Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Opportunist Migrants Flood Market Town

North-West England’s dreary chartered borough of Altrincham - hosting twice-weekly markets since 1290 -  has for recent years boasted a singular, half-ways decent hostelry establishment, the Cresta Court Hotel, (part of the Vine Hotels / Worst Western group) - located on the main Manchester to Chester coach road – and yet, faster than a rat out of an aqueduct, has this very day, shut its doors, closed down its website, and, sans ceremony, evicted staying guests – cancelling all manner of pre-paid bookings for weddings, christenings, and funerals, Xmas parties, bar mitzvahs, and their popular sell-out (and scandalous) ‘full moon’ al fresco Bingo night sessions.

WTF and why the 'lockdown', you might well inquire? For the hotel has been sequestered by that notorious, for-profit prison operations quango, Serco – to house some 300 Channel-hopping illegal foreign migrants for ‘one year’ in its 150 rooms – (yep, two to a bed - at least) all due to arrive en mass via an armada of coaches – or Serco’s re-tasked fleet of prison vans - or perhaps simply continue their waterborne journeys after crossing the Channel from France, along Britain’s elaborate system of inland waterways - and make landfall at the northern end of town - via navigating their inflatable rubber duck dinghies along the length of the Bridgewater Canal.

Doubtless this incoming shower of Third World sticky-pawed, scrounging ne-er-do-well asylum seekers – fleeing (so they collectively claim) the war-torn battle grounds of safe-haven France - have heard all about soft touch Broken Britain via the jungle tom-tom telegraph, and will, as now appears customary, be comprised of the usual stock-in-trade ‘invasion potential' single, military age Muslim males – born, raised - and brainwashed - in a culture than treats their own womenfolk as third class chattels – and bear zero respect for Christian worshipping infidels – er – that’s us, by the way – and with whom our Food Bank Britain's landscape is populated.

Hmmm, has no-one else raised a concerned eyebrow viz this blatant, and most disturbing, Labour government-approved ‘single, military-age males’ factor yet – or is this precisely why our corrupt government is in cahoots with Brussels EUSSR and Satan Klaus Schlob’s New World Order to achieve – the Great Reset dilution of our Anglo-Saxon genetic bloodlines at a nation-wide population level?

For the record – and reflection on greedy Greg Dyke’s Cresta Court Hotel ceasing normal operations for ‘one year’ –  the Britannia Ashley Hotel in the neighbouring village of Hale was closed to the public, and used to house 100-plus migrants ‘for one year’ back in February 2023 – while they were ‘asylum processed’.

Guess what – and how surprising – the 100-plus are all still there – some 20 months on – still ensconced – and 'still’ being ‘processed’ – prompting the more affluent residents of Hale village to say 'fuck this' - and move out. 

Further, viz the government’s asylum policy juxtaposed against the gospel according to recent figures, March 2024, there are currently 35,686 illegal arrival asylum seekers being accommodated in hotels across the UK.

This represents a 22% fall from the end of December 2023, with scores being moved into what the slimy, money-grubbing Serco refer to as ‘dispersal accommodation’- - usually a flat or shared house – or prison cell – all managed by the Home Office - with £3.1 billion quid squandered on hotel accommodation – which equates to around £8 million nicker per day – of public funds.

But WTF can we expect from the House of Conmans assembly – for the most part a motley collective of mouth-breathing dribblers – and by the record of blunders past – and present, still engaged in the practice of terminal wrong-think.


Ergo, regardless of scheduled local community ‘discussions’ to voice complaints this coming few days, it is a fait accompli – they are coming – and (apart from x-number going to prison for whatever crimes & misdemeanours - aggravated trespass, rape, GBH, murder) - will be here to stay.

