Tuesday 14 September 2021

WTF Next? Bovine Potty Training

Yep, you read the banner headline correctly – Lunacy Beyond Borders is at it again – and the global warming / climate change 'order of battle' is currently fixated on potty training 'cows' - to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Oh my, now the Grotty Greta Wankberg-approved Moo Loo is this week's answer to saving Planet Earth (as if it needs saving). Hence this utterly ridiculous pantomime is a time n money-wasting concoction of hypocrisy n bullshit (sic - no pun intended) – saving the Earth for what - the convenience n comfort of the human zillionaire elitist rich cunt club?

So here we have a classic instance of animal reaction conditioning – in this case it's 'Pavlov's cow' getting brainwashed – via the tried n tested carrot n stick - or rewards and punishments - tutelage method.

Reminiscent of the barbarous discipline ethics employed by the good ole US of A's CIA interrogators and control freak military 'custodians' at Iraq's Abu Ghraib Prison, the bovine beasts cop a yummy treat 'if' they use the crapper – or the cold water hose squirted on them if they shit n piss on the grass.

The gospel according to the Moo Loo proponents at Krautland's prestigious Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology, 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from cattle's asses – and researchers there are attempting to teach a veritable herd of cows to use the toilet – claiming that capturing 80% of pee n poo in the Cattle Crapper could lead to a 56% global reduction in ammonia and methane emissions from the bovine species – and on the younger Bovine Learning Curve scale, calves-in-training displayed a level of bladder n bowel control performance comparable to that of potty trained young children.

Hmmm, cow pat-free fields. The English countryside just ain't gonna smell the same, ever again.


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