Broken Britain’s current incumbent Prime Minister, the Labour Party’s Keir Stammerer, has informed the gutter press media that ‘his’ government will have to suffer in silence with being as unpopular as a dose of galloping gonorrhoea, as he makes ‘some tough decisions’ – by a tightening of the national purse strings to strangulation level – in a futile attempt to ‘get national economic priorities right’ – for his planned Marxist Utopia to take root, and become a reality.
Yep, that’s ‘call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer – pursuing this economically-suicidal obsession with the climate change Net Zero lie - plus the open-borders, illegal immigration free-for-all; and the money-grubbing fixation to tax anything that moves - to finance things that don’t - as they resort to adopting neo-Malthusian euthanasia principles and trash the sacred Winter Fuel Allowance of Britain’s old age pensioners – saying ‘tough shit’ if you can’t afford to keep warm this coming winter – just curl up and die.
So much for ‘lying bastard’ Labour’s ‘Warm Homes Plan’ pledge.
Labour: the Party of the People (that’s me n you) indeed - yet another of Keir’s regressive and iniquitous benefit-slashing, socialist dystopian money grabs – and this time targeting the old age pensioners.
Thus, with implementing this venal means-testing process, Stammerer and his Labour Party Orcs are betraying the essence of the Old Age Pensions Act of 1908, and have abandoned whatever moral compass they might have once possessed – prior to the likes of Anthony Charles Lynton Bliar gaining office in 10, Downing Street
We take scrupulous note that the freshly-installed Labour Government are doing their level best to ignore, and refuse to contend with, the permeating stench of political corruption hanging over Downing Street since they got into office – specifically yet another cronyism scandal - after ‘Two Tier’ Keir pocketed a personal back-hander bung of £20,000 nicker from party donor, Lord Weedy Alli Money-Bags – for new clothes – in addition to a further donation of £500,000 quid - (all in used – and laundered - £ fivers) - to the party – with Lord Weedy receiving a freebie ‘all access security pass to No 10 and the House of Conmans restaurant and bar.
Que, £20,000 quid for new clothes - why can’t Stammerer get outfitted at a local jumble sale, like the rest of us common herd plebs?
Ergo, while on the subject of untrustworthy politicos, let us not overlook Stammerer’s previous days of infamy record as the Director of Pubic Persecutions (sic), linking his failure to process the arrest and prosecution of his fellow Freemason (and knight of the realm) – that notorious sex pest, and paedo-scum kiddie fiddler, the BBC’s untouchable celeb’ DJ – ‘Sir’ Jimmy Savile, OBE.
Albeit today, Stammer, as leader of the Labour Party, now presumes to exude an air of scrupulous honesty, and moral rectitude, as they mull how to impose mass censorship legislation and stamp on our God-given right of free speech – to counter and oppose Labour’s multiculturalism and futurism drive – both being flawed philosophies that shall blight and stunt societal evolution.
We think not.
To wit, this Labour Party ‘government’ (sic) under ‘Sir’ Keir’s nasty ‘fuck the oldies’ leadershit - and ignoring his credibility-deficiient hypocrisy of publicly stating - “we will not be reckless with working people's money” - has no problems squandering the OAP’s winter fuel allowance on hosting, and keeping fed n fat, hordes of wetback, Channel-hopping illegal migrants – (who harbour zero intention of ever assimilating with British culture) - in warm n cosy hotels – as our pensioners succumb to hypothermia.
Yet we view with ire Stammerer’s subservient kowtowing to union-driven public sector pay settlement demands, as junior doctors cop a 22% pay rise – and Rattle Track’s train drivers squeeze him for a 4.5% inflation-busting pay boost, while already on a £65,000 quid per annum salary.
Ergo, on the subject of ‘getting priorities right’ Labour have recently committed £12.7 billion nicker to the Ukraine’s kleptocracy government corruption coffers - via £7.6 billion quid in military support to fight off, and counter-attack, Russia’s Bad Vlad Putrid - and a further £5 billion quid in non-military aid – payments commonly known as - er – facilitation fees – or ‘bribes’ – to keep up the purchase and supply of British-manufactured military weapons systems to maintain the 24/7 ‘live fire’ field testing effect on Russian troops.
More so, if that wasn’t an ‘in yer face’ further ‘fuck you’ insult to our nation’s OAP’s; then we have a sore thumb £12 billion quid rip-off contribution - extorted from British taxpayer funds – for the scaremongering international climate change aid ‘Geen Fund’ kitty.
Hmmm, hark well the climate catastrophe myth alarmists, promoting their skewed narrative as ‘proven’ - on the grounds that an ice cream cone bought along the Brighton seafront on a July afternoon, now melts faster today than it did ten years previously – and all the while demonising any format of dissent, or counter-narrative, voiced by the common sense brigade.
“Mere zeitgeist stuff, my dear” - one might imagine coming from the lips of Noel Coward - “now be a darling, pass the gin, then fuck off.”
One feints to scratch the head, then shakes it.
This Labour government, under Stammerer - (as bad as - or a far worse fubar - than under the previous leadershit likes of that corruption-ridden, US stooge of a war-mongering poodle, Tony Bliar - or Gordon Broon – we can’t decide) - purposely overlook the mistakes of ages past, then ignorantly repeat them – expecting a more favourable outcome – such as Labour getting re-elected.
Ha! Some joke that will be.
But what can we expect when the national leadership is entrusted to such a collection of onanists – so full of themselves, and displaying their unqualified arrogance – the likes of this socio-political pariah - 'Call me Sir' Keir Stammerer - and his equally nauseating deputy, the ginger-mingin ‘Right to Buy’ hypocrite, Mangela Rayner - and the pensioner-robbing Chancellor, rabid Rachel Thieves.
As to the rest of the Labour gang MPs in the House of Conmans – they’re self-seeking deadwood, and as much use to the British commonality as tits on a bull.
Yet the day shall dawn – if we don’t all freeze to death this coming Winter due our seasonal OAP fuel payment benefits being axed – and then have our say at the ballot box – and it will not be a pretty vote count for this insufferable dog wanker, the blatantly anti-British, EUSSR Remainiac / Brussels stooge, multiculturalism globalist – Stammerer – and his ‘progressive’ Labour puppet proselytes.
Herr Stammerer might reflect on the fact that insurrection, and rebellion, never require permission to rebel – just ask the Bourbon monarchical wastrels, circa 1789; or the parasitic Romanoff cabal, circa 1917.
Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.
1 comment:
No budget wiggle to keep our old age pensioners warm this winter, but the Chancellor's coffers overflow when funding more at scent than substance climate change aid ‘Geen Fund’ kitty (£12 billion - to date) - or supplying the Ukraine military with all manner of top dollar lethal weaponry - or welcoming, housing, feeding - and keeping warm - legions of Channel-crossing illegal migrant asylum seekers - and this list of Labour largess to anyone but the OAP's is endless.
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