So breathe deep on that last bit folks – as this Labour government – with the Chancellor, rabid Rachel Thieves, holding the purse strings - has robbed our old age pensioners of their 2024 annual £300 quid winter fuel allowance – while filling up the Cresta Court Hotel with scrounging asylum seekers copping their lodgings, and three square meals - at a cost of £££ mega-bucks per day – to us – the hapless taxpayers.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

No Tax Rises for Working Children

As opposed to addressing the House of Conmans ego-massaging addicts directly, the Labour party’s piss poor excuse for an Education Minister, the IQ-deficient Bridget Phillipson has, exercising her trademark unqualified arrogance before all and sundry, given an interview to gutter press hacks from the Daily Shitraker, and foolishly presumed to speak on behalf of the Treasury and Chancellor, the rabid Rachel Thieves - pontificating on this forthcoming Wednesday’s Autumn Budget, by reiterating the party’s manifesto pledge regarding workers (read ‘schoolchildren’) - whose main source of income is their weekly pocket money - would not see an increased band of income tax imposed.

Then, in typical two-faced Labour fashion, out of the blue, conjured up some Never Never Land microscopic print clause to target the afore-mentioned ‘workers’ if they have a second source of income – e.g. a newspaper round, or a dog walking job, or brushing pensioner’s driveways of fallen Autumn leaves – which would incur taxation at corporate rate, and hence further be subject to a National Insurance stamp levy.

Conversely, shifting into top gear motormouth mode, the gobshite Philipson – more suited to torturing her violin at Bikers Grove jam sessions – and personally raking in a salary, and allowances, of £160,000 per annum – (while sadistically attempting to inflict penury on Food Bank Britain’s less fortunate working class) - announced that ‘Sir’ Keir was committed to spending £1.4 billion nicker to build 50 new schools in England per year – plus a further £44 million quid to finance foster homes and orphanages for the legions of abandoned sprogs that arrived on our once-sceptred isle in the flotillas of rubber inflatable dinghies used by illegal migrants to cross the Channel from safe haven France.

Meanwhile, ponder those inner thoughts of the collective vengeance to be exacted – now gestating in the minds of millions of old age pensioners - wearing that extra woolly cardigan and cuddled up in blankets on their front room sofa to offset the Autumn chill in the air – (now a constant factor since the incumbent Labour party government’s nasty piece of work Chancellor of the Exchequer slashed their Winter Fuel Allowance) – shivering away, sat watching the goggle box in front of an empty fireplace - and sticking pins into the vitals of their rabid Rachel Thieves voodoo dolls.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Monday, 28 October 2024

Runcorn Fight Club MP Suspended

The incumbent Labour Party’s MP for rabid Runcorn, Mike ‘Slugger’ Amesbury - elected to the House of Conmans in 2017 by his equally-pugilistic Runcorn & Helsby conshituents – and who previously served as Shadow Minister for Sucker Punching in Keir Stammerer’s opposition party - claims he felt threatened in a middle-of-the-night altercation with a fellow drunk in Frodsham, and landed a pre-emptive leftie to the jaw, thus flooring his own constituent - before striking the hapless twat a further six times.

Conversely, a plethora of ‘he said – she said’ conflicting CCTV footage of the punchy Amesbury delivering several snide blows during the incident at a Frodsham taxi rank around 02.15 am on Saturday morning - when the hapless, and inebriated, Mr Paul Fellows questioned Amesbury viz the Keir Stammerer-led (sic) Labour party’s motives for shit-canning his 87-year old Grandma’s winter fuel allowance payment - have prompted Labour’s hierarchy to revoke his party membership, and withdraw the whip, hence the punchy Amesbury is now out on his arse for the violent behaviour.

Hmmm, 02:00 hours in the morning – following a Friday night out – and Amesbury’s violent response to the question – sans any format of physical provocation towards him - implication leans to suggest the entire crowd involved were the worse for alcohol consumption – or perhaps ‘tired and over-emotional’ - as Private Eye is given to phrase the circumstances of such altercations.

Frodsham Labour councillors were also in attendance to put the boot in, as the group turned a deaf ear to concerns from concerned neighbourhood residents regarding the late night racket, and shit state of local policing and community safety.

For the public record, mere hours before the incident occurred, Amesbury was attending an old pals pub crawl get-together with his fellow Freemason buddy - none other than the Cheshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Dan Price himself – rumoured to be known in policing circles as Dodgy Dan, the Cut-Price Man.

