Tuesday 24 September 2024

UK: Labour's Lost the Plot

Under the operating policy of this current Labour Party regime, any and all consideration, or empathy, for Food Bank Britain’s (formerly Broken Britain) old age pensioner communities – regardless of their previous long and dutiful years of toil and taxpaying contributions to the national treasury – is today blatantly conspicuous by its absence – and our OAP’s now re-classified by Herr Stammerer’s Flat Earth government as a fucking nuisance, and a burden on society – aka ‘an enemy within’.

Hmmm, don’t hold yer breath on this one either, for the betting odds are high that Labour’s next Malthusian – and grossly unscrupulous - ‘cost-cutting’ manoeuvre – to fill in this more at scent than substance £22 zillion nicker ‘black hole’ budget deficiency, left in the national piggy bank by the Tory gang - will be a bill, presented  before the House of Conmans, to legislate mandatory euthanasia for the over-65’s – (hopefully kick starting with Parliament's geriatric-packed Upper House of Frauds doss pit).

Retire – and die. Yeah, then no more winter fuel allowances – and no more monthly pension payments for the DWP to fork out.

How about ‘no more black hole’ political pit traps - for our ‘bearish’ economy to fall into?

Labour’s shit-fer-brains Chancellor, the rabid Rachel Thieves – a leading parasite and offender among their House of Conmans Labour front bench Freebies Gang – leaned out of an upstairs window of No 11 to inform a gaggle of gutter press hacks, huddled together under a single brolly in the pissing rain outside her Downing Street abode - and ready to grill Ms Thieves viz her slashing the pensioner’s winter fuel allowance policy - that “these useless eater old twats need to start tightening their belts.”

Really, it wouldn’t be so bad if the pensioners were given a choice – the winter fuel payment – or free tickets to a Taylor Swift concert – and a trip to Lord Seedy Alli’s freebie clothing store for a new winter coat, gloves and scarf.

But that suns up, and epitomises the dismissive, hypocrisy-riddled opinion from Ms Thieves, a front bench Labour party politico - raking in a taxpayer-funded salary of £150,000 per annum – plus a never-ending stream of freebies from the deep pockets Labour donor, Lord Seedy Alli Cat, and giving the nod to his nepotistic suggestions with regard to which of his pals should be on the party's election candidates list.

Nice one, and if that politically incorrect, compassion-deficient statement was overheard by the Vengeful Spirits of Karma, then they shall be sure to inflict a Blind Pew style ‘black spot’ curse on her – and Labour’s ‘Shameless Shits’ party government chances of re-election.

There again, Karma is already taking a first bite, as the graft and corruption sirens are blaring out at full pelt decibel level now the lid of Labour’s Pandora’s Box of  'cash-for-cronies' and corrupt corporate freebies has been left wide open, and all the dirty little sleazy secrets have taken to the airwaves, and into public view.

Oh my, a mere 11 weeks in office and already mired in sleaze and freebies – as the British voting demographic look on, gobsmacked – and shaking heads, as they think to themselves – “I voted for these twats”.

Sniff the air, for the stench of corruption, and top-down oppression, under Two Tier Keir’s ‘paragons of sleaze’ government – with reams of Labour donor cash to refurbish Mrs Stammerer’s wardrobe – courtesy of Lord Seedy Alli – yet zero spare £££ for our OAP's vital winter fuel allowances - but an endless fountain of ackers to house and support illegal migrants washing up on the south coast beaches, with their sticky paws outstretched for their first social welfare payment – and a cell phone - plus spending £££ zillions on arms shipments to the Ukraine - and not forgetting that ‘first payment’ £2 billion quid ‘out of thin air’ for the more scent than substance climate change international support fund.

Yeah, vote Labour and support their 'Pensioner Extinction Drive - Winter 2024'.

To wit, the Met’ Office’s long range weather forecast for this coming 2024 / 2025 winter season is grim – and, as predicted today, on the Autumn Equinox – one to be cursed – or blessed - with cold and snow galore – which Keir Stammerer’s ‘Shameless Shits’ party genocidal government are giving the thumbs-up to as their slashing the winter fuel payment benefit of Food Bank Britain’s old age pensioners will see this useless eating collective of wrinklies freeze and die off in their millions.

No joke, amigo - one January morning you’ll call round to see Granny, and there she will be  – frozen solid, wearing bed socks, slippers and the ubiquitous woolly cardigan, curled up in her armchair in front of the telly, with Tiddles the moggy in her lap - both tuned blue, and covered in icicles.

So, after a mere few weeks in office that, mes amis, is just a singular, primary move in Labour’s planned ethnic cleansing exercise - saving not only the £300 quid winter fuel payments – but £££ millions of OAP monthly state pensions that will no longer have to be forked out each month by the money-grubbing Chancellor to the DWP.

Ergo, maybe such might serve to fill this purported £22 billion nicker black hole in the national treasury – purportedly – if it exists at all - left by the spendthrift Tory gang – with enough £££ spare ackers remaining to send even more missiles to the Ukraine’s graft and corruption-ridden excuse for a national government – to fire at Bad Vlad Putrid in Moscow – or alternately squander on financing climate change offset scare-a-thon campaigns – by dropping mega-tons of freshly-refrigerated ice into the North and Irish Sea coastline waters – and the English Channel – to prevent them reaching boiling point.

Pause for thought: Ref this miserly Labour government slashing our OAP’s winter fuel allowance brouhaha – while the hordes of illegal, HIV-infected migrants washing up on our south coast beaches, then billeted in hotels awaiting asylum processing - and spread their diseases via rape-a-thons - or, an unlikely deportation decision – will enjoy the warmth of their heating turned on full blast – and all for free – this coming Winter.

Allergy warning: for readers suffering from HSS (Hypersensitive Snowflake Syndrome) – there is no known EpiPen medication remedy for adverse reactions to the 'politically incorrect' – aka the Truth.

This article was composed in a known propaganda-infested area - and whilst purposely blending high octane unorthodox irreverence, slanderous allegations and unbridled conjecture with measures of wild rumour and caffeine-boosted public interest factoids, plus a dusting of socio-political satire - may also contain traces of slight exaggeration, modest porkies, misaligned references, 5G electro-smog radiation, and a chemtrail residue of genetically-modified nano-particle bush telegraph innuendo.

1 comment:

Rusty said...
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