Saturday 25 April 2020

Rat on the Neighbours n Win a Prize

Now here's one  - or rather two – to reflect upon viz the base levels of human nature - for the gullible, goggle box addicted, common herd who swallow in a single gulp any old shit the Establishment spin doctors and mass media news propaganda machinery puts out.

Tune in at the prime time viewing hour for the BBC's all-new 'Lockdown' season game shows: 'Snitch on yer Neighbours' and 'Grass up a Granny' – with a hotline straight to Food Bank Britain's Covid-19 Stasi Enforcement Centre HQ – where shit-for-brains stoolies cop a 'cash-in-hand' 50/50% share payout with the Plod Squad on any spot fines imposed on the hapless fuckers living next door that rat fink players reported for going outside more than twice in a day- and / or buying unnecessary items – or, Heavens forbid, not having a multi-hued, hand-crayoned 'flatten-the-curve' Rainbow poster in your front window - preferably scribbled on the back of a recent council tax final demand - or a mortgage default / repossession / eviction notice.

But the number one community pariah status sin is not joining in the utterly daft brainwashed weekly nonsense - Thursday night 20:00 hours sharp - 'Clap for Carers' tribute to NHS staff and other 'purported' key workers (train n bus drivers - and the dustbin men) – by hanging out of an upstairs window and banging pots n pans like some demented jester.

Was it Wingate's elder brother, who, after a lifetime of overseas Christian missionary work - attempting to turn bipeds into men - stated on his death bed a superbly-qualified personal opinion that 90% of humanity wasn't worth saving?

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