Reflecting on the above paragraph, and being Masonic mates with Dodgy Dan, doubtless the odds are favourite that Slugger Amesbury will face zero criminal charges of assault, or GBH, for his fisticuffs attack on a helpless fellow human being.

Ergo, if this was an erring Japanese politician, causing his political party embarrassment, then he’d automatically commit ritual seppuku and disembowel himself in the middle of the House of Conmans debating floor for his inebriated, and violent, indiscretions.

Seizing the opportunistic moment, the Reform Party has called for Mr Punchy to do the honourable thing and resign immediately, if not sooner – (Ha! – the honourable thing from Labour - some joke) – thus initiating a by-election which, after coming second place in the last voting session for rabid Runcorn, are hoping their candidate, canvassing on an anti-street violence ticket, can usurp the Labour-vacated House of Conmans seat.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modifed nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Skewed News Views Roundup

In today's 'Let's Kick Some Establishment Ass' nasty news roundup we bring our readers the latest and greatest hot gossip topic: Political Sleaze' – a timely scandalous exposĂ© of 'cross party political hypocrisy' from Anarchy Central’s 24/7 Truth & Rumour Mill – publishing, as always, 'ring of the anvil' dispatches hand-forged, crafted and tempered into razor-edged bespoke satire and parody to sate the palates of all budding anti-authoritarian non-conformists, proto-nihilists and those eclectic career radical, pro-justice, anarchist revolutionaries who carry the immortal genetic Rh-Neg recusant bloodline of the rebel sons of Belial - and harbour zero respect or empathy for the privilege-abusing arrogant authoritarian 0:01% predatory paedo' elitist Masonic-Satanist oligarchy – aka the Deep State Sabbatean death cult Corporatocracy - cursed by their exaggerated sense of entitlement and greed – who, imprudently, have deluded themselves into believing they rule this world, and all upon its once-pristine mantle.

OMG! What a start to the day. Now we have anti-Freedom of Speech legislation – (Higher Education / Freedom of Speech Act 2023) – being kicked around and reviewed by the House of Conmans primates, and their equally knuckle-dragging , moronic Upper House of Frauds titled-reptilian associates.

More Labour Party Corruption: Labour MP for Croydon North, Steve Reed, received a palm-greasing £1,786 worth of soccer match tickets from Hutchison 3G UK Limited - whose parent company is connected to Northumbrian Water.

Reed’s acceptance of the football tickets occurred three months after he was appointed shadow environment secretary.

Northumbrian Water, linked to the company that provided the tickets, was recently fined £17million quid by Ofwat for discharging sewage (untreated shite) into waterways for 280,000 hours during 2022 - (what horologists might refer to as a ‘very long time’).

Here we go again – smell the stench of political corruption - with Labour engulfed in yet another scandalous cronyism row after Wes Streeting's fudging partner – and true love fiancĂ©, Joe Dancey, was handed a major party role - (and doubtless the £££ salary remuneration package to go with it ) – and most conspicuously after losing his election bid a few months back - is going to be Labour's new executive director of policy and communications.

Hark the new green deal / net zero acolytes – still pushing wind turbines and solar panels for our land of fog – where the sun rarely shines, and never upon demand, and these clowns propose to run a modern economy on intermittent electricity?

Oh boy, God’s Chosen People (why?) up to their genocidal war crimes tricks again, now in the process of demolishing half of the Gaza Strip – that’s the half not quite already demolished by their previous – and continuing – arbitrary bombing campaigns.

Beware the trans-gender-bender cult’s disturbing agenda - to pillory any and all who dare speak the blatant and scientific truth – that biological sex is immutable – and they are collectively a gaggle of mentally-deluded fantasists who claim to be a girlie if they wear a dress – or alternately, a laddie, if they wear trousers and sport a stick-on moustache.

