Tuesday 26 April 2022

Labour Rehash ‘Let’s Get Corbyn’ Scam

Yep, the banner headline says it all: Labour rehash their manic ‘Let’s get Corbyn’ mantra, in a futile effort to make party leader Keir Stammerer look good. 

Ha! Some chance. The pig with lipstick axiom applies here - it might look pretty, but it's still a shit-lounging hog.

Parliamentary non-entity, Rachel ‘Piranha Fangs’ Reeves – a wannabe politico whose bureaucrat career ambition far surpasses her limited intellect - and claims to be Labour’s shadow chancellor-in-waiting – recently opined yet another of Labour’s stock n trade warped narratives to a gutter press hack from the Backstabbers Gazette - that she is chuffed to little mint balls that ex-party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is no longer a member of the party, and thus can never be a Labour Crime Minister – as, while sporting a ‘Go, Keir, Go’ t-shirt, she attempted to trounce the swathes of valid criticism that Keir Stammerer - (aka Captain Hindsight) - is facing due his previous ensconced position in the former Labour leader’s shadow cabinet - overseeing the sycophantic ‘Nodding Dog’ portfolio.

Further to his undying ignominy, this factor being ‘double-damn’ coupled by political adversaries with his total incompetence regarding the current transgender bender sports controversy – (an ever-diminishing point of logic) - by refusing to Yea or Nay an opinion on testosterone-charged blokes taking part in women’s sports if they identify as a female of the species – and his equally unacceptable dissent to concur there is a definite and obvious biological (physical) difference between natural born males and females of the human species.

And that, folks, is Labour’s current backstabbing / slander strategy. Besmirch Jeremy Corbyn – an honest man – simply to make his flaccid n flabby Woke replacement, Keir Stammerer – (a tosser with an actual allergy to committing himself to any opinion that might touch on any politically correct / Woke issue deemed ‘controversial’) - appear a stellar prospect to govern Broken Britain.

Conversely, apart from Labour’s obvious political shambles handicap – their major stumbling block impediment being a septic selection of cancer of the personality individuals comprising the leadership posts and front bench, and thus the entire shadow cabinet component of the party - the Catch-22 complication with winning a general election lies in their Tony Bliar / Gordon ‘Incapability’ Broon / ‘War Party’ leadershit history of dirty deceits – the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq – all expedited and justified viz the staged 9/11 deceit – and the murder of Iraqi ‘weapons of mass distraction’ scam whistle-blower, Dr David Kelly, okayed by Downing Street.

There again, Labour’s woes run even deeper than that – especially so with critical thinking voters, even the hard core Leftie sector – for apart from their war crimes record under Tony Bliar’s leadershit aegis - is their arse-kissing Labour Friends of Israel Club – (with Razor-Jaws Reeves being a devoted cheerleader for Zionist / IDF abuse of all things Palestinian) - and hoofing Corbyn out on grounds of anti-Semitism - all at the demand of Jewish Council funding / political sponsorshits.

Point: For the thick cunts who don’t understand WTF a Semite / Semitism is – and swallow piecemeal the Zionist Sabbatean death cult version - Corbyn was not / is not an anti-Semite, nor is he anti-Jewish (which has fuck all connection to anti-Semitism – a Zionist propaganda creation) – and for the record, perhaps not anti-Israeli – as long as the political end game is not based on the theft of another people’s sovereign state lands.

Here is Corbyn’s dreadful crime – he supports Palestine and their right to self-determination – and protested, from his Labour leadership political platform – (that was) - Israel’s perpetual land theft encroachments and illegal settlements, the military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank – and the privations of the Gaza Strip littoral – besieged behind Israel’s Great Apartheid Wall and used for target practice by Israel’s air force.

Hence Corby’s righteous socio-political conscience stance on those issues – the human rights abuses and repeated war crimes by the IDF - along with the media-circulated damning criticism and exposure – manifest as political issues the British-based Balfour Declaration-hugging Zionist Israeli lobbyists cannot abide.

For it is a long-established fact that power and control have always been sought by psychopaths and IQ-deficient morons – of which the Zionist lobby and Labour Party jointly possess a surplus abundance.

Albeit, that is the Labour party of today – comprised of political wannabe / fascist non-entity control freaks - sticking their jackboot on the vital, pulsing artery of societal free speech – specifically any and all things that condemn the human rights abuses and war crimes of their Zionist Israeli party funding sources.

They make great industry of broadcasting disparaging comments aimed at their House of Conmans contemporaries, specifically the Tory set - yet are silent, stitch-lipped mutes – akin some fishwife skanger fitted with a scold’s bridle - with regard to their personal excesses and failings.

For the Labour Party to be acceptable as a ruling socio-political machine to govern Food Bank Britain, they need to hoof ‘Sir Keir’ out for starters and appoint a leader with some modicum of credibility – and ‘not’ the batshit Angela ‘Flasher’ Rayner either - and any critical, honest, and discerning eye would be hard pressed to point to Labour’s House of Conmans front bench and declare ‘Him’ or ‘Her’ as leadertshit material.

To wit, Labour and Stammerer have little chance of ever winning another election based on their current merits – regardless of the fact the intellectually-stunted pseudo-hack, Benjamin 'Dingbat' Butthole, broadcasts his undying affinity for Kier Hardy’s leftie opus.

On second thoughts, ‘tis a pity the manic cancel culture camp doesn’t cancel Labour and put them out of their obvious – and well deserved - ‘loser status’ misery.

Ergo, so much for Stammering Starmer – blighted by a short memory factor wrapped in a blanket of hypocrisy. This was the guy who failed to prosecute celebrity catamite procurer, Jimmy Savile, for elite cabal paedo pimping, child sex abuse - and acts of necrophilia in hospital mortuaries – while he held the post of Labour’s Director of Pubic Prosecutions, overseeing the Crown Prosecution Service – and the pathetic excuse he was unaware of Savile’s crimes is simply another damning fact the incompetent twat wasn’t doing his job.

The truth of the matter is this: Stammerer was blatantly aware that fellow Freemason, Savile, acted as the By Appointment, Royal Paedo Pimp, and was on personal kiddie fiddling / child sex abuse terms with Prince Dobby - and the entire Nonceland Magic Circle ‘Balmoral Bum Boys’ sodomite club.

Stop press: The Green Party MP Caroline Lucas is set to name n shame the fifty-six cross-party MPs who are under investigation for sexual misconduct.

Question: Is Angela ‘Flasher’ Rayner on the Lucas hit list?


Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically modified, nano-particle, spike protein bush telegraph innuendo.

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