Friday 17 April 2020

How Long Can Covid-19 Live on a Tesco Trolley Handle?

I raise this very valid question for our inept government authorities – we keep hearing more nonsense bullshit viz the coronavirus regarding contagion factors / levelling the curve etc – and how is it actually transmitted: by coughs n sneezes airborne microscopic sputum / spittle droplets – or touching another person (brushing against / hand-shaking / French kissing / rampant naked sex) – or contact with door knobs, hand rails, supermarket shopping baskets or trolleys – and now this is the biggie – how long it can live outside a communicable host – specifically the human body.

They don't know – and are no further to finding out as no fucker or their dog is interested. Why the fuck not?

Speculation ventures that on a hand rail – maybe a day or a couple of hours. On a kitchen working surface, maybe the same . On a left-over portion of pizza – maybe a bit longer.

So, how about this for a scientific approach by our micro-biologist scientific advisors. Take a sample of the Covid-19 pathogen – spread it on a series of lab controlled kitchen surfaces – on a series of hand rails – on a strew of shopping baskets – and on several slices of pizza – then go round checking the cultures every couple of hours to see how fucking long they did – or did not – survive.

For fuck's sake, these twats have had over a month of lockdown to get their heads around this one and no fucker has.

Is this due the fact the entire Covid-19 fiasco is simply pure theatre - a mass population control and compliance Neuro-Linguistic Programming (conditioning / brainwashing) exercise?

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