Fer fuck’s sake, ‘Call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer and his loopy-left Labour party circus are making a total bollocks of attempting to manage Food Bank Britian (formerly Broken Britain) and now they’re nuts deep implicated with a Trump election campaign complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission regarding a case of ‘blatant interference by a foreign power’ in the good ole US of A’s presidential election – and not only supporting, but publicly promoting, the candidacy of the dumb fuck Kamala ‘Bimbo’ Harris.

There again, Harris or Trump – what a fucking choice – is that the best America can do? Not a matter of one being better than the other, more at one being worse.

The Thought Police are out and about – collaring any and all who present a danger to polite society – and dare breach that unwritten rule – the taboo – of voicing the audacity to question our Labour government’s motives – or, Heavens forbid – point the fickle finger of Fate at them, exposing their corrupt – and treasonous – dirty dealings.

Oh my, what clots – the Zionist crowd are slapping backs and cheering at the fact they’ve snuffed Hamas number one – and now some stand-by unknown will take his place – adopting a modus operandi that the manky Mossad have zero experience of – whereas the former’s way of doing ‘stuff’ was known – so you leave him to get on with it – and pre-guess the game. But that’s the Zionist Hymie land grabber crew – all gob and little time for forethought – or reflection.

We love Labour, and Sir Keir Stammerer and Lady Mangela Rayner have our votes for their early prison release legislation. I just got sentenced to five years for burglary last week, and today I'm free as HMP Amnesty was overcrowded with convicted civil rights demonstrators.

In the footsteps of Napoleon, Bonkers Britain to pay Saint Helena £6.5 million quid to take in exiled Chagos Island migrants – as the US military want their island as a military base. God bless America. Nice people, we don’t think. 

Que? WTF? Slavery reparations translate as any old excuse to go on the perennial, hands-out ‘gimme’ cadge – and are utterly shameless. The fact the incompetent governments of Third World dumps are struggling economically has sweet fuck all to do with slavery - which ceased 200 years ago – (with an economic infrastructure in place) - and even less with some future fantasy predicted climate catastrophe.

And now, just for the community hypochondriacs, 20 signs that your liver is not healthy.

Sign 1 – you turn a dull, jaundiced shade of yellow.

Sign 2 – you are dead.

Signs 3 to 20 – reasons for mention now redundant.

Yep, the current ‘governing’ (sic) Labour gang, under the leadershit of ‘Call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer, and his ginger-mingin broomstick merchant deputy, Mangela Rayner, have succumbed to silly season anti-logic, and are all out with their support – and promotion of – this gender bender conversion therapy for the fucked in the head sector of our society that believes they were born in the wrong body – male/female vs female/male.

Ergo, common sense must take prescience in this debate – for if born with a willy, you are a male of the species – and if born with a snatch, you are a female. No if’s or but’s – that is how Nature and science are.

Oh yes, our medical tech , and a deft surgeon, plus lots of gender bender drugs, can do the ‘transition’ bit, and change the physical appearance, but that is all – change the appearance – for a woman with a skin grafted dick is not a man – nor is a bloke with a pussy a real female.

Religions – whichever you refer to, are all human constructs – and invariably control system orientated - the good ole ‘Thou Shalt’ and, of course, ‘Thou Shalt Not’ obedience principle.

OMG – and WTF next, we ask? The world is falling apart and all the shit-fer-brains MSM can ask is - what impact could Taylor Swift really have on this year’s US election cycle?

Well, if Lil’ Miss Cutie Pants launched a presidential bid, she’d doubtless win – being 100% more popular than the clowns currently standing - Donald Dumbo and Kamala Dumbo – and probably just as half-arsed smart to boot.

The Labour government is launching a ‘Back to Work for Lazy-Arsed Fat Gits’ campaign – an ill-thought scheme of injecting the unemployed and overweight with some experimental crap wonder diet juice conjured up by Big Pharma profiteers Lilly and Novo Nordisk - to run for a five-year trial period - on 3000 obese (read ‘fat fuckers’) hapless guinea pigs in the Manchester area.

