Sunday 5 April 2020

Tory Ban on Outdoor Exercise Threat

Once again we bring our readers the latest and greatest 'hot gossip' in this scandal-mongering 'Tory Totalitarian Threats' exposé edition from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – with 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire; to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical pro-justice revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% elitist oligarchy – cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Coronavirus: Outdoor Exercise to be Banned

Covid-19: Exercise out of the home 'could be banned' if people flout rules

The latest draconian 'medical martial law' to be enforced by the Tory Nasty Party's shit-for-brains Health Sickretary, Matt Wancock, is to ban all outdoor exercise.
In a threat supported by new Labour leader Stammering Starmer, Wancock's totalitarian compliance edict will restrict all extreme sports activities (paragliding / bungee jumping / triathlon training) to indoor pursuance.

Speaking with the BBC's Andrew 'Bat-Ears' Marr on this morning's Control Freak Hour programme, the pathetic Wancock stated for the public record that exercise outside the home could be banned if people ignore the lockdown rules on social distancing and staying at home to watch television all day – (and night) – and that the Nasty Party government would "take drastic executive action" if further measures are needed to bring this disobedient common herd population – (and / or the fake coronavirus pandemic) - under control.

In an off-camera slip of the tongue, Wancock was caught on audio telling Bat-Ears: " ... the timing of restrictions being lifted will depend what side of the bed I get out of that particular morning - and how the stupid public comply with our instructions and believe the stay at home lockdown story that this will stop the virus spreading, so then we can get on with our New World Order bosses' Satanic agenda of crashing Britain's economy and implementing the Global Reset 2021 project."

Wancock's 'Comply or Else' intimidation threat comes after media reports of people venturing out of doors during this weekend's warm, sunny weather – as they are sick to the back teeth of being locked down at home – (plus coping with the stress and worry of having no job / income to go back to once this Tory insanity is over and done with) – and all down to some concocted 'agenda' reason that the government actually give a flying fuck for the NHS or the health of old people or the general population for that matter –specifically if the working class are rendered unemployed, penniless, hungry, their children uneducated morons – and all with a Vitamin D deficient prison pallor - and rickets.

What the fuck are they playing at – shutting down the entire country and making a total bollocks of the economy and the monetary / employment / personal savings systems in the face of this purported Chinese corona virus flu strain – Covid-19?
Fer fuck's sake, the country was never closed down like this during the 13th / 14th century Black Death plague pandemics that killed every fucker and their dog – and cat.
And, more so, how the fuck are folks expected to keep a stock of household / life support 'essential items' - (ciggies / booze / soft drugs and narcotics / vibrator batteries) - if they can't venture outdoors?

All this gumph of stay home self-isolation to protect the oldies – this is the first time any twat in government has given a toss about pensioners – (or the disabled / vulnerable members of our fucked-up society) – when hospitals practise this Liverpool Care Pathway culture - based on the Club of Rome's euthanasia-made-easy handbook. 
Hmmm, a Covid-19 old farts mass extinction level event – oh my – think of all that lovely pension money the Chancellor and Welfare State would save each month - enough to fund a sneak invasion of Iran.

As to the 'Protect the NHS' brouhaha - they don't give a shit viz the National Ill-Health Service either – and only want that safe-guarding so it's in semi-decent nick and re-sale value to flog off to some Yankee PFI medical insurance cartel.

This entire Covid-19 scam and the social distancing / stay home lockdown pantomime has fuck all to do with the public welfare – just a trial run NLP conditioning exercise to get a dumbed-down gullible public demographic ready to accept Stage 2 – the forthcoming mandatory nano-chip vaccination (666 microchip) programme - to protect us all – like good dogs. Woof fucking Woof! Good boy. Now sit! Beg! Roll over – and Die!

Further, Wancock's 'collective punishment' threat of enforcing a ban on outdoor exercise would be in breach of Article 33 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions - not that our thick cunt of a bully boy Health Secretary would know that.

So, for those suffering an air of suicidal ennui who decide to risk the wrath of Wancock (and 5G millimetre wave blood haemoglobin O2 depletion as 5G 'micro-waves' osscilate and cook the molecules) for a bit of a bronzy session in the local park this fine and sunny pre-Easter weekend – and prevent the kids getting rickets - then beware.
Under Schedule 21 of our graft and corruption-ridden House of Conmans Coronavirus Act it is illegal to fail to comply with the 'Go Home' orders of brainwashed Plod Squad enforcers without reasonable excuse – or get slapped with a maximum penalty fine of £1,000 nicker - and your name logged in their big black Naughty Book.

Food for thought: how about those middle-aged chubby tummy sedentary couch spud types – (like Tory PM Bonkers Boris Nonsense) - under doctor's orders to get out for a jog or a few circuits on the old mountain bike - a prescribed daily dose of cardio-vascular exercise – get the blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels stabilised and reduced - are they going to be targeted as breaching the lockdown regulations?

