In today's
'Let's Kick Some ‘Great Reset’ Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the
latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Political Sleaze' – a timely ‘eyes-open’ exposé of the pathetic antics of the psychotic 'Greedy,
Control Freaks who Covet the Wealth of this World' - from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches
hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian
non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical,
pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg
recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or
empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo'
elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy –
aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by
their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded
themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine
Well, there we
are, the kiddie-sniffing President of the good ole US of A is in our domain,
and holding meetings with the Tory Numpty Party Slime Minister, Fishy Sunak, in
the Downing St gardens. Hmmm, mustn’t be pissing down with rain there – same as
the rest of the British Isles.
Yep, senile Creepy
Joe’s on a mission to convince Fishy and British military top dogs to okay the supply
of ‘banned’ cluster bomb munitions to the Ukraine comedian – Zelensky – for use
against the Russian interlopers.
While supplying
the Ukraine with all manner of other evil weaponry, Sunak, has publicly decried
the use of the verboten ‘cluster munitions’ being supplied to Zelensky’s rabid
regime – regardless of the fact the entire situation is already two steps beyond
a total ‘cluster fuck’.
Okay, don’t get
carried away now – Creepy Joe Bidet and the rest of the Pentagon warmongers don’t
really give a flying fuck viz the welfare of Zelensky and his neo-Nazi klepto’ regime
– or the Ukraine itself – (North America and Canada produce more wheat than
Ukraine anyways) – but are hell bent on not losing the opportunity - (presented,
gift-wrapped, to them through the most reckless and imprudent invasion actions
of Bad Vlad Putrid) - to fight a proxy war with Russia – and make a total
devastated wasteland bollocks of some other hapless fucker’s countryside and
cities – specifically the Ukraine’s.
Oh my, none of
this will end well, for those who are supplying Zelensky’s crooked regime with
weapons of war are eventually gonna cop a very stern rebuke from Kuzma's Mother.
There again, much
as Creepy Joe ain’t to be trusted – neither is Fishy Sunak – for when it comes
down to the Tory Useless Party leader’s pledge viz ‘stopping the flotillas of boats’
and Channel crossings by scrounging ‘hordes’ (or is the correct terminology ‘shoals’?)
of welfare-seeking ‘opportunity knocks’ illegal foreign immigrant types, then, pun
intended, Fishy’s ‘boat has sailed’ and his promises in tatters.
So too for the
Labour Party’s erstwhile Sir Keir ‘U-Turn’ Stammerer, on the subject of this illegal
Channel crossing ‘public-opinion-critical’ genre – he’s on a par with Fishy, and
more full of shit than a Christmas goose, when it comes down to stopping the overloaded
rubber dinghy’s coming ashore on our south coast beaches.
The political
will just ain’t there – and any old excuse will suffice to justify this chronicle
of failure – which puts our entire Anglo-Saxon culture – and the economy - in a
state of jeopardy.
WTF next? A man
just won the Miss Netherlands 2023 competition – hormone-sprouted boobs,
swinging dick, bollocks and all.
Yet should we
be surprised, living in this post-truth world, the way the Woke joke political
correctness cult is steering our Western society with their twisted
inclusivity, equity and diversity strategy - bizarre and immoral as it is to
our Christian faith mores and ethical upbringings.
Now we have trans-gender-bender
activists giving fiery speeches at their Trans Pride parade, promoting violence
against what the cross-dressing sicko’s call TERFS (someone who questions their
gender-confused mental condition).
‘Punch them in
the face’ – cries the trans-spokes-thing with a history of violence who served
a 30 year jail stay for attempted murder.
Lovely people
they have on the trans-gender team.
Irrational ideas,
woolly logic, and sans any modicum of common n sense - all a stage, creating a
socio-political platform for leftie wankers – specifically the Woke joke leftie
commissars, erecting their cancel culture signs n ‘standing up’ for the minorities
of our sad n sick society, eh?
Yeah, right, the homeless, druggies, illegal immigrants, child molesting
paedos, blokes impersonating
women – so they can invade women’s private spaces – and win at women’s events –
due the fact they’ve got no fucking chance of winning sweet fuck all in a men’s
sport event.
rodent-featured Tommy Malthus, himself the sixth of seven sprogs, was very big
on eugenics - ‘proper breeding’ and population control – and set the later Hitlerian
Nazi-embraced model for ‘ethnic cleansing’.