The ginger-mingin Prince Harry Hewitt can't get royalty level motorcade protection anymore - thanks to the wart-faced Yvette Cooper blocking the privilege - but Taylor Swift can - in exchange for a couple of executive box tickets to her concert.

Mummy! Mummy! The nasty Plod Squad thugs have just arrested Daddy on thought crime charges. Yeah, free-thinkers beware - first they clamped down on freedom of travel, then came the jackboot effect on free speech – and now, under this ever-evolving fascist dystopia, our control freak government inquisition is prosecuting ‘free thought’.

OMG! WTF next? XL Bully cats indeed – looks like a fully pickled and wrinkled hairless monstrosity – straight out of Gremlins. Don’t believe? Just Google it.

Nowt to do with 'anti-Semitism' - but a yet another typical stock n trade racial / sectarian protest viz the Zionist Ashkenazi Jews of Convenience now governing 'Israel' - who stole the sovereign state of Palestine - (with the blessings of the good ole US of A, and a neophyte United Nations) - from the rightful Muslim owners back in 1948 - whose hapless populations are now confined to suffer human rights and war crime privations in the ever-diminishing West Bank and Gaza strip concentration camps.

Ref’ the dreaded Covid-1984 latest – and greatest – all-new XE variant – which carries the usual symptoms, including a high temperature, headaches, sore throat, continuous cough, loss of sense of taste or smell, shortness of breath, diarrhoea and vomiting, body aches (from all the shitting and spewing), extreme fatigue – and – er – eventually death.

Go see your GP and get the latest shot – preferably followed by a couple of boosters – which will really fuck you up into a state of paraplegic disability – plus fry your brain to the IQ of a guinea pig.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Friday, 18 October 2024

Public Beware - Killer Cop Cars

Oh yeah – not one – but two – unmarked – and speeding - Plod Squad cars in  collisions – with another car – ‘and’ an OAP pedestrian – in the last 24 hours.

A pregnant woman and her unborn child were both killed when the car she was driving was hit by a speeding (90+mph) unmarked police car – one of a trio of siren-blaring Volvos tear-arsing down the A20 in Eltham, London – which flipped their car over several times - while a hapless, 60-plus-year-old grand-dad is in a critical, ‘death’s-door’ condition after he was hit by yet a second unmarked – and speeding - police car in Bedfordshire.

(Dare we speculate that both mobile crews of inept plods were collectively chasing - and attempting to intercept - the very same 'high speed' suspects - on an 'all vehicles respond' nationwide alert?)

No shit, Sherlock, zero observance of, nor respect for, the statuary speed limits they impose on we, the ‘resigned to obedience’ public demographic.

Really, fast, cheap, and out of control sums up the entire fubar. Who the fuck was driving these vehicles – the perennially-accident prone Keystone Cops - or the ever-bungling Wallace and Gromit, in rapid pursuit of the villainous Feathers McGraw?

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Labour Plan ‘Operation Deep Freeze’

Yep, the banner headline says it all – the imminent 2024 / 2025 Winter season will see the Labour Party’s ‘Operation Deep Freeze’ kill off millions of useless-eater old age pensioners – who, while contributing £££ mega-bucks to the state pensions system over their working lifetimes, are today considered, by this government’s parsimonious bean counters – and specifically their repugnant boss, this incompetent joke of a Chancellor, Rachel Thieves - as a parasitic burden.

Ergo, it has been thus concluded - in their ‘infinite wisdom’ (sic) -  to henceforth axe the OAP’s £300 quid winter fuel allowances – with the rabid Rachel, grinning like some gormless Cheshire Cat, as she kicks our state pensioner community in the teeth - yet as the right hand dispenses large public sector pay rises alike some Lady Bountiful - devoid of any predicted format of productivity gains – the left hand conversely imposes a £25 billion nicker tax hike that shall undoubtedly stifle future economic growth and welfare reform – and all to balance her books, ahead of  the looming October 30 Budget.