But Wancock and the self-isolating Bonkers Boris – along with Labour's Stammering Starmer – and the Tory Nasty Party 'congenital liars club' Cabinet apparatchiks – all should be acutely aware that regardless how propaganda-gullible the British population are conceived to be, they're already stir-crazy bored shitless with this contrived stay home lockdown, based on flawed computer modelling science by Imperial College's Dr Neil 'Fuck Ups' Ferguson.

Any further restrictions on personal liberty movement – specifically if the government follow Wancock's threatened ill-fated course of action - demonising a spot of health-focused outdoor exercise – or walking the dog across a semi-deserted park or wild countryside field with wife and kids – it will generate a most negative reaction that shall quickly manifest in nation-wide displays of Ghandi-style civil disobedience – and the extra recruited 20,000 Plod Squad thugs – or the barmy 'shoot first' Army troopers – won't be sufficient to quell the mounting outrage of imposed 'domestic bliss' which will doubtless morph into bouts of violent riotous looting activity by certain nihilistic elements of our pissed-off society - targeting stores with stocks of bog rolls, hand sanitizer and full shelves of 'get pissed quick' plonk.

And what's the betting this common sense / logical progression prediction is gonna prove more accurate than any of the Covid-19 death headcount crap figures Professor Neil 'Fuckwit' Ferguson augers with his fubar 'foot-in-mouth' computer modelling software?

Stop press: What powers do the Thought Police have to fight Covid-19 virus?
The four key tools they have under Schedule 21 are:
1) Suspected Covid-19 virus pathogens that are too small to be handcuffed can be beaten with truncheons, pepper sprayed or Tasered.
2) The power to detain anyone if they claim Covid-19 is a scam – under the provisions of the 'single signature required' Mental Health Act.
3) Summarily arrest anyone posting social media opinions of - or scientific evidence of - a provable correlation between 5G and the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
4) Break up groups of more than two persons seen to be enjoying themselves.

Thoughts for the day: How the so-called Covid-19 'exaggerated out of all proportion' seasonal flu epidemic scam will unravel and turn on the powers that be.
Stay home / laid off workers will soon get bored shitless with this lockdown and out of an 'itch you can't scratch' syndrome curiosity – smell a rat cos something with this entire virus lockdown just ain't right - kick start their smart phones n laptops n tablets n home pc's to doing a spot of Googling and social media chat research of their own – and one link will lead to another until they come to grips with the full flu virus deception and mass population control scenario.

Likewise, lockdown kids are going to start home schooling sans the customary mandated brainwashing curriculum and soon become self-aware and capable of critical thinking – not a learning curve evolution the government desire of them - a next generation who are awake and can see through the media bullshit and officialdom's lies and deceptions.

Regardless of the Nasty Party Health Secretary Matt Wancock being a total tosser, apparently there is no truth to the circulating rumours he plans on introducing a protocol whereby those testing positive for the so-called Covid-19 virus should be branded 'unclean' and to establish a definite social distancing standard, wear a cow bell around their necks – a la the lepers of yesteryear.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – (aka 'the Truth') - and exposing the fact this entire fake Wuhan 400 virus epidemic is a sinister distraction scam to be blamed for the imminent crashing of the world's financial markets and the complete Crapitalist debt-based monetary structure - (a defective n broken system that's been on life support for years) – resulting in a radical restructuring of the entire global economy with CBDCs - a la 2008 scenario on steroids - wherein the 99.9% disenfranchised poor get even poorer and the 0.01% elevated to a great category level of 'stinking rich' when picking up the post-apocalypse crashed commercial market commodities at cents on the dollar.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Rusty’s Skewed News Views (Purveyors of Bespoke Satire) - enhanced with a modest touch of Yeast Logic and a piquant dash of Political Incorrectness.
An anti-authoritarian counter-culture alternative opinion blog and free radical alternative media source 'not owned' by Raving Rupert Mudrock's News Corp and the ultra-racist Sabbatean-Frankist Edomite Mafia 'Kosher Nostra' bankster crime syndicate - and committed to the relay of open source information – plus 'hopefully' immune from litigation under the statutes of the ‘Fair Comment in the Public Interest’ defence – and my Freedom of Speech liberty guaranteed - as enshrined in Article 10 of the European Human Rights Convention.
(Unless one has the audacity to subscribe to Assange's WickedLeaks – or support the pro-Palestinian BDS campaign and criticise Zionist Israel's human rights abuses and war crimes – or dare mention the dirty dealings of the Met's PPU (Paedophile Protection Unit ) or expose, name and shame the membership ranks of Nottingham's Nasty Paedo Club or Scotland's Masonic Speculative Society 'Nonce Ponce' Magic Circle arse bandit / Violate BD/SM Club VIP (Very Important Pederast) kiddie fiddling Edinburgh / Balmoral / Glencoe / Cringemonogate / Aberdeen-based cabal – along with their Westminster and Holyrood Parliament / Crown Office / Secret Squirrel Security Services / Plod Squad sodomite - paedo-enablers / cover-up protectors – then Sections 5 and 19 of the Public Order Act (1986) are enacted – and fair play Judicial Process, along with Common Fucking Sense, go the way of the Dodo).

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