Wednesday 12 October 2022

PETA Demands Male Carnivore Celibacy

In today's 'Let's Diss the Weirdo’s' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Social Insanity – a timely scandalous exposé of the Woke cult getting their nasty, meddling paws into everything yet again – brought to you from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

Yep, you read the banner headline correctly: PETA Demands Male Carnivore Celibacy. Meat-eating men should be banned from having sex, says PETA - due ‘toxic masculinity’.

Really, first off, WTF is ‘toxic masculinity’ – and second, who is PETA? Yet another bunch of asylum-escapee cretins? Morons sans borders, on a mission, clamouring for socio-political attention?

So, to reply to this burning question of the day: who, or what, the fuck is PETA? Well, it ain’t part of the Peter, Paul and Mary folk group; and definitely nowt to do with Jesus’ disciple, Peter the Fisherman; nor any relation to Russia’s Peter the Great.

Nope, this is the ‘People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ meddling twat club – and the male meat-eating celibacy demand originates from loony members of their wankers collective. Yet another offshoot of the psychosis-ridden Woke cult that is attempting to control the narrative of every fucking thing, in, on, and around the entirety of God’s creation, that they, in their omnipotent stupidity, do not agree with.

To wit, the gospel according to the PETA fuckwits - an American animal rights non-profit boasting ‘nine’ million IQ-deficient members - they are ‘demanding’ no less, that men who eat meat should be banned from having sex – but do not expand proficiently enough to state who, or what, they should be banned from having sex with.

Other men - or women – or all meat eaters – or the animals they intend to eat – or post-mortem ‘necro-sex’ with the butchered beasts -  or the make-believe ‘toxic’ transgender types who simply dress up as women – and still eat meat?

Albeit, a quick read of their so-called peak insanity ‘manifesto’ is enough to get a common sense sort of person head-shaking when they read the command that any fucker – specifically males of the species - who grabbed a quick burger for lunch should be henceforth banned from engaging in acts of coitus until they have digested the spicy patty, and vented all offensive flatulent gases – then switch to a Vegan diet.

Eating meat is a symptom of toxic masculinity, say the PETA fascists – and according to their flawed science guesstimates, men caused 41% more arsehole-emitted greenhouse gas bursts than women, due the fact they consume more meat – hence their call for women to go on a ‘sex strike to save the world’.

Er, anyone ask for a meat-eating woman’s opinion on this issue?

PETA’s Sandrine 'Piranha Teeth' Rousseau, a prominent French Green / EELV MP, ‘ignited’ controversy in France last month – (no, not due lighting one of his smelly Vegan farts) - by branding the smoking outdoor BBQ grill as a ritual that reeks (sic) of virility, male meat-eating compulsion and power over women - (and perhaps exerts a certain ‘appetising’ power over hungry, homeless folk too).

Ergo, men who eat meat should be banned from having sex and need to change their lifestyle by joining PETA’s free Vegan start programme – for they claim scientific proof that ‘toxic masculinity’ also harms the climate.

Yeah right, such might possibly harm the climate to the same degree as PETA’s ‘toxic stupidity’.

Hmmm, thanks to the PETA think tank for that little gem. Here we have the calibre of a pushy lifestyle / enviro’ group – the psychotic fascist variety, who once appeared at Nuremberg, charged with crimes of genocide for imprisoning persons with an ‘opposing opinion’ in the likes of Auschwitz and Belsen concentration camps.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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