Thursday 23 September 2021

How to Clear M25 - Bulldozers

So WTF do these intellectually-challenged Insulate Britain activist tosspots believe their repeated M25 / main highway blocking antics are gonna achieve?

What actual flawed science thoughts are dominating their befuddled focus? That the 'inconvenienced' (sic – euphemism for thoroughly pissed off) road users /-motorists / truckies / bus drivers / emergency vehicle operators / commuters in general are gonna sympathise with their cause and fire off a stream of e-mails / texts / letters to their MP and Downing Street - demanding that Boris Johnson personally gets on his bike and fits rolls of fibreglass wool in the roof space / loft / attic of every fucking house in Food Bank Britain?

Really? Okay, it's pretty obvious they're collectively IQ-deficient, but surely not that fucking stupid? But when they've fronted some cunt named Biff Whipster as a spokesperson (sounds like some character from a Quentin Tarantino movie) - and expect to be taken seriously when the moronic gobshite claims he had traffic jammed motorists actually thanking him for making the effort to protest and block the road.

How about this alternate scenario? The afore-mentioned 'inconvenienced' road users – and emergency services / plods / fire brigades etc - focus their ire and venom on Insulate Britain's hypocrisy-ridden  activists - and, by extension, the whole Extinction Rebellion climate change protest movement - and form a 'fuck the lot' opinion of the entire issue.

Personally we would be for simply driving over the cunts - turn the fucking stereo up and ignore the screams.

However, political correctness being what it is today - a diversion from the common sense and logical approach to things - then road users simply join the traffic queue and wait impatiently as the Plod Squad dither away on hands n knees, fucking around with all manner of solvents, to unglue the cunts from the asphalt.

Insulate Britain has pledged to continue its action until the Government makes a meaningful statement indicating that they will insulate all of Britain’s 29 million leaky homes by 2030. Some fucking chance of that happening - how about a 'meaningful statement' that they'll incarcerate the whole shit-for-brains dingbat gang of you in some remote lunatic asylum?

As opposed to our earlier solution of simply driving over the activist scum who've self-adhered their hands – or asses – to the tarmac, how about setting an example of things to come?

If the wankers have positioned themselves across the lanes of the highway, simply clear two of the M25's four lanes, so the traffic can get through in reduced flow - and position a couple of those handy plastic fantastic barriers around the activists / protesters still glued to the road surface - and leave the cunts there – precisely where they want to be – for as long as it tales to unglue themselves.

Perhaps, after a couple of days of going hungry n thirsty n pissing n shitting in their pants – n breathing in exhaust fumes - they might reconsider their moronic method of active protest. Ha- if only.

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