Thursday 23 April 2020

Plod Squad Thugs Tidy NHS Gardens

Food Bank Britain's (formerly Broken Britain) Plod Squad have given up investigating murders,  burglaries and knife crime for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis lockdown hoax - and are now fully focused on helping out 'our heroes' - the NHS - by tidying up their hospital garden frontages - when not otherwise engaged in harassing n arresting anti-lockdown anarchist types for not staying home and daring to venture out to buy non-essential items - such as anti-depressants, a carton of smokes or a couple of six packs of 9% ABV Old Headbanger lager.

Sgt Harry 'Numbnuts' McTwatt (left) of the Met's Covid-19 Enforcement Squad, speaking with a gutter press hack from the Daily Shitraker outside Euston's prestigious Harold Shipman Centre for Clinical Excellence Hospital, related that "Our crew of Plodettes 'ere 'ave made the rounds of the local parks this mornin' an' put the boot inter several homeless stragglers dossed out on benches - an' gave 'em a quick dousin' wiv Dettol spray - so wiv that job done n dusted we decided ter come over ter the hospital here an' help out our NHS heroes - an' my personal teeny heroine, that little Swedish sweetie, climate change Greta, wot's always a very busy bee wiv savin' the Earth by plantin' millions of trees an' slaggin' off shameless politicians an' multi-national corporations - so we're doin' our bit by weedin' the flower beds an' borders."

"Then, no peace fer the wicked, when we're done 'ere, it's back ter doin' the rounds of London's green spaces an' parks an' slap a few spot fines on these tossers loiterin' around the ponds an' feedin' the ducks - definitely not a necessary activity."

Driven by skewed establishment policy, a season of Stupidity is upon us – and as to the dipshit Plod Squad – do not bestow these dingbat psycho egocentric uniformed cunts with any more power than they already have – and / or think they should have – for they shall surely abuse the prerogative – as when it comes down to a logical approach to any given situation, which they consider involves their intervention, then logic and common sense are redundant as assessment factors – for these morons consider parking on double yellow lines to be a capital punishment offence.

Hmmm, and Batshit Bonkers Boris Nonsense and his Tory Nasty Party government have pledged to recruit a further 20,000 (yep, that's not a typo- twenty-fucking-thousand) of the IQ-deficient twats.

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