In today's
'Let's Kick Some Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the
latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Political Incompetence' – a timely scandalous exposé of the Tory Nasty Party’s recent adoption of 'The Wilkins
Micawber Handbook of Economic Theory' – a banner headline first from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches
hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian
non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical,
pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg
recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or
empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo'
elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy –
aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by
their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have
deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its
once-pristine mantle.
As an appetiser
to the main course of feasting on the utterly ridiculous state of international
political mismanagement, we have the flawed science - (oil is not a fossil fuel
– but abiotic) - climate change gang – specifically a gaggle of Just Stop Oil environment
protesters – who have glued themselves to the asphalt along The Mall, outside Fuckingham
Hmmm, a
question to ponder on - why doesn’t some fucker ‘glue’ these gullible / Stop
Oil / Green New Deal / Zero Carbon . Extinction Rebellion wankers to the inside
of a prison cell – along with Sweden’s squirrely marionette and climate change 'Doom n Gloom' gremlin; the emotionally-unstable Sideshow Greta?
Then, next up,
we have Truss n Kwasi Warthog, practicing their personal brand of Tory Nasty Party
‘weaponised stupidity’ – on behalf of the WEF’s Great Reset architect, Satan
Klaus Schlob – and their Square Mile masters – purposely crashing Food Bank Britain’s
already stagnated economy, while implementing £43 billion nicker in tax cuts for their Corporatocracy cronies.
Under the Truss
/ Kwasi Warthog aegis, mortgage and interest rates have gone into orbit, along
with food, fuel and every fucking thing else - with the office of the Chancellor
of the Exchequer now retitled the Ministry of Bankruptcy, Mortgage Misery &
Alas Britain,
fallen victim to this Truss cohort clique – with Truss topping the ego list, along
with her bestie mate, Theresa ‘Six Sugars’ Coffey – a lard-arsed, unfit porker
appointed Minister of Health – and then we have Kwazi Wazi the Warthog. who, collectively,
since getting Bonkers Boris & Co evicted from 10 Downing St, have developed
a most unhealthy and narcissistic God complex viz their Crime Minister and cabinet
appointments – and with ample assistance from the leper-status Lib-Dums – and New
Labour’s Keir Stammerer and Mangela ‘AirBuds’ Rayner - reduced the character
and quality of Britain’s Parliamentary political debates to a series of ‘blame
game’ finger-pointing, shouting matches –whose intellectual
quality is on a par with a buffoonery of orangutans squabbling over perching
rights on the branches of a mango-laden tree.
thanks to a cadre of common sense variety Tory MP’s crying ‘Foul!’, Minister
Warthog now intends to ‘fast track’ his economic plan to – ‘calm financial
markets’ - (bit late for that) - and deliver the entire, revised ‘financial
recovery package’ before the previously scheduled end of November date, to October 31.
Yep, we know –
a real life Halloween ‘Trick n Cheat’ anxiety attack-inducing surprise package.
Regardless of the plus or minus elements of the above,
one negative factor that strikes right home is children’s school meals recently
deteriorating in quality, and quantity, to be on a par with farmyard pigswill –
all thanks to a lack of government funding – due food and staffing costs having
risen to the point that 45% of children who have free school meals - priced at
a stingy £2.47 per kid - fails to cover the cost of providing decent, appetising
food – while Downing Street and the House of Conmans are signing off on £££ billions
by sending arms and funds to the fascist crime state government of Ukraine –
all to the detriment of our own developing school children.
Hark again, Truss & her band of
bunglers claim to be committed to a policy of ‘fiscal responsibility’.
Yeah, right - we hear you – but fiscally responsible to whom
– our own born and bred British citizens – or the Ukraine military – and the
waves of 1,000 per day – ‘hands out’ grasping illegal economic migrants arriving
on our south coast beaches?
The powers that think they be need
to erect a big fucking sign on the tideline at Dover: Welcome to Broken Britain
– the Inflation Nation, with food
prices and fuel / transport costs well beyond our means – and definitely beyond
yours. A word to the wise – turn around now n head back to la belle Francaise.
As their recent
annual party conference drew to an end and the Truss made her closing speech, with
the Tory wankers pushing the Covid mRNA vax, and Woke, and transgender bender scams,
then one might well have expected her to quote the immortal Laurel & Hardy double
act with a remark of ‘Another fine mess I’ve got you into’.
The gospel
according to the Daily Shitraker, a range of factors are negatively affecting
mortgage and interest rates, which have been rising internationally in response
to global trends – mainly caused by Vladimir Putrid’s ‘illegal invasion’ of
No shit,
Sherlock – why didn’t that scenario manifest its ugly head following New Labour
Crime Minister, Tony Bliar’s ‘illegal invasion’ of Iraq – an act of military
aggression warmongering justified by the concocted contents of a dodgy ‘intelligence’
(sic) dossier – aka the now-notorious weapons of mass distraction lie.