Hmmm, here we are presented with further Labour party government absurdity - this clumsy, chaotic and poorly planned ‘scam’ - (more so than ‘scheme’) - enacted by none other than the key subject of this diatribe - that repulsive and septic creature, Labour’s dodgy and despicable ‘Granny-freezer’ Chancellor Rachel Thieves – robbing our once-proud nation’s prelapsarian pensioners - so Labour can afford to dispatch mega-loads of 'Shit Storm' missiles to Ukraine’s klepto’ Zelensky government - to blast the crap out of Russia, the Kremlin, and Bad Vlad Putrid – plus further contribute Food Bank Britain’s exploitive £££ share to the international (read ‘Brussels EUSSR’) - climate change hoax study fund.

Alas, we fear this entire ‘Let’s rob the pensioners’ cutback fiasco will morph, as our winter season progresses, into widespread public reports of “Granny turned blue and had icicles hanging off her ears, while sitting in her armchair, watching the telly."

See photo below: Labour Party top dog Slime Minister - 'Call me Sir’ - Keir Stammerer, and his faithful party purse strings control bitch, Chancellor Rachel Thieves - Labour's ambassador for economic stagnation - have a giggle at the legions of OAPs fallen victim to the optional ‘heating or eating’ arbitrary slashing of the winter fuel allowance.

"Oh look, another snap frozen pensioner turning blue. Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Whodunnit: Hamas - or Shin Beth?

Now here’s one to ponder over the morning coffee - for the question of the day is this: was October 7 (2023) a Hamas attack – on Israel?

Hmmm, if memory serves correctly, Hamas was an IDF / Mossad creation to counter the influence of the PLO’s frog-faced Yessir Marrowfat.

Que? WTF? Was that almost a year gone by? Yep, we’re drawing close to a first anniversary already. Does not time fly when two wholly-opposing ethnic-racial-sectarian-political factions are at each other’s throats – 24/7 - like pit bull fighting dogs.

More likely an excuse – and the justification for - what they are currently committed to at this precise and crucial moment in history - as the calendar turns a page into true Autumn, and October 2024 makes its presence known – the indiscriminate bombing, and invasion of, the sovereign state of Lebanon.

Why, one might inquire? Why indeed - to exact revenge on Hezbollah – for – er – taking revenge on Israel – on behalf of – er – Hamas – and – er – all the Muslim Palestinian civilians the rogue Zionist state has inflicted repeated war crimes and inhuman harm upon – and that’s apart from stealing their homeland of Palestine and renaming it Israel, back in 1948 – and all with United Nations ‘go for it’ approval.

Rumours, reflecting on the established Israeli ‘By Way of Deception’ back-stabbing policy - (the post-WW2 foundation stone of the Zionist ‘victim’ / blame game modus operandi) - pervade the air that the manky Mossad – and their domestic intelligence (sic) Shit Beth partners in crime – or was it Unit 8200 - have been up to their false flag / self-harm dirty tricks again - plus we scrutinise their history of always being on the lookout for some hapless Muslim activist type to accuse and condemn for crap – or simply to make them look even ‘badder’ than they really are.

But who, in the Western-dominated jurist community, really gives a flying fuck about Muslim Palestinians – they’re not God’s Chosen People – don’t control the global money streams – and banks – or the good ole US of A government in Washington (Shite House ‘and’ both Senate and Congress) - and have no right in the Zionist Promised Land – even though they lived there since time immemorial – er – until 1948 and the Yawm an Nakba – their Day of the Catastrophe.

Bollocks, so the story goes, within the privy and restricted confines of the global intelligence services networks – October 7 is just one more Israeli-driven narrative – with the fickle finger of Fate pointing directly at either the manky Mossad’s Kidon Unit psycho scum – or the equally scrote-staffed ‘Shit Beth’ - as being responsible – and this heinous false flag attack supported by Yossi Landau and his shifty Shylock ‘Zaka’ operatives – doubtless involved in pulling one of their notorious self-harm Hannibal Directive black propaganda stunts.

