Tuesday, 10 September 2024

OAPs Beware: Labour Exterminators

Labour Slime Minister, ‘Call me Sir’ Keir Stammerer, and Chancellor Rachel Thieves, grab their fully-charged Oldie Zappers, ready to proceed with the Labour Party's 'Euthanasia Hunt' – tracking down troublesome, useless-eater pensioner types – specifically the aged and infirm geriatric crowd in wheelchairs – and disabled Grannies on crutches and Zimmer frames – who can’t run very fast anymore.

“Zap! Zap! Zap!”

“Now cop for that, you wrinkly, old twat – then shut the fuck up complaining that you're cold, cos we slashed your winter fuel allowance.”

 Yep, the UK’s vulnerable, pension-age, senior citizens, those most susceptible to the body-chilling effects of our frigid, northern seasonal weather, are gonna fall victim to a ‘fuel poverty’ extinction level event during the coming Winter months – sat in front of an empty fireplace, freezing to death over a nightly mug of Horlicks, while cuddling their pet cat – and all to redirect the £300 quid winter fuel allowance to shoring up some alleged £22 billion quid national piggy bank ‘black hole’ shortfall – rumoured to be a work of Micawberish proportions, which the buck-passing Stammerer blames directly on Fishy Sunak's previous spendthrift Tory government.

WTF is 'Sir' Keir Stammerer – already devoid of political credibilty - rabbiting on about with this purported £22 billion black hole debt caused by the last useless Tory government - (that's the one before his useless Labour government got into power) - as Food Bank Britain (formerly Broken Britain) has been £££ billions - and today £££ trillions - in debt – (zero exaggeration) – from their second world war borrowings - circa 1945 - a fiscal albatross never to be repaid.

For the public record, by the end of the 1939-45 WW2 conflict Britain's debt exceeded 200% of GDP, as it had done after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. As during World War I, the good ole  US of A again provided the major source of funds, this time via low-interest loans, and through the Lend Lease Act.

As of June 2023 the British national debt sits at 100.1% of GDP – with public sector net debt at the end of May, 2023 presenting a horrific figure of £2,567.2 billion nicker.

Ergo, killing off the pensioners by freezing them to the point of hypothermia – and death – or driven to a bone-shaking 'Beam me up, Scotty' suicide – might free up the winter fuel allowance to pay for more armament shipments for Ukraine – and then, a Broken Britain. sans the oldie population. also frees up the monthly state pension payments to be squandered on more Third World foreign aid projects.

Bravo, and hurrahs all round! A winning streak of fiscal acumen executed, thanks to our parsimonious ‘Grinch’ of a Chancellor, the rabid Rachel Thieves - the noxious Stammerer's 'enfante terrible' partner in 'euthanaia by freezing' crimes – who opined to gutter press hacks that "pensioners would just have to tighten their belts."

Yep, this is the very same Rachel Thieves who pockets a salary of £158,000 + per annum - and not overlooking those very generous expenses - and we take critical note that one of these 'in-yer-face' hypocrisy-ridden expenses is presented in her claim for heating her 'second home'.

Hmmm, and here we pause to remind ourselves that these are the very same political creatures - Herr Stammerer in particular – who, while in opposition, once raised a Parliamentary complain (see Hansard) viz the fact old ladies were riding around on buses all day, with their free OAP bus pass, just to keep warm?

Yeah right, vote Labour; the Party of the People.

Stop press: This afternoon's 14:00 hours 'for or against' House of Conmans vote is in – and the winter fuel payment stays axed, as Labour Party declare war on our elderly pensioner society.

It is a pernicious act, proving beyond any semblance of a doubt, that the Labour party under this clown Stammerer, does not give a flying fuck for the common herd – and our pension-age elderly community in particular – due the fact this EUSSR / Remainiac stooge blames the OAP’s for Brexit – and the next punitive penalty will be the cancelling of their single person council tax discount.

So, while round one might well now go to Labour – round two might present a different bout, when our still-voting legions of shivering, chilblain-stricken pensioners - ten million-plus - take their revenge (a feast best savoured cold) at the ballot box, come election times – local and national – when the electoral backlash shall present itself as a major 7:4 Richter scale seismic event that rattles the furniture (but nary a single conscience) in Labour’s Southworks HQ, and their Parliamentary majority is reduced to – er - zero.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

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