One thing any
critical thinking Englishman does not require right now is to be gifted with the
power of prophecy – to determine that the remainder of 2022 AD, and 2023 – and beyond
– (up to the Great Reset agenda’s 2030 target date – and then some) - are going
to present socio-political – and economic - chaos in motion – disaster sans
deliverance – and our once sacred isle of Albion – aka Great Britain – then to Broken
Britain – and on, to the current status of Food Bank Britain – slides by
ever-quickening degrees into a diminished condition of a Third World failed
Lot of chat viz
the entirety of Parliament’s House of Conmans / Upper House of Frauds hodgepodge
being no more than high theatre, albeit, personally I would not rank it with
such a distinction, perhaps more as Shakespearean tragedy, or music hall
burlesque – or a Whitehall Theatre farce – and on certain occasions no better
than a Punch n Judy show between New Labour and the Tory cabal.
All well and
good, the zillionaire elitist technocraps – the nouveau riche of this current epoch,
on the one hand destroying the environment – and then attempting to evade the
consequences of their societal / environmental destructive greed – installing ‘deep
six’ OpSec survival bunkers and the like – but the point is no fucker will
survive – while they might gain a few months , then be left to emerge from
their underground sanctuaries to a toxic atmosphere and contaminated ground
water; a supply chain system that no longer functions – then stumble through the
zero Wi-Fi / zero Internet debris of their own creation – just a Wilderness of
Things – tripping over discarded algorithms and fractured app’s and heaps of ‘more
at scent than substance’ inedible cyber currencies – to be set upon
by a horde of very hungry zombified cannibals.
Ergo, and if
that fucking lot isn’t enough to make a pig spew, we are now being informed that
due Bad Vlad Putrid invading Ukraine and Silly Britain being part of the NATO military
force joke – our once-sceptred isle might be suffering electricity blackouts
due a lack of natural gas to run power station generators – all to be blamed on
Bad Vlad – and not due the fact the government have swallowed the Green Deal ‘renewables’
lie and expect solar panels to power the country – in Winter (Que? WTF?) – or the
wind turbines to rotate when the wind don’t blow – and all down to the climate
change / global warming flawed science
lies that saw the closure of coal mines and an end to offshore oil n gas
exploration – and apathetic approach to updating and expanding nuclear power
So, prepare
thyself, Biblical fashion, for a cold n dark Winter – and Christmas – to come –
and a manifestation not to be helped along by the marked drop in solar activity
now gathering pace, with one consequence being a predicted decrease in planetary
temperatures – from Mercury to Pluto – and as our Earth is commonly regarded as
the sole ‘inhabited’ planet in the Sun’s satellite system since we migrated
here, from Mars, countless Millennia ago, then cometh the time to run up some
further credit card debt, and invest in a 20+ tog duvet, woolly beanies and socks,
gloves and thermal underwear – and too perhaps a few gallons of anti-freeze safely
stocked away – along with a pair of snow shoes (discarded tennis rackets might
suffice – (take a peek in Serena Williams’ wheelie bin), a sledge, and a pet
Okay, perhaps
the latter is of a slightly facetious nature, but, joking aside, if we do a
swift reality check, are we, the ever-marginalised and shit-upon useless eater
class sick to the back – and front – teeth with the state of current affairs
and the globalist scams? You fuckin’ betcha, baby.
Covid 1984 / SARS
/ lockdowns / mRNA toxic vaxx shots / global warming / climate change / sea
levels rising / zero carbon / New Green Deal / economic collapse / WEF Great
Resets / Fourth Industrial Revolutions (how silly). All more at scent than
substance propaganda bullshit– and while the Powers That Think They Be rub the
common herd’s nose in the fact we know sweet fuck all – and they’re the Masters of the Universe
– what a collective of wankers they actually are.
Never to learn,
all the centuries – millenniums – they have been repeating this ‘better than
you’ scam – and they self-devour – self-immolate – every fucking time. They can’t
help it - inbred mutant genetic flaws – either they become extinct due their chronic
habit of inbreeding with IQ deficient haemophiliac stock – basically fucking
ones cousins n sisters – or brothers - then the common herd finally get
super-pissed-off and take them out – an extinction level event scenario – and history
repeats itself – ergo 1789 and 1917 being the more recent ruling class
elimination episodes.
warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) –
there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the
'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.
This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst
purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations
and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted
public interest factoids - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration,
modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electrosmog radiation, and a chemtrail
residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.