Yeah, Zaka – run by kiddie fiddling paedo scum and money-grubbing embezzlers – whose grasp of the Talmud’s moral rectitude message is more at scent than substance – especially so when it comes down to simply snuffing a gaggle of immigrant kibbutzim sod busters, to make the Hamas look bad.

Ergo, if one report is an exaggerated black propaganda-embroidered lie, then we assume the entire charade was a B-movie quality fiction, broadcast by the dark powers in the nutty Knesset – on the orders of that notorious Likit Party deceiver, and Slime Minister, Bobo Nuttyahoo.

But, if one dares cry Foul! – and points to the sore thumb conflicting evidence of this nihilistic Hamas attack, or questions the fundamental philosophy of the cult of Zionism – and the theft of Palestine by the Israeli apartheid state’s military actions in 1948 - then you shall be, as is the stock-in-trade custom, automatically smacked with their nasty anti-Semitism racist hate crime stick.

There again yer just gotta admire the reckless abandon with which the Israeli government / IDF military, and Shit Beth operate – expediting the purposeful genocide of the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip littoral enclave with the zeal of a camp of evangelists, collectively high in oath – and on a scale that the Hitlerian Nazis would applaud – and all sans the use of gas chambers – albeit with high tech’ weapons systems and explosive depleted uranium ordnance supplied directly from the limitless arsenals of their good ole American Zionist buddies in Washington DC.

Ye Gods, we would hate to see a rebuild survey cost estimate for the bombed-out ruin that now constitutes the Gaza Strip enclave – that today, along with the equally deprived West Bank ‘Malnutrition Central’ concentration camp, comprise the radically-diminished homelands for the hapless Palestinian Muslim population – of what was, until 1948, regarded as the Holy Land – and their ancestral home.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Labour Wreak Housing Crisis Havoc

Yep, the banner headline encapsulates the essence of the message – with Labour’s current Energy Secretary, ‘Ego Ed’ Millipede, single-handedly formulating a future housing crisis that will have legions of hapless property renters rendered homeless, and out on the streets - dossing across the expanse of Food Bank Britain’s back alleys and public parks.

Hark, and listen to the budding housing crisis message being carried on the winds of change, in the wake of Labour’s annual party conference – a week-long, gobshite ‘blame the Tories’ name-calling / cross party back-stabbing session in Scouseland.

Sooner than keep his stupid mouth shut and not publicly expose a glaring IQ-deficiency, Ed Millipede, the younger brother of the equally obnoxious David Millipede – and progeny of that chronically repulsive Belgian-born Polack-Marxist political wheeler-dealing Commie – and pro-Zionist sympathiser - Adolphe Millipede – simply had to take the stage, and make his moronic presence felt.

Babbling on regardless, ‘Wallace’ Millipede did succeed in impressing all assembled that, without a doubt - and regardless of his official ministerial title - he knows sweet fuck all regarding ‘Energy Security – or ‘Net Zero’ - nor has one single point of cerebral acumen regarding residential housing construction or insulation technology – apart from the A4 sized photo-copied information downloaded from the property pages of the Beano and Dandy kid’s comics - or Builder’s Weekly - and shoved on the desk in front of him to peruse and quote from – by Labour’s cognisant energy department staffers, burdened to support the hopeless moron in fulfilling his ministerial daily duties.

Okay, now read on, viz what ‘Wallace’ intends to inflict on property landlords – and ban them from renting out homes that are not up to the Labour / Millipede standard of energy efficiency.

Really, for this is not simply some political parody piece to ridicule Labour’s choice of an ‘energy minister’ for the fun of it – but rather fashioned from whole cloth truth, to report, in the public interest, that the moronic Millipede has actually vowed to ban landlords from renting out properties that do not meet his more at scent than substance ‘energy efficiency standards’.

'Red Ed' further informed the Labour party conference at ‘Grim-up-North’s Liverpool that property investors would have until the end of the decade to ‘dig deep’ into their collective pockets – or take out mega-interest bank loans (if available - and they qualify) - to invest (sic) £10,000 quid on upgrades for each of their rented social homes.

