed Drag Queen schoolroom story time readings for nursery class kiddies – collectively gather under the banner of ‘Pride’ movement authoritarianism, and fall within the parameters of their currently ‘permitted’ immoral jurisdiction - are ‘works in progress’ - being steered and evolved under the aegis of dark force Great Reset bureaucracy - composed of socio-political control freak entities, the low life chapter of ‘officialdom’s’ state-run apparatus – with an end game purpose that does not bode well for us, the useless eating, taxpayer / voting electorate – aka the common herd sheeple – all to confuse and dilute the morality of the public demographic – and herald in an era of wicked depravity.

Wokery and groupthink members and the slick leftie articulators of our sick society’s officialdom, those politically and educationally tasked with the development of our children in school surroundings, and specifically gobshite, mentally-retarded Karens posing as teachers - have turned raising the next generation into a Frankenstein science experiment, promoting the disingenuous trans-gender-bender flawed science belief that with a few hormones and clever strokes from a surgeon’s scalpel blade - butchering the original genitalia - a boy can become a girl, and vice versa – or even a fox - or a cat, if the pupil meows persistently.

Hmmm, and what a state of affairs this entire identity circus has become, when you dare not utter a rudimentary ‘excuse me, Miss' - or Mrs , or Mister – to ask a simple question viz directions - thanks to the gender-bender ‘I’m offended’ pronoun pandemonium – and we are dictated to waste time ticking diversity boxes.


Hark the recent outrage from a horde of dogma-fixated, Cairo-based Egyptologists – that the enigmatic pyramids were constructed by tech’ savvy refugees from a sinking Atlantis – and / or space alien visitors – and, the Great Pyramid specifically, once acted as a multi-functional Swiss Army knife version of constructed stone edifices.

Hence an eye to the construction of the (Egyptian) pyramids – specifically the Gaza x 3 set, and the celebrated  Great Pyramid / Khufu ‘power station’ structure – and the academic’s brush-off tale that the Egyptian ‘builders’ either concealed - or left no records - of how they constructed the pyramids. Hence it is assumed that the Egyptian era civilisation ‘builders’ were a sneaky n secretive lot.

Truth be known, the purported Egyptian pyramid builders of the ‘what the fuck ever dynasty’ left no records of how the pyramids were built – as they did not know – due the stellar fact they did not build them – and simply ‘adopted’ – rather ‘appropriated’ - the huge edifices thousands of years post-construction.

Today the Giza trio appear as stepped structures, but in their days of reflective glory, many moons before the dynastic copycat Egyptians ever came along, and claimed them as their own, in true blue plagiarist fashion, they were shimmering smooth surfaced structures, capped with pure white, and polished, limestone.

The opinionated core of academics need to lose the ‘ancient civilisation’ references that automatically dismisses the fact these builders might have possessed a greater technology than we have today, as they simply stand back in gob-struck awe at the purported construction achievements of a bunch of latter day Egyptian plagiarists.

To wit, view ancient history via the route of its verifiable, ‘hard evidence’ facts and not the popular associated speculations and myths viz ‘ritual purposes’, nor the dogmatic parameters and flawed opinions of intransigent archaeology – for human evolution and technological achievement are not of a linear association.


Okay, the anti-fossil fuels enviro-activist gang have a terminal hard-on for pushing their net zero carbon, green friendly ‘smiling face climate happy’ world with the scrapping of all abiotic fuel sources – oil and gas – and too good ole fossil fuel coal – along with common herd transport cars n buses – and delivery trucks - all to be superseded n replaced with electric ‘battery’ powered versions of their old and super-efficient – and reliable – selves – with their enviro-compliant substitutes destined to be re-charged via wind turbine and solar panel farm generation systems.

Regardless of the unqualified sermonising by grotty Greta, the snotty Scandinavian climate gremlin, the conundrum is this. With our current oil n gas n coal power stations pumping out max potential 24/7, sans expansion they do not have the potential to generate the power required to re-charge a nation state’s vehicles - if all are electric.

To wit, thus the scenario of fossil, of nuke, and of abiotic carbon rich polluting fuel sources being replaced (sic) solely by this bone-headed promotion for unreliable and inefficient technology, in the form of unstable solar panel farms and wicked wind turbine generated electricity, then the tosspot Tesla car batteries will rarely be fully charged – and to cap the inconvenience, the lights are gonna go out.

Anthropogenic climate change is a manipulated alarmist lie, and the entire net zero carbon green deal a recipe for environmental disaster, and a trip back to the Dark Ages – literally – when the lights go out – and the goggle box and fridge go off, and the electric Tesla can’t be charged – nor the ladies’ ‘bedtime buddy’ personal vibrators.

So too, we are reminded of the Extinction Rebellion activists and their equally misinformed Just Stop Traffic - (last month launched Just Stop Snooker, and yesterday branched out into Just Stop Cricket) - mooncalf 'Agent Orange' mates, still hammering on that oil and gas are, alike coal, of fossil origins – which they are not – but rather abiotic, and created deep in the ‘chemistry set’ bowels of our planet on a continual basis.

Ergo, a carbon-zero energy supply system – this net zero wet dream fantasy - will never be a reality with our current range of technology – unless the existing full nuclear option is applied.

Ha, how times change, for a mere century ago the borough council of a late Victorian era touristy south coast town, Lyme Regis, in Dorset, viewed the advent of the gasoline-driven ‘motor car’ the answer and solution to rectify the state of pollution that negatively affected the town and outlying areas – horse shit – deposited by the dominant multitudes of four-legged equestrian transport animals.


Higgs-Boson particles – fully-stabilised – ready for next day delivery. Buy a handy-sized six-pack n get a baseball-sized sample of Dark Matter absolutely free.

Great for science buffs working on their own false vacuum or black hole ‘end-of-time’ experiments.

String Theory researchers – all types of string in stock – from yo-yo oscillating line to bondage strength cord - to gallows-friendly, neck-snapping ‘choke rope’ - with next day delivery guaranteed.

Larry Rat Fink, top dog at BlackRock, and actual shadow CEO of the known Universe.

Is Black Rock’s Larry ‘Rat’ Fink the man who controls the World – or simply another stooge front man for Satan?

Answers on a post card to Who-Gives-a-Flying-Fuck.com

For rent: Desirable residence. Frogspawn Cottage, set in a ‘to die for’ rural location on the Crown Estate’s Windsor Home Park. Recently fumigated to remove the vomitus stench of the previous tenants - ostracised royals, the talentless and vulgarian Harry & Meghan Hewitt – Duck & Duckess of Pretentious Bad Taste. 

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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