Malthus had the
hots for exterminating what might be regarded as lesser races, and useless
eaters, determined via his eugenics treatise – yet married his own first cousin’s
daughter, sans a care for the negative effects of inbreeding and had three
children of his own brood – all of whom were squirrely.
Best remembered
for his predictions of demographic catastrophe viz maintaining both resources –
specifically food supplies - and national / global population statistics from
reaching – and exceeding - sustainable levels – to thus pre-empt the negative
effects of an over-population crisis.
Yeah, social
engineering on steroids – no fucking wonder the likes of ex-Microslop CEO, Bent
Bill Gates (of Hell) and the WEF’s Satan Klaus Schlob, have a hard-on for the
possible ‘end game’ advantages of applying Malthus’ theories viz over-population
and useless eaters to their Great Reset project.
The word is out
from wily whistle blowers - those still possessed with some modicum of social conscience
- embedded in the halls of Worstminster and our Parliament - that the establishment’s
dodgy Behavioural Inshites Team – aka the Tory Cabinet Office’s ‘Nudge Unit’ - along
with their contemporary mind control freak fascist pals at the Tavistock
Institute - are burning the midnight oil to perfect fresh NLP social conditioning
techniques to coerce the common herd – alas, by nature, a most trusting and gullible
public entity - to accept and unquestioningly ‘comply’ with their totalitarian lockdowns
and ‘roll yer sleeve up’ vaxx directives when the next Wicked Wuhan false flag ‘mind
games’ scamdemic is launched.
Hmmm, yet
another a dowry of dime-store psychological manipulation, cobbled together by officialdom’s
psycho squad, and masquerading as Pied Piper charisma.
Time for British
society to wake the fuck up, for this entire Woke joke cult – with its
political correctness fascist undertones – linked with the no-so-subtle inclusivity,
diversity and equality NLP brainwashing of the public body – to embrace trans
men with cocks as real women – is morphing into a religion-scale belief system –
woven into the fabric of our daily existence – becoming a veritable bureaucratic
caste that portrays itself beyond reproach – or censure.
Ergo, it is the
pinnacle of absurdity - with the Woke acolytes chanting the same irrational, flawed
science mantras - to herald in and celebrate our cultural decline.
The entire Woke
joke cult are hell bent on silencing opposition – any format of questioning, or
criticism, of their ideology – for this repressive and toxic creed has now
permeated itself deep into the fabric, and very weave, of the civil service bureaucracy
and government – and further still, into the hallowed hals of corporations,
banking houses and industry.
Oh my, the
moral superiority assumed by the Wokesters, and their affiliated Mermaids and Stonewall
– (the Keepers of the Rainbow Ring) and the rest of the cancel culture crazy
gang – regarded by the ‘still sane’ critical thinking sector of our society as
the IQ-stunted
result of generations of endogamous diminishment and genetic regression.
As we stated, time for the public to
wake up before this socio-political trend is so deeply engrained it will take a
civil war status reaction to rid our society of the immoral bane.
Dum Spiro, Spero’ - ‘While I Breathe, I Hope’.
Our ever-caring government (sic) is set to get tough on the Greedy
Grocer supermarket chain’s ‘Buy One – Get Two Free’ processed junk food sales –
which have a nutritional value equal to pigswill.
Ha! Shrug the waistline worries - simply laugh n get fat.
So too is the vastly overpriced Starbucks ‘designer’ caramel Puke-accino
coffee on the healthy diet guidelines hit list.
The gospel according to the Starbucks ‘small print’ the Puke-accino
is made with semi-skimmed milk, and comes with a six inch length of sugar cane
to stir n sweeten it.
Whereas a
Caffe Nero Belgian chocolate and hazelnut frappe crème – on a par with the oat
milk chocolate fudge brownie frappe mocha from Cost a Lot Coffee - all contain
more sugar than a 2lb grocery shelf bag from the Pestco supermarket – and are
to henceforth carry a warning on the cup stating This Drink May Cause Diabetes.
Allergy warning:
for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is
no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically
incorrect' – aka the Truth.
This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst
purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations
and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted
public interest factoids with socio-political satire - may also contain traces
of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog
radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush
telegraph innuendo.