Under Mr 'Smarty Pants' Millipede’s iron fist aegis, private housing landlords will be henceforth forbidden from renting out properties with an energy rating of E, or lower – (G to Z) - while official figures from 2022 indicate that 50% of rental properties have an EPC rating of at least C.

Thus Millipede is vowing to ensure every single rented social housing property reaches his mandated standard of energy efficiency by 2030, sparking fresh fears that Labour intends to declare war on private landlords – forcing them to invest unaffordable amounts on heat pumps – or (no laughing) solar panels – (in the cloud-stricken northern hemisphere island of Britain?) - to achieve their ‘Millipede-approved’ energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of C, or higher.

(For the benefit of the uninformed, EPCs rate homes on their energy efficiency, with properties graded between A and G – and the government’s initial consultation suggesting that all newly-rented homes to have a minimum rating of C by 2025, and then all rented properties by 2030).

Regardless of homeless folks and families in dire need of having a roof over their heads, and glad to rough it – even if it’s a tent, a parkland bivouac, or even a vacated pigsty - current rules forbid landlords from renting out properties with a rating of E or lower - while there is no minimum rating for rented social homes. 

Conversely, the National Residential Landlords Association warned that almost a third of Broken Britain’s rental homes were built prior to 1919 and heated by coal fires, thus would be among the hardest to improve the energy efficiency of.

To close his Labour party conference speech, Millipede speculated – on record - that banning landlords from renting out energy inefficient homes would lift one million families out of fuel poverty – and having to live in cold, draughty homes – which he personally points his fickle finger of Fate at – blaming such as a Tory legacy, a Tory scandal – and a Tory outrage.

Que? WTF? Who the fuck put this clown - ‘Wallace sans Gromit' - Millipede in charge of anything that involves intelligence, let alone appointed to the post of the Labour party’s energy secretary, overseeing the proposed energy and ‘nutty’ net zero compliance across the entire swathe of Broken Britain?

Has any fucker thought the scale and implications of this one through – as ‘Wallace’ Millipede and his faithful dog Gromit, obviously have not.

Ergo, reflecting on the above sentence, let us simply advance to the point where hard-up landlords will back off borrowing mega-bucks from rapacious, mega-interest rate banks, to pay for the mandated ‘Millipede Upgrades’ – and properties will stand empty – plus no longer forking out monthly council tax payments – and the homeless shall flood the streets, back alleyways, and parks.

Lol’s - albeit it is not a laughing matter, and to compound insult to injury, the Labour party’s shit-fer-brains - and noxious - Chancellor, Rachel 'Cold Comfort' Thieves, is now planning a capital gains tax raid in October’s Budget – a factor that has convinced many landlords to sell up and get out of the property market – while this egregious Labour government are in office.

How these Labour party clowns, of Millipede’s ilk, draw legitimacy for the absurdities that form the foundation points of their socio-economic – and net zero policies - is a question lacking a coherent answer.

Fer fuck’s sake, now the latest project of this shit fer brains Labour government is to introduce a ‘Protect the Undead’ bill before the House of Conmans - to enact a ban on the sale of, or possession of, zombie knives.

Now no fucker or their dog is gonna be safe when these decomposing ghouls escape their churchyard graves – or leg-it, half-incinerated – from the crematorium’s furnace, or corpse cinder dump – and cause havoc on the night-time landscape of Broken Britain – eating stray cats, badgers, and hedgehogs – and the vulnerable legions of Labour-inflicted homeless folks, crashed out on park benches, or in tents under parkland trees – deprived of the very tool that might combat the zombie hordes.

Labour, two months in office, and while Broken Britain morphs into Food Bank status as the Autmn sets in - with no £300 quid winter fuel allowance payment cash to spare for our OAPs - but plenty of £££ in the slush fund to send mega-bucks armaments to the Ukraine, or for welcoming ashore, housing, and feeding, legions of illegal migrants in hotels - then donate another £2 billion nicker- of our taxpayer funds - to some more myth than substance ‘climate change assessment fund’.

Something stinks in Denmark - and it isn't Hamlet's socks.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.